Improved Healing by combining Optical and Electrical Stimulation of Nerves (HOpES)

Lead Research Organisation: City, University of London
Department Name: Sch of Engineering and Mathematical Sci


Electrical nerve stimulation is increasingly being considered over the last few years for the treatment of otherwise untreatable neurogenic medical conditions. An example is the stimulation of the Vagus nerve, one of the longest nerves, that connects the brain to some of the most vital organs including the heart, the lungs and the gut. Vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) is effected with approved implanted devices using electrodes at the neck to apply electrical pulses which activate nerve fibres that connect to the brain. VNS has proved very beneficial for addressing conditions like treatment-resistant epilepsy, depression and several more.
The use of nerve implants is not yet widespread, mainly because in their present form they are not sufficiently selective, in particular in the direction of the induced nervous signal. For example, VNS aims at stimulating nerve signals which should propagate towards the Vagus roots in the brain in order to affect structures involved in seizures. The induced nerve signals propagate, however, also in the opposite direction, thus affecting critical organs like the larynx, the lungs and the heart and often cause unwanted voice hoarseness and pain.
The inability of neurostimulation to selectively stimulate targets towards only one end of a nerve while leaving the other end unaffected is one of the main reasons why the method is not being more widely used, despite its vast potential in a great number of medical applications. It is therefore desirable to achieve a directionally selective, or "unidirectional", neurostimulation method.
Several studies have attempted to achieve unidirectionality through different stimulation waveforms or electrode topologies, however these methods have had limited success. An alternative approach, based on relevant published research including a pilot study published recently by the applicant and his co-researchers is to combine electrical with optical stimuli in order to improve the selectivity (or specificity) of the resulting therapeutic effect. The aforementioned research did not address directionally selective stimulation.
The proposed project aims at improving neurostimulation as a therapeutic method by making its effects unidirectional, i.e. allowing the therapeutic effect to be directed solely towards the central nervous system or solely towards the periphery but not towards both of them. Future application of the proposed methodology in VNS and other implantable stimulators will ultimately endow them with much more targeted therapeutic capabilities with minimal side-effects and render them suitable for mainstream healthcare practice.
This project will build on the results of the pilot study mentioned above by using nerve tissue spectrophotometry to accurately measure relevant optical properties of the tissue layers of a nerve and then use them as input for in-depth simulations of light-tissue interactions. The effect of different light wavelengths and intensities and other optical parameters of the tissue itself will be examined in the simulation in order to estimate the optimum optical stimulus parameters. Finally, using the simulation outcome, in-vitro measurements on amphibian nerves will be carried out in order to determine the degree of directional selectivity as a function of the combinations of electrical and optical stimuli applied. The effectiveness of the method will be assessed by two neural recording electrodes on either side of the optical and electrical stimulation site.

Planned Impact

The impact of the proposed research will ultimately be achieved when the method developed is eventually incorporated in a prototype device, preferably miniaturised and implantable. It can then be used by:

- The Biomedical Technology Industry, to form a basis for new therapeutic neuroprosthetic devices. With the neuroprosthetics industry market expected to reach approximately $15 Billion by 2020, it is very timely to sell or license any intellectual property stemming from this project to established biomedical technology companies like Medtronics, Cyberonics or GE Healthcare.

- Pharmaceutical Companies, in conjunction with medicinal therapies either for increased effectiveness (as is the case with several current applications) or to minimise drug side effects. Moreover, such companies will have a direct interest in a potential prototype stemming from this research as they are lately increasing their direct involvement in the development of neuroprosthetics, dubbed "electronic medicine" or "electroceuticals". Such companies will also have the facilities to carry out clinical trials and to obtain ethical approval for such a product.

- The National Health System (NHS) will potentially adopt the resulting therapeutic devices and develop policies and procedures to adopt their various embodiments in clinical practice. The NHS will benefit from more effective therapies with reduced side-effects and thus will provide better service and potentially tackle new medical conditions. Implantable devices will offer chronic therapy with less or no dependence on drugs and their eventual mass production will offer substantial financial benefits.

- The Patients, who will see significant improvements in their health and their quality of life. Through the use of potential outcomes of this research in the devices and practices mentioned above, they will receive better, efficient and personalised therapy, with reduced side-effects. Long term implantable devices will also reduce the need for frequent hospital visits, making the therapy less disruptive and in some cases minimising social stigma and the associated psychological impacts.

Following intellectual property protection through City University, publications in biomedical engineering conferences will disseminate the knowledge to the companies mentioned above. A workshop will be organised at the end of the project which will include seminars for clinicians.


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publication icon
Rahman E (2018) Assessment of the Complex Refractive Indices of Xenopus Laevis Sciatic Nerve for the Optimization of Optical (NIR) Neurostimulation. in IEEE transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering : a publication of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society

Description The complex refractive index of the Sciatic nerve of Xenopus laevis is a parameter that is crucial in characterizing the response for optical stimuli. The Reflectance (R), the Transmittance (T) and Absorbance (A) of the Sciatic nerve was determined in the wavelengths range of 860 nm to 2250 nm by using LAMBDA 1050 spectrophotometer equipped with 100 mm Integrating Sphere to eliminate the effects of scattering. The real (n) and the complex (k) refractive indices over the wavelength range was obtained. The complex refractive index will be useful in determining the optimum wavelengths for optical stimulation of nerves. FEM simulations were carried out to determine the penetration depth of different wavelengths of optical stimuli through typical layers of neural tissue of a myelinated fibre within a nerve bundle. The outcome will change the way optical neurostimulation is carried out and has the potential to highly improve the therapeutic potential of the method while eliminating side effects.
Exploitation Route The positive results achieved were used in a conference publication and in a submitted journal publication. The findings will greatly assist the neuroprostheses and neurostimulation communities by allowing optimised and highly effective optical stimuli to be employed to achieve selective therapies. With health systems and pharmaceuticals adopting such technologies, the ultimate beneficiaries will be the patients who will enjoy therapies that will entail minimal side-effects.
Sectors Electronics


Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology

Description Collaboration with Dr M. Powner 
Organisation City, University of London
Department School of Health Sciences
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution I have contributed academic concepts and technology to the collaboration with Dr Powner, who is a biologist. We have carried out very exciting interdisciplinary joint work and are in the process of collaborating further.
Collaborator Contribution Dr Powner has contributed very highly through academic input, handling of tissue and access to very highly spec biology laboratories as well as training and co-supervision of researchers. The collaboration is en route to generate very interesting and exciting proposals.
Impact The listed journal paper and a joint PhD project.
Start Year 2016