ORQUID - ORganic QUantum Integrated Devices

Lead Research Organisation: Imperial College London
Department Name: Physics


Our society relies on secure communication, powerful computers and precise sensors. Basic science has shown that huge improvements in these capabilities are possible if we can utilise many single quantum objects working in concert. We can then see how to store and process huge amounts of information in a fully secure way and how to make exquisitely sensitive measurements of fields and forces. Specific types of quanta - photons, electrons, phonons - already bring new specific functions, but to realise the full promise of quantum technologies, it will be necessary to interface these systems with each other in a way that is practical and scalable. This is the focus of our programme.

ORQUID will explore the exciting new possibility of using single organic molecules as the interface between these three quanta so that they can work together as required. First, single molecules will interact with light in waveguides and cavities to generate and detect single photons, providing immediate impact in quantum photonics. Second, single molecules will detect single moving charges in nano-electronic circuits to provide quantum coherent information exchange between these charges and the external world. Third, molecules embedded in nanomechanical devices and two-dimensional materials will measure nanoscale forces and displacements, which are key to developing mechanical quantum systems and understanding nano-machinery. By developing these three interfaces on a common platform, we will create a versatile hybrid system. By allowing the user to draw simultaneously on the most sensitive quantum aspects of light, charge and sound, we anticipate that this hybrid will be a major advance in the technology of quantum devices.

In the spirit of QuantERA, the ORQUID consortium will "explore collaborative advanced multidisciplinary science...with the potential to initiate or foster new lines of quantum technologies and help Europe grasp leadership early on in promising future technology areas." ORQUID aligns with a number of the target outcomes of QuantERA. (i) Quantum Communications. Our programme will deliver "Novel photonic sources for quantum information and quantum communication" - specifically a chip containing 8 molecules acting as fast sources of identical photons. We will also deliver "Coherent transduction of quantum states between different physical systems" by using molecules to convert quantum information from electrons to photons. Both these elements of ORQUID fall under the umbrella of "Integrated quantum photonics." (ii) Quantum Computing. Our photon sources will also contribute to "devices to realise multi-qubit algorithms", as will the use of single molecules to make a strong nonlinearity that can mediate a photon-photon interaction. (iii) Quantum Information Science. We will use molecules and quantum interference to demonstrate "Novel sources of non-classical states and methods to engineer such states." Finally, in (iv) Quantum Sensing, our use of molecules to sense displacement, fundamental forces, charge, and phase will fit well with the demands for "Development of detection schemes that are optimised with respect to extracting relevant information from physical systems" and "Implementation of micro- and nano- quantum sensors."

Planned Impact

ORQUID will have far-reaching impact on society through enlightening researchers on the use of organic emitters in inorganic devices, and through the myriad applications this provides. Some specific impact areas are:

Providing a deeper understanding of solid-state quantum systems: It is almost certain that practical advances in quantum technology now require a strong push to develop solid state systems and to understand much more deeply how electrons, photons and quantum emitters interact with each other in that environment. Our programme addresses that need and will provide a strong practical basis on which to develop next-generation quantum devices.

Enhancing interdisciplinarity to enlarge the community involved in tackling these new challenges: ORQUID will focus on organic molecules integrated in planar semiconductor technology, bringing a strong involvement of the organic chemistry community (CNRS, IFPAN), the nanofabrication community (WWU), the 2D materials community (ICFO), the quantum optics community (IMP, CNR) and single molecule experts (LEI), promoting novel original solutions to grand challenges in modern quantum science.

Developing reliable technologies for different components of quantum architectures: In the short term, the main impact of our programme is likely to flow from the specific devices we build which include:

1. An array of 8 single photon sources which will be immediately relevant for secure communications using quantum cryptography protocols, for algorithms based on linear optical quantum computing, and for quantum simulation where problems intractable for classical computing hardware can be solved.

2. Nonlinear single photon transistors, switches and phase shifters. This capability opens a number of avenues to build novel quantum technology, including use in a universal quantum controlled-NOT gate, a building block for a future quantum computer.

3. A quantum non-demolition single-charge detector will provide an optical, contact-free reading of charge state, with better signal-to-noise ratio, lower shot noise and better linearity than current technology. Our new platform will miniaturize the electronics-optics interface while showing quantum capabilities.

4. An ultra-sensitive nanoscale displacement detector will deepen our understanding of nanoscale machines and improve on current technology for sensing motion. This will be a significant advance for optomechanics.

By building on the existing technology of integrated optics, and extending it beyond the regime of pure quantum photonics, we aim for a generic platform where electronics, optics, and mechanics can all be linked to provide a framework for building practical quantum devices.

Technology is moving to ever smaller structures and architectures. IBM recently offered a 5 nm transistor system - close to the limit set by the size of atoms. To go further, technology must work at the individual particle level, where quantum behaviour can be a valuable resource. Our research on controlling single quanta will give access to that resource and provide a basis for achieving exponentially faster computing, fully secure communications and unparalleled sensing capabilities. Clearly any one of these has the potential for major social impact. The new approaches and capabilities that emerge from the detection and the controlled interaction between single particles of light, matter and charge will bring a step change in the power of sensing, communications and information processing devices. The importance of this proposal lies in the tremendous promise of single molecules for quantum technologies; whilst being affordable, when combined with established nanophotonic, nanoelectronic and optomechanical components, they offer single-particle sensitivity, flexibility, and scalability.


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Schofield R (2018) Efficient excitation of dye molecules for single photon generation in Journal of Physics Communications

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Schofield R (2020) Polymer-encapsulated organic nanocrystals for single photon emission in Optical Materials Express

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Burdekin P (2020) Single-Photon-Level Sub-Doppler Pump-Probe Spectroscopy of Rubidium in Physical Review Applied

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Clear C (2020) Phonon-Induced Optical Dephasing in Single Organic Molecules. in Physical review letters

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Toninelli C (2021) Single organic molecules for photonic quantum technologies. in Nature materials

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Schofield RC (2022) Narrow and Stable Single Photon Emission from Dibenzoterrylene in para-Terphenyl Nanocrystals. in Chemphyschem : a European journal of chemical physics and physical chemistry

Description Single organic molecules, when cooled to cryogenic temperature, make excellent sources of photons - single particles of light. These photons can be used in many quantum-enhanced technologies such as sensing, imaging, communication and computing. Our research in ORQUID is to develop molecules that emit photons of different colours, and couple those molecules to nanostructures which enhance their interaction with light, allowing efficient photon sources and photon-photon interactions to be created. To date in ORQUID we at Imperial College in collaboration with our other European consortium members have demonstrated the following Key Findings:
1. Molecules can be embedded in organic nanocrystals and be well protected from external dephasing mechanisms, meaning that coherent photons can be generated from these confined systems.
2. Coupling of molecules to dielectric waveguide devices has resulted in coupling efficiencies of 40% at room temperature, and 7% at cryogenic temperature.
3. Coherent coupling of light to a molecule in a gap between two waveguides is highly dependent on the geometry of the gap.
4. Coupling molecules to a hybrid dielectric/metal waveguide structure can enhance both the rate at which molecules emit, and the amount of light seen at the output of the waveguide.
Exploitation Route A major use of the outcomes of this grant are in academic research, where the knowledge gained can be used to influence not only further research into molecular photon sources, but also into other solid state quantum emitters such as those in two-dimensional materials, defects in diamond and silicon carbide, and quantum dots in semiconductors. From an industrial point of view, an efficient photon source enables un-hackable communication links, which is of interest to defence and security industries, as well as the financial sector. An array of efficient photon sources can be used to simulate molecular interactions which can aid in new material and drug discovery, which can be used by the pharmaceutical sector. Having such photon sources on an integrated waveguide device lends itself to all-optical quantum information processing, which will have broad impact across all sectors, but especially in information technologies.
Sectors Aerospace

Defence and Marine

Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software)


Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology

Security and Diplomacy

Title Data from R. C. Schofield et al., "Polymer-encapsulated organic nanocrystals for single photon emission" Opt. Mater. Express 10, 1586-1596 (2020). 
Description Raw data files to accompany R. C. Schofield et al., "Polymer-encapsulated organic nanocrystals for single photon emission" Opt. Mater. Express 10, 1586-1596 (2020), and a Mathematica notebook which can be used to import the data files. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? Yes  
URL https://zenodo.org/record/3784729
Title Data to accompany C. Clear et al., "Phonon-induced optical dephasing in single organic molecules," Phys. Rev. Lett. (2020) 
Description Data to accompany C. Clear, R. C. Schofield, K. D. Major, J. Iles-Smith, A. S. Clark, and D. P. S. McCutcheon "Phonon-induced optical dephasing in single organic molecules," Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 153602 (2020). The raw data for single molecule spectra, second-order correlation functions, fluorescence excitation spectra, and time-correlated single photon counting, can be imported using the included Mathematica notebook which also contains instructions. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? Yes  
URL https://zenodo.org/record/3727562
Description ORQUID Network 
Organisation ICFO - The Institute of Photonic Sciences
Country Spain 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution This is an EU network based on the DESCA Horizon 2020 Model.
Collaborator Contribution WP1, led by WWU, University of Münster focuses on design and fabrication of nanophotonic and electronic components that underpin our devices. WWU and ICFO provide theoretical guidance, drawing on their strong backgrounds in nano-photonics and light-matter interaction. WWU provides superconducting nanowire detectors, while ICFO will take care of 2D-materials integration. CNR and Imperial will be responsible for testing. WP2, led by CNRS, provides photostable organic molecules, synthesises new families that are self-positioning and develop emission wavelengths more suited to silicon photonics and graphene plasmonics (ICFO). The chemistry laboratories of CEMES (CNRS) will work with the optics labs to ensure compatibility. Low-temperature fluorescence measurements at LEI, Imperial, and CNR will give feedback on the molecular samples. WP3, led by Imperial, concerns the building of a photon source using molecules coupled to a photonic circuit. This relies on input from WP1 and WP2. Low-temperature quantum optics experiments at CNR and Imperial will test spectral purity and tuneability. The array of 8 indistinguishable sources will be assembled in this WP. The whole circuit including sources and detectors will be tested by WWU. WP4, led by LEI-ICFO, delivers the sensing devices. LEI, CNRS and WWU will build the single charge sensors; CNR and ICFO the displacement sensors; Imperial, CNR and ICFO will develop applications of the ?(3) nonlinear response of a single molecule. ICFO will develop theoretical and numerical models for the sensing devices. All of these rely on input from WP1 and WP2. WP5 led by CNR coordinates the activities related to dissemination, communication and exploitation of the project results. WP6 is led by CNR and is devoted to management, organization and quality assurance. All partners are involved.
Impact Efficient excitation of dye molecules for single photon generation DOI: 10.1088/2399-6528/aaf09a
Start Year 2018
Description ORQUID Network 
Organisation Leiden University
Country Netherlands 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution This is an EU network based on the DESCA Horizon 2020 Model.
Collaborator Contribution WP1, led by WWU, University of Münster focuses on design and fabrication of nanophotonic and electronic components that underpin our devices. WWU and ICFO provide theoretical guidance, drawing on their strong backgrounds in nano-photonics and light-matter interaction. WWU provides superconducting nanowire detectors, while ICFO will take care of 2D-materials integration. CNR and Imperial will be responsible for testing. WP2, led by CNRS, provides photostable organic molecules, synthesises new families that are self-positioning and develop emission wavelengths more suited to silicon photonics and graphene plasmonics (ICFO). The chemistry laboratories of CEMES (CNRS) will work with the optics labs to ensure compatibility. Low-temperature fluorescence measurements at LEI, Imperial, and CNR will give feedback on the molecular samples. WP3, led by Imperial, concerns the building of a photon source using molecules coupled to a photonic circuit. This relies on input from WP1 and WP2. Low-temperature quantum optics experiments at CNR and Imperial will test spectral purity and tuneability. The array of 8 indistinguishable sources will be assembled in this WP. The whole circuit including sources and detectors will be tested by WWU. WP4, led by LEI-ICFO, delivers the sensing devices. LEI, CNRS and WWU will build the single charge sensors; CNR and ICFO the displacement sensors; Imperial, CNR and ICFO will develop applications of the ?(3) nonlinear response of a single molecule. ICFO will develop theoretical and numerical models for the sensing devices. All of these rely on input from WP1 and WP2. WP5 led by CNR coordinates the activities related to dissemination, communication and exploitation of the project results. WP6 is led by CNR and is devoted to management, organization and quality assurance. All partners are involved.
Impact Efficient excitation of dye molecules for single photon generation DOI: 10.1088/2399-6528/aaf09a
Start Year 2018
Description ORQUID Network 
Organisation National Center for Scientific Research (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique CNRS)
Country France 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution This is an EU network based on the DESCA Horizon 2020 Model.
Collaborator Contribution WP1, led by WWU, University of Münster focuses on design and fabrication of nanophotonic and electronic components that underpin our devices. WWU and ICFO provide theoretical guidance, drawing on their strong backgrounds in nano-photonics and light-matter interaction. WWU provides superconducting nanowire detectors, while ICFO will take care of 2D-materials integration. CNR and Imperial will be responsible for testing. WP2, led by CNRS, provides photostable organic molecules, synthesises new families that are self-positioning and develop emission wavelengths more suited to silicon photonics and graphene plasmonics (ICFO). The chemistry laboratories of CEMES (CNRS) will work with the optics labs to ensure compatibility. Low-temperature fluorescence measurements at LEI, Imperial, and CNR will give feedback on the molecular samples. WP3, led by Imperial, concerns the building of a photon source using molecules coupled to a photonic circuit. This relies on input from WP1 and WP2. Low-temperature quantum optics experiments at CNR and Imperial will test spectral purity and tuneability. The array of 8 indistinguishable sources will be assembled in this WP. The whole circuit including sources and detectors will be tested by WWU. WP4, led by LEI-ICFO, delivers the sensing devices. LEI, CNRS and WWU will build the single charge sensors; CNR and ICFO the displacement sensors; Imperial, CNR and ICFO will develop applications of the ?(3) nonlinear response of a single molecule. ICFO will develop theoretical and numerical models for the sensing devices. All of these rely on input from WP1 and WP2. WP5 led by CNR coordinates the activities related to dissemination, communication and exploitation of the project results. WP6 is led by CNR and is devoted to management, organization and quality assurance. All partners are involved.
Impact Efficient excitation of dye molecules for single photon generation DOI: 10.1088/2399-6528/aaf09a
Start Year 2018
Description ORQUID Network 
Organisation National Research Council
Country Italy 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution This is an EU network based on the DESCA Horizon 2020 Model.
Collaborator Contribution WP1, led by WWU, University of Münster focuses on design and fabrication of nanophotonic and electronic components that underpin our devices. WWU and ICFO provide theoretical guidance, drawing on their strong backgrounds in nano-photonics and light-matter interaction. WWU provides superconducting nanowire detectors, while ICFO will take care of 2D-materials integration. CNR and Imperial will be responsible for testing. WP2, led by CNRS, provides photostable organic molecules, synthesises new families that are self-positioning and develop emission wavelengths more suited to silicon photonics and graphene plasmonics (ICFO). The chemistry laboratories of CEMES (CNRS) will work with the optics labs to ensure compatibility. Low-temperature fluorescence measurements at LEI, Imperial, and CNR will give feedback on the molecular samples. WP3, led by Imperial, concerns the building of a photon source using molecules coupled to a photonic circuit. This relies on input from WP1 and WP2. Low-temperature quantum optics experiments at CNR and Imperial will test spectral purity and tuneability. The array of 8 indistinguishable sources will be assembled in this WP. The whole circuit including sources and detectors will be tested by WWU. WP4, led by LEI-ICFO, delivers the sensing devices. LEI, CNRS and WWU will build the single charge sensors; CNR and ICFO the displacement sensors; Imperial, CNR and ICFO will develop applications of the ?(3) nonlinear response of a single molecule. ICFO will develop theoretical and numerical models for the sensing devices. All of these rely on input from WP1 and WP2. WP5 led by CNR coordinates the activities related to dissemination, communication and exploitation of the project results. WP6 is led by CNR and is devoted to management, organization and quality assurance. All partners are involved.
Impact Efficient excitation of dye molecules for single photon generation DOI: 10.1088/2399-6528/aaf09a
Start Year 2018
Description ORQUID Network 
Organisation Polish Academy of Sciences
Department Institute of Physics
Country Poland 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution This is an EU network based on the DESCA Horizon 2020 Model.
Collaborator Contribution WP1, led by WWU, University of Münster focuses on design and fabrication of nanophotonic and electronic components that underpin our devices. WWU and ICFO provide theoretical guidance, drawing on their strong backgrounds in nano-photonics and light-matter interaction. WWU provides superconducting nanowire detectors, while ICFO will take care of 2D-materials integration. CNR and Imperial will be responsible for testing. WP2, led by CNRS, provides photostable organic molecules, synthesises new families that are self-positioning and develop emission wavelengths more suited to silicon photonics and graphene plasmonics (ICFO). The chemistry laboratories of CEMES (CNRS) will work with the optics labs to ensure compatibility. Low-temperature fluorescence measurements at LEI, Imperial, and CNR will give feedback on the molecular samples. WP3, led by Imperial, concerns the building of a photon source using molecules coupled to a photonic circuit. This relies on input from WP1 and WP2. Low-temperature quantum optics experiments at CNR and Imperial will test spectral purity and tuneability. The array of 8 indistinguishable sources will be assembled in this WP. The whole circuit including sources and detectors will be tested by WWU. WP4, led by LEI-ICFO, delivers the sensing devices. LEI, CNRS and WWU will build the single charge sensors; CNR and ICFO the displacement sensors; Imperial, CNR and ICFO will develop applications of the ?(3) nonlinear response of a single molecule. ICFO will develop theoretical and numerical models for the sensing devices. All of these rely on input from WP1 and WP2. WP5 led by CNR coordinates the activities related to dissemination, communication and exploitation of the project results. WP6 is led by CNR and is devoted to management, organization and quality assurance. All partners are involved.
Impact Efficient excitation of dye molecules for single photon generation DOI: 10.1088/2399-6528/aaf09a
Start Year 2018
Description ORQUID Network 
Organisation University of Münster
Country Germany 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution This is an EU network based on the DESCA Horizon 2020 Model.
Collaborator Contribution WP1, led by WWU, University of Münster focuses on design and fabrication of nanophotonic and electronic components that underpin our devices. WWU and ICFO provide theoretical guidance, drawing on their strong backgrounds in nano-photonics and light-matter interaction. WWU provides superconducting nanowire detectors, while ICFO will take care of 2D-materials integration. CNR and Imperial will be responsible for testing. WP2, led by CNRS, provides photostable organic molecules, synthesises new families that are self-positioning and develop emission wavelengths more suited to silicon photonics and graphene plasmonics (ICFO). The chemistry laboratories of CEMES (CNRS) will work with the optics labs to ensure compatibility. Low-temperature fluorescence measurements at LEI, Imperial, and CNR will give feedback on the molecular samples. WP3, led by Imperial, concerns the building of a photon source using molecules coupled to a photonic circuit. This relies on input from WP1 and WP2. Low-temperature quantum optics experiments at CNR and Imperial will test spectral purity and tuneability. The array of 8 indistinguishable sources will be assembled in this WP. The whole circuit including sources and detectors will be tested by WWU. WP4, led by LEI-ICFO, delivers the sensing devices. LEI, CNRS and WWU will build the single charge sensors; CNR and ICFO the displacement sensors; Imperial, CNR and ICFO will develop applications of the ?(3) nonlinear response of a single molecule. ICFO will develop theoretical and numerical models for the sensing devices. All of these rely on input from WP1 and WP2. WP5 led by CNR coordinates the activities related to dissemination, communication and exploitation of the project results. WP6 is led by CNR and is devoted to management, organization and quality assurance. All partners are involved.
Impact Efficient excitation of dye molecules for single photon generation DOI: 10.1088/2399-6528/aaf09a
Start Year 2018
Description Atom Days in UK Primary Schools 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact Together with Geraldine Cox, artist-in-residence in the Blackett Laboratory at Imperial College, we have developed an outreach activity aimed at primary school children which we have called "Atom Days" that introduce children to the beauty of atoms and their intricate interactions with light, a topic which sits at the core of our research. The Atom Day is designed to inspire wonder, creativity and curiosity and expand the imagination. It is structured to reach as many minds as possible by using questioning and discussion, art, experiment, dance, and poetry. The overall ambition is to have happy children who have had a brilliant unforgettable time. The day begins by gathering the children's questions which we return to throughout. Then five teaching steps:

1. The world is made of tiny atoms. Discussion on atoms, their qualities, and how tiny they are. There are as many atoms in 1~cm$^3$ as stars in the visible universe. Taught by demonstrations and collage.
2. The structure of the atom. Children work with the periodic table and create designs showing the numbers of protons and electrons in different atoms.
3. Atoms are like tiny musical instruments. Introducing children to atomic spectra, electron orbitals and finding musical parallels. Children see atomic spectra and learn that each atom produces unique colourful lines, like instruments produce unique characteristic notes. They work with Chladni plates as a metaphor for the vibrational patterns produced by electron orbitals.
4. How atoms make light. Children learn how electrons change energy absorbing or releasing light and reveal this in a dance.
5. From the structures of atoms come the colours and patterns we see around us. Images, poetry and discussion.

Children illustrate their findings in their Atom Day books -- semi semi-structured concertina fold fold-out notebooks. They add drawings and poems/reflections. Afterwards teachers of all disciplines are provided with materials to continue the discussions and children are encouraged to be atomic ambassadors, sharing ideas with their peers and parents -- making podcasts, films and giving assemblies.

Our prototype school was St James, a private school in west London who offered us two classes and teacher support. This successful day led to a joint project to make cross curricula materials for the whole school. Since then we have tested the approach on three diverse inner city state schools, Hollickwood Primary School in Muswell Hill, St Michael's Primary School in Highgate, and Bevington Primary School in Notting Hill. We have had incredible feedback from these events, with children and teachers being thoroughly enthused and excited about atoms. Plans are in place to hold Atom Days at Primary Schools in Durham and Glasgow in 2020, and hold a follow up event to train teachers in local schools to deliver Atom Day content, both of which will happen in Autumn 2020. Alongside Geraldine we are developing an Atom Day website - https://www.worldofatoms.com/ - to provide follow up activities to schools we have visited, to engage teachers from other schools to enable them to deliver Atom Days or contact local science teams to do so, and to encourage children to continue their exploration of the atomic world with follow up activities in art, creative writing, design technology as well as science.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018,2019
URL https://www.worldofatoms.com/