Spin-Orbit Coupling-Driven Superconducting Spintronics

Lead Research Organisation: Loughborough University
Department Name: Physics


Ferromagnetism arises from parallel alignment of electron spins in a material and is much stronger than conventional singlet superconductivity resulting from the pairing of electrons with opposite spins. Therefore, the coupling or the proximity effect between superconductivity and ferromagnetism is short-ranged and is restricted to only a few nanometres from the interface of the two materials.
However, in the last ten years surprising results from the interaction of superconductivity and ferromagnetism has challenged this conventional picture. At suitably engineered superconductor/ferromagnet interfaces, it is possible to generate superconductivity mediated by equal spin-paired electrons (triplet pairs) enabling a superconductor to carry a dissipationless current with a non-zero spin. The finite spin-polarisation and the zero dissipation integrates the rich potentials of spin based electronics (spintronics) and superconducting electronics into a rich new field of superconducting spintronics. Although attractive both fundamentally and in its reach for potential applications, generating triplet pairs at superconductor/ferromagnet interfaces require prohibitively complex magnetic structures.
Strikingly, a dramatic simplification can be achieved by incorporating spin-orbit coupling in superconductor/ferromagnet heterostructures. Our recent experiments have indicated that using heavy-metals at superconductor/ferromagnet interfaces, it is possible to generate and control triplet pairs using a simple homogeneous ferromagnet. This not only radically simplifies structures used in superconducting spintronics but opens-up the possibility to study a new class of effects predicted to occur due to the coexistence of superconductivity, ferromagnetism and spin-orbit coupling.
In this proposal, we will establish our understanding by focusing on three key areas: understanding the role of the materials and interfaces, maximise the triplet generation efficiency and finally, demonstrate a functional device working on triplet generation and control using spin-orbit coupling. With these objectives, we hope to achieve i) spin-orbit coupling as an efficient source and controlling factor for triplets thereby making superconducting spintronics ideas practically feasible ii) a functional device that is far simpler than any previously designed and serves as a blue-print for future device designs with radically new functionalities.

Planned Impact

While the world's most energy efficient supercomputer in Japan ranks 259th in terms of computational power, the world's fastest supercomputer in China consumes a staggering 15 MW power - equivalent to providing power to 19,000 average UK houses for a day. Clearly, energy efficiency and computational speed does not go hand in hand. With the demand for more powerful supercomputers increasing to solve complex problems like mapping the Zika virus to predicting climate change, it is difficult to think of a world where further progress in computing power would be impossible. However, that seems a reality since the exascale computer (10^18 flops/second) scheduled to launch in 2021 will require approximately 2000 MW - 50% of power output of UK's largest power station.

Overcoming this challenge is not a simple energy efficiency problem and fundamental changes in ways to store, process and transmit information is needed. To tackle this problem, we need a cohesive approach with government, universities and private sectors working closely together. Several countries including UK has launched initiatives but it is widely believed that without a fundamentally different information processing technology, any progress would be impossible. In line with this, USA has initiated the C3 program to build the supercomputer entirely out of superconductors. Superconductors can fundamentally alter the way information is transmitted and processed but magnetic storage technology is not compatible with superconductivity.
The current proposal provides a tantalizing possibility which, if realised, will go much beyond the aims of the C3 program both in terms of functionality and complexity of the computing architectures. This proposal unites three fundamental phenomena in condensed matter physics - superconductivity, ferromagnetism and spin-orbit coupling enabling the construction of devices with three key features: ultra-low dissipation, radically new functionalities with device structures that are practically realizable and scalable.

The results from this proposal could directly complement EPSRC's ambitious initiative like the Scalable, Energy-Efficient, Resilient and Transparent Software Adaptation (SERT) project which looks into the design of software for next-generation exascale computing assuming severe limitations coming from energy inefficient hardware. Whereas this is a reactive measure, a more proactive solution is to directly tackle and fundamentally alter the underlying physics of information processing. The simple functional device - the triplet spin-orbit coupled Josephson junction proposed here can serve as a fundamental switching element in the superconducting circuit. Realising such a junction will provide us with the blueprint to design more complex logic and memory elements forming the superconducting computing architecture.
Long-term economic impact will include business sectors adopting new technologies and this can directly improve public services. For example, exascale computing and beyond would open-up new possibilities in healthcare, defence and climate prediction including advanced modelling to predict earthquakes. The greatest impact will be environmental through the introduction of novel technology resulting from this research.
Description Conventional superconductivity is formed of anti-parallel spin-paired electrons but recent advances have demonstrated a superconductivity mediated by equal-spin paired electrons. This (triplet) superconductivity, has a net spin and can be used to perform spin based electronics with superconductors dramatically reducing heat dissipation. Through this grant we have so far demonstrated:

- A unique theoretical prediction where we show that instead of complex magnetic textures, a subtle but powerful relativistic effect called spin-orbit coupling can be used to generate triplets in practical devices. This radically simplifies device structures pushing us a step closer to practical device design.

- Based on this prediction, we started a collaboration with Prof. Farkhad Aliev's group at Autonomous University of Madrid to experimentally demonstrate that triplet superconductivity can be generated in a device and can manipulate the magnetic anisotropy of an adjacent ferromagnet. Our results have now been published last year in Phys. Rev. B 102, 020405(R) (2020). We are currently working on a second project with this group.

- We are continuing our close collaboration with the Advanced Light Source in Berkeley and this has produced results that will be used in papers in preparation.

- Based on our initial idea of studying the effect of interfaces on spin-orbit coupling in superconductor/ferromagnet multilayers, we have started a new collaboration with Prof. Yossi Paltiel's group at Hebrew University Jerusalem to use chiral molecules instead of heavy-metal platinum to generate spin-orbit coupling. Currently, we have a beamtime from this proposal and will carry out measurements in April.

- recently the PDRA associated with this award got several impactful results which are being written as two papers.

These advances, taken together, is rapidly consolidating our group's lead in this emerging area where spin-orbit coupling plays a key role in superconductivity and ferromagnet related effects.
Exploitation Route The key areas that would directly take the outcomes forward and benefit are:

- researchers working in the wider community of superconductivity and spintronics will benefit in the medium to longer terms on fundamental and applied knowledge generated through this study opening up future investigation pathways and problems.

- device designs proposed and demonstrated through these projects will, in the longer term, find direct use in information and communication technologies of the future running with ultra-low dissipation. This will creative innovative pathways for our microelectronic manufacturing sector with a direct impact on the economy.

- a third key area will be training future generation scientists and materials engineers. Currently, this is being implemented through the training of a postdoc but in the medium to longer term several more scientists will be trained through follow-up funding.
Sectors Creative Economy

Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software)





including Industrial Biotechology

Title Supplementary information files for: Superconductivity assisted change of the perpendicular magnetic anisotropy in V/MgO/Fe junctions 
Description Supplementary files for article: Superconductivity assisted change of the perpendicular magnetic anisotropy in V/MgO/Fe junctions.Controlling the perpendicular magnetic anisotropy (PMA) in thin films has received considerable attention in recent years due to its technological importance. PMA based devices usually involve heavy-metal (oxide)/ferromagnetic-metal bilayers, where, thanks to interfacial spin-orbit coupling (SOC), the in-plane (IP) stability of the magnetization is broken. Here we show that in V/MgO/Fe(001) epitaxial junctions with competing in-plane and out-of-plane (OOP) magnetic anisotropies, the SOC mediated interaction between a ferromagnet (FM) and a superconductor (SC) enhances the effective PMA below the superconducting transition. This produces a partial magnetization reorientation without any applied field for all but the largest junctions, where the IP anisotropy is more robust; for the smallest junctions there is a reduction of the field required to induce a complete OOP transition (HOOP) due to the stronger competition between the IP and OOP anisotropies. Our results suggest that the degree of effective PMA could be controlled by the junction lateral size in the presence of superconductivity and an applied electric field. We also discuss how the HOOP field could be affected by the interaction between magnetic stray fields and superconducting vortices. Our experimental findings, supported by numerical modelling of the ferromagnet-superconductor interaction, open pathways to active control of magnetic anisotropy in the emerging dissipation-free superconducting spin electronics. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2021 
Provided To Others? Yes  
URL https://repository.lboro.ac.uk/articles/dataset/Supplementary_information_files_for_Superconductivit...
Title Supporting Information files for Charge transport through functionalized graphene quantum dots embedded in polyaniline matrix 
Description Supporting Information files for Charge transport through functionalized graphene quantum dots embedded in polyaniline matrix.Nitrogen-functionalized graphene quantum dots embedded in polyaniline matrix (NGQD-PANI) are extremely promising candidates for the development of next-generation sensors and for thermoelectric materials design with the distinct advantage of tunability of electronic properties by controlled doping and/or by controlling the inherent disorder in the microstructure. While their application is increasing in photovoltaics, energy storage and sensing technologies, a clear understanding of conduction in these hybrid systems is lacking. Here, we report a comprehensive study of NGQD-PANI composites with varying NGQD doping levels over a wide range of temperature. We show distinct regimes of conduction as a function of temperature which include: a transition from Efros-Shklovskii and Larkin-Khmelnitskii variable range hopping at low temperatures to thermally driven electron transport at higher temperatures. Importantly, we find a remarkable 50-fold enhancement in conductivity for 10% NGQD doped samples and tunability of the crossover temperature between different regimes as a function of the applied voltage bias and doping. Our work provides a general framework to understand the interplay of extrinsic parameters like temperature and voltage bias with intrinsic material properties like doping which drives the electronic properties in these hybrid systems of technological importance. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2021 
Provided To Others? Yes  
URL https://repository.lboro.ac.uk/articles/dataset/Supporting_Information_files_for_Charge_transport_th...