THz metamaterial/graphene optoelectronic modulators

Lead Research Organisation: Lancaster University
Department Name: Engineering


This project targets the realization of an innovative class of optoelectronic devices operating in the terahertz frequency range. The THz spectral region (1-10 THz correspond to vacuum wavelengths between 30 and 300 micrometers), lies between the electronics and the photonics range. This frequency range is vastly unexplored despite its huge potential in many applications, ranging from spectroscopy to communications, to imaging and astronomy. The full potential of the THz range is limited by the intrinsic hurdles inherent to working at these frequencies and by the lack of efficient devices. In particular, the basic optoelectronic building blocks, such as frequency and polarization modulators, capable of actively manipulating this radiation are currently missing, thus hindering its full exploitation in fundamental research and in industrial applications. This proposal aims to provide such tools by realizing a novel class of active integrated and efficient devices based on the interplay between metamaterial resonances and graphene. Because of their unique versatility and performance in terms of power consumption, efficiency and reconfiguration speed, these devices will be readyly implemented with already established academic /industrial environments. The main research areas where this project finds application are identified as terahertz imaging, spectroscopy, communications and quantum electronics. Terahertz imaging represents a mature technology which is currently used in diverse key sectors, ranging from security and defense, to semiconductor inspections, to non-destructive testing of pharmaceutical tables and imaging of biological samples. THz gas and solid-state spectroscopy have several applications as well: it is widely known that drugs or explosives present strong absorption features in the THz range while, conversely, plastic material are transparent to this radiation. This lends itself naturally into security screening, e.g. at airport, and into applications in drug detection. Common pollutants and greenhouse gases have unique spectral fingerprints in this frequency range, thus finding obvious applications in environmental monitoring. These devices in combination with already established sources such as the quantum cascade laser or time domain spectroscopic systems will increase the imaging capability and allow novel spectroscopic methodologies and experimental configurations. The interest in THz wireless communication stems from the saturation of the present communication frequencies and from the ambition of higher communication speed. The THz range uniquely addresses both issues, being an unallocated frequency region and with high carrier frequencies, mandatory prerequisite for achieving fast data transfer. The development of future THz communication platform, necessary passes through the development of fast and integrated frequency and polarization modulators, which are the basic components in many communication protocols. Therefore, the success of this proposal will uniquely address several future challenges in strategic public/private sectors, capable of impacting on the layman quality of life. At the same time, this proposal has the ambition to contribute to the health and progress of different academic environments such as the research area investigating novel carbon-based materials, and the quantum cascade laser community. This research in fact will help finding novel concrete implementations for 2D materials in electronic devices and establishing their utilization in the THz range. Finally, in combination with the quantum cascade laser, these devices will provide a formidable tool set for exploring novel concepts and configurations in fundamental quantum electron field, and increase the breadth of spectroscopic operations for this particular source.

Planned Impact

The present proposal aims to exploit the terahertz (THz) frequency range through the realization of a new class of devices, namely frequency and polarization modulators. The THz spectrum, which lies between the optical and the electronic ranges, is the most promising and unexplored part of the electromagnetic spectrum. This project presents a unique opportunity to deliver a significant and beneficial academic and socio-economic impact on an international scale. Moreover, and in line with EPSRC perspectives, terahertz technology represents an area of global scientific interest and holds promise for development across a number of application domains. Thus, THz research, has the potential to deliver a significant and beneficial academic and economic impact, particularly important considering the UK industry interested in this area. Because of the relative infancy of this technology and of the inherent difficulties in designing efficient active devices operating in this frequency range, an optoelectronic platform capable of efficiently modulate this radiation is currently missing. This proposal aims to resolve this issue, by providing to the scientific and industrial community an innovative class of devices for the frequency/polarization modulations of this radiation. The main research areas where this project finds applications are identified as terahertz imaging, spectroscopy and communications. These fast expanding areas present a natural link with many industrial activities and with public strategic sectors. Terahertz imaging represents a fast growing, mature technology which currently used in various key sectors, such as security and defense, and for the non-destructive testing of pharmaceutical tables and of biological sample analysis. A real-time monitoring of tablets' coating integrity and uniformity would help designing novel, more efficient drugs and provide a useful feedback to the pharmaceutical companies. Accordingly, this research has also the potential to impact in the field of diagnostics and healthcare by increasing the imaging capability of this radiation, with obvious impact in the layman's quality of life. The realization of more complex and complete imaging systems in the terahertz, where explosives and drugs have also unique fingerprints, while plastics and other common materials are transparent, has implications in security, e.g. in airport scanners, thus holding a clear commercial interest. The interest in THz wireless communication stems from the saturation of the present communication frequencies and from the ambition of higher communication speed. The THz range uniquely addresses both issues, being an unallocated frequency region and with high carrier frequencies, mandatory prerequisite for achieving fast data transfer. Depending on the THz communications range targeted, this radiation can be used for communications between geostationary satellites or local communication in public hotspots, such as universities or hospitals. Standard communication protocols require fast, integrated low-power consumption modulators. Therefore, the development of this sector necessarily passes through the realization of the proposed devices. This project, with the support of the academic and commercial partners, aims to increase the horizon and capabilities of all these applications. This proposal will also have a significant impact on the PhD students and Postdoctoral researchers involved, training them in experimental techniques, and bridging the gap among different research areas, e.g. graphene and THz community.


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Degl'Innocenti R (2022) Recent progress in terahertz metamaterial modulators in Nanophotonics

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Kindness S (2020) Active metamaterial polarization modulators for the Terahertz frequency range in Journal of Physics: Conference Series

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Kindness S (2020) A Terahertz Chiral Metamaterial Modulator in Advanced Optical Materials

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Klimont A (2019) Line-defect photonic crystal terahertz quantum cascade laser in Journal of Applied Physics

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Zaman A (2022) Terahertz Metamaterial Optoelectronic Modulators With GHz Reconfiguration Speed in IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology

Description This award targeted the realization of frequency and polarization modulators based on graphene/metamaterials devices for the THz frequency range. The main goals have been achieved. Indeed, high efficient integrated devices, such as amplitude, frequency, phase and polarization, modulators based on graphene were successfully demonstrated. In particular it is worth highlighting that several different polarization modulation schemes which were successfully realized, demonstrating performances in line with the deliverables promised. Moreover, these devices were successfully implemented with quantum cascade lasers emitting in the THz range, as it was envisaged in the initial application, reporting dynamic control of the polarization state and of the spectral emission for these sources. These results, published in prestigious peer reviewed journals and presented in several conferences, reinforce the validity of the chosen approach and of the initial hypothesis. Finally, the ultrafast all-electronic reconfiguration speed (a few GHz, record for 2D materials) demonstrated by this approach will help diffusing graphene and this novel optoelectronic platform in a few strategic sectors such as imaging and communications, where > 100 Gbit/s data rates are required. It is worth recalling that the new generation of wireless communication beyond 5G will inevitably move towards THz frequencies, where these integrated devices operate without any performance degradation over the whole spectral range. Finally, polarization/frequency modulators can be potentially further exploited into a plethora of other experimental configurations, from spectroscopic applications, e.g. gas sensing, to quantum electronics.
Exploitation Route This is a fast-evolving, competitive field, which has sparked wide interest in the THz community, as witnessed by the received invited talks, the publications and the citations attracted. This approach has been recently adopted by other academics in the UK (e.g. recent UKRI program grant on THz communications) and worldwide (e.g. the German priority grant INTEREST, partly sharing these research lines). As a testament of the relevance of this award beyond national importance, I would like to highlight, amongst the several scientific outputs, the recent invited review on THz metamaterials in Nanophotonics journal. From an academic point of view, the success of these results has already stimulated research into the development of more reliable, more efficient devices, with novel functionalities such as active beam steering and beam condensers. At the same time, the increasing performances, robustness and reliability demonstrated by this approach, start to be considered beneficial in other well-established academic fields. The next critical step will consist in the implementation of these graphene-based devices in concrete experimental configurations, e.g. in the demonstration of an efficient wireless communication system operating at THz frequencies. I would like to mention the continuous activity in knowledge exchange in this field and in the constant dissemination of this award's outcome in external seminars and conferences such as the events supported by the UK metamaterial network (EP/V002198/1) or in Europe for the 1st UK-German terahertz collaboration workshop (Wuppertal, 10-11th October 2022).
Sectors Aerospace

Defence and Marine

Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software)





Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology

Description The overall impact of this pioneering work on graphene THz modulators started attracting attention beyond the initial targets and the academic impact already discussed. On top of purely academic partnerships and collaborations, a more business-driven activity begins developing. The focus of these initiatives is directed towards the implementation of these devices into higher technology readiness level frameworks. In particular, the trend is shifting from laboratory validated outputs towards specific business related products. Joint applications together with overseas academic and business partners are developing, e.g to INNOVA-UK in the sensing, healthcare and biomedical fields. The outlook is to further confirm this progress and to start developing industrial collaborations with UK companies, adapting this technology in order to match the specific targets required by the business. It is worth mentioning that the recent achievement of world record reconfiguration speed for graphene-based devices at terahertz frequencies, has attracted attention also beyond the national community, and it has helped seeding a new research area, as witnessed by the ongoing supported grants on THz communications and the establishment of a metamaterial network. Invited talks and reviews received by the PI and his group are a testament of the pivotal role done in this research area.
First Year Of Impact 2019
Sector Education,Electronics
Impact Types Cultural

Description Royal society - International Exchanges 2020 Round 3
Amount £12,000 (GBP)
Funding ID IES\R3\203011 
Organisation The Royal Society 
Sector Charity/Non Profit
Country United Kingdom
Start 03/2021 
End 03/2023
Title Dataset for: "A Terahertz Chiral Metamaterial modulator" 
Description This is the dataset needed to reproducethe figures in the manuscript. These are all .opju files (Origin). 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2021 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact This dataset presents a complete report on the experimental data acquired for the realization of an active polarization modulators. These can be used to design more efficient devices in the future. 
Title Datasets related to the article: "Line-defect photonic crystal terahertz quantum cascade laser" 
Description Datasets related to the article: "Line-defect photonic crystal terahertz quantum cascade laser" Degl'Innocenti, R. (Creator), Lancaster University, 2019 Text available via DOI: 10.17635/lancaster/researchdata/288 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2019 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact No, has this is a recent a publication. 
Title External cavity terahertz quantum cascade laser with a metamaterial/graphene optoelectronic mirror 
Description dataset for the manuscript 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact This dataset represents an important complementary set of experimental measurements that can be used for researchers active in THz quantum cascade laser, for modeling the laser dynamics. A model has been proposed in the relative article, however, a complete theoretical description of self mixing in QCL in this regime is still missing 
Title Research data supporting "An in-plane photoelectric effect in two-dimensional electron systems for terahertz detection" 
Description The zip file contains research data supporting the corresponding manuscript. It contains the photocurrent, photovoltage, and conductance measurements of the presented THz detector device. It also contains the theoretical dimensionless function J, which is proportional to the theoretically expected photocurrent in the in-plane photoelectric effect, calculated as a function of the left and right chemical potentials in units of the photon energy and derived at 0 K temperature for a macroscopically wide conducting channel. It contains the electron density vs. gate voltage measurements of the reference Hall bar device made from the same wafer as the THz detector device, and the simulated amplification of the x-component of the electric field by the bow-tie antenna. The "readme" file contains more details about the individual files. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2022 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Description HTZ consortium 
Organisation University College London
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution I am Co-I for the EPSRC grant EP/P021859/1 "HyperTerahertz - High precision terahertz spectroscopy and microscopy". There has been a positive synergy between this award and the HTZ program grant. The PDRA and PhD in this award, have been invited to deliver talks to the regular meetings organized in the framework of the HTZ workshops. We contributed to the design and fabrication of novel THz metamaterial resonant features, to be investigate with the a-snom currently set in UCL. I guided the research that combined active metamaterial as external mirror for THz quantum cascade lasers, which was recently published ( So far this collaboration has led directly or indirectly to 4 common conference contributions and to 5 peer reviewed articles, with a sixth one currently in press.
Collaborator Contribution Contribution of 20k in order to cover for consumables, e.g. sample fabrications. There was also an in kind contribution arising from this collaboration which consisted in: a) Use of facilities; part of sample fabrication was performed in Cambridge. This was fundamental during the Covid's peak as Cambridge facilities and personnel helped with the fabrication of the devices, whilst LU clean room was closed. It is worth also mentioning the use free of charge of the THz laboratory in Cambridge for the quantum cascade laser measurements. b) Use without fees of the THz a-snom microscope currently set in UCL for the direct mapping of the resonances supported by the metamaterial/graphene features and time dedicated by UCL personnel to help us. c) I would like to mention also the synergy with the University of Leeds, which contributed to the theoretical support of the reseach experimental findings described in (, directly linked to this grant.
Impact This collaboration is still running and it has been significantly productive. The results (9 outcomes) are detailed in the publication section. The multidisciplinarity of this research and collaboration is straightforward. It involves metamaterial design (LU) quantum cascade lasers (Cambridge/Physics and Leeds) and graphene material research (Cambridge/Engineering). Further to this, thanks to this collaboration, the research has expanded beyond the initial targets, with the near field THz mapping of metamaterial resonances by involving UCL expertise as well.
Start Year 2019
Description HTZ consortium 
Organisation University of Cambridge
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution I am Co-I for the EPSRC grant EP/P021859/1 "HyperTerahertz - High precision terahertz spectroscopy and microscopy". There has been a positive synergy between this award and the HTZ program grant. The PDRA and PhD in this award, have been invited to deliver talks to the regular meetings organized in the framework of the HTZ workshops. We contributed to the design and fabrication of novel THz metamaterial resonant features, to be investigate with the a-snom currently set in UCL. I guided the research that combined active metamaterial as external mirror for THz quantum cascade lasers, which was recently published ( So far this collaboration has led directly or indirectly to 4 common conference contributions and to 5 peer reviewed articles, with a sixth one currently in press.
Collaborator Contribution Contribution of 20k in order to cover for consumables, e.g. sample fabrications. There was also an in kind contribution arising from this collaboration which consisted in: a) Use of facilities; part of sample fabrication was performed in Cambridge. This was fundamental during the Covid's peak as Cambridge facilities and personnel helped with the fabrication of the devices, whilst LU clean room was closed. It is worth also mentioning the use free of charge of the THz laboratory in Cambridge for the quantum cascade laser measurements. b) Use without fees of the THz a-snom microscope currently set in UCL for the direct mapping of the resonances supported by the metamaterial/graphene features and time dedicated by UCL personnel to help us. c) I would like to mention also the synergy with the University of Leeds, which contributed to the theoretical support of the reseach experimental findings described in (, directly linked to this grant.
Impact This collaboration is still running and it has been significantly productive. The results (9 outcomes) are detailed in the publication section. The multidisciplinarity of this research and collaboration is straightforward. It involves metamaterial design (LU) quantum cascade lasers (Cambridge/Physics and Leeds) and graphene material research (Cambridge/Engineering). Further to this, thanks to this collaboration, the research has expanded beyond the initial targets, with the near field THz mapping of metamaterial resonances by involving UCL expertise as well.
Start Year 2019
Description EPSRC-DFG Integrated Terahertz Systems workshop 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact In this workshop, where I delivered an invited talk for QMUL, took place in Leeds 29th February -1st March and aimed to concretely develop research collaborations in the field of THz range between a major project INTEREST supported by the DFG funding agency in Germany ( and EPSRC. Selected academic researchers and representative from EPSRC and DFG, policy makers attended the event.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2024
Description Invited seminars and talks 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact I have been promoting and advertising this research in specialistic workshops and seminars.
- I delivered an invited talk to the TERANET UK-THz Meeting on the 4th December 2019, title: "Active terahertz polarization modulators". This event, which took place in NPL, Teddington, reached not only researchers in academia, but also PhDs and postgraduate students, and was attended by industrial partners as well, e.g. by Menlosystems.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Invited talk: SPIE Optics+Photonics 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact I recently received an invited talk to the SPIE conference Optics+Photonics, to be held in San Diego in August 2024: title: "THz metasurfaces for nonlinear optics"
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2024
Description Invited talks: SPb-Photonic, Optoelectronic, & Electronic Materials - 2019-2020 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact An Invited talks were delivered e.g. to the SPb Photonic, Optoelectronic, & Electronic Materials (SPb-POEM) conference in Saint Petersburg, Russia (hybrid participation), from 27th-30th April 2020 ("Active metamaterial polarization modulators for the Terahertz frequency range") and the following year in the SPb-POEM 25-28 May 2021 ("Metamaterial/graphene optoelectronic mirror for the active frequency control of terahertz quantum cascade lasers")
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020,2021
Description Metamaterial UK network 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact I was actively involved in the elaboration of the proposal for an UK Metamaterials Network submitted to EPSRC. This included the participation to the UK metamaterials network consultation meeting in Manchester on 4th Nov 2019, and in the direct contribution to the document signed and provided by Lancaster University in support of this initiative in 2020. The UK Metamaterials Network (EP/V002198/1) started officially on the 1st March and I am currently actively participating to the online events and planning to organize/partecipate to the next meetings.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019,2020,2021
Description UK and German terahertz collaboration workshop 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact This workshop, where I delivered an invited talk, took place in Wuppertal, Germany on the 10th-11th October 2022 and aimed to stimulate research collaborations in the field of THz communications between a major project INTEREST supported by the DFG funding agency in Germany ( and EPSRC. Selected researchers, postgraduate students, policy makers and industrial partners attended the event.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022