High precision temperature measurements for reacting flows

Lead Research Organisation: University of Cambridge
Department Name: Engineering


The effective and fast design of low emission gas turbines depends critically on the ability of engineers to make accurate and precise predictions of gas temperatures within the combustion chamber. This project aims to produce instantaneous temperature measurements of the highest accuracy and precision ever in model and industrial scale combustors. These precision measurements aim not only provide the basis for validation of models by industrial and academic users, but also to create a path for development of a lower cost, high precision thermometry technique for deployment in realistic combustors.
The two key factors governing the design of continuous flow combustors are maintaining low emissions - particularly nitric oxides - and keeping the system away from thermoacoustic instabilities. The spatial and statistical distribution of burned gas temperatures is the single most important factor governing the formation of nitric oxide (NO): a local change of 50 K can lead to a change of 70% in thermal NO formation rates at typical combustion temperatures. Validation of emission prediction models is hemmed by the lack of availability of statistical and spatial information on temperatures. Thermoacoustic instabilities are created by a feedback effect in which acoustic waves generated by the unsteady acceleration of the flow during combustion in a confined environment lead to further unsteadiness in heat release. Two factors associated with the flame are important: the response of the flame to acoustic perturbation, and the generation of temperature non-uniformities (called entropy spots): the former leads directly to density fluctuations and acoustic waves, and the latter couple the boundary conditions to reflect as pressure waves. The identification of the origin of combustion instabilities is complex, as several factors can contribute fluctuations, yet usually only pressure information is available, sometimes aided by relative total heat release fluctuations via chemiluminescence. Nevertheless, statistical measurements of temperatures in either model or industrial scale gas turbine flames are relatively uncommon, because of difficulties with physical probes or optical methods relying on calibration of signal amplitudes. The proposed measurements do not rely on amplitudes, but on the measurement of signal frequency, which can be made significantly more precisely (down to errors of 0.2%) than comparable techniques. Furthermore, the present measurements will enable the direct simultaneous measurements of NO and temperature with a single laser, thus creating a unique statistical database for model validation. Finally, the technique will enable for the measurement of temperature fluctuations through a nozzle at very high precision, which has not been done previously. The high precision measurements will have a direct impact on assessing the quality of model predictions for NO and instabilities, and when translated into design codes, into the design of cleaner and more stable power and propulsion systems.

Planned Impact

Gas turbine power generation is currently responsible for 40% of power in the UK, as well as the primary propulsion mode for aeroengine combustion for the foreseeable future, with the UK industry as a leading equipment supplier. The effective and fast design of low emission combustion devices depends critically on the ability of engineers to make accurate and precise predictions of gas temperatures within the combustion chamber. This project will produce instantaneous temperature measurements of the highest accuracy and precision ever in model and industrial scale combustors. These precision measurements will not only provide the basis for validation of models by industrial and academic users, but also to create a path for development of a lower cost, high precision thermometry technique for deployment in realistic combustors.
The two key factors governing the design of continuous flow combustors are maintaining low emissions - particularly nitric oxides - and keeping the system away from thermoacoustic instabilities. Validation of emission prediction models is hemmed by the lack of availability of statistical and spatial information on temperatures. In this project, we will be able to obtain unprecedented precision in temperature measurements, as well as obtain simultaneous measurements of NO and temperature in turbulent premixed and stratified flames. This unique statistical database, which will build on a base of a very well characterized turbulent flame including all major species, will help untangle the relationship between temperature statistics and the resulting non-linearity in NO production in premixed flames. Models produced by researchers in academia and used in the design of gas turbines will be able to take advantage of this database for validation, ultimately leading to a speed up in the design and development of combustion chambers for gas turbines as well as furnaces and other devices.
Thermoacoustic instabilities are created by a feedback effect in which acoustic waves generated by the unsteady acceleration of the flow during combustion in a confined environment lead to further unsteadiness in heat release. The prediction of thermoacoustic instabilities is a more intricate problem than the prediction of NO emissions: here many factors at play, including injector and flame aerodynamics, injector mixing characteristics, temperature non-uniformities and, in an annular combustor, the interactions between acoustics and the flames distributed around the annulus. In this proposal we isolate two leading factors, the flame response and temperature non-uniformities, to identify the relative importance as the boundary conditions are varied, in a representative single-sector combustor. The study will for the first time characterize the simultaneous temperature and pressure response of the system through the combustor and converging nozzle and be able to identify the evolution of these variables. Models for the system will be able to incorporate the actual rather than postulated spatial and time resolved variation of temperature, allowing the separation between modes, and a greater understanding of flame behaviour and flame-system interaction.
In spite the significant advances in computational models and resources, testing of gas turbine combustor remains a necessary and expensive part of the development of new systems. A single day of tests costs upwards of hundreds of thousand pounds, and many additional man-hours in interpreting and extrapolating the results obtained. The proposed experiments will provide a significant leap forward in creating the highest precision thermometry technique, and producing detailed and statistically quantified NO and temperature measurements throughout a model combustor. Successful implementation will allow industrial designers to move forward more confidently and rapidly, reaping the benefits of lower emissions, lower instability power systems.


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Description During the course of the research in this project, the following findings have been obtained:

I. First direct measurements of entropy and compositional noise
We developed the first unambiguous measurements of noise produced by the acceleration of temperature and compositional non-uniformities in flows through nozzles. These measurements connect fluctuations in molecular weight and properties of gases to acoustic perturbations in gas turbines, which can lead to undesirable thermoacoustic oscillations in gas turbines.

II. First high frequency measurements of instantaneous composition and temperature in entropy spots
We have used LITGS to measure for temperature and compositional spots convected by turbulent flows towards a nozzle. These are the first direct measurements of such compositional spots. They were enabled by the equipment obtained in grant EP/K035282/1, using 355 nm wavelength to excite biacetyl as the absorber, and with injection of spots of carbon dioxide, helium and argon. These are compared with the CFD simulations in V. We have also developed a method to account for the changing properties and energy absorption of the mixtures via addition of seeder biacetyl.

III. Direct comparison of experiment and theory
The experiments showed that existing inviscid theories are incomplete, and that acoustic perturbations reflected upstream are a function not only of the strength of the compositional and entropy perturbations, but also of the boundary conditions for the nozzle, which can prevent the transmission of the wave, and lead to higher noise upstream.

IV. CFD simulations of entropic noise
CFD simulations of the simplified synthetic entropy noise using the open source software OpenFoam have been made. The experiments showed very good agreement with injection of argon and carbon dioxide, but not helium.

V. OH/LITGS in high pressure turbulent flames
Measurements of flame temperatures using OH/LITGS have been achieved in high pressure (10 bar) oxygen-enriched flames at Tohoku University, in collaboration with Prof. A. Hayakawa. These measurements now enable the direct determination of temperatures in the high pressure facility. They are corrected by the approximations developed in item II.

VI. NO LITGS in flames.
The Cambridge group has carried out a comprehensive set of LITGS measurements using NO as the absorber in a high- pressure cell over a range of temperatures and pressures. Experiments were performed in NO-doped flames at Oxford using a similar excitation scheme, showing how the signal changes from a four-wave mixing (DFWM) to LITGS as the concentrations increase. Measurements are possible if the product of probe volume and pressure is sufficiently high (several cubic millimeters for ambient pressure).

In addition, while waiting for components to arrive during the project, the RA associated with the project (Yi Gao) has lent her laser expertise to two other PhD students and collaborated with a second RA. These related activities have come to the the following findings:
(i) A combined technique using laser induced incandescence and extinction measurements has demonstrated the feasibility of measurements of soot down to sub-parts per million, by using a mirrored cavity approach.
(ii) Measurements of the hydroxyl radical OH, Mie scatter of particles and laser induced incandescence have been made in coal-CO2-O2 flames, demonstrating their feasibility n a model burner for the first time, and providing a database for the role of CO2-O2 on coal combustion.
(iii) Simultaneous temperature and velocity field measurements using laser induced phosphorescence: this is a related development in which we are considering the advantages and disadvantages of LITGS relatively to other techniques. Here we demonstrated the ability of producing velocity and temperature fields using a single double-pulsed laser and two cameras with different filters.

Post award, we have been able to demonstrate LIGS in a high temperature, high pressure environment, by using a different wavelength (1064 nm), which can excite weak water lines, as well as electrostrictive signals. Two publications (jointly with KAUST) have reported on the results. We have now submitted a proposal (with Oxford and the University of Cardiff) to take the technique to more practical gas turbine test systems.
Exploitation Route 1. Entropy and compositional spots: theory and experiments
We have now developed a robust and standardized way of generating entropic disturbances by temperature and composition non-uniformities, which has led to a validation of the theory at low frequencies, and an extension of the theory incorporating entropy generation at the nozzle. The findings attracted the attention of collaborators at Rolls-Royce, who are now partly funding the work of a PhD student, Jocelino Rodrigues. The collaboration with Rolls-Royce is currently leading to the incorporation of corrections to entropic thermoacoustic models, and experimentation at higher frequencies.

2. OH LITGS in high pressure flames
We have extended the work with a collaboration with Tohoku university (Prof. Akihiro Hayakawa, with Steven Lowe), demonstrating OH LITGS in a steady high pressure oxygen-methane flame up to 8 bar: these experiments are now part of the diagnostics of the high pressure experiments at Tohoku University.

3. NO LIGTS in high pressure flames
The preliminary work of Ewart and others allowed the production of OH LITGS in high pressure oxyfuel flames up to 5 bar. This de-risks the application of the technique to other situations, by quantifying the signal strength as a function of pressure and temperature. The OH concentrations in typical post-flame conditions are still relatively low, so the amount of signal that can be realistically obtained depends on the pressure. The data acquired in the present experiments will allow a better quantification of the realistic signal that can be obtained for OH in the product gases, thus allowing robust identification of situations where it can be used as an absorber for a given concentration and temperature.

4. KAUST collaboration
F. De Domenico has now implemented the LITGS and electrostrictive LIGS at KAUST (Saudi Arabia) in a collaboration agreement. Post award, we have been able to demonstrate LIGS in a high temperature, high pressure environment, by using a different wavelength (1064 nm), which can excite weak water lines, as well as electrostrictive signals. The success has been reported in two publications, one detailing the low frequency experiments, and one using the high frequency laser.

5. Testing in a high pressure realistic system
A successful proposal has been submitted to further develop the technique using IR lasers, to improve the spatial resolution, and to deploy the technique for temperatures realistic gas turbine combustor test cells at the Cardiff GTRC (EP/T030801/1).
Sectors Aerospace

Defence and Marine


URL http://www-g.eng.cam.ac.uk/reactingflows/
Description Junior Research Fellowship at Caius and Gonville College for Francesca de Domenico
Amount £107,516 (GBP)
Organisation University of Cambridge 
Department Gonville and Caius College
Sector Academic/University
Country United Kingdom
Start 09/2019 
End 09/2023
Description Tracer-free, non-intrusive, time- and space-resolved temperature and scalar measurements
Amount £1,415,926 (GBP)
Funding ID EP/T030801/1 
Organisation Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 07/2020 
End 07/2023
Title High Frequency Laser Induced Thermal Grating Spectroscopy 
Description We use an Edgewave laser at 355 nm, with variable repetition rate up to 2 kHz to monitor temperatures and composition fluctuations of a mixture containing biacetyl and air. This was used to obtain density fluctuations in situ at high frequency in a simulator for entropy and compositional spots. The method implements LITGS using the high frequency laser. 
Type Of Material Improvements to research infrastructure 
Year Produced 2018 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact Still in print. 
Description LES simulations of entropy and compositional spots using BOFFIN 
Organisation Imperial College London
Department Department of Mechanical Engineering
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution We have a detailed, high frequency dataset of measurements on the evolution of composition and temperatures after an impulse, convected downstream of a duct. We have teamed up with Imperial College, who have a CFD code capable of efficiently handling compressible flows for the purpose.
Collaborator Contribution LES simulations of the evolution and convection of entropy spots through a nozzle. These are currently being developed for comparison with experiments.
Impact LES simulations of the evolution and convection of entropy spots through a nozzle.
Start Year 2017
Description LITGS over high pressure laminar flame - Tohoku University 
Organisation Tohoku University
Department Institute of fluid science
Country Japan 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution A joint effort between Prof. Akihiro Hayakawa and Steven Lowe, a DTA-supported student on the project, who travelled to Japan to help set up the experiments on a high pressure turbulent flame in Japan. The experiments were successful, and won an award at the 54th Japanese Symposium on combustion. A follow-on effort is now under way, with funding requested for travel for a collaboration on NO measurements over a laminar flame, including an ammonia flame considered within a funded programme at Tohoku.
Collaborator Contribution The partners provided the unique high pressure facilities at Tohoku, as well as material and technician support to deliver the results.
Impact 1. Hayakawa, A., Lowe, S., Takeuchi, K., Yamagami, T., Kudo, T., Gao, Y., Hochgreb, S., Kobayashi, H., 2016. Quantitative Temperature Measurement of High Pressure CH4/O2/N2 Laminar Flames Using Laser Induced Thermal Grating Spectroscopy (LITGS), in: Japanese Symposium on Combustion , November 23-25, Sendai, Japan. p. 102. 2. Hayakawa, A., Lowe, S., Gao, Y., Fan, L., Hochgreb, S., 2016. Laser Induced Thermal Grating Spectroscopy ( LITGS ) and thermographic PIV for quantitative measurement, in: Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Symposium on Advanced Fluid Information (AFI-2016). p. YRF-1.
Start Year 2016
Description Modelling of entropy spots using Oscilos 
Organisation Imperial College London
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The work on entropy spots has led to a collaboration with Dr. Aimee Morgans at Imperial College. She has developed a model for solving acoustic networks using an open source Matlab code. We have adapted the code to fit our purposes. The model results will compared to the experimental results of pressure and temperature predictions obtained using a device currently under construction and testing.
Collaborator Contribution Dr Aimee Morgans is currently working on modelling the behaviour of entropy spots. She had kindly agreed to provide the open-source software Oscilos, as well as collaborate on its operation and use.
Impact 1) Simulation of the current rig design using Oscilos 2) Contribution by Cambridge on testing Oscilos to improve the interface and operation.
Start Year 2014