Centre for molecular-based causal analyses in health and disease

Lead Research Organisation: University of Bristol
Department Name: Social Medicine


Please see case for support, as advised by MRC head office

Technical Summary

The proposed MRC Centre for Molecular-based Causal Analyses in Health and Disease will integrate
evidence from cellular, animal, bio-informatic and large population based studies to determine
causal pathways of relevance to the aetiology, diagnosis, prognosis, progression and
treatment of disease. The anticipated output of the Centre will be knowledge that informs the
development and implementation of clinical and population based strategies to reduce morbidity and
mortality. Specification of causal associations between modifiable risk factors and disease will
determine the optimal interventions for preventing disease. Similarly, identifying causal associations
between modifiable risk factors and disease progression in patients will allow for estimation of
prognosis and determination of the most effective interventions for secondary prevention and
reversal of disease processes. Since biomarkers on causal pathways between disease initiation and
clinical presentation will provide useful diagnostic tools, the work of the Centre will also inform
means of diagnosing common pathologies at an early stage.
Our mission will be achieved through the translational integration of inter-disciplinary research
findings from cellular studies, animal models, bioinformatic investigations, data-mining approaches,
microarray expression data, and genotype and phenotype data from large-scale population-based
cohort studies, case-control studies and clinical cohorts. The elaboration and application of
appropriate data analysis methods that draw strength from all levels of evidence will complement
the collection and compilation of empirical data and will maximise the practical utility of research


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