Collaborative network for adolescent nutrition and health in sub-Saharan Africa and India

Lead Research Organisation: University of Southampton


Our proposed project will focus on the nutrition and health of adolescent boys and girls. Adolescence is the stage of life, from 10 to 19 years of age, when children transition into adults. It is characterized by rapid growth, sexual maturation, widespread 're-wiring' and re-organisation of the brain, and an increase in the scope and complexity of social interactions. We currently have the largest generation of 10 to 19 year olds in human history, more than 1 billion worldwide, and half of these grow up in countries characterised by high levels of poor quality nutrition and rising rates of non-communicable disease (NCDs: obesity, heart disease and diabetes). In sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia, adolescents form 20-35% of the population.
It has recently become clear that adolescence is a critical phase in life for achieving human potential, and during which the physical, psychological, behavioural, social and economic foundations of adult health are consolidated. The recent Lancet commission on adolescent health points out that investment in this stage of the lifecourse has the potential to produce a 'triple dividend' benefiting adolescents now, into their future adult life, and into the lives of their children. Half of the inequality in the value of lifetime earnings is due to factors determined before the end of adolescence.
Despite its significance, adolescence has been largely neglected in health and social policy terms; a phenomenon recognised by the recent UN Global strategy for women's, children's and adolescents' health. Adolescent nutrition has, in particular, been under-researched, leading to large knowledge gaps. There have been no comprehensive studies of nutritional status and physical activity across different populations and settings. Little is known about how nutrition and physical activity change through adolescence, what determines these changes, and how they influence growth, current health, future disease risk, and the health of the next generation. We do not understand the drivers of dietary and activity behaviours among adolescents, and how these could be changed to benefit health.
Our application brings together a multi-disciplinary network of researchers interested in adolescent health from the UK, India and different regions of sub-Saharan Africa, with the collective expertise to carry out large-scale nutrition research. Our long-term vision is to 1) conduct in-depth studies of the dietary behaviour, nutritional status, body composition and physical activity of adolescents in vulnerable populations in these countries, and how these change through adolescence; 2) to understand, through qualitative research, the factors which determine their diet and activity behaviour at each stage of adolescence; and 3) develop and test context-specific interventions to improve adolescent health through nutrition.
In preparation for this ambitious future work, the current pump-priming application is to 1) consolidate the new network by holding two workshops, one in India, one in Africa; 2) conduct training in qualitative research methods and carry out pilot qualitative data collection to explore influences on dietary and activity behaviour in adolescents across multiple settings; 3) carry out literature reviews of existing data on the nutritional status of adolescents and existing policies for adolescent nutrition in the countries represented; 4) carry out secondary analyses using data from existing cohorts within the group, to examine how nutrition in young adolescence relates to adolescent growth and adult NCD risk markers; and 5) work together to develop the design of the future project, and prepare a larger grant application in 2018. A major objective of both the pump-priming work and the future larger study is to build capacity among early-and mid-career researchers in these countries for rigorous and cutting-edge nutrition research.

Technical Summary

Adolescence (10-19 years of age) is a critical stage for physical, cognitive, psychological, social and economic development. Of 1 billion adolescents worldwide, half are in LMICs characterised by poor quality nutrition and rising rates of non-communicable disease (NCDs). Investment in adolescent nutrition has the potential to benefit adolescents themselves, their adult health, and the health of their children.
Despite its importance, research into adolescent nutrition has been relatively neglected. There are lareg knowledge gaps about the nutritional status and nutritional behaviour of adolescents, how these change during adolescence, and how they influence growth, neuro-development, later disease risk and the health of the next generation. The drivers of adolescent diet and activity, and how these could be modified to benefit health, are poorly understood.
We have formed a network of researchers in the UK, India and different regions of sub-Saharan Africa with the expertise to carry out large-scale nutrition research among adolescents. Its long-term vision is to 1) conduct in-depth studies of diet, nutritional status, body composition and physical activity among adolescents and how these change through adolescence; 2) understand the factors that determine diet and activity behaviour; and 3) develop and test context-specific interventions to improve adolescent nutrition.
In preparation for this work, the pump-priming application is to 1) consolidate the network by holding two workshops; 2) train early-career researchers in qualitative research methods and collect pilot data on diet and activity behaviour in adolescents; 3) review existing data on adolescent nutritional status and policies for adolescent nutrition in the countries represented; 4) conduct secondary analyses using data from existing cohorts to examine how nutrition relates to adolescent growth and NCD risk markers; and 5) design the future project and submit a major grant application in 2018.

Planned Impact

Scientific advancement: We expect a significant burden of sub-optimal diet and activity patterns among adolescents in our populations. In the larger study we will also record their micronutrient and inflammatory status, body composition and fitness, and measure outcomes of sub-optimal nutrition such as growth, cognitive function, brain development and cardio-metabolic health. The work will define the need to improve adolescent nutrition, the potential benefits, and create impetus at local, national and international levels to do so. We will investigate whether adolescence is a critical period in which nutritional deficits can have long-term effects and interventions can reverse the adverse effects of earlier nutritional deficits, both of which would be of considerable scientific interest and justify a focus on this age group at policy level. Through the qualitative research we will understand barriers to good adolescent nutrition, and how these can be overcome in context-specific ways. The methods are not novel in themselves, though their application across multiple populations, in adolescents, is innovative, as will be their longitudinal use in the larger study. The study of epigenetic changes during adolescence in the larger study, and their relationship to nutrition and outcomes, will be highly original in a LMIC context.
Capacity building: The work will build capacity among the investigator groups at many levels. It will introduce some to population research, providing training and support within an experienced network. Field teams will benefit from community and participant engagement and training in harmonised data collection. In each site we will appoint an early/mid- career nutrition researcher for the pump-priming phase, to play a major role in co-ordination and community engagement, which will be invaluable research experience. They will benefit from qualitative research training, data collection and analysis, as well as participating in teams, working groups and network discussions to develop the future study. If we are successful in continuing to the larger study, we will aim to keep these researchers in the team and further their experience and career development. Other early- and mid-career investigators across several disciplines in each centre will have opportunities to participate in the research; contribute to training; develop ways of making their research accessible to lay and scientific groups; understand what makes collaborations 'tick' and the advantages of sharing data and skills; and deepen their expertise in nutrition and generic areas such as ethics, governance, advocacy and translation.
Economic and social impact: The project will have economic and social impact by leading to interventions and policies that improve the nutrition of adolescents and thus their health and that of their children. Much of this impact will be delivered through partnerships with stakeholders locally and internationally.
The pump-priming phase is unlikely to generate commercially exploitable results but there is potential for partnerships with nutrition food and leisure/sports industries in future, eg. to adapt and market digital devices and foods attractive to adolescents.
Each site will have a participant and community advisory group. In the larger study we will hold stakeholder workshops for teachers and health workers, those responsible for their activities, and policy-makers, to engage in thinking about how to improve adolescent nutrition. The study website will be for training in the pump-priming phase and in the larger project will be expanded with areas dedicated to engagement with participant, scientific and wider communities. The network and its partners have good links with national and international policy advisory groups such as the Indian and South African Medical Research Councils, WHO, the International Union of Nutritional Sciences and Unicef, which will be used to maximise the study's policy impact.




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publication icon
NCD Risk Factor Collaboration (NCD-RisC) (2020) Repositioning of the global epicentre of non-optimal cholesterol. in Nature

publication icon
Strömmer S (2020) Behaviour change interventions: getting in touch with individual differences, values and emotions. in Journal of developmental origins of health and disease

Description Approximately 14 publications completed or in preparation
Exploitation Route Widening of research usage of datasets
Sectors Education

Description Circa 14 publications completed or in progress. Widening of research usage
First Year Of Impact 2019
Sector Education
Impact Types Policy & public services

Description GCRF Local Strategic Development Grant: COVID-19: Exploring the experiences of young people across sub-Saharan Africa and India
Amount £0 (GBP)
Organisation United Kingdom Research and Innovation 
Department Global Challenges Research Fund
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 05/2020 
End 12/2020
Description Global Challenges Research Fund Strategic development Award
Amount £46,874 (GBP)
Organisation University of Southampton 
Sector Academic/University
Country United Kingdom
Start 02/2018 
End 01/2020
Description NIHR Global Health Research Grant: Southampton 1000 DaysPlus Global Nutrition Research Group (PI Marie-Louise Newell). Co-investigator Caroline Fall
Amount £0 (GBP)
Organisation National Institute for Health Research 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Title JAST tool 
Description Step-by-step guide to writing up qualitative research 
Type Of Material Improvements to research infrastructure 
Year Produced 2019 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact This tool was developed for a workshop on qualitative research reporting for early career researchers from LMICs. 
Title TALENT qualitative data 
Description Qualitative data from 4 African and 4 Indian populations of adolescents 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2019 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact Approximately 14 publications in preparation 
Description DPRU Witwatersrand University, South Africa 
Organisation African Population and Health Research Center
Country Kenya 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution My research teams leads this partnership. We have organised three training workshops for early career researchers from the partner centres. We have led the planning and co-ordination of data collection, analysis and write-up.
Collaborator Contribution The partners have collected qualitative data from groups of adolescents in their research settings, and processed the data. They have undertaken literature reviews, secondary data analyses and policy maker/stakeholder meetings.
Impact Training workshops (x3), data collection and analysis, manuscripts in preparation. Multi-disciplinary partnership (paediatrics, qualitative research, psychology, social science, nutrition)
Start Year 2017
Description DPRU Witwatersrand University, South Africa 
Organisation Centre for the Study of Social Change
Country India 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution My research teams leads this partnership. We have organised three training workshops for early career researchers from the partner centres. We have led the planning and co-ordination of data collection, analysis and write-up.
Collaborator Contribution The partners have collected qualitative data from groups of adolescents in their research settings, and processed the data. They have undertaken literature reviews, secondary data analyses and policy maker/stakeholder meetings.
Impact Training workshops (x3), data collection and analysis, manuscripts in preparation. Multi-disciplinary partnership (paediatrics, qualitative research, psychology, social science, nutrition)
Start Year 2017
Description DPRU Witwatersrand University, South Africa 
Organisation Holdsworth Memorial Hospital, Mysore
Country India 
Sector Hospitals 
PI Contribution My research teams leads this partnership. We have organised three training workshops for early career researchers from the partner centres. We have led the planning and co-ordination of data collection, analysis and write-up.
Collaborator Contribution The partners have collected qualitative data from groups of adolescents in their research settings, and processed the data. They have undertaken literature reviews, secondary data analyses and policy maker/stakeholder meetings.
Impact Training workshops (x3), data collection and analysis, manuscripts in preparation. Multi-disciplinary partnership (paediatrics, qualitative research, psychology, social science, nutrition)
Start Year 2017
Description DPRU Witwatersrand University, South Africa 
Organisation KEM Hospital Research Centre
Country India 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution My research teams leads this partnership. We have organised three training workshops for early career researchers from the partner centres. We have led the planning and co-ordination of data collection, analysis and write-up.
Collaborator Contribution The partners have collected qualitative data from groups of adolescents in their research settings, and processed the data. They have undertaken literature reviews, secondary data analyses and policy maker/stakeholder meetings.
Impact Training workshops (x3), data collection and analysis, manuscripts in preparation. Multi-disciplinary partnership (paediatrics, qualitative research, psychology, social science, nutrition)
Start Year 2017
Description DPRU Witwatersrand University, South Africa 
Organisation Medical Research Council (MRC)
Department MRC Unit, The Gambia
Country Gambia 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution My research teams leads this partnership. We have organised three training workshops for early career researchers from the partner centres. We have led the planning and co-ordination of data collection, analysis and write-up.
Collaborator Contribution The partners have collected qualitative data from groups of adolescents in their research settings, and processed the data. They have undertaken literature reviews, secondary data analyses and policy maker/stakeholder meetings.
Impact Training workshops (x3), data collection and analysis, manuscripts in preparation. Multi-disciplinary partnership (paediatrics, qualitative research, psychology, social science, nutrition)
Start Year 2017
Description DPRU Witwatersrand University, South Africa 
Organisation PACCI
Country Cote d'Ivoire 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution My research teams leads this partnership. We have organised three training workshops for early career researchers from the partner centres. We have led the planning and co-ordination of data collection, analysis and write-up.
Collaborator Contribution The partners have collected qualitative data from groups of adolescents in their research settings, and processed the data. They have undertaken literature reviews, secondary data analyses and policy maker/stakeholder meetings.
Impact Training workshops (x3), data collection and analysis, manuscripts in preparation. Multi-disciplinary partnership (paediatrics, qualitative research, psychology, social science, nutrition)
Start Year 2017
Description DPRU Witwatersrand University, South Africa 
Organisation University of Jimma
Department Medicine
Country Ethiopia 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution My research teams leads this partnership. We have organised three training workshops for early career researchers from the partner centres. We have led the planning and co-ordination of data collection, analysis and write-up.
Collaborator Contribution The partners have collected qualitative data from groups of adolescents in their research settings, and processed the data. They have undertaken literature reviews, secondary data analyses and policy maker/stakeholder meetings.
Impact Training workshops (x3), data collection and analysis, manuscripts in preparation. Multi-disciplinary partnership (paediatrics, qualitative research, psychology, social science, nutrition)
Start Year 2017
Description DPRU Witwatersrand University, South Africa 
Organisation University of the Witwatersrand
Department School of Public Health
Country South Africa 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution My research teams leads this partnership. We have organised three training workshops for early career researchers from the partner centres. We have led the planning and co-ordination of data collection, analysis and write-up.
Collaborator Contribution The partners have collected qualitative data from groups of adolescents in their research settings, and processed the data. They have undertaken literature reviews, secondary data analyses and policy maker/stakeholder meetings.
Impact Training workshops (x3), data collection and analysis, manuscripts in preparation. Multi-disciplinary partnership (paediatrics, qualitative research, psychology, social science, nutrition)
Start Year 2017
Description Mumbai Maternal Nutrition Project 
Organisation Centre for the Study of Social Change
Country India 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Study design, research governance, epidemiological and statistical expertise. Epidemiological, statistical and nutritional expertise. Research governance.
Collaborator Contribution Expertise in community-based research, including interventions, in low income settings in a developing country. Fieldwork and data management.
Impact Publications 19292744, and Chopra H et al 2012. 25332324, 25677713, 27281802, 28251804 PhD studentships. Medical student and Masters research projects. Presentations at national and international conferences.
Start Year 2006
Description Mysore Parthenon Cohort Study 
Organisation Holdsworth Memorial Hospital, Mysore
Department Epidemiology Research Centre
Country India 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Epidemiological and statistical expertise, study design, training of field team, mentorship, interpretation of data.
Collaborator Contribution Day-to-day liaison with cohort, fieldwork, data management, and analysis and interpretation. Publications. Fellowship for Dr GV Krishnaveni
Impact Publications and conference presentations 16929411, 16929412, 17143606, 17640759, 1773682, 18285809, 19236724, 19430084, 19690580, 19707742, 19918007, 19946010, 20032815, 20090113, 20335637, 20614102, 20852257, 21166711, 21228264, 21682572, 21731039, 21924491, 21978208, 22318657, 22558399, 22751963, 22829248, 22895107, 23297873, 23819872, 23920141, 24098836, 24146284, 24162586, 24609067, 24866058, 24986282, 25052622, 25478935, 26575994, 27520466. Multi-disciplinary (Epidemiology, Nutrition, Psychiatry, Endocrinology, Paediatrics). PhD Dr GV Krishnaveni 2005; Wellcome Trust Intermediate fellowship Dr GV Krishnaveni 2011; PhD studentship Dr SR Veena 2011.
Start Year 2006
Description Pune Maternal Nutrition Study 
Organisation KEM Hospital Research Centre
Department Department of Diabetes
Country India 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Contributions to study design, fieldwork training and quality control, data management, analysis and interpretation.Epidemiological, statistical and nutritional expertise.
Collaborator Contribution Expertise in community-based research, including interventions, in rural and urban settings in a developing country. Day-to-day liaison with cohort subjects, fieldwork management, data management, analysis and interpretation.
Impact 16480528, 16735496, 17032446, 17116720, 17620450, 17653070, 17851649, 19005641, 19498084, 19636321, 19776185, 20090113, 20103791, 20216560, 20675085, 21682572, 21731039, 22109280, 22323413, 22829248, 22941936, 22941936, 22941936, 22323413, 23349157, 23757425, 23920141, 24162586, 24459167, 25052622, 26902699 Abstracts presented at major international meetings and published in peer-reviewed international journals. Multi-disciplinary study: diabetes, paediatrics, obstetrics, radiology, nutrition, epidemiology, statistics
Start Year 2006
Description Annual Indian DOHaD workshop 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact Scientific meeting of researchers from across India working in the DOHaD field
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description Annual Indian DOHaD workshop 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact Scientific meeting of researchers from across India working in the DOHaD field
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description Co-hosted Writing Weeks Shut Up and Write Weeks (PHJ) 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact Together with of members of the MRC (Dr Wendy Lawrence and Dr Sofia Strommer), I co-hosted four writing weeks (called Shut up and Write weeks) for post graduate students over the past year. This year, we expanded the participant group to include a colleague from the MRC Gambia. These weeks focus on carving out dedicated writing time. They are so important to those who take part, especially in the pandemic as it gives us an opportunity to support each other. We always have at least one session during the week that focusses on mental health.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020,2021
Description College visit 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Undergraduate students
Results and Impact Informal discussion about DOHaD with ~100 nutrition students at BMN College, Mumbai, India
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description Invited talk at British Nutrition Foundation, 27 February 2019 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Prof Caroline Fall met the Princess Royal at launch of a new book "Emerging risk factors for Cardiovascular Disease". The meeting heard findings of the new Task Force report from the BNG entitled Cardiovascular Disease: Diet, Nutrition and Emerging Risk Factors; 2nd Edition. The Princess Royal attended this event in her capacity as BNF Patron. Prof Fall, one of the experts involved in the Task Force, gave a talk entitled "Early life nutrition: the origins of cardiovascular disease".
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Invited talk: Biennial conference of the International DOHaD Society 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Invited talk: The TALENT Study (Transforming Adolescent Lives through Nutrition) at the DOHaD Society world congress
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Invited talk: Endocrine, nutrition, metabolism and cardiovascular seminar, Institute of Developmental Sciences, 26 March 2019 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Presentation "Early life origins of cardiometabolic disease: what have we learned in 25 years?
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Launch of Southampton India Centre, March 2019 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact A day of presentations of research in Southampton related to India; presentations from all departments of the university. Attended by Indian High Commissioner and his team, major grant donors, media, staff and students from all faculties, general public. Official launch of University of Southampton India Centre for Sustainable Growth and Innovation.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Newspaper article: Studies in Developing and Transitional Populations - Workshop on adolescent nutrition in India 
Form Of Engagement Activity A magazine, newsletter or online publication
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Two articles appeared in Indian newspapers following the workshop on adolescent nutrition run by Caroline Fall and her team
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description PL: University of Manchester Centre for Musculoskeletal Research 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Attendance at UK Research in Musculoskeletal Epidemiology conference. Several members of staff attended including Polly Langdon
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Presentation of international Teenager's Experiences of COVID-19 (TEC-19) Project. (PHJ) 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact Presented the international TEC-19 project that is being coordinated across UK, India, Ghana, Ethiopia, South Africa and Canada at a Regeneration and Recovery Virtual Networking event.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description SK: CHAT workshop 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact We held a workshop on a priority setting activity called Choosing Healthplans All Together for local project teams in Ghana, Burkina Faso and South Africa
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Southampton Team launches the Mind-Food-Space project in South Africa (MEB 2024) 
Form Of Engagement Activity A magazine, newsletter or online publication
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Southampton Team launches the Mind-Food-Space project in South Africa. This was reported in the Southampton Medicine News, Enews and Clinical Research, University of Southampton. Mary Barker from the University of Southampton and Shane Norris from Witwatersrand in South Africa have teamed up to establish the Mind-Food-Space project. Mary Barker was quoted as saying "We have an exciting opportunity here to work with young people in low resource settings to understand the way they experience the combination of mental and physical health problems. On the back of this understanding, our partners and young people in South Africa and Ethiopia will develop new primary care services to address a large and unmet need for adolescent health support".

This will be a study to gain insight into the interaction of context and nutrition and health of adolescents, as well as support the development of new interventions to assist young people to thriving in challenging, urban poor settings in the UK and Africa.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description Submission of evidence to the government call for evidence Titled 'Coronavirus: lessons learnt' and writing a policy brief. (PHJ) 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact Together with members of programme 6 (Prof Mary Barker and Dr Sofia Strommer), and a policy associate (Paul Muckolt) I assisted with the preparation of a document submitted to a call for evidence 'coronavirus: lessons learned' based on findings from the teenagers' experiences of COVID-19 project. We are also in the process of preparing a policy brief however, this is not yet completed.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Training workshop on qualitative research methods (data analysis) for early career researchers from India and sub-Saharan Africa 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact Second of three training workshops held under this award. Held in Johannesburg, South Africa. Topic: analysis of qualitative data.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Training workshop on qualitative research methods (data collection) for early career researchers from India and sub-Saharan Africa 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact First of three training workshops held under this award. Venue: BKL Walawalkar Hospital and Rural Medical College, Derwan, India. Topic: Qualitative research methods.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Training workshop on qualitative research methods (writing up) for early career researchers from India and sub-Saharan Africa 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact Third of three training workshops held under this award. Location: MRC LEU Southampton. Topic: writing up of qualitative research data.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description University of Southampton news (CHDF/MEB) 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Southampton researchers lead Lancet series in adolescent health and nutrition, article in University of Southampton Medicine News. Prof Caroline Fall was one of the authors in the first paper published in the Adolescent Nutrition 1. Norris SA, Frongillo EA, Black MM, Dong Y, Fall C, Lampl M et al. The Lancet 2022;399:172-84 )Nutrition in adolescent growth and development. Mary Barker, Polly Hardy-Johnson and Sofia Strommer were co authors of the second paper: Adolescent Nutrition 2. Food choice in transition: adolescent autonomy, agency, and the food environment. The Lancet 2022;399:185-97.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description Workshop on analysing and writing up qualitative methods for colleagues at the University of Agder (PHJ) 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact Together with members of programme 6 (Prof Mary Barker and Dr Sofia Strommer), I designed and delivered a workshop on qualitative research methods to both postgraduate students and researchers at the University of Agder in Norway. As a result of this workshop, several members have included us as authors on their papers as we continued to support their analysis and paper writing.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Writing Workshop for third year students from BMN college of Home Science, Mumbai. (PHJ) 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Undergraduate students
Results and Impact Designed and delivered a writing workshop for 13 undergraduate, third year students from Dr BMN college and two staff members. The students had each carried out a literature review and needed support in writing these reviews up as papers, with the hope of submitting them to a journal. The staff members were supported in writing up studies that they had carried out. The students prepared a rough draft of their papers in that week and are now preparing their papers for publication and I'll offer them some support for this throughout the rest of the process.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021