Identification and investigation of novel candidate genes for primary ciliary dyskinesia

Lead Research Organisation: University of Edinburgh
Department Name: Centre for Integrative Physiology


Almost every cell of your body has a thin, hair-like outgrowth called a cilium. Cilia can be thought of as the "cells' antennae", through which the cell gains sensory information about its environment. As such, the cilium performs sensory functions essential to the development and physiology of many organs, including kidney, nervous system, sense organs, bone and pancreas. In addition to their sensory functions, some types of cilia are capable of bending or beating and are involved in fluid movement. Such 'motile cilia' are found for example on cells lining the airways for mucus movement and the fallopian tubes for wafting a new egg towards the uterus. Moreover, sperm cells swim by means of a beating flagellum, which is essentially a long motile cilium. All these cilia move by means of banks of 'motor proteins' within them. Primary ciliary dyskinesia is an inherited disease in which cilia are immotile or only partially motile due to failure of these motor proteins. It is quite rare overall, but in some communities it can occur at a frequency of up to 1:2200 individuals. Most noticeable symptoms relate to difficulties in clearing mucus, leading for instance to frequent and damaging chest infections. Severe cases also have situs inversus - in which organ positioning is disrupted (e.g. the heart is no longer on the left side of the chest). If diagnosed early, then treatment can be effective (such as physiotherapy to clear lungs), but diagnosis is difficult and requires specialist techniques. Discovering the genetic causes of PCD will ultimately aid understanding of the disease, aid diagnosis, and potentially provide a route to therapy.

Mutations in many different genes cause PCD. Some mutations are in genes for the motor proteins themselves. However, in some 50-60% of PCD families the underlying gene defect has not been discovered. The question we are addressing is how to accelerate the discovery of PCD-causing gene mutations. Our strategy, unexpectedly, is to look at the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster. The fruit fly is easy to rear and to study. Sophisticated genetic and cellular approaches can be used to discover genes that are required for motile cilia in Drosophila. We shall examine the effect of disrupting the function of these genes. This is quite straightforward to achieve because in Drosophila, motile cilia are required for senses and sperm, and so flies with defective motile cilia are easy to spot through obvious sensory deficits and male infertility. For studies into cilium biology it is cost-effective and ethically more acceptable to use Drosophila than more complex organisms where possible. Our research therefore helps to satisfy the goal of reducing reliance on animal research.

Ease of gene discovery and analysis is not sufficient. Just as important is the fact that the molecular machinery of the cilium is completely conserved between insects and 'higher' animals. Therefore, genes discovered to be important for ciliary motility in Drosophila are likely to be important in humans too. As a corollary, the genes we discover in Drosophila are prime suspects to be mutated in cases of PCD. So, even though the fruit fly doesn't have lungs, it provides a perhaps surprising route to discovering the genetic causes of PCD.

On the basis of the evidence we obtain in Drosophila, our collaborators will screen for mutations of newly identified genes in a panel of PCD families. If gene variants are found in such families, they would be hypothesised to cause the PCD in those families. But this conclusion would require further experimental verification before it becomes proof. Some of this verification will come from further analysis of the mutant defects in Drosophila using a range of molecular and cellular techniques, in order to define what exactly is going wrong with the motile cilia.

Technical Summary

There is a need to identify the gene defects underlying Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia, a disease in which cilia have impaired motility. One approach is to sequence candidate motile cilia genes in PCD patients. Our recent discovery of the Drosophila transcription factor, Fd3F, and appreciation of its role in regulating the motile cilia gene expression programme provides an avenue for motile cilia gene discovery and validation using the power of Drosophila genetics. In Drosophila motile cilia are confined to sensory neurons (particularly auditory neurons) and sperm, so mutations causing loss of ciliary motility yield flies that are uncoordinated, deaf and male infertile. Their sensory neurons and sperm are readily accessible to structural and functional analysis.

We found that two novel Fd3F target genes (Zmynd10 and Heatr2) are required for motile cilia in Drosophila. Or collaborators then found PCD-associated mutations in their human orthologues. Our first aim is to analyse these two genes in Drosophila to provide functional validation to support the studies of the PCD-associated mutations by our collaborators. We shall examine cilium ultrastructure and look at the localisation of known motor proteins within the mutant sensory cilia and sperm. We shall investigate protein localisation through tagging and immunofluorescence.

Our second aim is to screen for further ciliary motility genes in Drosophila by gene expression profiling for Fd3F target genes and in vivo RNAi screening of these for motile ciliary defects. This will identify new candidate genes for subsequent analysis in PCD families by our collaborators. If homologous genes are indeed mutated in PCD families, then we shall again use Drosophila to provide supporting functional validation.

Planned Impact

Medical impact

The potential to identify new genes involved in genetic disease is highly important for people suffering from rare genetic diseases, since for a patient there is nothing worse that not knowing why he/she is sick. Even if this does not lead directly to healing, understanding the cause of a genetic disease represents significant changes in the lives of affected people. We envisage the impact to be (1) the discovery of new genetic mutations in PCD (2) the discovery of novel aspects of motile cilia biology hitherto unappreciated as potential causes of PCD (3) the potential to improve timely diagnosis of PCD, improving clinical outcome (4) in the long term, providing possible routes to therapy.

The main impact will therefore be for (1) PCD sufferers and their families (2) The PCD Family Support Group charity (3) Clinicians and other medical staff associated with PCD detection and management (in the UK, the national diagnostic centres for PCD), (4) Clinical researchers investigating the aetiology of PCD and its possible amelioration.

The research has potential impact for other diseases, such as ciliopathies in general and deafness. For example, genes we identify could be molecular targets for possible therapeutic intervention to prevent age-related cilium/hair cell degeneration. The ciliary motility defects we investigate also have clear implications for male infertility research, which is frequently due to poor sperm quality, including defective motility.

Drug companies may be interested in the targets identified in this research and in the screening techniques we develop during the project. For instance, our systems biology screening strategy (functional genomics, RNAi and PPI modelling) can be more generally applied to identify genes required for mechanosensory function, and therefore may be new therapeutic targets for deafness.

Other commercial impact

Insects are major pests of agriculture and are vectors of disease. Our research has potential benefits for agrochemical and insect control research. Insect mechanosensory cilium function is a known insecticide target and is a research interest of Syngenta. Discussions with Syngenta have suggested that the ciliary motility genes we discover are candidate molecular targets of these insecticides. Apart from cilia biology, our computational tools have attracted general interest, e.g. on request, we adapted our PPI tool for use in a fungal crop pathogen analysis being carried out at Rothampsted.

Low fertility due to poor sperm quality is a major problem in animal husbandry (e.g. the artificial insemination industry). In many cases sperm immotility is a key problem. Our research will illuminate the molecular mechanisms of sperm motility and provide candidate genes/proteins that could be targeted to improve sperm motility.


The named PDRA on this programme is highly experienced but will benefit from training in new techniques. In the course of this project, she will undertake training in electron microscopy (for which we request funds). This will maintain her employability at the bench, which is her wish. Moreover, she will expand supervisory skills by being directly responsible for the junior technician on this proposal, as well as PhD/undergraduate project students working on related projects. The technician post will likely be filled by a newly qualified graduate, who will gain valuable experience that may well be a stepping stone to a PhD position.

Public engagement

The wider public is likely to be interested in this research from several points of view. The use of an insect as a biomedical research tool with direct relevance to disease is a fascinating and unexpected concept to many, and it is essential to communicate this as an important aspect of MRC's support for NC3Rs (which works with scientists to refine, reduce and wherever possible replace the use of animals in research).


10 25 50
Description Building a molecular machine: analysis of co-chaperones for assembly of ciliary dynein motor complexes
Amount £428,356 (GBP)
Funding ID BB/S000801/1 
Organisation Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 12/2018 
End 08/2022
Description Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellowship
Amount € 183,455 (EUR)
Funding ID 794651 
Organisation European Commission H2020 
Sector Public
Country Belgium
Start 01/2019 
End 12/2020
Title Drosophila ciliopathy mutations and transgenes 
Description Mutations generated in Drosophila homologues of Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia candidate genes: Zmynd10, Heatr2, Wdr92, Ttc12, CG32006. Tagged protein expression stocks also generated. 
Type Of Material Model of mechanisms or symptoms - non-mammalian in vivo 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact These tools have enabled validation of these genes as candidates for the human disease. So far, two genes have now been confirmed as being associated with human Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia (Zmynd10 and Heatr2 both published). 
Description Ciliary genes in mouse 
Organisation Medical Research Council (MRC)
Department MRC Human Genetics Unit
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution We provide candidate ciliogenesis genes based on our research in Drosophila
Collaborator Contribution Our partners investigate the roles of these genes in mouse.
Impact Joint papers: Hall et al (2014); Diggle et al. (2014); Mali et al. (2019)
Start Year 2010
Description Drosophila auditory physiology 
Organisation University College London
Department Ear Institute
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution We have begun a joint research project in which we are investigating whether our ciliogenic genes (identified in MRC funded research) are required for maintenance of auditory function in Drosophila.
Collaborator Contribution Our partner, Joerg Albert, has special expertise in biophysical, electrophysiological, and genomic approaches to auditory reception in Drosophila.
Impact -
Start Year 2014
Description PCD gene discovery 
Organisation University College London
Department Centre for Molecular Medicine
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution We provide identity and experimental validation of candidate genes for PCD based on our research in Drosophila.
Collaborator Contribution Our collaborators look for mutations of our candidate genes in their cohort of PCD families.
Impact Papers published: Moore et al. (2013); Diggle et al. (2014)
Start Year 2012
Title New causative genes for PCD included in national genetic screening 
Description The outcomes of this project have indirectly contributed to a research gene panel for Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia in use via the genomics England project. Two new PCD-causative genes that we helped to identify are now routinely included in the gene panel used in genetic screening of PCD families, coordinated by our collaborator, Dr Hannah Mitchison (ZMYND10 and HEATR2). In addition, further candidate genes arising directly from our Drosophila model have also been included in the gene panel. 
Type Diagnostic Tool - Non-Imaging
Current Stage Of Development Small-scale adoption
Year Development Stage Completed 2017
Development Status Under active development/distribution
Impact Taking just ZMYND10, use of the gene panel has established that mutations in this gene explain 20% of PCD cases characterised by loss of both inner and outer dynein arms. Patient families have benefitted from confirmed genetic diagnosis. 
Description National Patient Support Group Meeting 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Patients, carers and/or patient groups
Results and Impact Annual patients/carers day for Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia held in Glasgow. Outcome was greater awareness of importance of fundamental research to understanding the disease. Many audience members met with speaker to discuss after talk, and feedback was very positive.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017,2018
Description Patient family visit 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an open day or visit at my research institution
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Patients, carers and/or patient groups
Results and Impact Two families with children affected by PCD requested to visit the Jarman lab, having heard that we work on fruit fly models of PCD. The visit raised awareness of the importance of fundamental biomedical research (not just clinical research) in the families, greatly inspired the affected children (8-16 years old) and their unaffected siblings to think about a future in biomedical science, and in return also gave the researchers (PhD students and postdoc) pause to think about the real world impact of their research on flies.

The families reported back their experience to the PCD patient support group enthusiastically (see URL below), and in response Jarman has been asked to speak at the inaugural Scottish PCD Family Support Group meeting in May 2017.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Patient group workshop 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an open day or visit at my research institution
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Patients, carers and/or patient groups
Results and Impact Scottish Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia Awareness Day held at Institute of Genetic and Molecular Medicine, University of Edinburgh. Attended by families from across Scotland, researchers and paediatric physicians. Families reported a great appreciation for contact with basic scientists and physicians.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018