Inspiring Careers in the Space Industry for Wales

Lead Research Organisation: AstroCymru (Wales)
Department Name: Education and Outreach


By providing weekly space related workshops that focus on careers in the space sector in Wales and to promote the work UKRI/STFC provide this project will aim to:

* Introduce more space related STEAM activities in regions of low/no science capital.
* Increase enjoyment and engagement in cross-curricular STEAM sessions using space as a context
* Raise participants aspirations in STEAM subjects
* Offer opportunities for the younger generations to participate in regular activities throughout the school holidays. Boredom is one of the major factors for anti-social behaviour in deprived communities, thus we aim to alleviate this with our weekly space-related activities.
* Bring communities together by providing opportunities for families and cross generations to socialise and interact through fun filled activities
* Raise awareness of various careers in the U.K. space industry focusing on STFC apprenticeships and facilities
* Raise awareness of Wales' contribution to the U.K space industry and Welsh companies involved in the space sector
* Promote first made-in-Wales satellite launch
* Provide art and craft resources, clothing items and food parcels to families in these high deprivation areas to help with the cost of living crisis that these families endure
* Provide highly entertaining, informative and engaging Planetarium and 3D space shows
* Create an exhibition of participants work that the community can have a sense of pride in

Planned Impact

Our AstroCymru Twitter, Facebook and Instagram page will be used to publicize the work pupils have produced through images and feedback as well as to advertise our project and promote STFC to not only a like-minded audience but also the general public.

AstroCymru regularly attends conferences such as NAM, IOP Wales events and the UKSA conference, and events held by Association of Science Education - Primary and the Primary Science Teachers Trust as well as being an ambassador for the Great Science Share yearly event.

This will allow us to disseminate the project to both the research and educational communities and along with Sarah Bridgland's links, to the Arts communities also.

Our previous STFC project was promoted at Interact Cardiff during a plenary speech delivered by Emma Wride. This promoted our project to other STFC grant holders, other grant funders and science communicators who attended.


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