New Frontiers in Particle Physics and Cosmology

Lead Research Organisation: University of Southampton
Department Name: Sch of Physics and Astronomy


Particle physics is the study of the fundamental building blocks of nature, how they interact and how they lead to what we observe from the smallest scales to the largest. The Standard Model (SM), which is built on quantum field theory (QFT), is an impressively accurate description of all data to date, from colliders to astronomical observations. Nevertheless, there are many aspects we do not understand from the pattern of particle masses to our lack of a quantum theory of gravity.

The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) has been accumulating huge amounts of data, and famously has discovered a Higgs-like particle. Over the next decade the LHC will have a major impact, possibly discovering new physics beyond the SM. So far the only evidence for such new physics is neutrino mass & mixing, which may yet shed light on the pattern of particle masses, strength of the four forces, abundance of matter over anti-matter in the universe, dark matter and dark energy. Upcoming experiments will shed further light on these questions. We have close links to the LHC through the NExT institute and will help experimenters discover new physics, by devising strategies for searches and interpreting the data, for example through our easy-to-use interface (HEPMDB) to supercomputers. A common thread is the violation of the combination of charge conjugation symmetry (C) and parity (P), which may be observed soon in new sectors leading to major breakthroughs. In order to be sure that we have found new physics we need exclude subtle effects of the SM, or help deduce it indirectly by observing small deviations from SM. The strong nuclear force (QCD) can make this difficult, but we have outstanding expertise in computing these effects using state-of-the-art supercomputers, such as the IBM BlueGene/Q.

It is important to continue to develop QFT, e.g. new tightly constrained theories have been found that become massless, at long or short distances. We use these to make better predictions of particle scattering and to better understand theories when mass is re-introduced or to work towards quantum gravity. The notion of "holography" has linked apparently very different systems such as QCD and Black Holes. We are developing it to learn more about a quantum gravity, and use gravity to study QCD including in extreme environments such as the cores of neutron stars.

Planned Impact

Who are likely to be interested in or will benefit from this research (directly or indirectly)?

1) IBM and other High Performance Computing manufacturers
2) Leading IT companies (e.g. IBM, Microsoft)
3) The commercial sector
4) Other areas of science (e.g. Biology, Medicine, Chemistry)
5) Schools
6) The wider public
7) Policy makers

How will they benefit from this research?

1) Our work in lattice QCD has a significant scientific pull on the development of massively parallel supercomputers; most recently the IBM BlueGene/Q series was co-designed by colleagues in the RBC--UKQCD Collaboration in which we work. This is bound to drive development of High Performance Computing more generally.
2) Our development of the HEPMDB web-interface to High Performance Clusters and potentially cloud computing allows people to take advantage of cluster computing without learning advanced computing methods for data processing. This is likely to be of interest to leading IT companies.
3) The developments in (1) and (2) could be of interest to the commercial sector that use High Performance Computing (e.g. weather forecasting, drug development, advanced engineering design, film and games industry, high finance etc). Half our PhD students leave to pursue careers outside academia, where the high-level analytical, computational and mathematical skills they have developed prove to be valuable. Since many settle in the UK this is a direct benefit to the economic competitiveness of the UK.
4) The developments in (1) and (2) will be of potential benefit to other areas of science that themselves have an impact (e.g. Medicine to Health). The DiGS software that was developed for UKQCD's QCDgrid distributed data storage, for example, has already been used by a cell biology research group for storing and accessing high-definition images.
5) The UK is currently not producing enough maths, physics and engineering graduates to meet demands from all sectors. Our public engagement programme includes particle physics masterclasses and interactive shows within schools, and aims to encourage more pupils to study physics in sixth form and at university. We are particularly targeting women and BME students, who are currently under-represented in physics.
6) Our research communicated through a very strong and active outreach programme has a strong benefit to culture of the nation. It would be fair to say that everybody has heard of the LHC, and the famous discovery of a Higgs-like particle, and many ask with enthusiasm for news updates. There is a strong sense of ownership and pride in the wider public over this endeavour.
7) Our group provides timely, independent and authoritative advice to UK and international decision makers including, for example, the Belgian government (through the Belgian research council FWO).

Importance and timescales?

It is widely recognised that it is of crucial importance that the UK position itself strongly in the high-added-value technologically advanced areas of the economy. The contributions described in (1) to (4) all work towards this. As stated the work has already had an impact on design of massively parallel supercomputers. The impact of our work on web-interfaces may take 5 to 10 years to realise. The highly trained PhD students that enter the market have an immediate impact and often over relatively short periods of time (10 years) climb to influential positions within their chosen sector. The UK sense of ownership and well-being flowing from the LHC research is happening now.


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Description Particle physics is the study of the fundamental building blocks of nature, how they interact and how they lead to what we observe from the smallest scales to the largest. The Standard Model (SM), which is built on quantum field theory (QFT), is an impressively accurate description of all data to date, from colliders to astronomical observations. Nevertheless, there are many aspects we do not understand from the pattern of particle masses to our lack of a quantum theory of gravity.

The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) has been accumulating huge amounts of data, and famously has discovered a Higgs-like particle. Over the next decade the LHC will have a major impact, possibly discovering new physics beyond the SM. So far the only evidence for such new physics is neutrino mass & mixing, which may yet shed light on the pattern of particle masses, strength of the four forces, abundance of matter over anti-matter in the universe, dark matter and dark energy. Upcoming experiments will shed further light on these questions. We have close links to the LHC through the NExT institute and will help experimenters discover new physics, by devising strategies for searches and interpreting the data, for example through our easy-to-use interface (HEPMDB) to supercomputers. A common thread is the violation of the combination of charge conjugation symmetry (C) and parity (P), which may be observed soon in new sectors leading to major breakthroughs. In order to be sure that we have found new physics we need exclude subtle effects of the SM, or help deduce it indirectly by observing small deviations from SM. The strong nuclear force (QCD) can make this difficult, but we have outstanding expertise in computing these effects using state-of-the-art supercomputers, such as the IBM BlueGene/Q.

It is important to continue to develop QFT, e.g. new tightly constrained theories have been found that become massless, at long or short distances. We use these to make better predictions of particle scattering and to better understand theories when mass is re-introduced or to work towards quantum gravity. The notion of "holography" has linked apparently very different systems such as QCD and Black Holes. We are developing it to learn more about a quantum gravity, and use gravity to study QCD including in extreme environments such as the cores of neutron stars.
Exploitation Route This is unclear
Sectors Other

Description Particle physics is the study of the fundamental building blocks of nature, how they interact and how they lead to what we observe from the smallest scales to the largest. The Standard Model (SM), which is built on quantum field theory (QFT), is an impressively accurate description of all data to date, from colliders to astronomical observations. Nevertheless, there are many aspects we do not understand from the pattern of particle masses to our lack of a quantum theory of gravity. The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) has been accumulating huge amounts of data, and famously has discovered a Higgs-like particle. Over the next decade the LHC will have a major impact, possibly discovering new physics beyond the SM. So far the only evidence for such new physics is neutrino mass & mixing, which may yet shed light on the pattern of particle masses, strength of the four forces, abundance of matter over anti-matter in the universe, dark matter and dark energy. Upcoming experiments will shed further light on these questions. We have close links to the LHC through the NExT institute and will help experimenters discover new physics, by devising strategies for searches and interpreting the data, for example through our easy-to-use interface (HEPMDB) to supercomputers. A common thread is the violation of the combination of charge conjugation symmetry (C) and parity (P), which may be observed soon in new sectors leading to major breakthroughs. In order to be sure that we have found new physics we need exclude subtle effects of the SM, or help deduce it indirectly by observing small deviations from SM. The strong nuclear force (QCD) can make this difficult, but we have outstanding expertise in computing these effects using state-of-the-art supercomputers, such as the IBM BlueGene/Q. It is important to continue to develop QFT, e.g. new tightly constrained theories have been found that become massless, at long or short distances. We use these to make better predictions of particle scattering and to better understand theories when mass is re-introduced or to work towards quantum gravity. The notion of "holography" has linked apparently very different systems such as QCD and Black Holes. We are developing it to learn more about a quantum gravity, and use gravity to study QCD including in extreme environments such as the cores of neutron stars.
Sector Other
Title Lattice dataset for the paper arXiv:2202.08795 "Simulating rare kaon decays using domain wall lattice QCD with physical light quark masses" 
Description Release for 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2022 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title Renormalisation of the energy-momentum tensor in three-dimensional scalar SU(N) theories using the Wilson flow -- data release 
Description This repository contains the lattice two-point function measurements required to reproduce the results of the paper "Renormalisation of the energy-momentum tensor in three-dimensional scalar SU(N) theories using the Wilson flow" ( The code required to perform the data analysis can be found in For any questions please get in touch: 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? Yes