Social, emotional and mental health profiles of children who stammer

Lead Research Organisation: University College London
Department Name: Language and Cognition


The PhD will entail an empirical study of the social, emotional, and behavioural well-being of children who stammer. Specifically, the study will involve designing and conducting a survey to document social, emotional and mental health profiles of children aged between 8 and 13 years old with a history of stammering. Experimental measures of emotion regulation, language and cognitive function will also be obtained from a smaller, more intensively sampled sub-group.

The purpose of the project will be
(1) To establish the prevalence and developmental profiles of social, emotional, and mental health profiles of a large sample of children aged 8-13 years of age with a history of stammering and
(2) To establish the specificity of these profiles to children who stammer by comparing these data to an existing cohort of children with other language and communication disorders and typically developing peers
(3) To develop a profile of risk to enhance early identification of children who stammer who may be at increased risk of adverse mental health outcomes.


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