How digital play enriches learning

Lead Research Organisation: Loughborough University
Department Name: Loughborough University in London


Pastore (2009) describes the library as a community space which serves to level social
inequalities whilst promoting community engagement and social connection, as people come
together both voluntarily and informally. With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, and an
increased reliance on online learning, we must consider how we can replicate this digitally at
the British Library, ensuring disadvantaged young people disproportionately affected by the
pandemic are purposefully and successfully reached.
I am interested in how digital play enriches learning by encouraging exploration while
enhancing participatory experience, and how we can ensure the British Library encourages
playful, collaborative, multisensory and experiential learning through their digital resources. I
propose to frame my research around Dede's (2005) categorisation of neomillennial learning
styles, which include an increased use of mobile devices, co-development of personalised
learning experiences, and an opportunity for collective reflection.


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