Ugandan Youth and Creative Writing: New Perspectives on Conflict and Development

Lead Research Organisation: University of Bristol
Department Name: School of Humanities


Since its independence in 1962, Uganda has been beset with a series of conflicts. Ranging from cross-border 'spillover' conflict from South Sudan and the Democratic Republic of Congo to the high-profile North/South conflict led by Kony's Lord's Resistance Army, these incidents of violence and terror have characterised Uganda's post-colonial history. Extant development studies suggest a link between deep-seated ethnic rivalries forged during the colonial era, uneven economic development, corruption in governance and the asymmetrical distribution of resources as key drivers of conflict in the country (Otunnu, 'Causes and Consequences of the War in Acholiland'; ACCS, 'Northern Uganda Conflict Analysis'). While the main brunt of conflict has been carried by the north, Uganda as a whole has been beset by its effects. Young people have been made particularly vulnerable, both in the high-profile cases of child recruitment in conflict, including the sexual trafficking of young women and girls, and in the overall effects of unemployment, instability and political conflict across the nation as a whole.

While a number of high-level studies, development analyses and policy recommendations exist in the Ugandan context, these by and large fail to escape the pitfalls associated with development discourse, particularly as it pertains to the African continent, with the result of disempowering local populations and de-centring the everyday experience of conflict and its afterlives. As James Ferguson ('Global Shadows') argues, the rhetorical and discursive apparatus around development cannot be decoupled from its material effects and, more often than not, inefficacy in practice (see also Escobar, 'Encountering Development'). These complaints have become commonplace in postcolonial approaches to African development, where the perceived distance between the lived experience of African populations and discursive theorisation about them has been blamed for the continuation of colonialist patterns of exploitation (eg Jolly, 'Global Development Goals: The United Nations Experience').

The proposed research is a pilot study which seeks to redress these pitfalls by developing interdisciplinary methods to enable new understandings of conflict, its legacies and its impact among youth populations, using creative writing as a tool for self-expression and empowerment. The proposed research seeks to enable the agency of Ugandan youth, whilst minimising the risks of trauma associated with testimonial narrative through the leveraging of imaginative forms. At the same time, creative fiction offers the possibility for imagining other lives and other minds, and thereby presents the best potential for the development of empathetic identification across communal groupings (Keen; Nussbaum).

This research exploits these characteristics, using youth-produced short fiction as the basis for teaching materials aimed at secondary-schools in Uganda which will use the empathetic potential of literary writing to develop cross-ethnic forms of solidarity and enable larger-scale dialogue around youth needs post-conflict. The research will also use these writings as critical discursive material which will enable a re-consideration of development needs in Uganda, uncovering the submerged narratives and impacts of conflict's legacy through the medium of expressive fiction. By re-centring young Ugandans as agents of knowledge production, this project foregrounds heretofore unheard voices and unseen development needs.

Partnering with Writivism, run by the Kampala-based Centre for African Cultural Excellence, and the Centre for African Studies at Uganda Martyrs University, the project will lead to significant local benefits including the development of: pedagogical material and educational practice; research capacity; co-produced knowledge exchange; increased networks of influence; new audiences; and vernacular interventions into high-level development policy.

Planned Impact

The proposed research has a large potential for impact amongst young people, the general public, secondary school educators, policy specialists, development NGOs and project partners Writivism, via the Centre for African Cultural Excellence.

The young people who participate in the two workshops will benefit from the writing skills which are imparted to them, leading both to the production of new narratives and to the development of self-empowerment through creative expression. By engaging creatively with the everyday experiences of post-conflict life, the young people will be able to develop their own agency, identifying their needs and concerns in the context of conflict's legacies, and will improve their communication skills. A selection of young people will be invited to participate in a public reading to be held in Kampala, which will be an opportunity for practicing public speaking and performance. The forms of self-expression which the project engenders have the potential to significantly benefit the welfare of these young people in Uganda. The Centre for African Studies at Uganda Martyrs University will ensure that the complex needs of these young participants are met, drawing on their expertise in conflict, development and ethics; the presence of a trained counsellor has also been budgeted for.

The general public, particularly in Uganda, will benefit from the dissemination of the creative writing produced at the two workshops, which has the potential to illuminate cross-generational needs, thereby improving cross-generational understanding and public welfare by setting the writing produced at the workshops against the longer history of discourse and policy around conflict in the country. Additional print copies of the creative writing will be distributed to a range of local libraries and schools in Uganda with the potential for wider distribution to other conflict and post-conflict zones.

Secondary school teachers in Uganda will benefit from the teaching materials which the project will produce. These will be freely available and distributed through the Centre for African Cultural Excellence, which runs regular school visits by writers and academics. Materials will also be disseminated by collaborators at the Centre for African Studies at Uganda Martyrs University.

Policy specialists, cultural NGOs and development organisations will benefit from the insights garnered through the analysis of the young people's writings in the larger context of discourse around conflict and development in Uganda. In particular, the everyday concerns, hidden narratives and impact of conflict's legacies which creative writing has the potential to embed might productively point to new understandings of post-conflict societal needs in Uganda, generationally-specific impacts and forms of self-understanding amongst the vulnerable youth populations who have grown up under conflict. This in turn has the potential to identify heretofore unrecognised needs for training and welfare amongst younger populations. These findings will be summarised in a short working paper, which will be circulated to cultural NGOs and development organisations working in Uganda. In addition to publication on the project website, the PI will consult with both project partners to collate a list of key contacts who will be sent a copy via email.

Writivism, run by the Centre for African Cultural Excellence, will benefit from the expansion of their already-existent writing workshops into youth and young adult populations, as well as their ability to expand their presence in northern Uganda. The project will also enable Writivism to widen their educational impact through a range of further school visits.

A project website will contain all project outputs and a blog featuring reflections by project collaborators and partners. While targeted specifically at key stakeholders in Uganda, the website is likely to be of interest more widely to the general public.


10 25 50
Title Odokonyero 
Description An anthology of creative writing on the theme of conflict by young Ugandan who participated in the workshops. Two editions have been published: a general market edition featuring 18 stories and a schools-only edition featuring 13. 
Type Of Art Creative Writing 
Year Produced 2018 
Impact The anthology has sold about 750 copies to date in total (this is an estimate - exact figures are pending), in addition to 250 school edition copies which were distributed free of charge. It has changed perceptions of contemporary Ugandan writing centred on and aimed at a Ugandan audience (according to reviews), and the schools edition has been credited with changing student perception of literary writing and their engagement with it. 
Description As anticipated, we discovered key findings around the use of creative methods for understanding grand social challenges; the use of creative writing and literary methods for educational attainment and the fostering of empathy; and the influence of creative methods on well-being and understanding in post-conflict contexts. In particular, out findings looked at how creative writing methods can increase the welfare of young people in Uganda, using the space of the workshop as an alternative civic public or community of practice. We further discovered how engagement with local literature, made by young people, can benefit students and improve their welfare as learners and potential writers. We further discovered how engagement with younger audiences can benefit our partner organisation, the Center for African Cultural Excellence, in developing capacity and new audiences and thereby becoming more sustainable.
Exploitation Route We are in the long, slow process of writing a best practices paper for other organisations interested in undertaking similar creative methods-based inquiries into social challenges. We also plan to distribute a policy paper to educators and NGOs.
Sectors Creative Economy


Description Educational policy impacts were achieved through the provision of a schools edition of the anthology with relate study guide, which teachers have reported as increasing student engagement and enabling them to devise new methods which combine language and soft skills, particularly inter-cultural empathy. Cultural impact has been achieved by the development of capacity for our partner organisation, the Center for African Cultural Excellence. The project has increased their network of secondary school contacts and collaborators, developed a secondary partnership between them and the Northern Uganda Media Club and has also contributed to increased audiences for their public events through the media and publicity generated by the project (especially the anthology publication). Economic impact has also been developed through the publication of the anthology which has economically benefited both CACE and our publishers, the South Africa-based Black Letter Media. Finally, societal and cultural impact has been achieved for the youth participants in the Ugandan writing workshops, as well as for the Ugandan mentors who worked with the participants for three months after the workshops. This impact comes through the generation of new work, the development of new cultural industry participants and opportunities for increased exposure and commissions.
Sector Creative Economy,Education
Impact Types Cultural



Policy & public services

Description educational practice
Geographic Reach Africa 
Policy Influence Type Influenced training of practitioners or researchers
Impact A study guide has been developed alongside the anthology. This focuses on both core skills (language skills, literacy, writing) and soft skills (intercultural empathy, communication). It has enabled social impact through a shift in the delivery of English language and literature education at the Senior 1 level and educational impact through its lesson plans and methods combining soft skills and language skills.
Description AHRC Follow on Funding for Impact and Engagement (GCRF Highlight Call): 'Creative Writing and Translation for Peace'
Amount £91,880 (GBP)
Funding ID AH/S005889/1 
Organisation Arts & Humanities Research Council (AHRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 02/2019 
End 01/2020
Description Arts Management and Literary Activism (AMLA) feasibility study and scoping exercise for literary translation and creative writing training provision in sub-Saharan Africa (Botswana, Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Senegal, Uganda, South Africa, Zimbabwe
Amount £48,642 (GBP)
Organisation University of Bristol 
Sector Academic/University
Country United Kingdom
Start 01/2018 
End 07/2018
Title coproduction 
Description The project has contributed to the development of coproductive knowledge development through collaborative research undertaken by academics and practitioners. This has in turn resulted in the development of a blended method which marries research with practice-based inquiry to harness new and/or undervalued forms of knowledge production around intellectual histories, with a particular benefit for practitioners working on the African continent. 
Type Of Material Improvements to research infrastructure 
Year Produced 2018 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact The most notable impact has been the production of knowledge which foregrounds modes of understanding and inquiry often-neglected in academic methods based in the global North and which re-centres practitioners in the global South as creators of knowledge. Most importantly, this enabled a string of new creative-critical collaborations to emerge, particular with Bakwa magazine (on the funded project 'Creative Writing and Translation for Peace'), Saraba, the Hargeysa International Book Fair (with whom the PI is co-producing workshops on academic writing and coproduction for early career scholars based in Africa to be held at the 2019 Hargeysa International Book Fair, drawing on experience for a similar workshop held with the Center for African Cultural Excellence and Writivism Festival in 2018) and Chimurenga. The insights on coproduction have further fed into the planning of a new creative writing school based in Nairobi, led by Mr Billy Kahora (Kwani Trust) and Dr Kate Haines Wallis (Exeter University). 
Title creative methods 
Description The project has contributed to the development of creative methodologies (creative writing) as a means of understanding social challenges and issues. 
Type Of Material Improvements to research infrastructure 
Year Produced 2017 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact New methods for investigating contemporary social issues in post-conflict contexts through the deployment of practice-based creative methods 
Description Africa Writes 
Organisation Royal African Society
Department Africa Writes
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution PI Krishnan worked with CI Ouma and network members to curate a panel at the 2018 Africa Writes festival on Small Magazines, Literary Networks and Self-Fashioning in Africa. The panel, which was delivered to a full room of ca 80 people and recorded for podcasting, sparked new collaborations between the Center for African Cultural Excellence, Bakwa and the Hargeysa Book Fair. The panel speakers were Kate Haines Wallis, Jama Musse Jama (founder of the Redsea Foundation, which runs the Hargeysa International Book Fair), Chris Ouma, Nancy Adimora (founder of AFREADA) and Dzekashu Macviban, of Bakwa. We also curated a session at the Africa Writes Bristol Pop Up in 2017 with Nigeria magazine Saraba. For the Ugandan Youth and Creative Writing Panel, PI Krishnan organised a panel delivered to an audience of 50 (and recorded for podcast) on Emerging Writing from Uganda, with Nick Makoha (one of the creative writing workshop facilitators), Maria Kakinda (one of the writers featured in the anthology) and Sumayee Lee (of Writivism and the Center for African Cultural Excellence).
Collaborator Contribution The partner organisation paid for speaker honoraria and managed the booking of accommodation for overseas speakers. They also provided a venue and publicity, as well as recording for the podcast.
Impact We continue to curate events for and with Africa Writes.
Start Year 2017
Description Center for African Cultural Excellence (CACE) 
Organisation Center for African Cultural Excellence
Country Uganda 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution My research has contributed directly to this collaboration by providing the background research on which the activities of the collaboration (creative writing workshops, the production of an anthology of writing by Ugandan youths and the production of related educational materials) have been designed. I contributed to the design and workplan of all collaborative activities and participated in the development of coproductive research methods based on practice and creative methodologies. I also led on the editorial process for the anthology.
Collaborator Contribution My collaborators contributed to the development of all activities, providing crucial locally-based knowledge. They utilised their in-country networks in Uganda to facilitate the development of a network of writers, mentors and educationalists; brokered a secondary partnership with the Northern Uganda Media Club; and led on the recruitment of young writers to both workshops and the organisational and logistical elements of the project. They also managed publicity, media relations and facilitated the co-production of knowledge and research methods.
Impact A number of outputs and outcomes have resulted including: two creative writing workshops (one week long each) in southern and northern Uganda; the development of a mentorship scheme for youth writers; the publication of an anthology of youth writing, published by Black Letter Media; a series of launch events in the UK and Uganda; the development of educational materials (a study guide), in partnership with a network of Ugandan educators and my research team; the drafting of academic papers; the drafting of a policy paper on creative writing and methods as a means of uncovering youth needs in post-conflict contexts.
Start Year 2016
Description Northern Uganda Media Club 
Organisation Northern Uganda Media Club
Country Uganda 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution The research team organised a creative writing workshop in Gulu Town, reaching twelve young writers and facilitated by Jennifer Makumbi. This included a public reading for workshop participants and Makumbi.
Collaborator Contribution Partners led on the call out for the workshop and advertisements for participants. The partners also secured the venue and local transportation/logistics, and liaised with local school sfor an educators' focus group
Impact There was a creative writing workshop and a public event.
Start Year 2017
Description Media appearances - Odokonyero 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact During the Odokonyero launch we ran a series of media events including appearances on Power FM, NTV and others (see schedule below). These appearances involved young writers from the project speaking about their experiences along with the convenors, and brought new light to contemporary Ugandan literature as a medium of expression and peace building. All audiences were Ugandan and all impact was in Uganda.

(all events in Kampala to national or city-wide audiences)
97 fm radio city - 1 may 2018 - 12 pm Uganda time
urban tv - 26 april
xfm - 27 April
power fm - 26 april
nbs youth show - SUNDAY (29 april)
British Council Creative Enterprises Forum 17 May
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Odokonyero Launch 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact The launch event for Odokonyero was held in April 2018 at the Square in Kampala, attended by about 200 people. It involved public readings, discussions and the sale of the anthology, as well as a session with school teachers. All benefits were in and for Ugandan attendees, including the participants, and local capacity was used and encouraged.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Schools visits - Odokonyero 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact During the Odokonyero launch we did a series of schools visits, meeting with students from four Kampala-based schools and educators from across the country. We held readings and discussions with students and worked with their writing clubs to encourage new writing from young people.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description creative writing workshops and launch 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact We held two creative writing workshops in Kampala and Gulu, respectively. These workshops each reached 12 participants between the ages of 18 and 30, which were led through intensive, full-time training in the craft of writing and written expression. Each workshop featured two further elements: a focus group with local secondary school teachers (40 teachers in total) and a public event, featuring a book launch and reading by each workshop facilitator (each of whom is a well-known Ugandan writer, Nick Makoha and Jennifer Makumbi - each had about 100 audience members). The youth participants were also invited to give their first-ever public readings at these events. Feedback from the creative writing workshops indicate a strong sense that participants' language and writing abilities were improved. Participants further indicated that the workshops have led them to wish to pursue careers in writing and creative industries, with some indicating that they sparked a desire to set up new creative publications and outlets. The feedback from the teachers' workshops indicated a shift in the way teachers approach the teaching of English language and literature, with a focus on the role of inter-cultural empathy and a desire to integrate contemporary material written and based locally. Finally, public event feedback indicated new understandings of the lived experience of young people in post-conflict Uganda. All engagement activities were held in Uganda with Ugandan audiences and participants.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017,2018