CAER Studio

Lead Research Organisation: CARDIFF UNIVERSITY
Department Name: Sch of History, Archaeology & Religion


The Cardiff suburbs of Caerau and Ely are vibrant communities full of creative talent. They are also communities with a remarkable heritage. From a Neolithic causewayed enclosure to twentieth century estates that were at the cutting edge of a social housing revolution; the rich heritage assets of this area encapsulate over 6,000 years of history. This concentration of remarkable heritage coupled with local creativity and talent represent wholly uncelebrated and undervalued community assets and a significant avenue for opportunity for communities that are facing serious social and economic challenges.

Caerau and Ely constitute the largest social housing estates in Wales. Despite strong community ties, the people that live there are burdened by significant social and economic deprivation, particularly high unemployment. Moreover, a disturbance in the summer of 1991 was publicized in the media as a 'riot' resulting in long lasting bad publicity that has given these communities a real stigma, particularly in the minds of residents of wider Cardiff and Wales.

CAER Studio builds on the award winning archaeological and historical co-research and artist-led co-productive methodologies and partnerships developed by the CAER Heritage project (CAER) over the past five years. To date, those methodologies have employed art and culture primarily to engage local people in archaeological and historical research. However, the CAER Studio will reverse the polarity of these methodologies by channelling the significant community interest and engagement in archaeology and history generated by CAER and employ it to involve community participants with a range of artistic and creative media.

In keeping with the ethos of CAER's community development partner ACE, the project will to take an asset based approach to arts, culture and heritage regeneration. Building on opportunities afforded by significant local heritage assets, community based arts and performance projects, vibrant social networks, a well-established timebank volunteer program and the skills of local people. CAER Studio will bring together artists, performers, residents, project volunteers, school pupils, teachers, development workers, academics and heritage professionals into a one year creative collective pursuing two principle project strands:

1. The CAER Collective: This will establish individual and collective aims and ambitions for a core cohort of local artists, developing strategies of entrepreneurial resilience and sustainability through mentoring, mutual support and nurturing talent. Inspired by archaeological and historical research into local heritage, this core collective will offer community-wide, inclusive opportunities for participation in arts and culture through a program of co-production workshops and activities - the ethos being that everyone can be a 'CAER Collective' artist. Through these strategies the CAER Collective will develop a range of 'creative products' based on or inspired by knowledge and artefacts from CAER's archaeological excavations and historical research projects, developing new skills, employment and social enterprise opportunities.
2. CBC: The CAER Broadcasting Company. The CAER collective will instigate a multi-channel broadcasting network, designed to challenge negative stereotypes and project a positive, vibrant representation of the communities of Caerau and Ely and their outstanding heritage. Targeting the general public of South Wales - CBC will co-ordinate an internet-based and social media PR campaign for the project duration. Instigated by a series of interactive art and writing workshops, CBC will explore the potential for beautiful, meaningful and powerful relationships between heritage and contemporary creativity through art, writing, film and music: in a variety of interconnected formats including a youtube channel, social media, performances and a newspaper.

Planned Impact

CAER's innovative approaches to research co-production have been nationally recognised. To date, the project has involved a myriad of non-HE partners (primary and secondary schools, community groups, youth workers, community development workers, local residents, artists, film makers, the National Museum of Wales, Glamorgan Archives etc.) alongside academics, undergraduates and postgraduates from a number of disciplines at Cardiff (history, archaeology, social sciences). A range of key strategies have been employed to ensure meaningful co-production and mutual benefit between the partners and participants. CAER Studio therefore draws on significant body of experience and tried and tested co-production strategies.

Over 2016, PI David Wyatt has been embedded in ACE developing a large Heritage Lottery Fund Heritage grant with local participants, community groups and institutions. The Hidden Hillfort project will involve local communities in researching, presenting and managing the remarkable monument of Caerau Hillfort. CAER STUDIO will be delivered in close synergy with the development phase of this transformative project: integrating arts, culture and local talent with heritage research to create a real buzz of confidence within the communities of Caerau and Ely while developing new life opportunities and employability skills for participants through:

Investing local people in heritage themed arts and culture, providing them with powerful media through which to showcase home grown talent and to encourage people from outside of Caerau and Ely to visit, rather than shun, this unique and vibrant area of Cardiff in synergy with the Hidden Hillfort project.

Addressing issues around exclusion from participation with arts and culture by engaging community participants with a range of creative media to address challenges and unfounded stigmas, leading to meaningful connections with arts and culture through valuing, developing and show-casing community talent and research.

Creative initiatives designed to break down barriers to education and employment for local adults and young people which incorporate accredited and non-accredited opportunities to develop new skills, enhance employability, educational progression and social enterprise opportunities through active participation arts and culture inspired by the co-produced research instigated by CAER Heritage.

Addressing issues of marginalisation and poverty working in collaboration with community partner ACE to significantly develop and enhance arts based community development, with community members as active participants, contributors and beneficiaries at all project stages.

Embedding CAER Studio into the local secondary school curriculum and co-creating an art installation for the reception area of the new build Cardiff West Community School (£30m project to be completed 2018) representing Caerau and Ely's rich heritage and cementing CAER's positive well established co-production research partnership with the school.

Building community confidence and social capital by challenging unfounded and negative stereotypes attributed to the communities of Caerau and Ely through community shaped 'creative products' and a media campaign (CBC) that promotes the area as an attractive heritage destination in synergy with with the HLF Hidden Hillfort Project.

Engaging a minimum of 20 local unemployed young people and adults and 30 local school pupils in heritage themed arts and culture initiatives, providing tangible social and economic benefits for participants through instigating sustainable arts and culture heritage themed social enterprise.

Enhancing and strengthening community partner ACE's co-production partnerships through the active engagement of new partners, and the consolidation and development of established institutional partnerships.

Helping all participating organisations to develop and enhance the skills and the commitment of staff.


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Davis, O., Horton, D, McCarthy, H. And Wyatt, D (2019) Heritage as community research: Legacies of co-production

Title .Short film by former CAER Studio local artist Charlotte about young people getting involved in creative heritage art & designing heritage play 
Description Short film by former CAER Studio local artist Charlotte about young people getting involved in creative heritage art & designing heritage play with her & community artist Nic at our Hidden Hillfort excavation open day 2019. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2019 
Impact Around 30 young people got involved in creative heritage art & designing heritage play at our excavation open day 2018 - learning about archaeology and heritage through creativity. 
Title A film co-produced by year 11 pupils facilitated by Cardiff University journalist to express findings from Policy Breakfast event. 
Description A film co-produced by year 11 pupils facilitated by Cardiff University journalist to express findings from Policy Breakfast event.This was produced at the event with young people filming and interviewing and reporting on participation in the event. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2019 
Impact The year 11 students learned new journalistic and film making skills. 
Title A piece of co-produced community artwork to express findings from Policy Breakfast event facilitated by former CAER Studio local artists Nicola and Becci. 
Description Incorporating food and lively debate, a Policy Breakfast event was organized in partnership with AHRC WW1 Engagement Centres programme (2014-2019), CAER Heritage and local community development workers, young people and teachers from Cardiff West Community High School and facilitated by a local artist, bringing together over 50 participants: pupils, parents and policy makers - including Mark Drakeford, the Welsh First Minister - in an equal and reciprocal co-production partnership that explored how to widen participation and progression to higher education through heritage. All participants helped co-create an art installation to express outcomes from the event. This was then displayed at a performace event at the Temple of Peace, Cardiff. 
Type Of Art Artwork 
Year Produced 2019 
Impact The policy breakfast and art work created a forum for co-production and intergenerational dialogue between politicians, University managers, heritage professionals, school teachers, community workers, young people and local residents. The Policy & Evidence Centre reported: "The event was a wonderful example of the ways in which researchers, institutions and policymakers might involve communities - including children and young adults - at different stages of planning, delivery and evaluation of their projects and programmes. The 'barriers down' dialogue between people from a range of backgrounds showed how universities and arts and cultural institutions can help communities explore their challenges - including through heritage. It enabled new networks, opportunities and policy directions as it offered a space for participants to discuss questions about accessibility, representation, diversity, inequality, education and skills - all of which are important to the arts and culture sector as well as to PEC's research agenda." 
Title Accessible Iron Age Puppet Film Tour co-created with local charity Cardiff People First 
Description Film designed, scripted and co-produced with people with learning disabilities from charity Cardiff People First and film maker Viv Thomas, puppets co-produced with the CAER Studio team. The film provides an accessible Iron Age Puppet tour of Caerau Hillfort for visitors who cannot currently access the monument. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2019 
Impact The projected cemented partnerships with Cardiff People First who will be embedded in the activity plan for CAER's HLF Hidden Hillfort Project. The film also contributed ideas and co-production strategies that were incorporated into the successful HLF grant application. The film provides an engaging resource for visitors and others who are interested in the archaeology of Caerau going forward. 
Title Artists Blog about CAER Heritage team's art activities at the National Play Day 2019 
Description Artists Blog about CAER Heritage team's art activities and performance at the National Play Day 2019 
Type Of Art Artefact (including digital) 
Year Produced 2019 
Impact Reveals the evidence of legacy of CAER Studio and ongoing creative work of the artist team including project co-ordinator Nicola Parsons who engaged with hundreds of young people at the National Play day. 
Title Artists' blog about heritage themed Imaginative Play workshop 
Description Imaginative play workshop at CAER Heritage excavation open day June 2019 which engaged over 60 adults and young people. 
Type Of Art Artefact (including digital) 
Year Produced 2019 
Impact Imaginative play workshop at CAER Heritage excavation open day June 2019 which engaged over 30 young people getting them to think creatively about heritage and to value it. Activities included imaginative play with giant 'heritage' Jenga, timeline stepping stones, 'story stones' and stickmen to encourage the creation and exploration of stories of times gone by at the hillfort - and a mud cafe to cook up Iron Age broths and potions! Former CAER Studio artist Nicola ran the activities alongside local Community artist Charlotte. 
Title CAER BC Youtube Channel 
Description As part of CAER Studio CAER fim-maker/ volunteer created a CAER Youtube channel which will host and showcase short online films about the project's research and activities. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2018 
Impact The Youtube channel which will host and showcase short online films about the project's research and activities going forward as part of the HLF Funded Hidden Hillfort Project. 
Title CAER Heritage Centre 6 Ages of Caerau Exhibition and Interpretation 
Description Adults and young people have worked with academics, heritage professionals and artists Geraint Ross Evans to co-create an exhibition about the 6,000 year heritage at Caerau. 
Type Of Art Artistic/Creative Exhibition 
Year Produced 2022 
Impact The exhibition included art work - a CAER tapestry - co-created by adult volunteers during art well being sessions as well as art and a film co-created by local young people as part of the Roman 'Diff Fusion project which was underpinned by a mission of social cohesion. Artefacts excavated during community excavations were exhibited along with co-created interpretation and stories from local participants of over a decade worth of archaeological co-research - bringing those discoveries together in an ongoing exhibition in the community centre for visitors and local participants to view, enjoy and take pride in. 
Title CAER Sketchbook Club based on CAER Studio Art commission by John Abell 
Description Former CAER Studio artist Nicola Parsons worked with ACE's Breaking the Mould group to develop sketchbook art inspired by CAER Studio artist commission produced by John Abell. 
Type Of Art Artistic/Creative Exhibition 
Year Produced 2020 
Impact Former CAER Studio artist Nicola Parsons worked with around 10 adult from ACE's Breaking the Mould group to develop sketchbook art inspired by CAER Studio artist commission produced by John Abell, this reinforced the strong legacy and link between CAER Studio and ACE's ongoing arts based community development activity. 
Title CAER Studio Art Prize for Cardiff West Community High 
Description On Friday 7th September CAER Studio artists Paul Evans and Nicola Parsons, along with CAER Heritage director Dave Wyatt, presented the CAER Studio Art Prize awards to students from Cardiff West Community High School at the morning assembly. 12 young people from years 8, 9 and 10 have worked with CAER Studio's Nicola Parsons and Kimberley Jones from ACE (Action for Caerau and Ely) to create art based on the heritage of Caerau and Ely. All of the young artists have been highly commended on the excellence of their work - which varied from highly detailed drawings to 3D dioramas! All of the participants received a prize-winners certificate and professional quality sketch book. The top prize winners also received box-sets of professional quality artist's materials from Jacksons Art in London. 
Type Of Art Artwork 
Year Produced 2018 
Impact All of the work produced for the CAER Studio Art Prize was displayed at special pop-up exhibition during the Youth Voice event at St Fagans National Museum of History | National Museum Wales on Saturday 27th October to hundreds of visitors. Prize Winner Eve was commended by Rt Hon Lord Daffyd Elis-Thomas AM, Welsh Minister for Culture. The Arts prize further cemented partnerships with Cardiff West Community High and artworks created will be displayed in the HLF Hidden Hillfort Centre once it is constructed. 
Title CAER Studio Christmas Exhibition/Stall City of Cardiff Christmas Market 
Description On 20th November the CAER Studio Christmas Market Stall opened to the public - this constituted an exhibition and a social enterprise pilot. On sale was our full range of CAER Studio products - brainstormed, designed and developed over the course of the year. This included our artists commissions: charming soft axes by Becci Booker, powerful ceramic pieces by Imogen Higgins and Dylan Sutton and the beautiful 'Iron Age Weave' by Nicola Parsons. Also on sale were a fantastic selection of lino-cut prints created by local people during our workshop with guest artist John Abell, 'Iron Age' finger puppets, terracotta 'Roundhouses for Bees and Bugs' by Dylan Sutton, and some charming little 'Roundhouse Tea Lights'. Along with CAER Studio artists the stall was manned by ACE staff, Cardiff University historians and community/university volunteers who gave out FREE copies of our special publication CAER Times - and engaged visitors in lively discussions about the amazingly rich archaeological and historical heritage of Caerau and Ely. 250 people visited the stall over 5 days to learn about the project and buy products. The stall was open for 5 days and during that time we had an astonishing response - over 230 people visited and we sold over £130 worth of stock! 
Type Of Art Artistic/Creative Exhibition 
Year Produced 2018 
Impact The stall showcased CAER Studio and CAER Heritage to significant new audiences in Cardiff City Centre promoting the talent and heritage of Caerau and Ely to hundreds of new vistitors. It piloted new strategies for developing heritage themed social enterprise that will be developed through the £200k Moondance Foundation Grant going over 2019-2022.A joint stall is already planned for the market in 2019 working in partnership with Cardiff University's Community Gateway Project. 
Title CAER Studio Exhibition at Youth Voice Event St Fagans, National History Museum 
Description 27th October: CAER Studio Art at Youth Voice Event. All 12 entries to the CAER Art Prize were displayed at St Fagans National Museum of History | National Museum Wales as part of the fantastic Youth Voice event. Eve Callard, winner of first prize, helped CAER Studio Director Paul Evans and the artist John Abell to curate the show, directing the final stages of hanging the exhibition. Eve also attended the event on Saturday 27th October where she received lots of praise for her winning painting and met Minister for Culture Dafydd Elis-Thomas. The Youth Voice event was co-curated and delivered by young people, working with cultural bodies including Amgueddfa Cymru-National Museum Wales, Arts Council Wales, Cadw, Literature Wales and others. Youth Voice movingly demonstrated the powerful impact that actively designing and participating in cultural and heritage events, exhibitions, and projects can have. 
Type Of Art Artistic/Creative Exhibition 
Year Produced 2018 
Impact Dr Martin Hulland, Head Teacher, Cardiff West Community High Stated: 'The involvement of 60 students from Cardiff West Community High School and pupils from four partner primary schools supported the transition to their new school site and created a sense of ownership and pride - instantly connecting the new school to the area's rich heritage. Both the heritage themed art installation and the CAER Studio art prize initiatives further cemented CAER Heritage's partnership with Cardiff West Community High school and directly contributed to the embedding of the project in curriculum design and also physically within the new build school with a CAER Heritage suite. Furthermore, the CAER Studio art prize and the co-production of the heritage themed art installation accomplished a significant amount in terms of engaging pupils with ideas around heritage, history and legacy. Students demonstrated an understanding of what heritage means and were able to relate this to their own lives and learn about local history, specifically Caerau hillfort. There was a sense of achievement which students wanted to share with their friends. The variety of activities enabled students to try out more than one new skill, meaning more opportunities for self-development. Recognition of art prize winners, both through prize presentation at the school and exhibitions of their work at the Youth Voice event at the National Museum of Wales, increased confidence and fostered a sense of pride and creative accomplishment.' 
Title CAER Studio Web Page and Blog 
Description CAER Studio Web page was created to showcase the work of CAER artists and provide a digital social enterprise outlet. 
Type Of Art Artefact (including digital) 
Year Produced 2018 
Impact The Web page will inform and provide an ongoing platform for CAER's heritage themed social enterprise initiatives with ongoing funding provided by a Moondance Foundation grant. 
Title CAER Studio development of a series of 10 creatively co-produced art objects and craft items derived from 6 artists commissions inspired by the history and heritage of the community of Caerau and Ely in South West Cardiff. 
Description CAER Studio has instigated an artistic collective of 6 local artists, a film maker and creative volunteers who have created a portfolio of sale-able products and artwork including: soft play Neolithic Axe (local artist Becci Holmes), ceramics modelled on Bronze Age Axe heads (Imogen Higgins), ceramic Iron Age roundhouse bee/bird houses and a triptych (Dylan Sutton), Iron-Age Themed textiles (Nicola Parsons), poster art by Charlotte Taylor and prints, key-rings, puppets and ceramic jewelry made by community participants. 
Type Of Art Artefact (including digital) 
Year Produced 2018 
Impact The development of heritage art based social enterprise that has informed successful grant capture that will, in turn, sustain and develop these initiatives through community partner Action in Caerau and Ely (HLF £829k, Moondance Foundation £200k). The development of new networks and partnerships between local artists and development workers which will also be sustained through these grants. The generation of income for ACE and local artists through sale of products. 
Title CAER Times one-off broadsheet newspaper 
Description CAER Times was a one off accessible broadsheet newspaper showcasing the art and talent of local artists on the CAER Studio project as well as information research and images about CAER Heritage research and project initiatives. The newspaper was co-produced by local artists and creative people with Cardiff's Centre for Community Journalism. 
Type Of Art Artefact (including digital) 
Year Produced 2018 
Impact 10,000 copies of CAER Times were printed - almost 5000 of these have been distributed to local homes and via local schools promoting project activities and understanding of heritage and CAER research to people in Caerau and Ely on a scale not previously possible. 
Title Co-produced art installation to celebrate 10 years of CAER Heritage 
Description The installation, developed by Creative Cardiff and the Caerau and Ely Rediscovering (CAER) Heritage Project, tells the story of a decade-long programme of community initiatives delivered in partnership by Cardiff University, Action in Caerau and Ely (ACE),schools, local artists and creative people, residents and heritage partners. On display at the Hidden Hillfort Community Heritage Centre, which was opened by First Minister Mark Drakeford in September, the celebratory artworks portray the key figures who have each played a part in the project's decade of success across ten decorative panels. Designed by local artist Nic Parsons, the installation incorporates drawings made by local community members and school children from Cardiff West High School. Portraits sketched by Nic, fellow artists Paul Kenneth Evans and Bill Taylor-Beales, and a poem by Sue Hamblen also feature. 
Type Of Art Artwork 
Year Produced 2021 
Impact CAER Heritage wouldn't exist without the hard work, dedication, passion and talent of all the local people involved and there have been literally thousands of people - of all ages - who've contributed over the years. To recognise the contributions of a few of them in such a creative way is very much in tune with our project which has always involved art and imagination to explore the past. Not only that, local people have had the opportunity to learn illustration skills and techniques from our project artists Nic and Paul and have their work featured within the final piece too. This type of co-creation is the cornerstone of CAER Heritage. The installation is permanently on display at the entrance to the new CAER Heritage Community Centre. 
Title Co-produced permanent art installation at new build Cardiff West Community High School themed on heritage of Caerau and Ely 
Description Working with mosaic artist Andrew Heath and CAER Studio artists Becci Booker and Imogen Higgins and Paul Evans, 60 pupils from Hywel Dda, Trelai, Pencaerau and Millbank primary schools - along with two groups of young people from Cardiff West Community High school (CWCH) - created individual mosaics at CWCH on Michaelston Road over three days in November 2018. The mosaics are all informed by a personal understanding of heritage - some of the young people decided to use the examples of Iron Age a 
Type Of Art Artwork 
Year Produced 2019 
Impact Dr Martin Hulland, Head Teacher, Cardiff West Community High Stated: 'The involvement of 60 students from Cardiff West Community High School and pupils from four partner primary schools supported the transition to their new school site and created a sense of ownership and pride - instantly connecting the new school to the area's rich heritage. Both the heritage themed art installation and the CAER Studio art prize initiatives further cemented CAER Heritage's partnership with Cardiff West Co 
Title Co-production of Virtual Reality experience at Caerau based on archaeological research. 
Description Co-production of Virtual Reality experience at Caerau based on archaeological research.This is being co-produced with VR company Digichemistry and local young people. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2019 
Impact 6 local young people took a short VR free course. They visited Caerau hillfort and intereacted with excavated artefacts with Cardiff University academics to learn about archaeology and their prehistoric heritage, they then created performances which were incorporated into the Iron Age VR experience working with VR digital professionals learning new technical skills and media opportunities for the young people. This initiative will in turn feed into the production of an accessible VR experience at Caerau's Hidden Hillfort Heritage Centre which will be constructed in 2020. 
Title Creating New Pasts and New Futures - Digital Flip Book 
Description A digital flip book to celebrate the tenth birthday of CAER Heritage project reflecting on how much creative people have contributed to the collective discovery of Caerau and Ely's past - both facilitating and celebrating that discovery every step of the way. 
Type Of Art Artefact (including digital) 
Year Produced 2021 
Impact This flip book contributed to partnership building and co-production that resulted in the co-creation of a permanent art installation at the CAER Heritage Community Centre in Caerau. 
Title Creative performance celebrating heritage and talent of young people from Cardiff West Community High at AHRC WW1 Engagement Centre Festival, Cardiff 
Description Creative performance celebrating heritage and talent of young people from Cardiff West Community High at AHRC WW1 Engagement Centre Festival in the Temple of Peace Cardiff delivered in partnership with CAER Heritage team as part of Policy Breakfast and Resival day. 
Type Of Art Performance (Music, Dance, Drama, etc) 
Year Produced 2019 
Impact Opportunity for 30 young people from Cardiff West Community High expressive arts group to perform for an international audience of academics and heritage professionals at Cardiff's beautiful Temple of Peace challenging negative sterotypes about their communities. 
Title Film interview with Mark Drakeford Welsh First Minister by CAER Film Maker Viv Thomas 
Description Film interview with Mark Drakeford Welsh First Minister by CAER Film Maker Viv Thomas at Policy Breakfast event. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2019 
Impact Film interview with Mark Drakeford Welsh First Minister by CAER Film Maker Viv Thomas at Policy Breakfast event. Provides clear indication of political support for CAER Heritage 
Title Free accredited Live Local Learn Local creative writing course to co-produce Virtual Reality script at Caerau based on archaeological research. 
Description Free accredited Live Local Learn Local creative writing course to co-produce Virtual Reality script at Caerau based on archaeological research.Delivered in partnership with First Campus and Digichemistry. 
Type Of Art Creative Writing 
Year Produced 2020 
Impact Free accredited Live Local Learn Local creative writing course to co-produce Virtual Reality script at Caerau based on archaeological research.Delivered in partnership with First Campus and Digichemistry. Attended by 8 adult learners 
Title Hidden Hillfort Downloadable Activity Booklet For Children 
Description Co created by CAER Heritage community artist Nic Parsons (formerly CAER Studio) with ACE Art group this activity booklet contains art and creative activities for children to engage with the 5 ages of Caerau hillfort. 
Type Of Art Artefact (including digital) 
Year Produced 2020 
Impact Conceptually the activity booklet pilots interpretation strategies for the Hidden Hillfort Heritage Centre which will open in September 2021. The Booklet was designed for children and adults to engage with heritage activities during the Covid-19 pandemic and lockdowns. It supported CAER Heritages broader Big Dig activities during the 2020 lockdown. 
Title Hidden Histories of Ely and Caerau - temporary exhibition Cardiff Story Museum and accredited adult learners course 
Description In collaboration with CAER Heritage, a recent six-week course, Hidden Histories of Caerau and Ely was established by Cardiff University's innovative Live Local Learn Local programme which delivers free accredited courses in communities facing social and economic challenges. CAER Heritage have embedded a whole range of these courses into our activities over the past 5 years, including archaeological field work, post excavation analysis and exploring the modern history of the area. This course was taken up enthusiastically by five members of the community along with several participants from further afield too, opening up new friendships and networks. They all had a rare opportunity to visit the vaults of the National Museum of Wales guided by Evan, the senior curator of archaeology at the Museum, and to get valuable training in designing and executing museum exhibitions with Jordan, the learning and outreach officer at The Cardiff Story Museum. The participants chose a selection of exciting artefacts that have been found in Caerau and Ely, from the Neolithic to the Middle Ages, each one sparking something in their imagination.The opportunities to visit the vaults of the National Museum of Wales, Cardiff, meet with heritage professionals and Cardiff University academics and to receive bespoke training in designing exhibitions at The Cardiff Story Museum were particular highlights. Many participants were already interested in history in general: one was experienced in research but had never looked at artefacts in detail before, preferring to visit sites - he was excited to rise to the challenge of researching materials and the use of individual artefacts. Another, who was already interested in the Middle Ages chose the bridle boss because it was such a decorative, tactile piece, and it fascinated her. Other participants merged their hobbies with their research: one chose the Roman mortarium sherd - described as a kind of Roman food processor - because of her love of cookery. Finding an everyday kitchen object from the Roman Villa in Ely, where she used to play as a child, really inspired her. As with all previous CAER Heritage Live Local Learn Local courses, through their efforts the participants not only learned new skills they also created new knowledge. Their research on the objects and their respective time periods was featured in a week-long exhibition at the Cardiff Story Museum over the October half-term 2018. 
Type Of Art Artistic/Creative Exhibition 
Year Produced 2018 
Impact The exhibition at the Cardiff Story was viewed by 1,500 visitors in a week promoting both the heritage of Caerau and Ely and the talent of local people to new audiences and challenging stigmas. 4 participants have been involved in co-production workshops for the Hidden Hillfort Heritage Centre and remain engaged with the CAER Heritage project as volunteers. Participants have also commented on the positive impact of the course and exhibition for developing new skills, expanding social networks and improving health and well being. Partnerships and strategies piloted for this exhibition will be further developed over the course of the HLF Hidden Hillfort project. The exhibition received positive news coverage in the regional media. 
Title Iron Age Playground Design with Local People 
Description Fun learning through a series of play field trips with around 15 adults and young people from community group Unity to generate design ideas for a heritage themed playground at Caerau. 
Type Of Art Artefact (including digital) 
Year Produced 2019 
Impact For the CAER Heritage Project, staff team, the relationship with the current residents of Caerau Hillfort and the surrounding area is just as important as its historic occupants. The immediate area, Church Road, is home not only to incredible history and archaeology but also an active and thriving community group, Unity. Our relationship with the group has gone from strength to strength with us spending every Wednesday this summer holiday working together on a very important aspect of the Hidden Hillfort project, the heritage themed playground. 
Title Large-scale projection event Cardiff City Centre 
Description To showcase the talent and creativity of local artists and the heritage of Caerau and Ely we staged a large scale projection event - projecting images, films and artwork relating to CAER Studio outputs and CAER Heritage research onto the side of the Cardiff Story Museum on 6th December 2018. 
Type Of Art Artistic/Creative Exhibition 
Year Produced 2018 
Impact This event brought the heritage and talent of Caerau and Ely into the heart of Cardiff City - unveiling a positive story for these communities and reaching new audiences. 
Title Love our Hillfort Logo Competition 
Description The CAER artist team are running a love our hillfort logo competition to create a logo for the new Love our Hillfort community group. Entries have been submitted by schools, young people and adults. The logo competition began in 2019 but the deadline has been extended and will be decided in summer 2020. 
Type Of Art Artwork 
Year Produced 2020 
Impact The competition has invested a wide range of partcipants in the co-creation of an identity for the new community Love our Hillfort group which will care for the monument and local heritage. 
Title Poem and Film about the Heritage of Caerau and Ely inspired by local mural.Poem by Sue Hamblin, Film By Viv Thomas. 
Description Local poet Sue Hamblin was commissioned by CAER Studio to create a poem about the heritage of Caerau and Ely inspired by a local mural. The funds for this commission were provided by City of Cardiff Council Education authority who were due to demolish the wall on which the mural was painted. The project manager of the new build school became aware of the CAER Collective and funded the commission for this work. The poem , film and a series of photographs by Viv Thomas are intended to preserve the mural art - which was created by local young people some years ago - for posterity. 
Type Of Art Creative Writing 
Year Produced 2019 
Impact New partnerships were created between the film maker, poet, education authority and the CAER Team. The heritage mural will be preserved and images incorporated into the new build Cardiff West Community High school. 
Title Recital performance of CAER studio commissioned poem about the heritage of Caerau and Ely performed at CAER Heritage excavation open day July 2019 
Description Performance of CAER studio commissioned poem about the heritage of Caerau and Ely performed at CAER Heritage excavation open day July 2019 
Type Of Art Performance (Music, Dance, Drama, etc) 
Year Produced 2019 
Impact Performed at the hillfort to an audience of aroud 40 local people and visitors, many were visibly moved. 
Title Roman 'Diff Fusion 
Description The CAER Roman 'Diff Fusion project saw a collective of young people from Cardiff West Community High School and Fitzalan High School coming together over the autumn of 2022 for a series of weekly discovery activities exploring the history and archaeology that's just on their doorsteps. Sessions have included a trip with special access to explore artefacts from Ely's Roman 2000 year-old villa, excavated nearly 100 years ago and now stored in museum archives, along with co-creating temporary art installations at Ely's Roman Villa and Cardiff Castle, experimental archaeology activities such as making Roman cosmetics at the CAER Centre and a heritage video game designing jam at Grange Pavilion. Using these experiences as inspiration, the young people have worked with two project artists Geraint Ross Evans and Nic Parsons commissioned to co-create this film, plus an exhibition about their time travelling creative journey. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2022 
Impact The project and film created friendships and built social cohesion between young people from communities where there have been traditionally tensions among young people. The project legacies include plans to create an ongoing inter-community youth forum. The project also instigated new ties and ongoing partnership working between participating schools, youth workers and Cardiff University civic mission projects. 
Title Roman 'diff Fusion Puppet Show and Film Screening 
Description The CAER Roman 'Diff Fusion project saw a collective of young people from Cardiff West Community High School and Fitzalan High School coming together over the autumn of 2022 for a series of weekly discovery activities exploring the history and archaeology that's just on their doorsteps. Sessions have included a trip with special access to explore artefacts from Ely's Roman 2000 year-old villa, excavated nearly 100 years ago and now stored in museum archives, along with co-creating temporary art installations at Ely's Roman Villa and Cardiff Castle, experimental archaeology activities such as making Roman cosmetics at the CAER Centre and a heritage video game designing jam at Grange Pavilion. The project culminated in a puppet show and film screening by the young people delivered to an audience of 30 local people and volunteers in December 2022. The art work and instillation produced was also incorporated into the CAER Heritage Centre - 6 Ages of Caerau Exhibition Launch. 
Type Of Art Performance (Music, Dance, Drama, etc) 
Year Produced 2022 
Impact The project and film created friendships and built social cohesion between young people from communities where there have been traditionally tensions among young people. The project legacies include plans to create an ongoing inter-community youth forum. The project also instigated new ties and ongoing partnership working between participating schools, youth workers and Cardiff University civic mission projects. 
Title Sand sculpture of Caerau Hillfort, Whitmore Bay Beach on Barry Island Beach 
Description On Saturday 11th August CAER Studio artists joined forces with the Guerrilla Archaeology collective - and 5 volunteers - to create a huge scale model of Caerau hillfort, on the beach, in sand Featuring as part of the Barry Island 'Storytelling Weekender', we began work early, as soon as the tide allowed, measuring out the site and creating a scale drawing of the hillfort's outline in the sand. Other members of the team helped distribute copies of the 'CAER Times' newspaper to 47 passers-by and visitors to the beach. 
Type Of Art Artwork 
Year Produced 2018 
Impact Engaged with 47 people in a new location and created as positive news story for Caerau and Ely Heritage promoted by Cardiff University. 
Title Shooting Star over Caerau Hillfort Lino Cut Print by artist John Abell 
Description Internationally famous artist John Abell originally from Ely produced an art print for the CAER Times newspaper centrefold inspired by CAER Heritage research. 
Type Of Art Artwork 
Year Produced 2018 
Impact John Abell worked alongside and inspired local artists and participants to create similar prints which were sold at the CAER Studio Christmas stall. John also stated that taking part in the project has made him want to get further involved in community based arts practice, particularly in relation to CAER Heritage. 
Title Short Film made during 2019 excavation about CAER Heritage's Hidden Hillfort Project funded by National Lottery Heritage Fund. 
Description Short Film made during 2019 excavation about CAER Heritage's Hidden Hillfort Project funded by National Lottery Heritage Fund. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2019 
Impact Film has 1,961 views promoting the project and our co-production strategies. 
Title Short Film made during 2019 excavation about CAER Heritage's community development activity inc. widening access to degrees during the dig featuring art activities developed by CAER Studio 
Description Short Film made during 2019 excavation about CAER Heritage's community development activity during the dig featuring art activities developed by CAER Studio 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2019 
Impact Film had 999 views and details progression of adult learner and dig volunteer Martin onto a degree in archaeology at Cardiff University. 
Title Short video of CAER art installation launch event 
Description Short video of CAER art installation launch event made by CAER lead local artist Nic Parsons 
Type Of Art Artefact (including digital) 
Year Produced 2021 
Impact Promotes both new CAER Heritage Community Centre and artwork. Celebrates community co-creation for participants. 
Title Tour of Caerau Hillfort Film co-produced with Digichemistry and Year 8 pupils from Cardiff West Community High School 
Description Tour of Caerau Hillfort Film co-produced with film company Digichemistry and Year 8 pupils from Cardiff West Community High School who presented, filmed and directed the film. The film features CAER Heritage research knowledge and an engaging tour of the hillfort undertaken by a class of 30 year 5 pupils from Windsor Clive Primary School. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2019 
Impact The film acted as an excellent transition activity with Cardiff West year 8 pupils interacting with year 5 pupils from partner primary school Windsor Clive who will soon progress to their new school. The year 8s learned technical and presentation skills in film making - working alongside a professional fim maker. The film production further cemented partnership working with local schools and film/ VR company Digichemistry. It provides a resource for CAER Heritage knowledge transfer and the Hidden Hillfort HLF interpretation going forward. 
Title Treasures of Trelai Exhibition 
Description Art co-created with the community inspired by artefacts excavated from Bronze Age Round house during community dig. The exhibition went on show at the CAER Heritage Centre in November 2023. The exhibition was co-ordinated by former CAER Studio Artist Nicola Parsons. 
Type Of Art Artistic/Creative Exhibition 
Year Produced 2023 
Impact Political support, First Minister for Wales Attended the event Positive media coverage for communities Well being for participants Widening Participation to Higher Education 
Title Two Ages of Caerau - Animated Film co-produced with community groups Breaking the Mould and Cardiff People First and community artist Charlotte Granjon 
Description Two Ages of Caerau - Animated Film representing life at Iron Age and Medieval Caerau co-produced with community groups Breaking the Mould and Cardiff People First and by CAER studio community artist Charlotte Granjon 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2019 
Impact Well being and learning opportunity for participants of community groups Breaking the Mould and Cardiff People First including adults with learning disabilities. 
Description • The project developed and piloted new engagement strategies for arts-based heritage co-production and social enterprise that were embedded within a major HLF funding grant constituting a significant project legacy.
• Social science and evaluative feedback have indicated that the arts based strategies employed by the project impacted positively on both the health and well being of participants, this points to the need for further evidence based research into these impacts.
• The project developed capacity, expertise and resources for developing heritage themed social enterprise providing new ideas and partnerships for this direction going forward, several new social enterprise initiatives and funding applications arising from this project are already underway (e.g. recreating 3D models of ancient artefacts in chocolate, heritage themed beer production).
• That arts and culture activities and the involvement of creative people and artists don't simply enhance co-production - they are essential and integral to it.
• That stalls at Christmas Markets are an excellent platform for undertaking engagement.
Exploitation Route Please see above and the Impact Narrative section - we have much to share in terms of ideas and expertise. CAER Studio has been the subject of a recent (submitted 2020) social sciences PG research dissertation by Jade Jenkins, Cardiff University on 'Using heritage to understand the past and creating art to contribute to the future: A case study of a community regeneration project in Wales', Jade is proposing to develop this into a PhD project 2021-23 in collaboration with ACE/CAER Heritage and her supervisor Professor Bella Dicks from School of Social Sciences, Cardiff.

CAER Studio has also inspired a new arts/creative partnership with Creative Cardiff - a network which connects people working in any creative organisation, business or job in the Cardiff region, see Nicola Parsons formerly co-ordinator on CAER Studio (and now community artist on Hidden Hillfort Heritage Project) is leading on this partnership with CAER artistic director also involved in developing networks with Creative Cardiff.
Sectors Communities and Social Services/Policy


Leisure Activities

including Sports

Recreation and Tourism



Museums and Collections

Description Project Impact Overview The CAER Studio team delivered 29 events and activities attended by 1,012 participants/visitors and involving 54 community volunteers. Activities included creative art, poetry, script writing, film-making and experimental archaeology. They included heritage print making, Iron Age puppet shows and puppet creation, Iron Age pendant/jewellery making, creating Iron Age round house models, sand sculpture of Caerau hillfort, willow working and plate making, Iron age weaving, creating Iron Age replicas, creating Iron Age postcards, poetry workshops and short films. The CAER team created 10 heritage themed art products and generated £235 in income which went directly to the artists or in the case of small community volunteer products contributed to Action in Caerau and Ely's activities - piloting heritage themed social enterprise which will be developed through successful HLF and Moondance Foundation grant capture. The CAER team created 4 major temporary and permanent art installations including a permanent installation at Cardiff West Community High School, temporary installations included a projection event in Cardiff City Centre, a sand sculpture installation on Barry Island beach and a young peoples art exhibition at St Fagans National History Museum. The CAER Studio team have produced a web page, a blog, 2 short films and established a CAER BC Youtube channel. The project worked with a total of 12 organisations/partners including 6 local schools. Impact on ACE Dave Horton, Community Development Manager at Action in Caerau and Ely stated: 'ACE has identified the nurture of local untapped creative talent as a key aim for the organisation. With this in mind, they have been seeking to build a team of professional artists with both creative and relational/co-production skills, and to work with these artists to engage increasing numbers of local people in developing a range of artistic skills. The CAER Studio project has made a major contribution to this agenda, enabling increased involvement of artists, further integration with a key ACE project (CAER Heritage) and increased numbers of participants. A range of new skills have been nurtured and are now being put to use to improve the immediate environment of the Dusty Forge community centre and its grounds for the enjoyment of hundreds of community members and participants in ACEs work though the installation of new art work. ACE's work attracts a broad section of the local community. In particular, it has proven very successful at engaging those with varying levels of mental health difficulties and those with learning difficulties. The organisation's arts activities have proved to have great therapeutic value, to increase inclusion and participation and to improve mental health, confidence and wellbeing. The CAER Studio project has increased these outcomes significantly and enabled members of a marginalised and disadvantaged community to explore and celebrate an alternative community narrative based on local historical research. The CAER Studio project has come at the perfect time for ACE and Cardiff University, falling during the development stage of a major funding application to the Heritage Lottery Fund for the CAER Hidden Hillfort project, a community regeneration project with huge potential for local social, economic and environmental transformation. CAER Studio has enabled ACE to work with increasing numbers of local participants to ensure that creative, artistic activity plays a fundamental and central role in proposals for the project. This has strengthened the bid significantly, supporting successful applications for essential match funding and contributing to a successful final stage application to the HLF. CAER Studio project has helped lay strong foundations for ACE's ongoing community arts work, allowing them to continue employing artists and a Community Arts Co-ordinator (funded by the Arts Council Wales) and to host ongoing, regular arts workshops with a dedicated group of local artists this has contributed to them winning the Welsh Charity Award for hriving Charity 2019. Impact on artists Social Science academic Dr Ellie Byrne interviewed the local artists and film maker about the their involvement in the CAER Studio Project. They described CAER Studio as 'adding a source of inspiration for workshops, and pointing us in a different direction'. They described how they had worked with other artists and archaeologists, and that they were used to being thrown into all kinds of situations and having to get on with it. Participants agreed that they were excited by something new, and that they had generally never done much with history and heritage before - they valued working alongside academics in this context. It was nice to do something different to 'the norm'. There was some discussion of the benefits of participatory arts activity. One artist in particular felt strongly that there are un-measurable impacts on health, wellbeing and skills development resulting from creative activity for community participants. Also that participating in tactile activities such as willow weaving and archaeological digs gives people an 'outlet', a way of dealing with their 'issues', and coping with everyday life. He described it as a 'chance to get out of their head' The artists all felt that their own commissioned work was their favourite part of the project; it was nice to have a brief that was more open, get back into the studio, and explore ideas of history that were new to them. Reproducing and selling their work was described as 'a fab opportunity for me', and that it is 'not often you get paid for doing your own work'. They also felt they learned a lot from other artists involved in the project. Other aspects of the project described as their most enjoyable included the Christmas market, schools workshops, mum's workshops and the informal links made with other artists which enabled work to take place. Where workshops were spread over a number of weeks, it was felt this worked better than having one stand-alone workshop. There was a strong sense that participants wanted CAER Studio to continue in some format, and that it would be a shame to lose the momentum the project had gathered so far. Despite the challenges, they all wanted to continue to be involved, and reported enjoying the work. The former CAER Studio artists continue to develop community activities and create artwork as part of the CAER Hidden Hillfort and Breaking the Mould projects, this includes fim, animation, play days, heritage playground design an artwork - please see updated Creative Outputs section. Impact on Partner Schools Dr Martin Hulland, Head Teacher, Cardiff West Community High Stated: 'The involvement of 60 students from Cardiff West Community High School and pupils from four partner primary schools supported the transition to their new school site and created a sense of ownership and pride - instantly connecting the new school to the area's rich heritage. Both the heritage themed art installation and the CAER Studio art prize initiatives further cemented CAER Heritage's partnership with Cardiff West Community High school and directly contributed to the embedding of the project in curriculum design and also physically within the new build school with a CAER Heritage suite. Furthermore, the CAER Studio art prize and the co-production of the heritage themed art installation accomplished a significant amount in terms of engaging pupils with ideas around heritage, history and legacy. Students demonstrated an understanding of what heritage means and were able to relate this to their own lives and learn about local history, specifically Caerau hillfort. There was a sense of achievement which students wanted to share with their friends. The variety of activities enabled students to try out more than one new skill, meaning more opportunities for self-development. Recognition of art prize winners, both through prize presentation at the school and exhibitions of their work at the Youth Voice event at the National Museum of Wales, increased confidence and fostered a sense of pride and creative accomplishment.' Impact on CAER Heritage's HLF Hidden Hillfort Project CAER Studio piloted strategies for engaging local people in the co-design and co-production of the Hidden Hillfort interpretation plans. The Project acted as a sister project of the HLF funded Hidden Hillfort development phase, significantly contributing to success in securing delivery phase grant capture of £829k. The development of the CAER Collective, a cohort of local artists, enabled the project to hold workshops and events over 2018 at which local people came along and got creative, whilst developing new skills and learning more about the history of their community. Activities such as pendant making, ceramics, weaving, poetry, puppet making were inspired and focused on the history and heritage of the Hidden Hillfort. CAER Studio therefore piloted the approaches the Hidden Hillfort will adopt when co-designing and co-producing interpretation for the path network, heritage centre and exhibitions. Findings and ideas developed during CAER Studio's grant term were embedded within the HLF delivery phase proposals. This included the HLF Activity Plan, Interpretation Plan and Business Plan with roles for both Paul Evans as creative director and CAER Studio co-ordinator Nicola Parsons embedded within the 3 year deliver phase 2019-2022 - thereby securing a tangible and sustainable legacy for CAER Studio activities. CAER Studio has inspired an arts/creative partnership in 2021 with Creative Cardiff - a network which connects people working in any creative organisation, business or job in the Cardiff region, see Nicola Parsons formerly co-ordinator on CAER Studio (and now community artist on Hidden Hillfort Heritage Project) is leading on this partnership with CAER artistic director also involved in developing networks with Creative Cardiff. Creative Cardiff have contributed £2k in funding to co-produce an art installation for the Hidden Hillfort Heritage Centre with local artists and community creatives. Impact on School of History, Archaeology and Religion at Cardiff University The CAER Studio project contributed to the development of a proposal by project PI Dave Wyatt to embed Live project teaching within teaching and learning strategies at Cardiff University's School of History, Archaeology and Religion (SHARE). From 2019, Wyatt will undertake a 3 year program to embed live project teaching across SHARE's curricuulum and to foster a holistic approach to teaching, research, civic mission and employability through teaching innovations that aim to ensure that every SHARE undergraduate and postgraduate student will undertake some form of community engagement placement or employability opportunity relating to SHARE's heritage, community and schools partnership projects by 2021. This will include the development and delivery of a team-taught 20 credit school wide MA module 'Heritage, Public Engagement and Community Action' that involves students in delivering creative project activities and events that are of benefit to the communities of Caerau and Ely in synergy with CAER Studio activities and working with a range of partners including Cardiff West Community High School, Action in Caerau and Ely (ACE), Cardiff Story Museum, Amgueddfa Cymru - National Museum of Wales and the Glamorgan Archives. Impact on PG researchers CAER Studio has been the subject of a recent (submitted 2020) social sciences PG research dissertation by Jade Jenkins, Cardiff University on 'Using heritage to understand the past and creating art to contribute to the future: A case study of a community regeneration project in Wales', Jade has now developed this into a PhD project 2021-23 in collaboration with ACE/CAER Heritage and her supervisor Professor Bella Dicks from School of Social Sciences, Cardiff - she is currently embedded in the CAER volunteer team and is undertaking field research. CAER Studio expertise and strategies informed the recently successful AHRC Funded CAER Connected grant which will connect communities and creative people at 3 hillfort community locations in Caerau, Penparcau and Oswestry. Former CAER Studio artists Nic Parsons and Paul Evans were also involved in co-creating an art installation at the new CAER Heritage Centre that celebrates 10 years of the project.
First Year Of Impact 2013
Sector Creative Economy,Education,Leisure Activities, including Sports, Recreation and Tourism,Culture, Heritage, Museums and Collections
Impact Types Cultural



Policy & public services

Description CAER Heritage Team invited to present to National Lottery Heritage Fund Wales on our project's award winning Covid-19 response 17/9/20
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Influenced training of practitioners or researchers
Description CAER cited HEFCW's 2018 Innovation Nation Civic Mission Policy Report as an example of excellent practice in university innovation and collaboration
Geographic Reach Local/Municipal/Regional 
Policy Influence Type Citation in other policy documents
Description Dr Oliver Davis invited to present to AHRC Connected Communities Symposium on our project's award winning Covid-19 response 12/2/21
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Influenced training of practitioners or researchers
Description Informing and developing KS3 curriculum
Geographic Reach Local/Municipal/Regional 
Policy Influence Type Influenced training of practitioners or researchers
Impact The CAER Heritage team are currently embedding research into a range of KS3 curricula in the school and are implementing scholarships for a minimum of 4 local pupils. The team are working with teachers to inform innovative practice and develop progression across educational institutions from primary schools to HE through research co-production; breaking down barriers to HE and taking research led teaching into secondary school contexts.
Description Policy Breakfast attended by Mark Drakeford, First Minister for Wales in partnership with AHRC Voices of War and Peace Festivals
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Participation in a guidance/advisory committee
Description Additional Funding for Hidden Hillfort Heritage Centre Staffing
Amount £20,000 (GBP)
Organisation The Moondance Foundation 
Sector Charity/Non Profit
Country United Kingdom
Start 11/2021 
End 03/2023
Description Being Human Festival
Amount £850 (GBP)
Organisation Being Human Festival 
Sector Charity/Non Profit
Start 07/2023 
End 11/2023
Description Building Communities Seedcorn award
Amount £800 (GBP)
Organisation Cardiff University 
Sector Academic/University
Country United Kingdom
Start 05/2022 
End 05/2023
Description CAER Community Excavation and activities
Amount £500 (GBP)
Organisation Prehistoric Society 
Sector Learned Society
Country United Kingdom
Start 03/2023 
End 03/2024
Description CAER Connected
Amount £24,106 (GBP)
Funding ID AH/W00268X/1 
Organisation Arts & Humanities Research Council (AHRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 09/2021 
End 07/2022
Description CAER Heritage Sustainability Funding
Amount £279,693 (GBP)
Organisation Cardiff University 
Sector Academic/University
Country United Kingdom
Start 09/2023 
End 10/2026
Description CAER Time Travelling Fun Day - Summer of Smiles funding for young people events
Amount £4,817 (GBP)
Organisation Cardiff Council 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 04/2021 
End 08/2021
Description Council of the City and County of Cardiff Funding to record heritage mural and create film and image
Amount £1,000 (GBP)
Organisation Cardiff Council 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 03/2018 
End 03/2019
Description Creative Cardiff Hidden Hillfort Co-produced art installation
Amount £2,000 (GBP)
Organisation Cardiff University 
Sector Academic/University
Country United Kingdom
Start 01/2021 
End 09/2021
Description Curiosity Project: a 3 year youth project to develop archaeological exploration & experimentation through STEM subjects and est. youth group & open access after school club - employs 3 part-time posts at ACE
Amount £120,000 (GBP)
Organisation BBC Children in Need 
Sector Charity/Non Profit
Country United Kingdom
Start 11/2019 
End 11/2022
Description Hidden Hillfort Project Delivery Phase
Amount £829,000 (GBP)
Organisation Heritage Lottery Fund 
Sector Charity/Non Profit
Country United Kingdom
Start 05/2019 
End 04/2022
Description Impact Evaluation Funds for 2018 Excavation and activities inc. social science fieldwork
Amount £2,000 (GBP)
Organisation Cardiff University 
Sector Academic/University
Country United Kingdom
Start 05/2019 
End 09/2019
Description Innovation for All Funding
Amount £15,973 (GBP)
Organisation Cardiff University 
Sector Academic/University
Country United Kingdom
Start 03/2022 
End 12/2022
Description Moondance Foundation funding for CAER community development officer post and other CAER activities
Amount £200,000 (GBP)
Organisation The Moondance Foundation 
Sector Charity/Non Profit
Country United Kingdom
Start 11/2018 
End 11/2022
Description Remodelling the Village - artist commission to develop exploration of social housing as heritage linked to impact evaluation of CAER Project
Amount £1,200 (GBP)
Organisation Cardiff University 
Sector Academic/University
Country United Kingdom
Start 06/2019 
End 07/2020
Description Revealing the Ramparts Cardiff University: - Grant to invinvolve 2 undergraduates in the post-excavation of 2019 Caerau excavation and create teaching resources for schools (£ 2258; 2019 - 2019)
Amount £2,258 (GBP)
Organisation Cardiff University 
Sector Academic/University
Country United Kingdom
Start 04/2019 
End 09/2019
Description Studentship Placement Grant to involve 2 undergraduates in the co-creation of team-taught 30 credit module 'Sharing the Past' that will involve creating and delivering events for CAER Hertiage
Amount £2,258 (GBP)
Organisation Cardiff University 
Sector Academic/University
Country United Kingdom
Start 03/2019 
End 09/2019
Description Wales and West Housng Association
Amount £70,000 (GBP)
Organisation Wales & West Housing Association 
Sector Charity/Non Profit
Country United Kingdom
Start 03/2019 
End 04/2021
Description Action in Caerau and Ely 
Organisation Action in Caerau and Ely
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution Oliver Davis is an early career archaeologist and CAER Project co-ordinator. Olly completed his Ph.D. on Iron Age settlement and society in southern Britain, with a particular focus on hillforts and smaller defended settlements, in 2010. He is also the founder and co-director of the CAER Heritage Project and was embedded in community organisation Action Caerau and Ely for 2 days a week between April 2013 and April 2014, building partnerships and developing and co-ordinating the CAER project initiatives. The CAER project has grown from relatively humble beginnings in 2011 to become one of the key community projects of community partner organisation Action Caerau Ely (ACE).
Collaborator Contribution ACE is a community based organisation which aims to support the social, economic and environmental regeneration of Ely and Caerau. ACE staff have worked with the university staff, every step of the way, to plan the development of the CAER Project; providing access to a network of local community groups enabling the involvement of local residents in Project activities. ACE have facilitated further funding grant successes (e.g. HLF All Our Stories) and have ensured the CAER Heritage project is integrated into, and benefits from, 'Timeplace' (Ely and Caerau's timebank). The involvement and commitment of these various community organisations has ensured the Project's future beyond existing funding streams and is enabling activities to continue 'on the ground' while further funding grants are secured.
Impact ACE staff have worked with the university staff, every step of the way, to plan the development of the CAER Project; providing access to a network of local community groups enabling the involvement of local residents in Project activities. ACE have facilitated further funding grant successes (e.g. HLF All Our Stories) and have ensured the CAER Heritage project is integrated into, and benefits from, 'Timeplace' (Ely and Caerau's timebank). The involvement and commitment of these various community organisations has ensured the Project's future beyond existing funding streams and is enabling activities to continue 'on the ground' while further funding grants are secured. ACE have been involved in almost all CAER project initiatives and the outcomes and outputs from this fruitful collaborative partnership are so manifold that there is not space to record them here. They include Tribal Logos Project, Churchyard Detectives, extensive involvement in 2 Digging Caerau Community Excavations, the establishment of Friends of Caerau Community group and HEART of Cardiff Heritage Trails to mention a few.
Start Year 2013
Description Cardiff Council 
Organisation Cardiff Council
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution CAER project has worked in partnership with a number of Council Departments including Parks Services and Bereavement Services. This has involved consultation meetings, attendance at CAER community meetings, delivering heritage walks, facilitating clearance work and litter picking as well as Council staff being active participants in the co-creation of the heritage trails with local residents and young people. Cardiff Council are formal partners of the Heritage Lottery Funded Hidden Hillfort Project, Council representatives attend all management steering group meetings. The Council contributes significant match funding in kind to the project in terms of staff contributions on the heritage trails, site management and Love our Hillfort volunteer groups. The Council also proposes to contribute significant time and resources to the development of the heritage themed playground at the site to be constructed in 2020 (which links to CAER Studio as local artists from that project are involved in co-design work).
Collaborator Contribution CAER project has worked in partnership with a number of Council Departments including Parks Services and Bereavement Services. This has involved consultation meetings, attendance at CAER community meetings, delivering heritage walks, facilitating clearance work and litter picking as well as Council staff being active participants in the co-creation of the heritage trails with local residents and young people.
Impact Cardiff Council Parks Division have been involved in heritage trail clearance for both the All our Stories Project and HEART of Cardiff Heritage trails working with local people to clear overgrown vegetation and collect litter. Council Parks professionals have also worked closely with the CAER team and volunteers in relation to monument conservation relating specifically to the community excavations at the Caerau site.
Start Year 2013
Description Cardiff West Community High School 
Organisation Cardiff West Community High School
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Cardiff West Community High School replaced the Western Federation secondary schools (Michaelston Community College and Glyn Derw High School) which have been longstanding partners of the CAER Heritage Project. The new £36m school has been completed on the Glyn Derw site.Head teacher Martin Hulland sits on the management team of the CAER Hidden Hillfort project facilitating close collaboration with the school's management team. The CAER Heritage team are currently embedding research into a range of KS3 curricula in the school and are implementing scholarships for a minimum of 4 local pupils. Pupils have been involved in co-producing plans for the new Hidden Hillfort Heritage Centre. The creation of heritage themed bee gardens and excavation of an Iron Age site adjacent to the school are also planned for 2019.
Collaborator Contribution Martin Hulland sits on the management team of CAER's successful HLF Hidden Hillfort project. The new build school includes a CAER Heritage suite in the post-16 block for 3 years where a range of research and outreach activities will take place. The School is working in partnership with the CAER Team to embed CAER Heritage research in the KS3 curriculum going forward, with £30k match funding in staff time given over to this from the school. An art installation representing the rich heritage of Caerau and Ely was installed in the learning suite produced by the CAER Studio project. A further art project to record a local heritage mural and produce a film about this was funded by the local education authority and involved CAER Studio artists.
Impact Curriculum development Art installations Museum exhibitions See CAER Heritage and CAER Studio Blogs
Start Year 2016
Description First Campus, University of South Wales 
Organisation University of South Wales
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution First Campus Co-ordinator Jane Ellis worked with DigiChemistry and the CAER team to undertake co-production workshops with local pupils to develop ideas for the HLF Funded Hidden Hillfort interpretation, they are contributing £12k in match to that creation as part of the Hidden Hillfort development.
Collaborator Contribution First Campus Co-ordinator Jane Ellis worked with DigiChemistry and the CAER team to undertake co-production workshops with local pupils to develop ideas for the HLF Funded Hidden Hillfort interpretation, they are contributing £12k in match to that creation.
Impact Match funding contribution to develop VR Interpretation.
Start Year 2018
Description Museum of Cardiff 
Organisation Cardiff Story
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The museum has hosted a number of CAER project events and temporary exhibitions and has contributed significant staff expertise. Regular meetings take place between museum manager Victoria Rogers sits on the steering group of the HLF funded Hidden Hillfort Project. The Museum is a key partner on the HLF funded Hidden Hillfort Project and will have a funded 1 year post commencing 2019 to develop interpretation at the site.
Collaborator Contribution Opening to the public in April 2011, the Museum is the hub for Cardiff's heritage and culture. It is a community and cultural venue, a location that celebrates Cardiff's heritage for tourists and visitors to the city, and a place that encourages active citizenship and active engagement with the area's history. The museum has hosted a number of CAER project events and temporary exhibitions and has contributed significant staff expertise. Museum staff have also contributed to funding bid preparation for Digging Caerau and HEART of Cardiff Projects and also contribited to workshops with Ely's Healthy, Wealthy Wise community group workshops as part of the heritage trail creation.
Impact The Cardiff Story Museum hosted the CAER exhibition co-produced with local school pupils in February 2013, this featured in the AHRC film. The then heritage minister, Huw Lewis, opened the exhibition at Cardiff Story and also launched Digging Caerau, with the exhibition remaining on display at the museum for 4 weeks. Participating pupils and teachers from the respective schools attended all of these exhibition launches and teacher feedback has highlighted the benefits in terms of pupil enskilment and confidence building. It is estimated that over 500 visitors viewed the exhibition significantly raising the profile of community talent and heritage assets in Caerau and Ely within the wider Cardiff context. CHURCHYARD Detectives Project (November 2012) 30 year 9 pupils from Glyn Derw High took part in this history/archaeology project which focussed on the modern historical context of the Caerau locality. Pupils were initially involved in fieldwork noting inscriptions from graves in St Mary's Church on Caerau Hillfort. Following this they undertook research with historians and archivists at the Glamorgan Archives, reconstructing the lives of those buried there in the 19th and early 20th centuries. From this research they produced project work and performative presentations which were delivered at the Cardiff Story event in February 2013. This project was embedded in Glyn Derw's Literacy and Numeracy curriculum for that class, a first for the CAER Project. The strategy of embedding co-produced research within the secondary school curriculum has subsequently been employed successfully within other CAER project activities; it has proved very effective in terms of cementing a close partnership with participating schools, enhancing project development and outputs and breaking down barriers to HE. Travel Back to the Iron Age @Cardiff Story week of family activities (February, 2013) In conjunction with the CAER exhibition at the Cardiff Story Museum, the CAER team, including 15 undergraduate volunteers, delivered a week of lunchtime family interactive activities during half-term February 2013 themed on the exhibition and the Iron Age in Cardiff. The museum estimates that 200 visiting parents and children from the Cardiff locality participated in these activities alone and highlighted that many of these visitors were first time visitors to the museum. This initiative also developed employability skills and provided networking opportunities for our undergraduate students. The Museum has co-produced and hosted two further temporary exhibitions: Dusty's First World War 2016 viewed by 3.5k visitors over 2 months and Hidden Histories of Ely 2018 viewed by 1.5k visitors over 2 weeks.
Start Year 2013
Description Parent Power Project 
Organisation Brilliant Club
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution Facilitated contact with community partners ACE and Cardiff West Community High. Co-establishing and attending event and working with Parent Power going forward in conjunction with CAER Scholarships programme.
Collaborator Contribution Hosting an event for parents in the community with our partners at ACE with ongoing support.
Impact Instigated by the Brilliant Club with Cardiff University the Parent Power Project will work with parents from approx 10 families in Ely and Caerau to establish peer support networks to break down barriers to Higher Education- this initiative dovetails with the CAER scholarships which have progressed 3 local young people on to degrees in Cardiff University in 2021.
Start Year 2021
Description Engagement activities and Co-production are embedded into all activities on the CAER Heritage Project across the 4 grants. 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Engagement activities and Co-production are embedded into all activities on the CAER Heritage Project across the 3 grants. It is therefore not feasible to list them all individually within the context of this Research Fish submission page and a number of the question categories above are not appropriate to these CAER engagements which are co-productive and not dissemination to 'audiences'. To gain a sense of the breadth of engagement activities on the CAER Heritage Project then please view the Collaboration/Partners and other output sections (including art and creative) or visit the CAER Heritage Project web Page at: or Facebook Page at:

See also NCCPE Judges comments on the overall project: 'However what marks this project out is the commitment to co-production in all elements of the project design and execution. The dig has provided a focal point for so many other things. From the outset the project's key objectives were to employ archaeology and history to develop educational opportunities and to challenge stigmas and marginalisation associated with these communities. The project has involved community participants in a varie
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2012,2013,2014,2015,2016,2017,2018,2019