iNVERTOX: Rapid intelligent in silico prediction of sub-lethal ecotoxicological effects in invertebrates following pharmaceutical exposure

Lead Research Organisation: King's College London
Department Name: Analytical & Environmental Sciences


The iNVERTOX project will be the first of its kind to discover and predict both phenotypic and molecular level effects of trace pharmaceutical residues on small, but ecologically critical invertebrate organisms living in UK and international freshwaters which are now impacted by human activity. Pharmaceuticals are widely recognised as bioactive contaminants in our environment having been measured globally at very low concentrations. They enter the environment predominantly following excretion of consumed human and animal medicines and have been shown to be resistant to wastewater treatment. This leads to their consistent and prolonged infusion into receiving water catchments. Recently, three pharmaceuticals were placed on a "watch-list" of emerging priority pollutants following extensive studies of their toxicity to biota. However, the occurrence and diversity of pharmaceuticals contamination in the environment extends much further, with significantly more compounds detected in river water, sediments, soils and recently even in environmental species at any one time. Therefore given the scale of this problem, measurement of their effects on our environment is far too slow and laborious. More innovative and rapid approaches are required to understand and mitigate any effects these may have on our environment. Realistically, this must now involve some form of advanced computational modelling to use the limited information we have to predict the effects of additional pharmaceuticals. Moreover, traditional ecotoxicity testing for micro-pollutants use lethal doses and in the case of pharmaceuticals, these are often much higher than measured environmental concentrations. This suggests that more subtle effects need to be researched instead as a more accurate assessment of risk. In some cases, such small changes have resulted in a significant ecosystem imbalance which has indirect effects on wildlife, our environment and potentially also on human health. These so called, "sub-lethal phenotypic effects" are often more difficult to determine and establishing defined links to a pharmaceutical exposure is extremely challenging. The aim of this project is to study and model four sub-lethal phenotypic effects on a model freshwater benthic invertebrate species (Gammarus pulex) including growth rate, feeding rate, ventilation and locomotion following controlled exposure to low doses of over 60 pharmaceuticals typically found in the aquatic environment. In addition to this, changes in the organism at a molecular level will form a novel, central focus and enable knowledge discovery of how biota respond to such exposures at a fundamental level. This will be achieved via metabolomics, which is the measurement of thousands of small molecules present in a biological system following exposure to environmental contaminants. Lastly, and most importantly, this information will be used to build an set of advanced computational models using new machine learning tools to rapidly allow a user to screen potential phenotypic and molecular level effects of a pharmaceutical on biota in silico and minimise or remove the need for extended use of animals in ecotoxicity testing for this purpose. This project will therefore be pioneering in its approach and draw together the best academic and industry expertise from King's College London, The Francis Crick Institute, London and a global leader in pharmaceuticals, AstraZeneca, to rapidly and responsibly understand the effects of pharmaceuticals on environmental organisms.

Technical Summary

This project will generate groundbreaking knowledge on the subtle effects of pharmaceuticals in the environment on a model freshwater benthic invertebrate, Gammarus pulex. As excellent indicators of surface water quality, these species are consistently impacted by pharmaceuticals and their metabolites at the ng-ug/L level mainly via sewage treatment plant effluents. Non-lethal phenotype-level effects, metabolomics studies and analytical measurements of >60 pharmaceuticals in G. pulex will be combined to generate biologically-inspired artificial neural networks and/or support vector machine models for rapid prediction of ecotoxicity from molecular level changes. In particular, models will be used to (1) predict growth rate, feeding rate, ventilation and locomotion effects; (2) identify metabolic pathways affected by pharmaceuticals; and (3) reduce the number of animals required for ecotoxicity testing in the future. The project will house five work packages (WPs): (1) Bioanalytical methods for G. pulex; (2) Pharmaceutical exposures and non-lethal effect measurement; (3) Metabolomics of exposed G. pulex and pharmaceutical residue measurement in biota; (4) Machine learning methods to model metabolomics/chemical measurement datasets to predict sub-lethal effects and/or affected pathways; and (5) Bioevaluation of novel biomarkers of exposure to pharmaceuticals. Metabolite/chemical analysis will be performed using gas and liquid chromatography coupled to (high resolution) mass spectrometry. Correlations with phenotypic effects will be identified using, for example, principal component analysis, Volcano plots and Z-transformation to rapidly identify dependent biomarkers. Linkage to pharmaceutical exposure will be built-in to models via internal pharmaceutical concentrations. Lastly, and in reverse, the prediction of molecular level changes will be investigated from quantitative structure-activity relationships and phenotype data for biomarker discovery and read-across.

Planned Impact

This project will make a groundbreaking and timely contribution to environmental protection efforts by rapidly advancing the understanding of the effects of emerging contaminants such as pharmaceuticals and their metabolites on biota. Therefore, economic, academic and societal impact will lie in a novel and rapid approach to animal health assessment in UK and international rivers. The main beneficiaries are the pharmaceutical, chemical and environmental protection industries, policy-makers & regulators, healthcare (including third sector research institutions), the general public, early career researchers/students and academia in environmental and analytical science related fields. Academically, this is a timely issue to address now as the analytical technology and existing knowledge of this issue has advanced to a level which enables this groundbreaking work to be done. Combining two world-leading research institutions (King's and the Crick) with AstraZeneca as an IPA partner who prioritises and leads environmental health activity in this industry, our track record and expertise in this field will be focussed on delivering impact mainly across the pharmaceutical sector to inform practice and eventually policy. Firstly, the use of a robust in silico effects predictor will result in benefits to industry given that experimental determination is likely to be impractically long, complicated and at significant cost. Eventually, and if transferable across species, this may also enable better prioritisation of risk assessment strategies for both new and existing compounds as well as horizon scanning in drug discovery to ensure environmental effects are considered from the start. Long term, in silico predictors may enable environmental regulators to proactively rather than retroactively manage protection strategies in parallel with the pharmaceutical industry. As pharmaceuticals are organic molecules, in silico predictors may then also be transferable to other organic contaminant classes which will benefit the chemical industry as a whole. Dissemination of the findings during the project lifetime will be achieved by publicly accessible peer-reviewed publications, participation in world-leading environmental, metabolomics and computational modelling conferences, seminars at local and national level and via media engagement activity. The latter will be used to engage the public to raise the awareness of the proper use and disposal of unused pharmaceuticals and how they may affect organisms living in our rivers. The optimised in silico models themselves will be made freely and publicly accessible via the KCL website accompanied by the raw data generated. Furthermore, datasets will be uploaded to recognised scientific databases (e.g. MassBank, MetaboLights and MetaCyc) to ensure they can be effectively used by other researchers. Training and career progression of the researchers will form a central point of impact. Staff will be trained in state-of-the-art facilities at world-leading institutions in advanced technical skills for metabolomics, ecology, analytical chemistry and computational modelling as well as highlighting and supporting career development opportunities. In particular, working in such a collaboration ensures development of highly desirable professional knowledge, skills and attributes under both academic and industrial guidance and support will be offered to research staff to plan and advance in their careers afterwards. Additionally, both existing and prospective students will have involvement across the project via local outreach, internship and Masters research project activity. Therefore the next generation of scientists will avail of the industrial partnership activity with support for career mapping. Ultimately, this project will benefit the environment and society as well as the UK economy.
Description We successfully developed machine learning-based approaches to predict the bioconcentration factor in fish and invertebrates, showing that some 'read-across' was possible using this new approach.
We also demonstrated widespread pharmaceutical contamination of invertebrates collected from both rural and urban areas. In particular, illicit drugs were most frequently detected, but did not pose a significant risk. We were also successful in prioritising risks of pharmaceuticals detected in real samples from both rural and urban sites in Suffolk and Essex, respectively. In addition, we identified the primary routes of pharmaceutical exposure to Gammarus through sediment over water. However, and although risk was not high, antidepressant and antipsychotic drugs posed the highest risk of all compounds detected.
Overall, for a limited number of pharmaceuticals tested in laboratory exposure trials, there were very few, if any observable effects on the species used (Gammarus pulex). A smaller number of pharmaceuticals were tested as no metabolomics changes were observed at 0.2 and 2 ug/L exposure concentrations set out in the original plan, and we repeated these experiments to confirm, including at more, and higher, concentrations.
In general, it was found that only higher concentrations of some compounds resulted in a change in specimen movement behaviour. Untargeted metabolomics remained inconclusive, but more research focussing on targeted data analysis may yield further information about specific molecular level changes as a result of exposure (some specific features in the mass spectrometry data were significantly different). We also attempted to induce changes using known toxicants by using much higher concentrations of antidepressants, magnesium salts and alcohol, which did yield statistically significant changes, but exposures were not at a concentration that was considered environmentally relevant. Therefore, on a more 'global' metabolite molecular level, the use of untargeted metabolomics seemed inconclusive. We have retained the lipid fraction of all exposures and plan to perform lipidomics as part of a new project (BBSRC iCASE award, again with AstraZeneca as partners). We have also moved laboratory from King's College London to Imperial College London in July 2020 with a suite of new laboratory equipment and instrumentation that will significantly support this future work.
Exploitation Route As an Industrial Partnership Award, the main beneficiary is AstraZeneca. This has been very useful to understand the impact of pharmaceuticals in the environment and, at least within the remit of this project, this was found to be low. This information, including the datasets will be used to build new research projects to understand where impacts might be, including to identify metabolites of the drugs themselves as well as further interrogation of metabolomics data to identify specific metabolites that were statistically different following exposure in order to elucidate any pathways affected. The research has prompted further funding from AZ-BBSRC for PhD studentships in the combined use of machine learning and omics technologies
Sectors Agriculture

Food and Drink



Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology

Description Industrial Partnership Award - Consortium 
Organisation AstraZeneca
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution King's leads the iNVERTOX project and is run with significant co-funding from AstraZeneca. The other partners arise from the Francis Crick Institute and the University of Suffolk. The majority of laboratory work and raw data generation is based at King's. When this project was active, the team met quarterly to discuss findings and to plan for the next steps. In 2020 the King's team moved to Imperial College London following completion of the award.
Collaborator Contribution Work Packages (WPs) are as follows: WP1: Bioanalytical methods for G. pulex; WP2: Pharmaceutical exposure to G. pulex (20 months); WP3: Chemical analysis of exposed G. pulex (20 months); WP4: Machine learning methods to model and predict sub-lethal effects or affected pathways (19 months); and WP5: Bioevaluation of novel markers (18 months). The project is based mainly at King's with occasional secondments of the PDRA to AZ and the Crick as needed (WPs 2 & 5). Dr Leon Barron (LB) as PI, is responsible for laboratory and personnel management at King's, overall project supervision and coordination of dissemination activity via conferences and peer-reviewed articles. LB leads on WPs 1, 3 and 4 and actively research machine learning predictions with the PDRA. Dr Nic Bury at University of Suffolk leads WP 2 (work based at King's) and manages the flow through exposure systems at King's. Formal face-to-face and Skype meetings occur monthly with the IPA and research team and project progress reviewed every 6 months. The first 2-3 meetings of this type have been used for specifics planning for each WP (face-to-face). Dr Stewart Owen (SFO, the IPA representative from AZ) contributes across all WPs, but mainly in WPs 1, 4 and 5 where AZ input is critical, and will shortly host TM at AZ for training experience and integration with the industrial post-doc co-hort. Dr James MacRae from the Francis Crick Institute leads on WP5 and works closely with the PDRA, AZ and LB to interpret metabolic profiles using advanced data analysis tools at the Crick.
Impact In June 2020, the King's team moved to Imperial College London. We have since secured two further BBSRC-AstraZeneca funded PhD studentships under the AZ DTP. These focus (a) on the use of lipidomics to understand any molecular level changes in G. pulex as a result of pharmaceutical exposure (together with Brunel University London) and (b) understanding the biotransformation of pharmaceuticals in the environment (together with Newcastle University)
Start Year 2017
Description Industrial Partnership Award - Consortium 
Organisation Francis Crick Institute
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution King's leads the iNVERTOX project and is run with significant co-funding from AstraZeneca. The other partners arise from the Francis Crick Institute and the University of Suffolk. The majority of laboratory work and raw data generation is based at King's. When this project was active, the team met quarterly to discuss findings and to plan for the next steps. In 2020 the King's team moved to Imperial College London following completion of the award.
Collaborator Contribution Work Packages (WPs) are as follows: WP1: Bioanalytical methods for G. pulex; WP2: Pharmaceutical exposure to G. pulex (20 months); WP3: Chemical analysis of exposed G. pulex (20 months); WP4: Machine learning methods to model and predict sub-lethal effects or affected pathways (19 months); and WP5: Bioevaluation of novel markers (18 months). The project is based mainly at King's with occasional secondments of the PDRA to AZ and the Crick as needed (WPs 2 & 5). Dr Leon Barron (LB) as PI, is responsible for laboratory and personnel management at King's, overall project supervision and coordination of dissemination activity via conferences and peer-reviewed articles. LB leads on WPs 1, 3 and 4 and actively research machine learning predictions with the PDRA. Dr Nic Bury at University of Suffolk leads WP 2 (work based at King's) and manages the flow through exposure systems at King's. Formal face-to-face and Skype meetings occur monthly with the IPA and research team and project progress reviewed every 6 months. The first 2-3 meetings of this type have been used for specifics planning for each WP (face-to-face). Dr Stewart Owen (SFO, the IPA representative from AZ) contributes across all WPs, but mainly in WPs 1, 4 and 5 where AZ input is critical, and will shortly host TM at AZ for training experience and integration with the industrial post-doc co-hort. Dr James MacRae from the Francis Crick Institute leads on WP5 and works closely with the PDRA, AZ and LB to interpret metabolic profiles using advanced data analysis tools at the Crick.
Impact In June 2020, the King's team moved to Imperial College London. We have since secured two further BBSRC-AstraZeneca funded PhD studentships under the AZ DTP. These focus (a) on the use of lipidomics to understand any molecular level changes in G. pulex as a result of pharmaceutical exposure (together with Brunel University London) and (b) understanding the biotransformation of pharmaceuticals in the environment (together with Newcastle University)
Start Year 2017
Description Industrial Partnership Award - Consortium 
Organisation University of Suffolk
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution King's leads the iNVERTOX project and is run with significant co-funding from AstraZeneca. The other partners arise from the Francis Crick Institute and the University of Suffolk. The majority of laboratory work and raw data generation is based at King's. When this project was active, the team met quarterly to discuss findings and to plan for the next steps. In 2020 the King's team moved to Imperial College London following completion of the award.
Collaborator Contribution Work Packages (WPs) are as follows: WP1: Bioanalytical methods for G. pulex; WP2: Pharmaceutical exposure to G. pulex (20 months); WP3: Chemical analysis of exposed G. pulex (20 months); WP4: Machine learning methods to model and predict sub-lethal effects or affected pathways (19 months); and WP5: Bioevaluation of novel markers (18 months). The project is based mainly at King's with occasional secondments of the PDRA to AZ and the Crick as needed (WPs 2 & 5). Dr Leon Barron (LB) as PI, is responsible for laboratory and personnel management at King's, overall project supervision and coordination of dissemination activity via conferences and peer-reviewed articles. LB leads on WPs 1, 3 and 4 and actively research machine learning predictions with the PDRA. Dr Nic Bury at University of Suffolk leads WP 2 (work based at King's) and manages the flow through exposure systems at King's. Formal face-to-face and Skype meetings occur monthly with the IPA and research team and project progress reviewed every 6 months. The first 2-3 meetings of this type have been used for specifics planning for each WP (face-to-face). Dr Stewart Owen (SFO, the IPA representative from AZ) contributes across all WPs, but mainly in WPs 1, 4 and 5 where AZ input is critical, and will shortly host TM at AZ for training experience and integration with the industrial post-doc co-hort. Dr James MacRae from the Francis Crick Institute leads on WP5 and works closely with the PDRA, AZ and LB to interpret metabolic profiles using advanced data analysis tools at the Crick.
Impact In June 2020, the King's team moved to Imperial College London. We have since secured two further BBSRC-AstraZeneca funded PhD studentships under the AZ DTP. These focus (a) on the use of lipidomics to understand any molecular level changes in G. pulex as a result of pharmaceutical exposure (together with Brunel University London) and (b) understanding the biotransformation of pharmaceuticals in the environment (together with Newcastle University)
Start Year 2017
Description Conference Keynote - Annual British Mass Spectrometry Society Meeting, Sept. 21, Sheffield, UK 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Keynote presentation on chemical detection in the environment, including in G pulex. This keynote focussed heavily on the analytical chemistry developments in invertox and related projects for mass spectrometric suspect screening.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Conference Keynote - ICNTS21 - Munich, Germany 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Invited Keynote lecture (Dr Leon Barron) on advances our team has made in non-target screening of chemicals in the environment. Part of the lectre focussed on the results generated from this project, in particular, the combined use of omics and machine learning to (a) identify chemical residues and (b) explain their molecular level impacts.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Invited Evening Lecture - Richmond Scientific Society, London, UK - April 21 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact This was an invited community outreach type lecture at the RSS (Dr Leon Barron) to speak about pharmaceuticals in the environment and this included elements of this project communicated in a very generalist way. This society is a local interest group of mainly retired science professionals who still wish to have some engagement with latest developments.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Lecture at Imperial College London (MChem Chemistry) 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Undergraduate students
Results and Impact A lecture was given in 2021 and 2022 on the MRes Green Chemistry , Energy and the Environment on the environmental occurrence and effects of pharmaceuticals in the environment. It was included on a module on Sustainable Chemistry for a group of 90 undergraduate students.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021,2022
Description RSC Toxicology Award Seminar 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact As part of the RSC Toxicology Interest Group an award was given to Prof Frank Kelly (Imperial College London, not related to this project). Dr Leon Barron was invited to give a 30-minute presentation on his research which included results from this project.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021