Osteoarthritis Technology NetworkPlus (OATech+): a multidisciplinary approach to the prevention and treatment of osteoarthritis

Lead Research Organisation: CARDIFF UNIVERSITY
Department Name: Sch of Engineering


In the UK, over 8.75 million people seek treatment for osteoarthritis (OA) each year. It affects 13% of people aged 55-64 and 70% aged 65-74, is characterised by joint pain and loss of cartilage and involves joint loading, shape and structure changes. The links between these factors and the underlying molecular mechanisms that lead to arthritic degeneration and pain are not well understood. Our lack of understanding of the processes that drive joint degeneration in OA prevents timely diagnosis for those at risk of developing OA and hinders optimal treatment. Surgery, rehabilitation and pain management are commonly used for patients with pain and disability associated with OA and musculoskeletal (MSK) disorders; however for a significant proportion of patients, treatment outcome is sub-optimal. If clinicians could predict which patients respond best to which form of treatment, this would allow tailored treatment with clinical and health economic benefits. Patients would get the right treatment at the right time, avoiding pain and inappropriate surgery or rehabilitation.
There is a currently a lack of (i) appropriate experimental and clinically relevant tools to monitor subtle changes in joint structure, biomechanics and metabolism for early OA detection; (ii) disease control via targeted drug, surgical and rehabilitation intervention, as standard practice; (iii) validation of surgical and rehabilitation interventions. The Network will address this to trigger the disruptive change in research necessary for future diagnosis and treatment of OA, ensuring international competitiveness for this high impact disease. It includes over 70 academic, clinical and industry UK and international participants with experience and expertise in human, animal and cell experimentation and modelling; data and imaging analysis to provide high-level evidence for safety and efficacy of medical devices and incorporating engineering technology, biomechanics and biology into clinical studies with strong end user steerage.
It will facilitate novel mechanisms to link research disciplines and develop the MSK research area through advances in technology, engineering and physical sciences. By identifying challenges and barriers to technology development that UK research must address it will ensure future studies encompass the necessary scientific advances, fused with clinical and biological solutions to optimise treatment via diagnosis, prediction and evidence-based intervention. A treatments taxonomy will direct the development of future therapies to enhance efficacy, restore function, optimise surgery, and exploit self-management of health.
Network activities, from people development (discipline-hopping, innovation awards, studentships), ideas generation (sandpits, hackathons), networking (seminars, conferences); outreach (exhibitions, science cafés); funded flagship, feasibility projects (informed by network activities in year one) and ideas that have high potential for innovation and impact, will ensure success and demonstrate how engineers, physical and computer scientists, biologists and clinicians team up to optimise, review and setup studies that collate biomechanics, clinical, patient and biological information for technology development and validation of experimental and clinical tools and targets. Impact and translation are guaranteed by embedding the Biomedical Engineering community with experience in OA/MSK technology research, with key clinicians and biologists who lead research in animal, cell and patient based studies. User engagement and steerage will be supported via clinical and industry partners, Patient Public Involvement and Public Health links. The metrics for success are research (research income, high impact papers), effectiveness in initiating new collaborations in terms of new cross-disciplinary researchers and end-users; and new academics, fellows, students and members of the public engaged with OA research.

Planned Impact

OA Tech+ will contribute to the full impact spectrum: societal impact in terms of benefits to health, clinical practice and the environment; economic impacts across the private and public sectors as a result of new experimental tools, biomedical technologies and reduced healthcare costs; professional impacts in terms of the training new personnel and new skills development for existing personnel, and enhancement of the UK's knowledge base. This will be underpinned by the development of the OA Tech+ Impact and Translation Toolkit and deliver national and global impact by engaging beneficiaries and users across multiple sectors.
OA Tech+ Infrastructure: Supporting Network efforts and maximising impact, aided by the Network Coordinator and Research and Innovation Services of the numerous partner institutions, which includes specialists in a range of technology translational activities such as intellectual property protection. International research leaders, clinicians and business specialists will be invited to join the major review meetings. They will advise on how to maximise clinical and commercial impacts. The involvement of clinical NHS colleagues will play a key role in ensuring that the efforts of our network are focused on clinical need and will assist us in translating promising approaches into practice. Outputs will enable a larger proportion of the ageing population to enjoy an active, healthy quality of life. The website; the public face of OA Tech+, will take full advantage of the impact opportunities provided by social media. Presence at major conferences and exhibitions will ensure network outputs are effectively disseminated to researcher communities and general public. Many of our partners including PI/Cis have experience in outreach activities to promote OA Tech+ in schools and colleges, public fora and through national and international media.
Socio-economic benefits: Of 8.75m UK arthritis sufferers, treatment outcome is sub-optimal for many patients, it is costly to treat and offers significant opportunities to improve healthcare and quality of life, thus increasing workforce productivity. We will deliver demonstrable improvements in understanding disease mechanisms leading to improved diagnosis and treatment assessment via effectively communication with users, professionals and policy makers.
Research Feasibility studies: New experimental and clinical tools will be validated through multidisciplinary feasibility studies to bring benefit to multiple users. With a clear pathway to clinical impact, potential trial design of new therapeutics and medical diagnostics will utilise expertise from several UK Trials Units. Evaluation via peer reviewed research awards, high level publications and supported by Government initiatives such as the £100m Life Sciences in Wales funding a range of support from professional advisers, patent agents and technology transfer specialists, will ensure NHS spending will be better targeted towards patients and positive outcomes will improve reducing further spending for patients that return to clinic for further treatment.
A large patient group: By 2030 there will be more than 19m people over 60 in the UK compared with 16m younger adults; so this study also has longevity and will continue to provide future financial benefits. Involvement of clinicians and clinical organisations, directly and in an advisory capacity, ensures impact and establishes an effective pathway for widespread dissemination.
UK charities, private sector and policy makers: Involvement of partners across Arthritis Research UK funded Centres has potential to make significant impact on charity activity. Involvement of important industry partners ensures commercial sector impact to deliver new products for more effective surgery and rehabilitation. Involvement of NIHR/NISCHR, WARN, NICE, ARUK places policy makers at the heart of this Network; advances in treatment regimens will shape new policies and procedures



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Description With respect to important new research questions, several new research networks, collaborations and partnerships have worked towards establishing new research resources identified to increase UK OA technology research capability. These have been generated from new opportunities for training delivered in specialist skills, Delphi and consensus studies, reports following network wide surveys, focus meetings, sandpits and training for Early Career Researchers.

Description and outputs from these activities are accessible via the OAtTch+ Website:


Examples of current output generating activities include:

• The Novel Experimental Technology Theme (Sally Robert - Keele/Oswestry) held a Focus meeting and Delphi study approach to OA stratification (Apr 2018) with the results now published in OA and Cartilage Open (Mennan et al., The use of technology in the subcategorisation of osteoarthritis: a Delphi study approach, 2020). During the process, panel members were unanimous that a combination of novel technological advances have potential to improve OA diagnostics and treatment through subcategorisation, agreeing in Rounds 1 and 2 that epigenetics, genetics, MRI, proteomics, wet biomarkers and machine learning could aid subcategorisation. Expert presentations changed participants' opinions on the value of metabolomics, activity monitoring and clinical engineering, all reaching consensus in Round 2. X-rays lost consensus between Rounds 1 and 2; clinical X-rays reached consensus in Round 3. The consensus identified that 9 of the 11 technologies presented should be targeted towards OA subcategorisation to address existing OA research technology and knowledge gaps. These novel, rapidly evolving technologies are recommended as a focus for emergent, cross-disciplinary osteoarthritis research programmes.

• A Sandpit Meeting (Nov 2018) resulted in 8 cross-institutional, multidisciplinary collaborations groups pitching ideas for Short Sandpit Funded Projects (£15k max). 2 of these projects were awarded funding and both with ongoing progress despite many Covid-19 related delays and challenges. These are entitled: 'Development of a quantitative MRI phantom for knee tissue' (David Williams/Hari Markides/Ben Sherlock - ECR's across Cardiff/Birmingham/Exeter) and 'We don't care how much it hurts (but we do care about nociception)' (Debbie Mason/David Hamilton/Val Sparkes/ Jan Herman Kuiper/Rebecca Hamilton) across Cardiff/Keele/Edinburgh Universities). The successful completion of the proof-of-concept to synchronise data for physiological and biomechanical responses to a quantified nociceptive stimulus suggesting that physiological data mimics biomechanical data in response to a known pain stimuli has led to a poster presentation at the British Orthopaedic Research Society Annual Meeting (Hamilton R. et al 2021, Measuring nociception in knee osteoarthritis using physiological and movement responses: a proof-of-concept study, Orthopaedic ProceedingsVol. 103-B, No. SUPP_16, https://online.boneandjoint.org.uk/doi/abs/10.1302/1358-992X.2021.16.064). While this protocol requires further evaluation as to the measurement parameters, the association of the physiological output to the known pain stimulus suggests the potential development of wearable nociceptive sensors that can measure disease progression and treatment effectiveness. Further collaboration and funding discussions are continuing to explore application of the protocol with an OA cohort and links with the Cardiff University Brain Research Imaging Centre have led to further funded studies (WT ISSF and Cardiff University Innovation for All)

• The Data Theme (led by Mark Elliott, University of Warwick) have completed an OA Biomechanics Data Sharing Scoping Review, with a full report disseminated to the Network and paper now published in OA and Cartilage Open (Evans et al., Data sharing across osteoarthritis research groups and disciplines: Opportunities and challenges, 2022, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ocarto.2022.100236). This work established that there is clear support for increased data sharing and partnership working in osteoarthritis research. Further investigation will be required to navigate the complex issues identified; however, it is clear that collaborative opportunities should be better facilitated and there may be innovative ways to do this. It is also clear that nomenclature within different disciplines could be better streamlined, to improve existing opportunities to harmonise data. The creation of an OA biomechanics data repository is underway with recruitment of a Research Software Engineer (Warwick) and a template from 3 Institution datasets produced. Data sharing agreements are in place to invite more datasets to contribute, enhance the repository and investigate data driven analysis. As a new research resource which will provide pilot information for a larger EPSRC funding proposal, we currently have a combined data set of up to 750 patients from 7 labs/institutions. About 1/3 of these are healthy controls.

• Next Generation of Leaders Theme (Jim Richards/UCLAN) - Established an ECR Network and ECR opportunities web page, available to see on the OATech website and regularly updated. This includes: - A Mentoring, Database and Web Resource (www.oatechnetwork.org/science-portal/1072-2). The Network has supported 4 ECR internships in relevant labs with valuable experience on research project - reports on these are available on the website (https://www.oatechnetwork.org/science-portal/research-projects-and-activities/), as well as other opportunities that were funded via this theme.

• Imaging Working Group David Williams, Cardiff/Ben Sherlock, Exeter et al) - OATech+ ECRs gained funding for a GW4 OA Imaging Network to establish a GW4 Network across Cardiff/Exeter/ Bristol/Bath. A very positive outcome from this mnetwork event was a new collaboration between Exeter (Jude Meakin) and Cardiff (Cathy Holt and David Williams), via Karen Knapp (Exeter), leading to s funded EPSRC Investigator Led project [EP/V036602/1, EP/V032275/1, Image-driven subject-specific spine models]

• Focus Event (2 days) was cosponsored by OATech / Imaging BioPro, Exeter, July 2019 - Established the UK OA Imaging Consortium - Imaging Technology and its role in OA diagnostics and monitoring. The linkage across the Imaging BioPro network has led to a new collaboration established during a subsequent Focus meeting and facilitated Network Event led by Profs Debbie Mason and Andy Pitsilides. The outputs from this event have led to current discussions with EPSRC regarding a Programme Grant: An integrative approach to identify the osteoarthritis risk factors for earlier diagnosis, prevention, and delay of disease progression - led by Damien Lacroix (Modelling Theme - Sheffield) with several key Co-Investigators across the OATech+.

• Modelling Theme (Working Group across Sheffield/Cardiff) - Modelathon events: - December 2018, Hip Surgery - January 2020 -OA/ Knee surgery - Holt/Pitsillides - Introduced OATech+ network Plus to Sheffield In Silico Institute Modulation and introduced Human and Animal Studies benefitting from modelling technology OATech+ Network Plus Expertise Database (available via OATech website and linked to proposals from several theme leaders) - https://www.oatechnetwork.org/expertise-database-2/ - accessible to all network members, as suggested by the High level Evidence and Impact/Biomechanics and Mechanobiology and Next Generation of OA Tech Researchers Themes. This has already led to a Mentoring Scheme involving 30 mentors across the Network.

• A patient stratification research study (led by Prof Nidhi Sofat, ST George's University) have published their results on risk factors for pain and functional impairment in OA in the BMJ Open (Sandeep et al., Risk factors for pain and functional impairment in people with knee and hip osteoarthritis: a systematic review and meta-analysis, Rheumatology, 2020, http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/bmjopen-2020-038720). This study identified risk factors for clinical pain in OA by imaging measures that can assist in predicting and stratifying people with knee/hip OA. A 'stratification tool' combining verified risk factors that we have identified would allow selective stratification based on pain and structural outcomes in OA. It has led to the collaboration with Ampersand Health to develop an OA management digital health application.

• A novel automated procedure for the segmentation of trabecular bone from cortical bone using Avizo software has been released as pre-print and under review for publication (Herbst A et al R Soc Open Sci, 10.1098/rsos.210408). This was developed from one of the pump priming projects funded within the Biomechanics and Mechanobiology Theme (led by Prof Andy Pitsillides, RVC), with the main aim for it to be adopted widely to create a reproducible and time-efficient method of segmenting trabecular and cortical bone.

• The Imaging Group and one of the Pump Priming Projects led by Claire Brocket (Leeds University), had also led to the development of the UKs first of bi-plane X-ray protocols with pipelines and model-based image registrations now in place at Cardiff University for knee/ankle/foot and hand/wrist - funded by WT ISSF). These protocols and pilot data is generating information for new funding proposals to advance OA imaging and biomechanics research (Cardiff, Holt/Williams) with several universities including Exeter, Leeds, Imperial College, Southampton and with several new industry and NHS clinical collaborators for the development of new medical devices (eg, total ankle replacement, bespoke fixation plates using AM for tibial osteotomy, new modelling and testing for spinal research and development of surgical devices). The imaging group combined efforts with the GW4 and hosted a 2 - day Imaging in Osteoarthritis Workshop - leading to the OA Imaging Consortium. As a result of interactions at this meeting a new EPSRC funded project - Image-Driven, Subject-Specific Spine Models (https://idsssm.exeter.ac.uk/), brought together a Exeter and Cardiff research teams in 2021, working to develop custom spine models, to understand why back disorders occur in individuals, and how to prevent and address them. This 3-year research programme, will develop a computer model of the spine that can be tailored to individual patients. The model at Exeter is being developed from data collected from in vitro (specimen) samples and MRI images taken at Exeter, and then its accuracy will be tested using real living data from volunteers who will imaged and dynamically modelled at Cardiff University.

• A Scoping Review to investigate the availability of remote technology to collect biomechanical and functional data in OA patients has been carried out at Cardiff University (Williams/Hamilton/Holt). The results of this review have been collated in a report soon to be disseminated and submitted for publication and has linked to an MRC CiC and Welsh Government funded study into the barriers and challenges to remote rehabilitation technology development and adoption in the NHS. A key finding is that indicates a plethora of movement sensor technology and a list of currently commercially available resources will be provided on the OATech+ website.
Exploitation Route The findings from the various OATech+ Theme activities have provide Network Consensus Statements on the role of technology in OA.

There is real value to the outputs, and workshops, consensus and new technology developments and these can be reviewed on the OATech+ website (https://www.oatechnetwork.org/science-portal/research-projects-and-activities/).

Interactions across the Network Plus have continued and new Network members as well as industry and clinical collaborators across several of the funded projects are well-engaged.

The Data Theme shared data repository will provide access to large data sets for research purposes to be included in future finding applications. Addressing this challenge will facilitate an important resource across the Network for OA diagnosis, treatment and outcome measures.

The High level Evidence and Impact theme is working on a review of what high level evidence is in osteoarthritis research and how efficacy of interventions is measured across disciplines, to generate a toolkit for the Network to include in future funding applications, and develop a standardised approach to assessing interventions.
The Novel Experimental Technology Theme Delphi Exercise have reported on the various technologies required for OA stratification.

The Sandpit MRI Phantom and Imaging Group funded work is working towards the provision of a standardised phantom for multi-site studies and standard protocols for X-ray and image registration of key synovial joints and will be included into funding application across multi-site studies as pilot studies.

The Sandpit Nociceptive Measures Group funded work are forming collaborations to develop pain related research for other MSK and chronic pain conditions as well as OA. This will be used within brain imaging studies alongside biomechanical and functional measures studies.

The Insigneo Modelathon could provide a standard model for use in knee OA and treatment studies to address key surgical and conservative interventions.

The Early Career Researcher Network has provided valuable opportunities for collaboration, training and outputs which has proved to be a positive experience leading to publications, training, workshops and a cohort of ECRs who now have academic posts, PhD studentships and PostDoctoral research positions.
Sectors Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software)




Leisure Activities

including Sports

Recreation and Tourism


Democracy and Justice


including Industrial Biotechology

Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology

URL https://www.oatechnetwork.org/science-portal/research-projects-and-activities/
Description RCUK defines economic and societal impact as 'the demonstrable contribution that excellent research makes to society and the economy'. Economic and societal impacts embrace all the extremely diverse ways in which research-related knowledge and skills benefit individuals, organisations and nations by: - fostering global economic performance (specifically the economic competitiveness of the United Kingdom), increasing the effectiveness of public services and policy, enhancing quality of life, health and creative output. The OATech Network has contributed to academic and research activities by increasing our network-wide understanding of the challenges to defining, developing, and validation of new technology for OA Research via numerous activities. External reporting at scientific meetings and public engagement has raised awareness of the challenges to establishing, designing, managing and ensuring impact of current OA technology based on research ranging from in-vitro, cellular and tissue based to in-vivo, clinical and patient-based studies. These activities would not be possible without the OATech funded Research Feasibility Studies, Workshops, a Delphi Study and the establishing of a new UK OA Imaging Consortium across 3 UK wide networks. Examples include the following which have formed the basis of surveys, reports, drafted and submitted research papers that is providing the evidence, collaborations and impetus for new funding applications to UKRI/Charities such as: • UK OA Imaging Consortium - established July 2029. - GW4/OATech/Imaging BioPro Joint funded meeting. • Exeter OATech ECR Network (Next Generation of OA Research Leaders Theme). • OATech Data Theme established Combined Database across multiple institutions databanks of healthy, OA and TKR Biomechanics Data involving a Data sharing agreement via Mark Elliott and RFS PDRA, Warwick along with a cross Network survey leading to a combined report on data sharing and a paper publication under review. • Clinical Theme Focus Meeting (Clinical Theme Lead, Nidhi Soffat and Theme RFS PDRA Sandeep Sandhar) for consensus on factors involved in producing a report on risk factors for pain and functional impairment in OA. • Published manuscript to OA and Cartilage Open following the Novel Experimental Technology Theme Delphi meeting (led by Theme Lead, Sally Roberts and produced by her funded PDRA, Claire Mannon). • OA Research Impact and Translation Toolkit and High Level Evidence Theme Leads, Debbie Mason and Alison McGregor, employed a RFS PDRA Dr Janet Deane with 2 papers under review. • Insigno Institute/OATech Modelathon focussed on Hip and Knee Surgery (2018/2020) bringing together ECR modellers for a week starting with a one-day focus meeting introducing the challenges to OA modelling research, led by Enrico Dal'ara. • To address the limited spine research in the UK, the 'Image driven spine modelling ' project was developed and funded , via collaborations with Exeter to enhance the modelling of the spine with application to non-Low Back Pain pathology. A number of the Theme Leads continue to present their research at national and international meetings. E.g. D Mason co-led a workshop at Orthopaedic Research Society, Austin, USA, 2019 with F Watt (University of Oxford/Versus Arthritis), C Holt presented OA Research and OA Tech Overview at DKOU, Berlin, alongside M Wilkinson (Rheumatology, Sheffield and BORS President), Germany, a number of members presented their research focus areas at Combined ORS, Montreal, Canada, 2019 where several were nominated and awarded Fellowship of CORS. There were OATech flyers at the Registration Desk of the OARSI, 2018 in Liverpool. A number of members have contributed to BORS Online Annual Meetings (2018-2022) both in presenting research and outcomes produced by the Network activities and with facilitating a large international conference virtually during challenges and unprecedented circumstances in the Covid-19 pandemic. These have provided the opportunity for the Operations Group and Theme Leaders to disseminate the work of the OATech, the current funded activities and events and calls for funding opportunities. The OATech Network is achieving impact beyond academia (policy, practice, patients, public, opinion), through a range of diverse engagement activities involving the public to raise awareness of Osteoarthritis and the research that is undertaken in the UK currently. Through the links with Arthritis Research UK (Versus Arthritis) Biomechanics and Bioengineering Centre, interactions with patients and their relatives are a daily occurrence through the studies involving collection of patient data - biomechanics, patient reported, biological tissues. This provides an ongoing platform for Versus Arthritis and OATech activities. Updates and restructuring of the OATech website (oatechnetwork.org) have allowed the presentation of the outcomes of the network to be displayed more clearly and allow for the engagement from patients and the public. Key engagement and dissemination activities since the start of the Network year have raised the profile of OA Research Technology; focused around OATech being present at national and international research meetings. As examples: • The OATech Network sponsored two sessions at the BioMedEng 2018 conference held in London in September 2018 (https://www.biomedeng18.com/). • There was an OATech plenary session with an excellent invited keynote lecture from Professor Kyriacos Athanasiou (https://sites.uci.edu/deltai/) and a separate OATech session of selected high quality research abstracts in the area of OA. • OATech Sessions held at the British Orthopaedic Research Society (BORS), 2018 - 2022, in Leeds, Cardiff, Edinburgh and online and the IMechE Engineering the Knee Meeting, 2018, London, and continued in the virtual meetings (2020, 2021). • A talk at the Imaging BioPro Network Meeting at Harwell in 2019, and taking part in the 2 - day Workshop. Members of the OATech Operations Group are able to provide opinion, evidence and advice on the role of experimental and clinical technology in OA Research. As an example, the OATech PI, Cathy Holt, was in a position to respond to the Call for Evidence from the Royal College of Surgeons Commission on Future of Surgery by contributing to the implications for future surgical technology via the Royal Academy of Engineering Biomedical Engineering Panel. This was also presented by Royal Academy of Engineering representatives at HoC, 2018. The PI was invited to become a Media Spokesperson for Versus Arthritis and thus able to contribute to media commentary in relation to OA technology and influence public opinion. The PI was then nominated by Versus Arthritis to become a member of REF 2021 Sub Panel 12. This was accepted and she is now serving on the REF 2021 Panel which bring an element of cross-disciplinary to REF assessments in appreciation of the challenges to this type of research involving multiple disciplines and patients and currently in its final stages of completion. The PI has given 2 radio interviews: Radio 2 Today Programme about the importance of technology for OA Research and BBC Radio Wales about Biomechanics and OA Research along with live demonstrations of how existing technology can inform our understanding the effects of OA on biomechanics. Other forms of public engagement have included the Cardiff MSK Biomechanics Team holding a National Biomechanics Day Schools activity (Awarded a prize from Intl. Society of Biomechanics) involving local school children interacting with various biomechanics and imaging technology. The Cardiff School of Engineering, worked with the National Museum of Wales to bring science and engineering to a wider public. After Dark at the Museum, was a hugely successful night which attracted an audience of more than 1,700 guests. The guests, which included families and young children, involved hands-on exhibitions and activities as well as tours of the Museum. Our exhibit included interaction with biomechanics equipment to understand how people move and raise awareness of research into human movement and OA. This successful event collaboration continued in 2020 and online in 2021. A PPI Day at Cardiff City Stadium involving over 40 members of the public / patients was focused on understanding how patients can interact with arthritis research and the associated developing technology, thus was held in conjunction with the BBRC Versus Arthritis Centre at Cardiff. Successful collaborations have arisen from funded Research Feasibility and Sandpit Projects with proposals and successful ongoing collaborations. This includes a partnership with Ampersand Health (ampersandhealth.co.uk) and St George's University to pilot an OA management digital application as a patient therapeutic and data collection. Also includes a collaboration with the Cardiff University Brain and Research Imaging Centre to develop methods for pain research and with a digital tool company Agile Kinetic Ltd. developing a pose estimation tool for remote rehabilitation purposes.
First Year Of Impact 2019
Sector Education,Healthcare,Leisure Activities, including Sports, Recreation and Tourism,Government, Democracy and Justice,Manufacturing, including Industrial Biotechology,Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology
Impact Types Cultural


Policy & public services

Description Contributed to the Welsh Government consultation on Arthritis and Long-term Musculoskeletal Conditions in adults
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Contribution to a national consultation/review
URL https://gov.wales/arthritis-and-long-term-musculoskeletal-conditions-adults
Description Presentation of Clinical acceptance of technology in remote rehabilitation assessment: Addressing urgent COVID challenges to drive future technology transfer - to the Welsh Government COVID Tag
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Influenced training of practitioners or researchers
Description RAEng Healthcare Technology Policy Group- contribution to the Prime Ministers Council for Science and Technology (CST)
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Participation in a guidance/advisory committee
Description RSC Commission on future of surgery - C Holt contributed to the Call for Evidence for the "Implications for Future Surgical Technology" document via the Royal Academy of Engineering Biomedical Engineering Panel
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Contribution to a national consultation/review
URL https://futureofsurgery.rcseng.ac.uk/?_ga=2.104617412.577568556.1550158526-60008457.1547478615
Description Accelerate Wales
Amount £63,238 (GBP)
Funding ID PR-0345 
Organisation Government of Wales 
Department Life Sciences Hub
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 11/2021 
End 11/2022
Description COMSTIG: Motor Cortex Magnetic Stimulation during Gait
Amount £31,038 (GBP)
Organisation Wellcome Trust 
Sector Charity/Non Profit
Country United Kingdom
Start 07/2019 
End 07/2020
Description Cardiff University EPSRC Doctoral Training Partnership
Amount £75,000 (GBP)
Organisation Cardiff University 
Sector Academic/University
Country United Kingdom
Start 09/2018 
End 04/2022
Description Cardiff University EPSRC Doctoral Training Partnership - Modelling framework for in-vivo knee joint contact analysis
Amount £75,000 (GBP)
Organisation Cardiff University 
Sector Academic/University
Country United Kingdom
Start 06/2021 
End 12/2025
Description Clinical acceptance of technology in remote rehabilitation assessment: Addressing urgent COVID challenges to drive future technology transfer
Amount £49,923 (GBP)
Organisation Medical Research Council (MRC) 
Department MRC Confidence in Concept Scheme
Sector Charity/Non Profit
Country United Kingdom
Start 09/2020 
End 09/2021
Description Clinical acceptance of technology in remote rehabilitation assessment: addressing urgent COVID challenges to drive future technology transfer
Amount £65,605 (GBP)
Funding ID WG Project Number: 111 
Organisation Government of Wales 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 09/2020 
End 09/2021
Description EPSRC
Amount £550,993 (GBP)
Funding ID EP/V032275/1 
Organisation Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 03/2021 
End 03/2024
Description From brain to biomechanics: Quantifying human dexterity.
Amount £46,000 (GBP)
Organisation Wellcome Trust 
Sector Charity/Non Profit
Country United Kingdom
Start 03/2021 
End 03/2022
Description GW4
Amount £11,980 (GBP)
Organisation University of Exeter 
Sector Academic/University
Country United Kingdom
Start 01/2019 
End 06/2019
Description Image-driven subject-specific spine models
Amount £814,279 (GBP)
Funding ID EP/V036602/1 
Organisation Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 09/2021 
End 09/2024
Description Innovation for All, Translational Fund: Kickstart funding
Amount £10,000 (GBP)
Organisation Government of Wales 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 12/2021 
End 12/2022
Description Kinematics at the base of the normal thumb: An analysis of healthy thumbs combining bi-planar fluoroscopy, motion capture and 3D modelling.
Amount € 9,907 (EUR)
Organisation Federation of European Societies for Surgery of the Hand 
Sector Charity/Non Profit
Country Switzerland
Start 12/2020 
End 03/2022
Description Multi-platform pipeline for engineering human knee joint function
Amount £1,600,000 (GBP)
Funding ID EP/X039870/1 
Organisation Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 02/2024 
End 01/2027
Description Multi-platform pipeline for engineering human knee joint function
Amount £1,600,000 (GBP)
Funding ID e: EP/X04002X/1 
Organisation Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 02/2024 
End 01/2027
Description Oncological Engineering - A new concept in the treatment of bone metastases
Amount £5,608,938 (GBP)
Funding ID EP/W007096/1 
Organisation Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 03/2022 
End 12/2027
Description PI - Dr David Williams - MRI-based spine models for patient specific surgical planning: A clinically driven approach to developing new validated surgical tools
Amount £536,844 (GBP)
Funding ID MC_PC_19033 
Organisation Cardiff University 
Sector Academic/University
Country United Kingdom
Start 09/2022 
End 03/2023
Description Translation of Concept Scheme (Institutional Translational Partnership Award)
Amount £19,985 (GBP)
Organisation Wellcome Trust 
Sector Charity/Non Profit
Country United Kingdom
Start 03/2021 
End 03/2022
Description Wales Data Nation Accelerator
Amount £10,000 (GBP)
Organisation Government of Wales 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 02/2022 
End 03/2022
Description Wellcome Trust ISSF - From brain to biomechanics: quantifying human dexterity
Amount £45,668 (GBP)
Organisation Cardiff University 
Sector Academic/University
Country United Kingdom
Start 08/2019 
End 08/2020
Description Wellcome Trust Institutional Translational Partnership Award: Translation of Concept Fund - Sharmila Khot - Development of MRI-compatible pressure delivery device for chronic pain research
Amount £20,000 (GBP)
Organisation Cardiff University 
Sector Academic/University
Country United Kingdom
Start 03/2021 
End 12/2021
Description Welsh Government Innovation for All Award - Rebecca Hamilton - Adaptation of a pressure-pain delivery device to explore use as a modular device for dynamic applications
Amount £20,000 (GBP)
Organisation Cardiff University 
Sector Academic/University
Country United Kingdom
Start 03/2022 
End 12/2022
Title A new model to automatically segment of trabecular bone from cortical bone in diverse and challenging morphologies: a novel automated procedure using Avizo. 
Description Novel automated procedure developed enabling trabecular and cortical bone segmentation. This new method speeds up data processing necessary when analysing trabecular bone material, more efficient method than semi-automated procedures and removes subjective element of manual segmentation. The pre-print for this methods paper is shared below. Also available on open access are the CT scans used for the automatic segmentation algorithm (https://figshare.com/projects/Trabecular_and_Cortical_Bone_Segmentation_Method/99434) and the code and instructions for the method on github (https://github.com/evaherbst/Trabecular_Segmentation_Avizo) 
Type Of Material Model of mechanisms or symptoms - mammalian in vivo 
Year Produced 2021 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact Many physiological, biomechanical, evolutionary and clinical studies that explore skeletal structure and function require successful separation of trabecular from cortical compartments of a bone that has been imaged by X-ray micro-computed tomography (microCT) prior to analysis. Separation is often time-consuming, involves user bias and needs manual sub-division of these two similarly radio-opaque compartments. The method developed is an objective, automated protocol which reduces user bias and enables straightforward, user-friendly segmentation of trabecular from cortical bone without requiring sophisticated programming expertise. This method can conveniently be used as a "recipe" in commercial programmes (Avizo herein) and applied to a variety of datasets in different environments. This increases the efficiency of data processing for bone materials. 
URL https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.03.02.433409v1
Title Dynamic Biplane Puled X-Ray and Model Based Image Registration 
Description The Imaging Theme Research Feasibility Study has contributed to the development of the new pipelines for a new bespoke X-ray facility in the UK. It involved the use of a bespoke system designed with an industry collaborator to allow biplane X-ray recordings of human joints during activities of daily living. The pipelines for the new Dynamic Biplane Pulsed X-Ray and Model Based Image Registration Facility at Cardiff are now in place. The main focus of this technology is to quantify accurate joint kinematics for the lower and upper limbs and enable detailed analysis of joint function and how it changes with disease and surgical intervention. It also provides key data for validation of models (FE and dynamic) and has generated new collaborations between Cardiff School of Engineering and Cardiff Brain Research Imaging Centre, Cardiff University and University of Leeds/KU Leuven to develop imaging and analysis protocols for the foot/ankle, hand/wrist for arthritis and implant studies. Pilot data form these studies is generating information for research funding proposals to investigate kinematics associated with hand OA and ankle arthroplasty as well as advancing knee biomechancis studies already undertaken in the Biomechanics and Bioengineering Centre. 
Type Of Material Physiological assessment or outcome measure 
Year Produced 2019 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact Current pilot study outputs will provide proof of concept data for collaborative grants and projects to develop the pipelines for knee, ankle/foot and hand/wrist kinematic analysis. 
Title Higher level evidence and impact toolkit for OA research 
Description A feasibility systematic review study identified and defined higher level evidence in OA research that can be used to develop an impact toolkit. This toolkit can then be applied to abstracts and provide a quality score. 
Type Of Material Improvements to research infrastructure 
Year Produced 2021 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact Findings of this study will be presented to the Network to be tested and validated and 2 papers for publication have been drafted to be submitted to Annals of Rheumatic Disease and Lancet Rheumatology. 
Title Knee contact pressure models to quantify the effects of medial knee osteoarthritis and associated surgical and noon-surgical interventions 
Description The new model result from a collaboration with Cardiff University and KU Leuven and as funded by the Next Generation of reserach Leaders Theme for ECrs. to wrk across international laboratories and return with new technology developments to feed into the OAtech+ Network tools. The tool was developed as a modification of existing Levuen methods which involve the application of an OpenSim and Joint Contact Modelling pipelines to kinematic and kinetic data obtained from patients undergoing High Tibial Osteotomy surgery to realign their knees and offload the diseased compartment. Data is processed through the pipeline and outputs include muscle forces across the knee to understand co-contractions along with knee contact pressure maps to understand altered loading during dynamic activity for patients with OA and following interventions (surgical and non-surgical - eg gait retraining). Early outputs have been submitted to European Society of Biomechanics and OARSI 2020. 
Type Of Material Model of mechanisms or symptoms - human 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact Strengthened and new collaborations and data sharing across Cardiff University, KU Leuven and Leeds University that are already generating pilot data, abstracts and drafts of manuscripts towards research funding submisisons. 
Title Data Theme - Data Sharing Report and Agreement and established Combined OA Biomechanics Dataset 
Description The Data Theme led by Mark Elliott (Warwick University), and involving Alison McGregor (Imperial College), Cathy Holt (Cardiff), Keele has established a data sharing agreement and database for biomechanics data from healthy volunteers, and OA patients at various stages of OA and with surgical interventions. The database will form a set for entry into a Turing Institute Hackathon to explore the challenges to data sharing across multiple laboratories and data collection protocols. This will enable the OATech+ Data Theme to develop a funding application across multiple collaborators to explore patterns and outcomes using a much enhanced and increased cohort. This will the power of the research when answering specific research questions and as compared to existing studies where biomechanics data sets have been low powered due to limited resource for patient based longitudinal studies and technical constraints hen collecting data in the clinical setting. The proposed dataset will enable more effective and appropriate ML approaches to data analysis for predicting outcomes, patient stratification and intervention efficacy testing. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2019 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact The databased is in place and will be explored for practical use and sharing across the wider OATech+ community during 2020/21 via funding applications. 
Description Assessment of Knee Function using Fluoroscopic Imaging techniques 
Organisation Depuy International
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Agreement in place to provide data resulting from fluoroscopic imaging and image registration studies.
Collaborator Contribution Provision of knee implant designs for image registration studies
Impact None yet
Start Year 2018
Description Assessment of Knee Function using Fluoroscopic Imaging techniques 
Organisation Zimmer Biomet
Country United States 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Provision of resulting data from total knee replacement implant kinematics involving ZB implants
Collaborator Contribution Provision of implant models for image registration purposes.
Impact None yet
Start Year 2018
Description Automatic 2D-3D Registration and Reconstruction Using Deep Learning 
Organisation University of New South Wales
Country Australia 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Project Partners - Cathy Holt (Cardiff University), David Williams (Cardiff UNiversity) - provison of Dynamic Bi-plane X-ray ans MRI data and models for SSM development. collaborative funding application with Mark Pickering (UNSW Canberra), Thior Besier (University of Aukland), Dianna Perriman (The Australia National University), Hospital Canberra), Paul Smith (The Australia National University)
Collaborator Contribution Development of SSMs for knee and ankle/foot for use in future image registration technology for OA biomechanics
Impact None yet
Start Year 2019
Description Avizo Novel Analysis and Visualisation Methods 
Organisation 3Dmagination
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution CT imaging data.
Collaborator Contribution Expertise in Avizo software, previous use of method for 3D surface morphology of articular aspect of the bone
Impact Development of novel method to automate segmentation of trabecular bone compartment. Abstract submitted to Bone Research Society.
Start Year 2018
Description Avizo Novel Analysis and Visualisation Methods 
Organisation Royal Veterinary College (RVC)
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution CT imaging data.
Collaborator Contribution Expertise in Avizo software, previous use of method for 3D surface morphology of articular aspect of the bone
Impact Development of novel method to automate segmentation of trabecular bone compartment. Abstract submitted to Bone Research Society.
Start Year 2018
Description COBRA OA 
Organisation Boise State University
Country United States 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Provision of Biomechanics and Biology Data from linked patients with medial knee OA from BBRCVA study.
Collaborator Contribution FE and Predictive Models will be developed on the basis of combined biomechancis and biology data using existing models developed by Claire Fitzpatrick (Boise)
Impact None yet - will be developed over 2020.
Start Year 2019
Description Cardiff & Vale University Health Board 
Organisation Cardiff and Vale University Health Board
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Directing patient based research projects involving biomechanics and biology studies
Collaborator Contribution Ongoing Provision of the following for OATech Imaging Theme Research Feasibility Study alongside existing Arthritis Centre studies: 1. patients for ethically approved studies involving imaging and biomechanics 2. Clinical data for matched cohort studies (in 1.) 3. Clinical expert opinion and leadership for clinical translation studies
Impact Multiple publications previously and current drafting of a manuscript. Multidisciplinary across biomechanics, imaging, orthopaedics
Description Development of MRI-compatible pressure-delivery device for chronic pain research. 
Organisation Cardiff University
Department Brain Research Imaging Centre (CUBRIC)
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Prototype modification was undertaken in Cardiff University's School of Engineering. An electrical technician was employed on the Translation of Concept Grant to make the modifications to an existing device, with input from CUBRIC's senior technician (Co-I) who built the current prototype. At each iteration, the Clinical Research Co-PIs/Co-Is reviewed modifications and where appropriate, tested in the MR research environment of the Current Pain Imaging Study in CUBRIC. End-user feedback about the Device will be collected using free-text response questionnaires, including questions about device ergonomics, comfort and recommended alterations. Recommended further modifications will be based on user (participant/operator) and team feedback.
Collaborator Contribution Imaging and Participant Testing: CUBRIC is a state-of-the-art imaging facility. It hosts an ultrahigh field 7T MRI scanner (alongside other 3T MRI, EEG and magnetoencephalography scanners) where the imaging component of the Current Pain Imaging Study will be performed. There are clinical testing suites where out of scanner testing can be conducted and fully stocked recovery rooms adjacent to each scanner as required for patient participant studies. A team of radiographers and MR physicists are on-hand to help with the set up and safety-testing of new in-scanner devices. CUBRIC also houses a small Workshop where the Device was manufactured by senior technician Co-I using rapid-prototyping. It is thus perfectly suited for pain studies using novel devices in patients and healthy participants.
Impact Further funding saught and granted through the Cardiff University Innovation for All Grant Scheme to further develop the device based on market research and end user benefit.
Start Year 2021
Description Development of MRI-compatible pressure-delivery device for chronic pain research. 
Organisation Wellcome Trust
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution Prototype modification was undertaken in Cardiff University's School of Engineering. An electrical technician was employed on the Translation of Concept Grant to make the modifications to an existing device, with input from CUBRIC's senior technician (Co-I) who built the current prototype. At each iteration, the Clinical Research Co-PIs/Co-Is reviewed modifications and where appropriate, tested in the MR research environment of the Current Pain Imaging Study in CUBRIC. End-user feedback about the Device will be collected using free-text response questionnaires, including questions about device ergonomics, comfort and recommended alterations. Recommended further modifications will be based on user (participant/operator) and team feedback.
Collaborator Contribution Imaging and Participant Testing: CUBRIC is a state-of-the-art imaging facility. It hosts an ultrahigh field 7T MRI scanner (alongside other 3T MRI, EEG and magnetoencephalography scanners) where the imaging component of the Current Pain Imaging Study will be performed. There are clinical testing suites where out of scanner testing can be conducted and fully stocked recovery rooms adjacent to each scanner as required for patient participant studies. A team of radiographers and MR physicists are on-hand to help with the set up and safety-testing of new in-scanner devices. CUBRIC also houses a small Workshop where the Device was manufactured by senior technician Co-I using rapid-prototyping. It is thus perfectly suited for pain studies using novel devices in patients and healthy participants.
Impact Further funding saught and granted through the Cardiff University Innovation for All Grant Scheme to further develop the device based on market research and end user benefit.
Start Year 2021
Description Development of a pose estimation medical device for remote measurement of patient joint angles. 
Organisation Government of Wales
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution The Musculoskeletal Biomechanics Research Facility (MSKBRF) in Cardiff University School of Engineering already houses a full clinical laboratory with human posture measurement devices including the gold standard 3D motion capture technology, inertial measurement unit sensors and electromyographic sensors. Cardiff University MSKBRF / Biomechanics and Bioengineering Centre Versus Arthritis has established links with orthopaedic surgeons. Ethical approval is currently in place, allowing access to clinicians, patients and healthy volunteers with stringent Covid protocols in place. Support is required to build a testing protocol for validation and perform validation on the software so it can be compared to the gold standard for clinical motion analysis in a healthy cohort. This will involve a protocol and calculation pipeline development phase on n=5 healthy volunteers followed by a testing phase on n= 15 healthy volunteers. A total 20 datasets will then be available for statistical comparison of the pose estimation software outputs and the standard biomechanical outputs.
Collaborator Contribution Agile Kinetic is seeking support to test and clinically validate its novel pose estimation software with the aim of seeking regulatory approval for the technology. They continue to collaborate and engage throughout data collection and validation to continue the discussions on parameters to develop for the pose estimation tool. This data will be integrated into their existing dataset and expand upon the library of data to develop the 2D analysis AI tool.
Impact Still ongoing.
Start Year 2021
Description Dynamic Bi-plane Xrays and Model Based Image Registration Technology for foot and ankle biomechanics studies 
Organisation C-Motion Inc.
Country United States 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Development of new Dynamic Bi-Plane Xray protocols for calibration tools and Image Registration using MRI and Digitally Reconstructed X-rays
Collaborator Contribution C-motion - reduction in XMA software costs to develop new image registration protocols
Impact New technology for Image Registration using MRI and Dynamic Bi-plane Pulsed X-rays for knee and ankle/foot bio,mechanics studies
Start Year 2019
Description Dynamic Bi-plane Xrays and Model Based Image Registration Technology for foot and ankle biomechanics studies 
Organisation Queen's University
Country Canada 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Development of new Dynamic Bi-Plane Xray protocols for calibration tools and Image Registration using MRI and Digitally Reconstructed X-rays
Collaborator Contribution C-motion - reduction in XMA software costs to develop new image registration protocols
Impact New technology for Image Registration using MRI and Dynamic Bi-plane Pulsed X-rays for knee and ankle/foot bio,mechanics studies
Start Year 2019
Description EPSRC Grant Proposal Data Collaboration 
Organisation Queen Mary University of London
Department School of Engineering and Materials Science
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Collection of preliminary experimental micromechanics in cartilage data to support EPSRC New Investigator Grant Award.
Collaborator Contribution Collection of preliminary experimental micromechanics in cartilage data.
Impact Abstract submitted to 2020 World Congress of Computational Mechanics.
Start Year 2019
Description EPSRC Grant Proposal Data Collaboration 
Organisation Robert Jones and Agnes Hunt Orthopaedic Hospital
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Hospitals 
PI Contribution Collection of preliminary experimental micromechanics in cartilage data to support EPSRC New Investigator Grant Award.
Collaborator Contribution Collection of preliminary experimental micromechanics in cartilage data.
Impact Abstract submitted to 2020 World Congress of Computational Mechanics.
Start Year 2019
Description EPSRC Grant Proposal Data Collaboration 
Organisation Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Hospitals 
PI Contribution Collection of preliminary experimental micromechanics in cartilage data to support EPSRC New Investigator Grant Award.
Collaborator Contribution Collection of preliminary experimental micromechanics in cartilage data.
Impact Abstract submitted to 2020 World Congress of Computational Mechanics.
Start Year 2019
Description EPSRC Grant Proposal Data Collaboration 
Organisation University of Exeter
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Collection of preliminary experimental micromechanics in cartilage data to support EPSRC New Investigator Grant Award.
Collaborator Contribution Collection of preliminary experimental micromechanics in cartilage data.
Impact Abstract submitted to 2020 World Congress of Computational Mechanics.
Start Year 2019
Description EPSRC IAA D Williams - Magnetic Resonance imaging - Ankle Image Registration (MR-AIR): Novel methodology for modelling dynamic internal ankle movement 
Organisation University of Sheffield
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution D Williams was involved in the Imaging Theme and Imaging Protocols funded research feasibility project.
Collaborator Contribution The collaboration with Claire Brocket (Leeds - now Sheffield, Prof) funded initially by OATech+ Pump Priming Award for Ankle Imaging Protocols has paved the way for further funding applications including the EPSRC IAA led by ECR D Williams and a submission to EPSRC Responsive Mode led by C Brockett in review).
Impact Presentations (Poster and Podium) at BORS 2023, contributing to the British Orthopaedic Research Society Young Investigator Award to D Williams; and at Orthopaedic Research Society (USA). Strengthening new collaborations established by D Williams with Queens University Canada and Uta University USA. Outputs are elucidating new understanding of ankle foot kinematics using dynamic biplane X-ray imaging and also contributed to pilot data for EPSRC RM Grant submission.
Start Year 2023
Description Exeter - Cardiff Collaboration - Spine and Knee Radiology and Bi-Plane Xrays for OA diagnostics and outcome measures 
Organisation University of Exeter
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Imaging Theme funded PDRA David Williams and PI Cathy Holt in discussion with Jude Meakin and Karen Knapp regarding combining research tools for Spine and Knee Radiology and Bi-Plane Xrays for OA diagnostics and outcome measures. Proposed EPSRC funding proposal - Quantifying spine biomechanics
Collaborator Contribution Imaging Theme funded PDRA David Williams and PI Cathy Holt in discussion with Jude Meakin and Karen Knapp regarding combining research tools for Spine and Knee Radiology and Bi-Plane Xrays for OA diagnostics and outcome measures. Proposed EPSRC funding proposal - Quantifying spine biomechanics Provision of DEXA SOPs and Imaging Protocols across Exeter/Cardiff to develop research tool pipeline for funding application.
Impact Draft EPSRC proposal (Meakin - Exeter Lead - with Cardiff PI and Imaging Theme PDRA) - in discussion for submission in next quarter.
Start Year 2019
Description GW4 OA Imaging Group 
Organisation Cardiff University
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Network Collaboration across GW4 OA Imaging Consortium, OATech+ Network Plus and Imaging BioPro Network funded a 2 day UK OA Imaging Meeting at Exeter University which led to the establishment of the UK OA Imaging Consortium.
Collaborator Contribution Network finding allowed UK wide participation (via applications) for over 40 researchers and clinician to discuss the role of imaging in OA diagnisis and treatment
Impact The Imaging Arthritis Consortium Committee - Run by ECRs across GW4, OATech+ and Imaging BioPro Networks Ben Sherlock Elise Pegg David Williams Flossie Carpenter This highly interdisciplinary community was formed to bring researchers and clinicians of all career stages together to tackle some of the highest impact challenges in musculoskeletal research. The aims of the community are the following: 1. To connect researchers and clinicians with complimentary interests and expertise. 2. To foster new collaborations and support the development of new research projects. 3. To raise the profile of imaging based solutions to challenging questions in musculoskeletal research. Developing new ideas for funding proposals - research concepts that were discussed at the symposium included: ? Patient centred approach: Relevance of radiographic OA in an asymptomatic population. ? Biomarkers: Imaging biomarkers gap analysis. ? Big Data/AI: Combining motion capture, demographic and patient reported data for identifying patients with asymptomatic OA. ? Early OA: Investigating in vitro matrix properties using combination of emerging techniques. ? Bridging the scales: Multiscale imaging to better understand the initiation and progression of OA. Contact will be via bi-monthly to share updates from the community and to report progress with onward funding applications.
Start Year 2019
Description GW4 OA Imaging Group 
Organisation University of Bath
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Network Collaboration across GW4 OA Imaging Consortium, OATech+ Network Plus and Imaging BioPro Network funded a 2 day UK OA Imaging Meeting at Exeter University which led to the establishment of the UK OA Imaging Consortium.
Collaborator Contribution Network finding allowed UK wide participation (via applications) for over 40 researchers and clinician to discuss the role of imaging in OA diagnisis and treatment
Impact The Imaging Arthritis Consortium Committee - Run by ECRs across GW4, OATech+ and Imaging BioPro Networks Ben Sherlock Elise Pegg David Williams Flossie Carpenter This highly interdisciplinary community was formed to bring researchers and clinicians of all career stages together to tackle some of the highest impact challenges in musculoskeletal research. The aims of the community are the following: 1. To connect researchers and clinicians with complimentary interests and expertise. 2. To foster new collaborations and support the development of new research projects. 3. To raise the profile of imaging based solutions to challenging questions in musculoskeletal research. Developing new ideas for funding proposals - research concepts that were discussed at the symposium included: ? Patient centred approach: Relevance of radiographic OA in an asymptomatic population. ? Biomarkers: Imaging biomarkers gap analysis. ? Big Data/AI: Combining motion capture, demographic and patient reported data for identifying patients with asymptomatic OA. ? Early OA: Investigating in vitro matrix properties using combination of emerging techniques. ? Bridging the scales: Multiscale imaging to better understand the initiation and progression of OA. Contact will be via bi-monthly to share updates from the community and to report progress with onward funding applications.
Start Year 2019
Description GW4 OA Imaging Group 
Organisation University of Bristol
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Network Collaboration across GW4 OA Imaging Consortium, OATech+ Network Plus and Imaging BioPro Network funded a 2 day UK OA Imaging Meeting at Exeter University which led to the establishment of the UK OA Imaging Consortium.
Collaborator Contribution Network finding allowed UK wide participation (via applications) for over 40 researchers and clinician to discuss the role of imaging in OA diagnisis and treatment
Impact The Imaging Arthritis Consortium Committee - Run by ECRs across GW4, OATech+ and Imaging BioPro Networks Ben Sherlock Elise Pegg David Williams Flossie Carpenter This highly interdisciplinary community was formed to bring researchers and clinicians of all career stages together to tackle some of the highest impact challenges in musculoskeletal research. The aims of the community are the following: 1. To connect researchers and clinicians with complimentary interests and expertise. 2. To foster new collaborations and support the development of new research projects. 3. To raise the profile of imaging based solutions to challenging questions in musculoskeletal research. Developing new ideas for funding proposals - research concepts that were discussed at the symposium included: ? Patient centred approach: Relevance of radiographic OA in an asymptomatic population. ? Biomarkers: Imaging biomarkers gap analysis. ? Big Data/AI: Combining motion capture, demographic and patient reported data for identifying patients with asymptomatic OA. ? Early OA: Investigating in vitro matrix properties using combination of emerging techniques. ? Bridging the scales: Multiscale imaging to better understand the initiation and progression of OA. Contact will be via bi-monthly to share updates from the community and to report progress with onward funding applications.
Start Year 2019
Description GW4 OA Imaging Group 
Organisation University of Exeter
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Network Collaboration across GW4 OA Imaging Consortium, OATech+ Network Plus and Imaging BioPro Network funded a 2 day UK OA Imaging Meeting at Exeter University which led to the establishment of the UK OA Imaging Consortium.
Collaborator Contribution Network finding allowed UK wide participation (via applications) for over 40 researchers and clinician to discuss the role of imaging in OA diagnisis and treatment
Impact The Imaging Arthritis Consortium Committee - Run by ECRs across GW4, OATech+ and Imaging BioPro Networks Ben Sherlock Elise Pegg David Williams Flossie Carpenter This highly interdisciplinary community was formed to bring researchers and clinicians of all career stages together to tackle some of the highest impact challenges in musculoskeletal research. The aims of the community are the following: 1. To connect researchers and clinicians with complimentary interests and expertise. 2. To foster new collaborations and support the development of new research projects. 3. To raise the profile of imaging based solutions to challenging questions in musculoskeletal research. Developing new ideas for funding proposals - research concepts that were discussed at the symposium included: ? Patient centred approach: Relevance of radiographic OA in an asymptomatic population. ? Biomarkers: Imaging biomarkers gap analysis. ? Big Data/AI: Combining motion capture, demographic and patient reported data for identifying patients with asymptomatic OA. ? Early OA: Investigating in vitro matrix properties using combination of emerging techniques. ? Bridging the scales: Multiscale imaging to better understand the initiation and progression of OA. Contact will be via bi-monthly to share updates from the community and to report progress with onward funding applications.
Start Year 2019
Description INSIGNEO Institute for in silico Medicine 
Organisation University of Sheffield
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Modelathon 2020: Optimisation of interventions for osteoarthritic patients with multi-scale modelling Working together on overlapping areas of interest. In particular co-hosting modelathons in 2018 and 2020 where modelling is linked to osteoarthritis
Collaborator Contribution Partners were already involved in hosting modelathons. Working together has raised the profile of the Network in the field of modelling, and allowed osteoarthritis modelling problems to be focussed - in 2020 on knee surgery for osteoarthritis. This four-day EPSRC funded Modelathon* event brings together the very best of theory and practice in the area of multi-scale modelling. After four successful events, and in response to last year's positive feedback the Modelathon will once again begin with a symposium. This year our symposium will focus on the role of multi-scale modelling for new treatments of osteoarthritic joints.
Impact Discussions about collaborations across the OA Modelling Theme linking to the Data Theme were we are combining data sets.
Start Year 2018
Description Integrating biomechanics motion capture datasets for data driven analyses of knee OA 
Organisation Alan Turing Institute
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The Network provided funding for a feasibility scoping study, providing the foundation for an OA biomechanics repository and the pursuit for data scientist knowledge. Feedback from a Data Study Group application with the Alan Turing Institute has led to a formal collaboration with a 6-month project proposal written to investigate machine learning techniques and data driven analysis.
Collaborator Contribution A PDRA from Cardiff University and a data scientist from the Alan Turing Institute will work on the project to investigate key biomechanical markers to identify stage of progression in OA with funding from the Network and ATI.
Impact A proposal has been drafted for the project however has yet to start.
Start Year 2020
Description Integrating biomechanics motion capture datasets for data driven analyses of knee OA 
Organisation Cardiff University
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The Network provided funding for a feasibility scoping study, providing the foundation for an OA biomechanics repository and the pursuit for data scientist knowledge. Feedback from a Data Study Group application with the Alan Turing Institute has led to a formal collaboration with a 6-month project proposal written to investigate machine learning techniques and data driven analysis.
Collaborator Contribution A PDRA from Cardiff University and a data scientist from the Alan Turing Institute will work on the project to investigate key biomechanical markers to identify stage of progression in OA with funding from the Network and ATI.
Impact A proposal has been drafted for the project however has yet to start.
Start Year 2020
Description Integrating biomechanics motion capture datasets for data driven analyses of knee OA 
Organisation University of Warwick
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The Network provided funding for a feasibility scoping study, providing the foundation for an OA biomechanics repository and the pursuit for data scientist knowledge. Feedback from a Data Study Group application with the Alan Turing Institute has led to a formal collaboration with a 6-month project proposal written to investigate machine learning techniques and data driven analysis.
Collaborator Contribution A PDRA from Cardiff University and a data scientist from the Alan Turing Institute will work on the project to investigate key biomechanical markers to identify stage of progression in OA with funding from the Network and ATI.
Impact A proposal has been drafted for the project however has yet to start.
Start Year 2020
Description MRC New Investigator Research Grant 
Organisation Columbia University
Country United States 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Collaboration by QMUL Research Fellow, Clare Thompson made with Professor Mauro Peretti through the OATech Grant which then prompted further collaborations with the William Harvey Research Institute, Rutgers University and Professor Clark Hung from Columbia University Engineering.
Collaborator Contribution Generation of pump priming data for further fellowship and grant funding.
Impact MRC Fellowship successful application generated followed by Career Development Award successful applications for Research Fellow in at Queen Mary University London.
Start Year 2019
Description MRC New Investigator Research Grant 
Organisation Queen Mary University of London
Department William Harvey Research Institute
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Collaboration by QMUL Research Fellow, Clare Thompson made with Professor Mauro Peretti through the OATech Grant which then prompted further collaborations with the William Harvey Research Institute, Rutgers University and Professor Clark Hung from Columbia University Engineering.
Collaborator Contribution Generation of pump priming data for further fellowship and grant funding.
Impact MRC Fellowship successful application generated followed by Career Development Award successful applications for Research Fellow in at Queen Mary University London.
Start Year 2019
Description MRC New Investigator Research Grant 
Organisation Rutgers University
Country United States 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Collaboration by QMUL Research Fellow, Clare Thompson made with Professor Mauro Peretti through the OATech Grant which then prompted further collaborations with the William Harvey Research Institute, Rutgers University and Professor Clark Hung from Columbia University Engineering.
Collaborator Contribution Generation of pump priming data for further fellowship and grant funding.
Impact MRC Fellowship successful application generated followed by Career Development Award successful applications for Research Fellow in at Queen Mary University London.
Start Year 2019
Description Markerless MOCAP - ECR Training Workshop - November 2022 
Organisation University of Central Lancashire
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Prof Jim Richards who is the Next Generation of Osteoarthritis Researchers Theme Lead, facilitated 6 ECRs attending a Markerless MOCAP - ECR Training Workshop at UCLAN to introduce and train new users in one of the emerging AI based markerless motion analysis systems. Attendees from Cardiff, Warwick, Strathclyde, Imperial College London, Kent and Edinburgh Universities.
Collaborator Contribution Prof Jim Richards facilitated this lab-based training event to introduce the new markerless mocap system and allow new users to gain knowledge and understanding about the techniques and applications for the next generation of motion analysis techniques and methodologies. Various scenarios were tested and trialled over a 3 day period.
Impact None as it was an ECR Training Event for OATech+
Start Year 2022
Description Next Generation Early Career Researcher Placement 2020 
Organisation Royal Veterinary College (RVC)
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution ECR placement funding awarded to PDRA to investigate the effect of mechanical loading on damage to the osteochondral unit in mice with varied bone mineral density and the impact of surgery to treat osteoarthritis on the surrounding joint assessed with gait and biomechanical analysis. The project took place between the 2 institutions adhering to Covid-19 laboratory safe protocols under the supervision of Professor Andrew Pitsillides and Professor Philip Rowe.
Collaborator Contribution Work on this placement links with other project work from the Network contributing to those outputs also.
Impact Project report with outputs to come.
Start Year 2020
Description Next Generation Early Career Researcher Placement 2020 
Organisation University of Strathclyde
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution ECR placement funding awarded to PDRA to investigate the effect of mechanical loading on damage to the osteochondral unit in mice with varied bone mineral density and the impact of surgery to treat osteoarthritis on the surrounding joint assessed with gait and biomechanical analysis. The project took place between the 2 institutions adhering to Covid-19 laboratory safe protocols under the supervision of Professor Andrew Pitsillides and Professor Philip Rowe.
Collaborator Contribution Work on this placement links with other project work from the Network contributing to those outputs also.
Impact Project report with outputs to come.
Start Year 2020
Description Next Generation Early Career Researcher Placement 2021 (2021-2022)) 
Organisation University of Warwick
Department Institute of Digital Healthcare
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution ECR placement funding awarded by OATech to Research Assistant to investigate the use of smart shoes to identify gait patterns and investigate knee joint angles during walking. The project took place at the University of Warwick Institute of Digitial Healthcare supevised by Dr Mark Elliott - Associate Professor at Warwick and Data Theme Lead for the OATech+.
Collaborator Contribution Work on this placement helps to create further links with work from the Network and provide the ECR with valuable opporutnity to work on research in a biomechanics gait lab.
Impact Report produced uploaded the OATech Website of the method used and results found.
Start Year 2021
Description Next Generation Early Career Researcher Scientific Exchange 
Organisation Cardiff University
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution PhD student visited KU Leuven and provided patient biomechanics data to develop a modelling pipeline for high tibial osteotomy knee contact models.
Collaborator Contribution Provided training for PhD student in the development of the knee contact model.
Impact Abstract submitted to European Society of Biomechanics. New technology brought to the OATech community from KU Leuven to understand knee contact pressures in osteoarthritis patients.
Start Year 2019
Description Next Generation Early Career Researcher Scientific Exchange 
Organisation University of Leuven
Country Belgium 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution PhD student visited KU Leuven and provided patient biomechanics data to develop a modelling pipeline for high tibial osteotomy knee contact models.
Collaborator Contribution Provided training for PhD student in the development of the knee contact model.
Impact Abstract submitted to European Society of Biomechanics. New technology brought to the OATech community from KU Leuven to understand knee contact pressures in osteoarthritis patients.
Start Year 2019
Description Next Generation Early Career Researcher Work Placement 
Organisation Cardiff University
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Provision of Biomechanics Research Facility Laboratory usage, including 3D motion capture, force plates, electromyography and dynamic x-ray data.
Collaborator Contribution Collection of clinical biomechanics data for healthy participants in the development of a testing procotol to evaluate fucntional total knee replacment impant kinematics.
Impact Clinical testing protocol developed. The data collected will work towards a grant application to further investigate instability and knee kinematics in total knee replacement patients.
Start Year 2019
Description Next Generation Early Career Researcher Work Placement 
Organisation Royal Veterinary College (RVC)
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Provision of facilities and expertise from the Skeletal Biology Lab to allow PhD student to investigate trabecular changes underlying the subchondral bone plate, used to predict and monitor osteoarthritis
Collaborator Contribution PhD student with experience in bone materials and bone response to trauma and disease.
Impact Novel automated method developed to examine trabecular bone structure. Soon to be published.
Start Year 2019
Description Next Generation Early Career Researcher Work Placement 
Organisation Royal Veterinary College (RVC)
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Provision of facilities and expertise from the Skeletal Biology Lab to allow PhD student to investigate trabecular changes underlying the subchondral bone plate, used to predict and monitor osteoarthritis
Collaborator Contribution PhD student with experience in bone materials and bone response to trauma and disease.
Impact Novel automated method developed to examine trabecular bone structure. Soon to be published.
Start Year 2019
Description Next Generation Early Career Researcher Work Placement 
Organisation University of Edinburgh
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Provision of Biomechanics Research Facility Laboratory usage, including 3D motion capture, force plates, electromyography and dynamic x-ray data.
Collaborator Contribution Collection of clinical biomechanics data for healthy participants in the development of a testing procotol to evaluate fucntional total knee replacment impant kinematics.
Impact Clinical testing protocol developed. The data collected will work towards a grant application to further investigate instability and knee kinematics in total knee replacement patients.
Start Year 2019
Description OATech Network+ Public Lecture by Professor Philip Conaghan: Why do my Joints hurt? Can anything be done with it? - Tuesday 22nd November 
Organisation University of Leeds
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The OATech Network+ Public Lecture was presented by Professor Philip Conaghan: Why do my Joints hurt? Can anything be done with it? on Tuesday 22nd November and was attended by over 100 in person and online across the UK and overseas. 'Why do my joints hurt? Can anyting be done?' - Public Lecture by Prof Philip Conaghan https://cardiff.cloud.panopto.eu/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=24b66195-ffb5-4182-a08c-af55014ace7e
Collaborator Contribution Prof Phil Conaghan, who is Consultant Rheumatologist presented the lecture as a PPIE activity focussed on education of the public about arthritis, its impact, how to manage it as a patient and what technologies may be emerging to understand and treat the symptoms.
Impact https://cardiff.cloud.panopto.eu/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=24b66195-ffb5-4182-a08c-af55014ace7e
Start Year 2022
Description OATech Presentation Session at BORS 2020 
Organisation British Orthopaedic Research Society
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution Presentations from results of 2 completed research feasibility studies were organised. Professor Nidhi Sofat presented on results from published study, 'Identifying risk factors for pain and functional impairment in large joint OA: a systematic review and meta-analysis approach' and Dr Mark Elliot presented on results from study, 'The opportunities and challenges of sharing and integrating datasets across osteoarthritis research disciplines: a scoping study.' Patient perspective videos organised by Verses Arthritis were also presented.
Collaborator Contribution BORS provided the online conference for the presentations and VA provided the patient perspective videos.
Impact Study results were presented and disseminated to an orthopaedic research demographic.
Start Year 2020
Description OATech Presentation Session at BORS 2020 
Organisation Versus Arthritis
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution Presentations from results of 2 completed research feasibility studies were organised. Professor Nidhi Sofat presented on results from published study, 'Identifying risk factors for pain and functional impairment in large joint OA: a systematic review and meta-analysis approach' and Dr Mark Elliot presented on results from study, 'The opportunities and challenges of sharing and integrating datasets across osteoarthritis research disciplines: a scoping study.' Patient perspective videos organised by Verses Arthritis were also presented.
Collaborator Contribution BORS provided the online conference for the presentations and VA provided the patient perspective videos.
Impact Study results were presented and disseminated to an orthopaedic research demographic.
Start Year 2020
Description OATech+ Early Career Research Workshop, British Orthopaedic Research Society, Edinburgh, 2022 
Organisation University of Central Lancashire
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution An OATech+ Early Career Research Workshop was hosted by the British Orthopaedic Research Society, Edinburgh, 2022. Facilitated by Prof Jim Richards(UCLAN) and Cathy Holt (Cardiff University), 6 ECRS presented their work and experience of their OATech+ funded activities including work placements, research placements, sandpit and pump-priming projects. This was to an audience of engineers, clinicians, biologists and generated new dissemination and networking opportunities for the ECRs involved.
Collaborator Contribution Prof Jim Richards (UCLAN) organise this Workshop with Dr Rebecca Hamilton (Cardiff, OATech+ Coordinator)
Impact All abstracts are published in the Bone and Joint Journal.
Start Year 2022
Description OATech+ Network - End of grant meeting on 22nd - 23rd November 2022 showcasing the research, activities and collaborations facilitated and funded over the past years. 
Organisation University of Exeter
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The PI, Co-Is and several Theme Leads contributed to this workshop covering all activities, funded and unfunded, outputs presentations, sustainability workshop and public engagement.
Collaborator Contribution The Network held their end of grant meeting on 22nd - 23rd November 2022 showcasing the research, activities and collaborations facilitated and funded over the past years. The schedule included updates from activities in each Research Theme, Research Presentations, an ECRS Discussion Panel, Societies and Sustainability Presentations, Grants Moving Forwards, Round Table Workshops and a Public Lecture given by Network Co-I Prof Philip Conaghan. Outputs from these presentations and workshops can be found in the links below. Sustainability of the Network, the connections and research achieved was discussed with several presentations given on New Networks arising, newly funded grant projects and professional societies with cross over opportunities. These presentations are available in the downloads below. An update from EPSRC Healthcare Technology Funding Strategy and Vision was provided and in the available material below to download. The Public Lecture titled, 'Why do my joints hurt? Can anything be done?' was a free in person and online event and the recording of the talk can be accessed via this link. Downloads OATECH+ SUMMARY AND RESEARCH THEME SLIDES NETWORK SUSTAINABILITY TABLE WORKSHOP - FEEDBACK OUTPUTS OATECH SUSTAINABILITY WITH BORS - PRESENTED BY ANDREW PHILIPS IMAGING BIOPRONETWORK - PRESENTED BY ANDREW PITSILLIDES IMAGE-DRIVEN SUBJECT-SPECIFIC SPINE MODELLING - PRESENTED BY JUDE MEAKIN REASSESS: AN OPEN ACCESS, INTEGRATED CLINICAL BIMECHANICS DATABASE FOR OSTEOAARTHRITIS - PRESENTED BY MARK ELLIOTT NOVEL ENGINEERING FOR VERTEBRAL BONE METASTASES 'ONCOENG' - PRESENTED BY MIKE BRYANT CHRONIC PAIN NEUROTECHNOLOGY NETWORK+ - PRESENTED BY VALERIE SPARKES EPSRC INTERNATIONAL CENTRE TO CENTRE COLLABORATION: UNIVERSITIES OF LEEDS AND DENVER, DEPUY SYNTHES. A SPRINGBOARD FOR DATA SHARING - PRESENTED BY ALISON JONES EPSRC HEALTHCARE TECHNOLOGY FUNDING STRATEGY AND VISION Useful Links: https://www.oatechnetwork.org/science-portal/research-projects-and-activities/ 'Why do my joints hurt? Can anyting be done?' - Public Lecture by Prof Philip Conaghan https://cardiff.cloud.panopto.eu/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=24b66195-ffb5-4182-a08c-af55014ace7e
Impact see the OATech+ End of Network Event webpage https://www.oatechnetwork.org/science-portal/research-projects-and-activities/
Start Year 2017
Description OATech+ Network Expertise database 
Organisation University of Leeds
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution OATech+ PI, Co-Is, Theme Leads and Project Partners have contributed to this expertise-database.
Collaborator Contribution OATech+ PI, Co-Is, Theme Leads and Project Partners have contributed to this expertise-database.
Impact OATech+ PI, Co-Is, Theme Leads and Project Partners have contributed to this expertise-database.
Start Year 2019
Description Organ-on-a-chip Development. 
Organisation Queen Mary University of London
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution OATech funded several pump priming projects for biomechanics and mechanobiology based projects. Within this work was a project to develop a synovium-chondrocyte organ-on-a-chip model with integrated biomechanical stimulation. This project has now formed a collaboration with the Orthopaedic Hospital in Oswestry to develop further.
Collaborator Contribution Funding has been obtained to progress this work further in a proof of concept award entitled, 'Advancing Human Synovial Chips'.
Impact Collaboration has just initiated following a pump priming project.
Start Year 2021
Description Organ-on-a-chip Development. 
Organisation The Robert Jones and Agnes Hunt Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution OATech funded several pump priming projects for biomechanics and mechanobiology based projects. Within this work was a project to develop a synovium-chondrocyte organ-on-a-chip model with integrated biomechanical stimulation. This project has now formed a collaboration with the Orthopaedic Hospital in Oswestry to develop further.
Collaborator Contribution Funding has been obtained to progress this work further in a proof of concept award entitled, 'Advancing Human Synovial Chips'.
Impact Collaboration has just initiated following a pump priming project.
Start Year 2021
Description Osteoarthritis Application Technology 
Organisation Ampersand Health
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Using the model from the rheumatoid arthritis management digital application and the results from the feasibility study at St George's led by Professor Nidhi Sofat, a collaboration has emerged to initiate a pilot project for osteoarthritis. Contacts have been made around the Network and consultants who may be interested in piloting the application with osteoarthritis patients. The pilot will look at both disease management and digital therapeutic options as well as a data gathering tool for integration of osteoarthritis data.
Collaborator Contribution Partners at St George's have initiated the collaboration based on the results from the systematic review revealing risk factors for pain and functional impairment in osteoarthritis and partners at Ampersand have a model digital application for the management of rheumatoid arthritis already in use.
Impact Collaboration is at initial stages of idea generation for a pilot.
Start Year 2020
Description Osteoarthritis Application Technology 
Organisation St George's University of London
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Using the model from the rheumatoid arthritis management digital application and the results from the feasibility study at St George's led by Professor Nidhi Sofat, a collaboration has emerged to initiate a pilot project for osteoarthritis. Contacts have been made around the Network and consultants who may be interested in piloting the application with osteoarthritis patients. The pilot will look at both disease management and digital therapeutic options as well as a data gathering tool for integration of osteoarthritis data.
Collaborator Contribution Partners at St George's have initiated the collaboration based on the results from the systematic review revealing risk factors for pain and functional impairment in osteoarthritis and partners at Ampersand have a model digital application for the management of rheumatoid arthritis already in use.
Impact Collaboration is at initial stages of idea generation for a pilot.
Start Year 2020
Description PhD Studentship 
Organisation University of Warwick
Department Institute of Digital Healthcare
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution OATech provided funding for a feasibility data scoping project on Osteoarthritis patient data.
Collaborator Contribution Final report has been completed with paper submission due shortly, data has been used to apply for a PhD Studentship award.
Impact PhD Studentship Award
Start Year 2019
Description PhD Studentship 
Organisation Versus Arthritis
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution OATech provided funding for a feasibility data scoping project on Osteoarthritis patient data.
Collaborator Contribution Final report has been completed with paper submission due shortly, data has been used to apply for a PhD Studentship award.
Impact PhD Studentship Award
Start Year 2019
Description Product Design Research, Cardiff Metropolitan University 
Organisation Cardiff Metropolitan University
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Two network meetings with PDR to define collaborative research; one in particular related to lifestyle monitoring, wearables and patient feedback systems and devices.
Collaborator Contribution Organised the second workshop and joined the OATech+ partners list
Impact A mapping exercise to identify common research goals and cross-fertilisation of expertise and ideas.
Start Year 2016
Description Pump Priming Project Governance Process Collaboration 
Organisation InHealth Group
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution OATech provided funding for Pump Priming Project to compare Osteoarthritis knee tissue.
Collaborator Contribution InHealth Ltd and Leeds Teaching Hospital Trust have provided Leeds University with guidance for patient identification using a scanning sequence with governance processes. Contract is now in place.
Impact Governance process for patient identification finalised using scanning sequences, contract in place.
Start Year 2019
Description Pump Priming Project Governance Process Collaboration 
Organisation Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution OATech provided funding for Pump Priming Project to compare Osteoarthritis knee tissue.
Collaborator Contribution InHealth Ltd and Leeds Teaching Hospital Trust have provided Leeds University with guidance for patient identification using a scanning sequence with governance processes. Contract is now in place.
Impact Governance process for patient identification finalised using scanning sequences, contract in place.
Start Year 2019
Description Pump Priming Project Governance Process Collaboration 
Organisation University of Leeds
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution OATech provided funding for Pump Priming Project to compare Osteoarthritis knee tissue.
Collaborator Contribution InHealth Ltd and Leeds Teaching Hospital Trust have provided Leeds University with guidance for patient identification using a scanning sequence with governance processes. Contract is now in place.
Impact Governance process for patient identification finalised using scanning sequences, contract in place.
Start Year 2019
Description Sandpit - using technology to improve alignment of discovery science to human disease with a view to fill OA knowledge gaps. 
Organisation Cardiff University
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution This sandpit has consisted of 3 online events and has been led by Professor Deborah Mason and Professor Andrew Pitsillides and demonstrated how research focus meetings could be held online with productive outcomes.
Collaborator Contribution The first session was held alongside BORS 2020 online conference and consisted of opinions from global leaders on the knowledge gaps in OA research and how technology and interdisciplinary research can fill these. This informed a 2-day online sandpit that was held later and focussed on idea generation and draft proposal formation. A follow up online focus meeting was held at the beginning of 2021to help refine these proposals and identify funding applications.
Impact Draft grant proposals have been written and currently in refining and review process.
Start Year 2020
Description Sandpit - using technology to improve alignment of discovery science to human disease with a view to fill OA knowledge gaps. 
Organisation Royal Veterinary College (RVC)
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution This sandpit has consisted of 3 online events and has been led by Professor Deborah Mason and Professor Andrew Pitsillides and demonstrated how research focus meetings could be held online with productive outcomes.
Collaborator Contribution The first session was held alongside BORS 2020 online conference and consisted of opinions from global leaders on the knowledge gaps in OA research and how technology and interdisciplinary research can fill these. This informed a 2-day online sandpit that was held later and focussed on idea generation and draft proposal formation. A follow up online focus meeting was held at the beginning of 2021to help refine these proposals and identify funding applications.
Impact Draft grant proposals have been written and currently in refining and review process.
Start Year 2020
Description School of Healthcare, Cardiff University 
Organisation Cardiff and Vale University Health Board
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Working with academics in Healthcare to develop further sensor sets and wearables for monitoring of knee and low back pain patients as part of the Arthritis Research UK Biomechanics and Bioengineering Centre
Collaborator Contribution Attendance at several discussions regarding patient rehabilitation schedules and exercises for total knee replacement. Discussions regarding our development of patent based sensor sets in the lab an clinic before home testing. Contributions to the ethical approval applications and protocols.
Impact IRAS approval for the initial lab based studies with patients.
Start Year 2015
Description School of Healthcare, Cardiff University 
Organisation Versus Arthritis
Department Biomechanics and Bioengineering Centre
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution Working with academics in Healthcare to develop further sensor sets and wearables for monitoring of knee and low back pain patients as part of the Arthritis Research UK Biomechanics and Bioengineering Centre
Collaborator Contribution Attendance at several discussions regarding patient rehabilitation schedules and exercises for total knee replacement. Discussions regarding our development of patent based sensor sets in the lab an clinic before home testing. Contributions to the ethical approval applications and protocols.
Impact IRAS approval for the initial lab based studies with patients.
Start Year 2015
Title Agile Kinetic - Development of a pose estimation medical device for remote measurement of patient joint angles - Welsh Government Accelerate Wales funded collaboration - Cardiff University/Industry/NHS 
Description Following funding from Innovate UK Agile Kinetic have developed a patent pending healthcare application, 'MobilityHub' in association with orthopaedic surgeons, physiotherapists, and patients. The software is a sharing platform between patients and clinicians, enabling patients to self-manage pre and post-operative care at home. The app provides personalised musculoskeletal care through the provision of a rehabilitation programme, a simple and engaging platform for effective monitoring and clinician support. Given the increased demand for remote patient management and monitoring, the development of an AI pose estimation tool to remotely measure the patients progress is in development. This provides a 2D analysis of patient movements based on tracking specific joint range of motion, angles and whole-body mobility. This can be achieved through single camera footage self-taken by the patient using any smartphone, tablet or webcam and analysed remotely by the clinician. Due to the Covid pandemic, there is currently a significant backlog of patients awaiting joint replacement surgery, realignment surgery and other orthopaedic procedures. There is an opportunity for some rehabilitation to be managed remotely, reducing the need for in-patient follow-up appointments and the demand required to facilitate this. Since 2019 Agile Kinetic have been developing an artificial intelligence (AI) algorithm to provide the model for the 2D analysis joint measurement tool. In Spring 2021 they embarked on a 12 month R&D project in partnership with Cardiff Metropolitan University to refine and improve this model in preparation for CE marking as a class 1 medical device with measurement function. This tool will then be used in conjunction with the existing MobilityHub app on the patient's own mobile device. The resulting data will be available for clinicians to review. The current study developed through new collaborations between OATech+ (Holt and Hamilton), an MRC CiC funded project on remote rehabilitation challenges and an active search for industry partners who are developing new tools that are adaptable for rapid clinical adoption for targeted rehabilitation of patients with osteoarthritis. This new collaboration between Cardiff University, Cardiff and Vale University Health Board: Physiotherapy and Industry - Aglie Kinetic - has a number of aims Aim 1: To gain appropriate evidence of accuracy and reliability of the pose estimation predictions towards clinical adoption and CE marking Objective: To test and measure the generated data against clinically validated technology. Aim 2: To expand upon Agile Kinetics' existing library of over 9,000 human pose images used to develop the 2D analysis AI tool, for development of a 3 dimensional model Objective: To capture 3 dimensional image and position data from the clinically validated system and integrate it into Agile Kinetic's existing dataset Aim 3 : Knowledge sharing to increase understanding of additional applications of AI pose estimation for medical applications Objective: To identify additional medical applications, detail requirements and shortlist for further collaborative work 
Type Therapeutic Intervention - Physical
Current Stage Of Development Refinement. Clinical
Year Development Stage Completed 2022
Development Status Under active development/distribution
Impact The new app is now being developed in direct consultation with the local NHS physiotherapy team which has enabled valuable communications across clinical, biomechanics and computer science interfaces. As a result the visuals and assessment parameters are now being tailored to the needs of the physiotherapy team, allowing them to anticipate remote objective measures of patient knee movements, movement consistency and asymmetry alongside existing PROMS and clinical assessments. This is attracting new interest from the larger physiotherapy team and is leading to further funding applications to develop the tool to asses the spine and upper limbs 
URL https://www.agilekinetic.com/mobilityhub
Title TOKA - Tailored Osteotomy Knee Alignment (TOKA®) is a patient specific surgical treatment for knee osteoarthritis specifically designed for young and active patinets 
Description Image based evaluation for validation of a computer aided model of TOKA (3D-MP/Cardiff University joint project) Background - High Tibial Osteotomy (HTO) is an effective treatment for this younger patient group. Unlike knee replacement, it preserves the native joint by re-aligning the tibia and redistributing the painful high-pressure regions within the knee. HTO clinical outcomes depend on the accuracy of the procedure, which is complex and surgically demanding. Current HTO solutions are one-size-fits-all resulting in post-operative complications related to the standardised nature of the plates. 3D-Metal Printing (3D-MP) use additive manufacturing (AM) technology to create complex and bespoke geometries, a low energy, environmentally responsible process with minimal material waste. Combining AM with digital technology 3D-MP developed TOKA (Tailored Osteotomy Knee Alignment), a precision-engineered patient-specific HTO treatment for knee Osteoarthritis (OA). It allows surgeons to precisely achieve the planned correction using a combination of intuitive 3D planning and custom-made, minimally invasive devices for superior patient comfort. Thus, providing a significant improvement to healthcare providers' treatment options. At Cardiff University the Musculoskeletal Biomechanics Research Facility (MSKBRF) was established as part of a Welsh funded bid and includes the state of the art, £1.6M dynamic, bi-plane X-Ray facility. This system is used to capture high-speed 2D X-ray of dynamic motions or activities of in-vivo joint biomechanics. The Biomechanics and Bioengineering Research Centre Versus Arthritis (BBRCVA) at Cardiff University has led HTO studies for the last 10 years to understand altered loading in the knee OA in terms of the links between biomechanics, biology, and clinical measures. Longitudinal studies have been performed to measure, quantify and compare lower leg and trunk biomechanics to understand the way patients with medial compartment OA alter their gait, and other activities of daily living in response to their degenerative knee joint disease. Additional comparisons between biomechanical function taken pre- surgery to those that result post-operatively are performed to understand the effects of knee realignment surgery on offloading the medial compartment of the knee in order to alleviate the effects of the osteoarthritis in the bone and cartilage and other stabilising structures. Alongside this the effects of non-surgical gait alteration to offload the diseased compartment of the knee are being investigated. During these studies BBRCVA have worked alongside orthopaedic surgeons (at C&V UHB) who have collected and collated clinical data on the patients who have biomechanics and biological data, allowing relationships to be identified between biomechanics and clinical knee alignment. A previous Knee Fellow who collated this information went on to establish the UK's first Osteotomy Registry (UKKOR) and interested in tibial osteotomy has risen extensively since the work started on the HTO study as a Flagship Study for the BBRC Versus Arthritis. The OATech+ funded an Imaging Group project to develop new, bespoke dual plane dynamic X-ray imaging protocols (D Williams), focussed on extremity joints (knee, hand/wrist/ankle/foot). As a result of this Research Feasibility Study, these protocols have been adapted for the TOKA project allowing, for the first time, in vivo imaging pre- post HTO for patients having either a standard or a TOKA fixation plate. Aims - The Personalised Against Standard High tibial Osteotomy (PASHiOn) trial started in 2021 - as part of a study funded by Versus Arthritis and led by Prof Gill (Bath University). This trial, led by Oxford University Clinical Trials Research Unit, is a two-group blinded randomised trial that will be conducted on 88 patients comparing TOKA to standard HTO. A cohort of 22 randomised patients are receiving treatment in Cardiff as part of the double-blind study. This proposed study is undertaking additional in-vivo biomechanical analysis at the MSKBRF on the Cardiff cohort to provide additional valuable insight on how the surgery changes contact positions of the tibiofemoral joint pre and post-surgery. The main aims are as follows: - 3DMP - To develop a diagnostic digital tool for surgeons to predict Pre-op and Post-Op motion and measure contact and contact points post-surgery. This will be integrated into TOKA's existing HTO planning software. Cardiff University - To develop pipelines that use the available imaging data (e.g CT) to measure contact pressure and locations and to correlate them to clinical measures and biomechanics that we can measure in our gait lab. Identifying and translating salient information for use in the TOKA's surgical planning software to enhance patient outcome. 
Type Therapeutic Intervention - Surgery
Current Stage Of Development Small-scale adoption
Year Development Stage Completed 2022
Development Status Under active development/distribution
Impact The product, developed previously at Bath University, is being trialled in Italy and the UK across 5 surgical centres (PASHiOn). There have been severe delays due to the halting of elective surgery during COVID but the trail has now commenced, and recruitment has begun. The main impact of the work that has resulted from the OATech+ RFP study, to date, is the ability to quantify previously inaccessible, in-vivo dynamic, loaded arthrokinematics pre and post surgery. The dynamic and bone models generated and the arthokinematic and gait biomechanics outputs will provide evidence to support the clinical and video vector evidence from the PASHiOn study and will also provide parameters for optimising the models developed for virtual surgical planning and training. 
URL https://www.tokagroup.com/
Title A new straightforward method for semi-automated segmentation of trabecular bone from cortical bone in diverse and challenging morphologies 
Description Many physiological, biomechanical, evolutionary and clinical studies that explore skeletal structure and function require successful separation of trabecular from cortical compartments of a bone that has been imaged by X-ray micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) prior to analysis. Separation often involves manual subdivision of these two similarly radio-opaque compartments, which can be time-consuming and subjective. We have developed an objective, semi-automated protocol which reduces user bias and enables straightforward, user-friendly segmentation of trabecular from the cortical bone without requiring sophisticated programming expertise. This method can conveniently be used as a 'recipe' in commercial programmes (Avizo herein) and applied to a variety of datasets. Here, we characterize and share this recipe, and demonstrate its application to a range of murine and human bone types, including normal and osteoarthritic specimens, and bones with distinct embryonic origins and spanning a range of ages. We validate the method by testing inter-user bias during the scan preparation steps and confirm utility in the architecturally challenging analysis of growing murine epiphyses. We also report details of the recipe, so that other groups can readily re-create a similar method in open access programmes. Our aim is that this method will be adopted widely to create a reproducible and time-efficient method of segmenting trabecular and cortical bone. 
Type Of Technology New/Improved Technique/Technology 
Year Produced 2021 
Impact In addition to making the Avizo 'recipe' freely available, we share its specific steps in a Github repository (https://github.com/evaherbst/Trabecular_Segmentation_Avizo) so that the method can also be applied in open-source programmes which are more accessible and may be preferred by other researchers. The aim is that this method will be adopted widely to create a reproducible and time-efficient method of segmenting trabecular and cortical bone. 
URL https://dx.doi.org/10.1098%2Frsos.210408
Description 'DARE TO ENGINEER' 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact A two day workshop designed to showcase areas of engineering. In this case the focus was on medical engineering and using motion capture.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description After Dark at the Museum, National Museum of Wales, Cardiff, 2018 and 2019 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact The School of Engineering has been working with the National Museum of Wales to help bring science and engineering to a wider public. One of their first collaborative events was After Dark at the Museum, a hugely successful night which attracted an audience of more than 1,700 guests.
The guests, which included many families and young children, were treated to a number of hands-on exhibitions and activities as well as tours of the Museum. The Cardiff University Schools of Engineering, Chemistry, and Physics and Astronomy took part in the event as well as volunteers from the Institute of Physics and the Royal Society of Chemistry.

Some of the university research demonstrated included damage detection in aerospace structures, identifying the location of sound, arthritis research, drone technology and energy generation.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018,2019
URL https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/news/view/1013991-after-dark-at-the-museum-a-resounding-success
Description BBC Online report for national news 
Form Of Engagement Activity A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press)
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Media (as a channel to the public)
Results and Impact Cardiff Uni bid to create osteoarthritis 'smart patch'
By Max Evans
BBC News
21 January 2017

Dr Davide Crivelli and Prof Cathy Holt, School of Engineering Cardiff University

Scientists are hoping to create a smart patch which could detect the early onset of osteoarthritis in patients' knees. Cardiff University's team uses damage sensors from aircraft wings to catch subsonic cracking sounds in joints before the disease fully develops. They believe a disposable patch using them could save expensive diagnosis and treatment of advanced osteoarthritis.

This was subsequently reported online and in print in some of the following outlets - Sun, Daily Mirror, Daily Mail and Daliy Express. also the Irish News, Arthritis Digest, ARUK Website, Cardiff University Website







Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017,2018
URL https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-south-east-wales-38604860
Description BBC Radio 2 Today programme Interview 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact BBC Today programme Interview and techology demonstration during live recording from Cardiff University with Today Presenter.
Catherine Holt and undergraduate Medical Engineer.
Highlighting the role of new technology in understanding MSK disorders, OA and its treatments.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description BBC Radio Wales Interview and Strength Testing Demonstration 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact BBC Radio Wales interview and technology demonstration - breakfast program

C Holt interviewed with Cardiff Blues Rugby Team member and Undergraduate Student on the MSK Biomechanics research facility and the importance of new technology for osteoarthritis research.

Coincided with International Biomechanics Day event involving local piomary school children
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Cardiff Half Marathon - Engagement with Wearable Technology for Exercise and Rehabilitation Monitoring 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact A stand at the Cardiff Half Marathon demonstrating the use of research to help experts investigate knee and back conditions. The use of state of the art wearable technology for exercise and rehabilitation monitoring was demonstrated by Dr Philippa Jones as part of the Arthritis research UK Biomechanics and Bioengineering Centre at Cardiff. The Cardiff Half attracted over 22,000 runners and 50,000 spectators over the weekend event.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
URL https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/news/view/946685-experts-investigate-knee-and-back-conditions
Description Chinese undergraduate interactive Medical engineering visit 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Undergraduate students
Results and Impact 15 undergraduate students from China attended The Musculoskeletal Biomechanics Research Facility ( 24/01/2019) for an interactive workshop on medical engineering
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Establishing an OATech Network + website 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Patients, carers and/or patient groups
Results and Impact The OATech Network + website has been established as a tool of engagement, collaboration and multi-disciplinary user communication.
The site offers two portals:
A science portal established for those interested in research in the field of OA, and for the multi-disciplinary Network Partners to interact and collaborate. This is also there to engage with industry, clinicians and policymakers
A public and patient portal established to communicate Network opportunities and findings to the public and patients, offer engagement opportunities and opportunities to influence research, encourage across portal interaction, provide links to OA relevant events, support groups and charities.

Ultimately the website is there is encourage engagement across multiple stakeholder groups, with the aim of sustaining the Network beyond its initial four year period of funding.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
URL http://oatechnetwork.org/
Description French School Group workshop 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact Secondary School children from France attended a workshop on medical engineering
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Involving Network People Annual Conference 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Patients, carers and/or patient groups
Results and Impact Nine individuals chose to attend a "pitch session" introducing the OATech Network +, as part of the Involving Network People Annual event.
WE had a engaging session with discussion on OA, current management , problems with management, Cardiff University research and the introduction of the Network. We shared personal experiences, engaged in activities organised by myself, had a demo of new technology used in clinical research, and evaluated the newly commissioned Network website.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
URL https://www.healthandcareresearch.gov.wales/events/2017/03/01/involving-people-network-annual-meetin...
Description Meeting with Versus Arthritis 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Third sector organisations
Results and Impact The Operations Group travelled to Versus Arthritis headquarters to engage with the charity on invitation. The Network activities and funding of projects was presented to the charity. This facilitated discussion of overlaps in areas of priorities, and possible collaborations.
The impact reported by Versus Arthritis (Shereen Sabbah) is detailed below:
We thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to meet with and update the OATech+ Network leads on our aims as a new Charity, and importantly hear about the Network's numerous activities since its inception and plans for 2019. The discussions which emerged from the meeting have given us a lot 'food for thought' on where some of our activities in the field of Osteoarthritis research would benefit from interaction and engagement with the Network in future. We also look forward to seeing the outcomes of the Network's numerous activities and funded projects upon completion.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Modelathon at the University of Sheffield 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact Aim of Modelathon: To engage researchers in the field of musculoskeletal and cardiovascular research with the principles and practice of multiscale modelling through addressing an authentic research challenge using both industrial and open source research tools and frameworks. To raise the profile of the project amongst the academic community and industry. The MultiSim Modelathon brings together PhD and PostDoc researchers in the field of Multi-Scale Modelling and Biomechanical Engineering, from around the world, to compete in teams against one another to solve a complex multi-scale modelling problem. This three-day event is based on the concept of a hackathon event where different teams work on a challenging problem to 'hack' a computer code. Here there is no 'hacking' but 'modelling'. The teams competed to solve a challenging multi-scale biomechanical problem within the musculoskeletal system using state-of-the-art techniques and software. Industry members and multi-scale experts supported the event, including software providers and Ansys, Simpleware, Materialise and Simulia. They supported the Modelathon by providing licences for the academic developers preparing and testing the challenges before the event, and the Modelathon participants during the event. They provided expertise and technical support during the event to encourage participants to make the most of the software available and sponsored the events to subsidise the costs to the participants. The 2018 and 2020 offerings of the Modelathon were co-sponsored and supported by OATech+, and focused on the clinical problem of osteoarthritis in the hip and knee joints respectively. Each year the Modelathon attracts approximately 25 researchers.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018,2020
URL http://multisim-insigneo.org/modelathon/
Description National Biomechanics Day Schools Event at the MSK Biomechanics Research Facility, Cardiff University 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an open day or visit at my research institution
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact 35 local inner city primary school pupils attended for a school visit to the research organisation, and had the opportunity to interact with state of the art technology including motion capture, imaging, electromyography, biodex strength testing, pressure walkways, which sparked many excited questions and discussion afterwards, and the school reported that the pupils had gained a fun and thorough insight into the types of research undertaken into arthritis research at Cardiff.

The organisers (PGRs and ECRs) were awarded a prize from the International Society of Biomechanics Society for Best Content

It was the first National Biomechanics Day in Wales and the ECR was also successful as a Co-I on a Royal Academy of Engineering Ingenious Grant. This is to develop more engineering resources to engage girls and young women with engineering. She was also selected as the winner of The Worshipful Company of Engineer's Mercia Award 2019.

we are repeating it again this year.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description OATech+ Network Focus Meeting 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Forty-five multi-disciplinary Network Partners and patients attended a professionally facilitated two-day Focus Meeting in Cardiff, to reach a consensus on the Network's Themes, gaps in knowledge and research priorities.Theme leaders led working groups encompassing ten different Themes relating to OA. The outputs were:
The identification of the priority areas for each theme, justification based upon the impact on the rest of the Network, and proposals for meeting these priorities.
Post meeting, the information gathered from each Theme has been collated, shared across the Network, and peer reviewed to establish the immediate actions and resulting activities for the entire Network.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description OATech+ Session at British Orthopaedic Research Society, Leeds, IMechE Engineering the Knee, London - 2018 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact The OATech+ sponsored a session at BORS 2018 in Leeds and IMEchE Knee in London, and flyers were placed around the lecture room.
The BORS Leeds session introduced the OATech+ (Holt) and there were two talks delivered by Sally Roberts - Novel Experimental Technology Theme Leader - on Biology and OA, and by Phil Rowe - CI - on Motion Capture and its use in biomechanics and OA research.
The IMechE Knee London session introduced the OATech+ (Holt) and there were two talks delivered by Debbie Mason - High level Evidence and Impact Toolkit Theme Leader - on Biology and OA, and by Phil Rowe - CI - on Motion Capture and its use in biomechanics and OA research.

Flyers were also placed at the Registration Desk and there was a presence at OARSI, Liverpool, 2018.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description OATech+ network sponsored two sessions at the BioMedEng 2018 conference held in London in September 2018 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact OATech+ network sponsored two sessions at the BioMedEng 2018 conference held in London in September 2018 (https://www.biomedeng18.com/). There was an OATech plenary session with an excellent invited keynote lecture from Professor Kyriacos Athanasiou (https://sites.uci.edu/deltai/) and a separate OATech session of selected high quality research abstracts in the area of OA. The meeting was attended by over 500 delegates representing the largest gathering of UK bioengineers.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
URL https://www.biomedeng18.com/
Description Patient Public Involvement in Research - OA Engagement Day 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Patient and Public Involvement in Research
Cardiff City Stadium
Full day of brief presentations and Cafe style break out sessions.
Understanding the role of patients in research design and ethics.

This event generated a vast amount of patient / carer opinion on topics such as Genetic Screening and the use of Media in research.
Feedback of the day was all positive and a full feedback document will be produced in the future and will be circulated as appropriate.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Public engagement event 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact A public engagement event was held to increase awareness of osteoarthritis, and the local research being undertaken in this area. The event involved a mixture of activities, and talks, and was led by a third year undergraduate undertaking a project in engagement.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Science Museum Late Event, Gaitrite walkway used for public engagement around gait anaylsis. 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Over 1000 visitors attended this museum late night event. A walkway lined with pressure sensors for gait analysis was used with a projector to show audience potential variables that are analysed. Virtual Reality goggles with videos of 3D motion capture, used to entertain people in the queue. PhD students, undergraduate students and early career researchers were available to engage with the public around ways in which biomechanical analysis is used for research.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Science Museum Late event using Organ on a Chip Technology. 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Over 4000 visitors attended this museum event for educational experience on 'organ on a chip' technology. Visitors make their own organ on a chip keyring, using a variety of "ingredients" such as coloured beads, pens and tapes - representing the key cell types, 3D environments and mechanical forces present within the organ. Visitors created their own lungs, brains, livers and joints, which, when miniaturised, were turned into key rings for them to take home. Network engineers and scientists who helped run the shop came from a variety of Universities including Brunel, Oxford, Kent, Dublin, Cambridge and Queen Mary London.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
URL https://www.organonachip.org.uk/news/4629/the-organ-on-a-chip-shop-a-science-museum-highlight#
Description Social Media Accounts 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact OATech+ Network social media accounts were established and went live.
Twitter and Facebook were set up to engage with Network Partners, the public, patients and other stakeholders such as industry and clinicians
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017,2018,2019
URL http://twitter.com/OATechNetwork
Description Stakeholder engagement poster 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact An abstract was accepted for a poster presentation, that was subsequently delivered at Physiotherapy UK 2017 (10-11th November 2017), to engage with clinical stakeholders and their patients. Supporting the poster discussions over the two-day conference, handouts of the poster were also given out to promote the purpose of the Network, provide contact information, highlight key areas of research, and to convey the importance of stakeholder engagement to support Network success towards improving patient outcomes. In advance of the conference, the Network website and social media channels advertised that the poster was to be presented. Post conference, social media was used to convey the Network presence at the conference, and website metrics gained from our next digital report will be used to record any increase in Network interest from a social media perspective..
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
URL http://www.physiotherapyuk.org.uk/
Description Stakeholder engagement poster 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Presenting a poster on public engagement and osteoarthritis at the Public Health Wales Research Showcase Bringing Together Health and Social Care: A Revolution in Transformation.
The poster details a public engagement project focused on osteoarthritis, the Musculoskeletal Biomechanics Research Facility at Cardiff University, and using a logic model to monitor and evaluate.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
URL https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/public-health-wales-research-showcase-event-bringing-together-health-...
Description Tour of lab by PETIC 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Researchers from PETIC attended to listen to presentations, tour the Musculoskeletal Biomechanics Research Facility and discuss collaborations.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Versus Arthritis Media Spokes Person 
Form Of Engagement Activity A magazine, newsletter or online publication
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact CATHY HOLT - was invited to comment on in a Daily Mail interview regarding different walking styles and altered knee loading. She was Informed that it would be published in the Daily Mail in March 2019. The impacts/outcome have yet to be observed.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018,2019