Lead Research Organisation: Imperial College London
Department Name: Aeronautics


The SWEPT2 project aims to develop a sophisticated tool for modelling wind turbine wakes and wake interactions in the
context of large wind parks, primarily offshore. Such models are essential for improved wind farm designs with improved
energy yields. The Imperial College contribution is to improve the understanding of the flow physics associated with large
scale rotor wakes interacting with the turbulence in the atmospheric boundary layer and with downstream rotors. This is
aimed at improving the turbulence modelling in the CFD calculations of flow through the whole wind park array of HAWTs.
Comparisons with experimental measurements at laboratory scale and at full scale to help validation are intended.

Planned Impact

Very considerable growth is currently predicted for the offshore wind industry to fulfil renewable energy obligations. An
improved prediction tool for large wind parks, which are the standard deployment planned to achieve this growth, has
capability to make a large financial contribution to the UK economy through reduced wind park maintenance and increased
energy efficiency.


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publication icon
Burton Tony L. (2021) Wind Energy Handbook

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Graham J (2017) Rapid distortion of turbulence into an open turbine rotor in Journal of Fluid Mechanics

Description A theoretical analysis based on the Rapid Distortion of Turbulence has been completed showing that turbulence in the wind incident on a wind turbine rotor is amplified by the mean wind flow around and through the rotor. This effect increases the buffeting and fatigue of the blades. The results detailing the theory and the degree of amplification according to the size of the turbine have been published. A further work comparing the theoretical results with full scale field data from both a wind turbine and a tidal turbine (to which the theory also applies) have also been submitted to a journal.
Simple methods of predicting the turbulence levels (intensity and length-scale) generated in the wake of a turbine considered as an actuator disc source in a large scale computational simulation of flow through a wind farm has been made into a report submitted to all the partners (industrial and academic) in the SWEPT2 consortium.
Exploitation Route The results will be usable as inputs (or to correct inputs) to routine computational simulations of wind turbine and wind farm flows.
Sectors Energy


Description The findings have contributed to the understanding of the industrial partners for modelling the wake flow fields.
First Year Of Impact 2018
Sector Energy
Impact Types Economic

Title Wind-Tunnel Simulation of Approximately Horizontally Homogeneous Stable Atmospheric Boundary Layers 
Description 2 component Laser Doppler Anemometry measurements made in the Environmental flow Wind Tunnel at Surrey University, correlated with a cold wire to determine the longitudinal and vertical heat flux in a stable boundary layer with an overlying inversion. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2021 
Provided To Others? Yes  
URL https://figshare.com/articles/dataset/Wind-Tunnel_Simulation_of_Approximately_Horizontally_Homogeneo...