Urban Living Partnership - Newcastle and Gateshead City Region

Lead Research Organisation: Newcastle University
Department Name: Sch of Architect, Planning & Landscape


The Urban Living Partnership pilot phase in Newcastle and Gateshead will diagnose the complex and interdependent challenges within the urban region, working collaboratively to co-design and implement initiatives and solutions in order to contribute to the life and development of the area. Led by Newcastle University and featuring project partners from across the Quadruple Helix model from government, industry, academia and civil society, we will form the Newcastle City Futures Unit and implement an inter-disciplinary and cross-sectoral approach to the initial 18 month pilot project, allowing us to synoptically approach challenges and develop a platform for innovative urban solutions.

As a post-industrial urban area with more than 381,100 citizens, Newcastle and Gateshead form the heart of a contiguous urban conurbation of over 1 million people. We are a region facing numerous challenges, and perform below average on a number of socio-economic factors such as economic activity, educational attainment and health. Our pilot phase work will look to identify specific issues around these and other challenges, framed through our themes of "Ageing", Sustainability" and "Social Renewal", which have been identified previously as areas of particular significance for the city region.

Newcastle and Gateshead provide the perfect platform to establish this pilot project, based on the success of the Newcastle City Futures 2065 project which was part of the UK Foresight Future of Cities programme. This work initiated collaborative working between HEIs and local authorities in the area in order to address long term complex city problems beyond traditional disciplines and sectors in order to reflect the complex government and organisational environment that is a hallmark of 21st century cities. This project acted as an urban incubator to identify themes through scenarios and Delphi methods which built on the existing assets of the city region to achieve innovation through research, policy development and demonstrator projects. The themes identified through this work were "the age friendly city", "the sustainable city", "the creative city" and "the science city", and along with evidence of a need for more detailed work to understand the drivers of change affecting cities. The work also identified the need for support for new digital platforms in order to exchange data across sectors, multifunctional demonstrator projects which offer innovative solutions to problems and opportunities across all sectors, as well as support for visualisation of long-term scenarios by bringing together expertise in areas such as computing, mapping, spatial analysis and urban planning. The Newcastle City Futures Unit will build on this, to establish an urban accelerator, to co-produce and collaboratively design practical solutions and policy recommendations in order to drive the future policy agenda and shape deliverable demonstration and innovation projects within Newcastle and Gateshead.

An array of methods will be utilised across the duration of the project, including foresight futures methodologies such as Delphi surveys, scenario building and systems analysis work to help representatives from HEIs, businesses and civil society to identifying long term challenges in the city region and to create a vision for the future of the cities that can be replicated elsewhere. Visualisation techniques will also be implemented combining expertise in computing, mapping, spatial analysis and urban planning, with consortium partners facilitating identification of suitable case studies for the work.

Through the work outlined above, the Newcastle City Futures Unit will build capacity amongst a wide range of stakeholders to realise communities of practice that are futures oriented and make a measurable difference to the cities and their citizens.

Planned Impact

The Urban Living Partnership in Newcastle and Gateshead will have impact upon a wide range of stakeholders. The consortium acknowledges that a lot of the impact will not become apparent until the key challenges in the urban area are diagnosed. However, it is clear even at this stage that the project has huge potential to significantly impact a wide range of beneficiaries which are captured below.
Citizens of Newcastle and Gateshead - At the core of this pilot phase is the need to significantly contribute to the life, wellbeing and development of the citizens of Newcastle and Gateshead, by identifying key challenges currently faced by the area in order to develop a suitable approach to address current and future issues related to urban living. This will include demonstrator projects which will directly engage with and impact upon day to day activity, as well as new policy recommendations for local government to initiate, and industry-led initiatives.

Local Government - The local authorities (that are part of our project consortium) will benefit from our work on the Urban Living Partnership. Both city councils will benefit in terms of their preparatory work for the revised Joint Core Strategy beyond 2030, and the provision of intelligence into the quarterly public-facing Policy Cabinets and the Newcastle 2020 initiative. The North East LEP will also greatly benefit , especially in relation to the development of the Economic Strategy and Sustainable Urban Development Strategy for the allocation of European funds in the region. The ULP will also feed into the work of the North East Combined Authority, shaping both the proposed North East Planning Development Framework and analysis of long term trends that influence Newcastle and the wider North East. We will also feed into the "Northern Powerhouse", with regards to long term economic growth for the north and provision of transport strategies that ensure better city to city connectivity.

Industry - Our Urban Living Partnership features industry partners who will all benefit greatly from this pilot phase. These partners include IBM, Nexus, Arjuna, Intu, AECOM, Newcastle Airport, Zero Carbon Futures, Northumbrian Water, Northern Gas Networks, Northern Power Grid, the Federation of Small Businesses, NGI and Techcity. We will work with these partners to align their own project developments and investment strategies alongside the work of the ULP, to achieve more effective outputs through enhanced citizen engagement, academic research evidence and cross-sectoral collaboration. For example, we will work with Nexus on their 2030 strategy and modernization programme. . ULP will look to facilitate the co-design the internal layouts of new metro carriages that cater for societal needs and which are more sustainable, looking to develop digital app technology to crowd source public opinion and design options.

Public Services - As well as with industry partners, there will be significant impact from the work of the ULP with regards to public sector organisations such as the NHS, Newcastle Schools Network, Newcastle Council for Voluntary Service and the Quality of Life Partnership. For example, research evidence and delivery models regarding challenges/opportunities around "Ageing" will be progressed collaboratively and demonstrator projects actioned through the ULP which support the work of the Quality of Life Partnership.

As is evident in the letters of support from our project partners they are excited by the potential impact of the project and have been forward in demonstrating their investment in this work through their significant in-kind contributions which total approximately £833k. Both Newcastle and Northumbria Universities are also committed to leading innovative projects, which is emphasised in the institutional letters of support that have been submitted by both Vice-Chancellors.



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publication icon
Wilson A (2019) Let's draw and talk about urban change: Deploying digital technology to encourage citizen participation in urban planning in Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science

publication icon
McNeill D (2021) The university and the city: Spaces of risk, decolonisation, and civic disruption in Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space

Description The project has developed in different ways over the 18 months of the pilot. A key objective was to understand complex urban challenges beyond individual sectors and disciplines. This has been achieved, with new approaches to develop transdisciplinary working and project-based research and new ways to ensure collaborative working across the public, private, community and academic sectors. It was noted that this requires constant attention and a constant management and brokerage role for Newcastle City Futures, to build up trust across boundaries, share and disseminate information, and raise sights high above and beyond individual organisational or disciplinary modes of working. Operating in a 'space between' has been vital to develop trust and collaboration, but few existing opportunities in universities exist for individual academics, grounded and based within particular schools and paradigms, to transcend knowledge silos. This is a major gap in knowledge transfer and support for brokerage between social science, science, technology, engineering, medicine, and arts and humanities. But that transdisciplinary brokerage is vital to address urban challenges that are difficult to resolve by single disciplines or by single actors. A second objective was to develop spaces of innovative thought and action across the city, in order to engage, understand, debate and analyse both the challenges and opportunities unique to places, and find projects and initiatives that all sectors could own and develop. Many of NCF's partners have been willing to learn and participate in that model, but occasionally the NCF team, unexpectedly, were required to be parachuted into particular organisations to resolve internal challenges with a fresh pair of eyes. This was especially true of public sector partners that are feeling the impacts of austerity and resource and staff constraints, meaning that carving out the space for new innovative public service approaches could only be nurtured once more immediate short term issues were addressed. A third objective was to develop a research and innovation ecosystem of urban partners using new methods. The NCF team had to draw on a range of social science and digital methods, collaborative working, role playing and participatory methods to keep a diverse set of partners together, communicating, listening and moving forward. The real test of this approach was whether, after some experience and time, the partners could interact with each other without NCF brokering each meeting and event. To date, many of the organisations now know who to contact in other organisations to share opportunities, ask for support and partnership, without coming to NCF. This is a successful outcome although, simultaneously, it does make it difficult for NCF to claim a leadership role and legitimate presence in activities. We have therefore identified a tension between the need to mature urban partnerships and the need to remain critical to partnership project work. A fourth objective was to develop both smart and socially inclusive innovative projects that allowed the harnessing of science and technology while addressing deep seated social and structural problems in the city. NCF has managed to facilitate a number of projects that fit into this model, achieving a 'citizen active smart city', across a number of projects covering, for example, young people, skills development, people with drink and drug addiction, mobility and accessibility, and ageing populations. In fact, some of the more innovative collaborative projects were those that addressed both smart and social agendas since they could be linked directly to the specific needs of Newcastle and Gateshead. This links to NCF's fifth objective by linking societal challenges of the university with a policy context identified by local authorities and the LEP, with smart specialisation economic opportunities of the region. One outcome of this was a recognition that linking innovative projects to a defined local and regional policy context was essential at the outset, for political traction, but also could be used effectively for future funding bids. A sixth objective to align academic expertise to policy and economic strategies, was achieved but there was a requirement to remind the academic community that, whereas success was judged by researchers as achieving alignment, for the business, governmental and citizen partners, success was judged on the degree of achieving delivery and implementation beyond alignment. The seventh objective was to ensure transparency in the discussions underway and to keep the co-production desire at the heart of activities. This was difficult to achieve, the more partners wanted to join in NCF activities, and the greater the number of projects initiated. It was the team's response to use social media, engagement workshops, press stories, film and video, to disseminate ongoing ideas and projects as they progressed, while also allowing the opportunity for additional partner involvement. In some ways this was a victim of NCF's success; an unexpected desire for constant involvement and appetite to engage was often difficult to embrace due to limited resources and staff time but NCF maintained regular dialogue as much as possible, In the post ULP funding, a strategic decision has been made to enhance this work, resourced directly from the university, in order to maintain momentum for projects and partnership and to keep people enthused and included.
Exploitation Route NCF's projects will continue beyond the duration of NCF's urban living partnership funding. Within Newcastle and Gateshead, with over 170 partner agencies, almost 20 projects matured and £10m levered in to Newcastle and Gateshead, there remains a further 30 projects and consortia that need to be developed further. All partners would like to continue the innovation and partnership work. The business and community partners will take forward their agendas and reasons for participating in each project; the local authorities recognise the value added nature of the partnership as a mechanism of convenience to engage audiences on new policy and public service opportunities; the universities have recognised the value of the same mechanism achieving cross-disciplinary understanding and working methods that could lead to new blue chip research funding bids. It is apparent from the range of interest in NCF emanating from other universities in the UK and overseas, and from cities experiencing urban challenges, that NCF and the ULP model is being looked at closely. This interest relates to the model of working the suite of methods utilised, the university as a civic broker and facilitator, the place based nature of the innovation development, as well as the unique solutions coming about in each project. Most of NCF's work is therefore highly exportable to cities globally, and the business involvement in projects allow them to test out pilot projects in Newcastle and Gateshead that can be showcased elsewhere, supporting economic growth. The work also allows citizen-active smart city development in an urban world context that is often portrayed as developing smart solutions at the expense of social and citizen agendas. The NCF is already liaising with 12 UK universities and 19 overseas universities about NCF as a place-based innovation accelerator. The 'Newcastle model' will not be completely transferable, since all places are different, having different needs and legacies, different governance, regulatory and democracy processes, and will necessitate different organisations to participate. But NCF does serve as a benchmark, and there are elements of the platform that can be chosen from to suit individual urban needs, irrespective of which sector and agency takes on responsibility to be an 'anchor institution'.
Sectors Communities and Social Services/Policy

Creative Economy

Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software)




Leisure Activities

including Sports

Recreation and Tourism


Democracy and Justice



Museums and Collections



URL http://www.newcastlecityfutures.org
Description Building Better Places
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Participation in a guidance/advisory committee
Impact NCF presented to the House of Lords Built Environment Select Committee on the role of vision in place making and the role of the university and research community in providing intelligence and resources to local government. The publication of the work went some way to persuade Newcastle City Council and Gateshead Council to formalise the role of the university in long term planning and intelligence work, and advisory group memberships.
URL https://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/ld201516/ldselect/ldbuilt/100/10009.htm#_idTextAnchor125
Description Foresight for Cities
Geographic Reach Europe 
Policy Influence Type Citation in other policy documents
Impact NCF methods were cited in this Government report on future methods for cities to help long term policy making and ways to engage partners in shaping conversations on the future. The report has led to further enquiries and changed local government structures and processes to address long term decision making, including the establishment in Newcastle of a special purpose vehicle by the city council, the City Futures Development Group, as a council committee the reports to the chief executive.
Description Future Cities Catapult Digital and Planning
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Citation in systematic reviews
Impact Ongoing dialogue on the rolling out of digital solutions to cities and planning services; the report highlights Newcastle and NCF as one of the leading UK centres for this innovative work. The result has been a more formal engagement between the research team and local authorities in the region towards digital public services.
URL http://futurecities.catapult.org.uk/2016/12/01/future-planning-state-art-innovations-digital-plannin...
Description HEIF
Amount £115,000 (GBP)
Organisation Newcastle University 
Sector Academic/University
Country United Kingdom
Start 08/2017 
End 07/2018
Description Putting Universities in their Place
Amount £15,000 (GBP)
Organisation Regional Studies Association 
Sector Charity/Non Profit
Country United Kingdom
Start 03/2019 
End 04/2020
Description Canny City: Mental Health, Wellbing, and Security 
Organisation Concern Group
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution 'Canny City' is a one of the Newcastle City Futures cross-sectoral, collaborative demonstrator projects supported by members of the Urban Living Partnership team.
Collaborator Contribution The various university, public, and third sector partners have come together to create a platform intended to support mental health and wellbeing in order to identify places that clients feel more safe within, and also identify opportunities for healthy nutrition and exercise.
Impact This collaboration is still in progress.
Start Year 2016
Description Canny City: Mental Health, Wellbing, and Security 
Organisation Disability North
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution 'Canny City' is a one of the Newcastle City Futures cross-sectoral, collaborative demonstrator projects supported by members of the Urban Living Partnership team.
Collaborator Contribution The various university, public, and third sector partners have come together to create a platform intended to support mental health and wellbeing in order to identify places that clients feel more safe within, and also identify opportunities for healthy nutrition and exercise.
Impact This collaboration is still in progress.
Start Year 2016
Description Canny City: Mental Health, Wellbing, and Security 
Organisation Gateshead Council
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution 'Canny City' is a one of the Newcastle City Futures cross-sectoral, collaborative demonstrator projects supported by members of the Urban Living Partnership team.
Collaborator Contribution The various university, public, and third sector partners have come together to create a platform intended to support mental health and wellbeing in order to identify places that clients feel more safe within, and also identify opportunities for healthy nutrition and exercise.
Impact This collaboration is still in progress.
Start Year 2016
Description Canny City: Mental Health, Wellbing, and Security 
Organisation Get Mindfuel
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution 'Canny City' is a one of the Newcastle City Futures cross-sectoral, collaborative demonstrator projects supported by members of the Urban Living Partnership team.
Collaborator Contribution The various university, public, and third sector partners have come together to create a platform intended to support mental health and wellbeing in order to identify places that clients feel more safe within, and also identify opportunities for healthy nutrition and exercise.
Impact This collaboration is still in progress.
Start Year 2016
Description Canny City: Mental Health, Wellbing, and Security 
Organisation Mental Health Concern
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution 'Canny City' is a one of the Newcastle City Futures cross-sectoral, collaborative demonstrator projects supported by members of the Urban Living Partnership team.
Collaborator Contribution The various university, public, and third sector partners have come together to create a platform intended to support mental health and wellbeing in order to identify places that clients feel more safe within, and also identify opportunities for healthy nutrition and exercise.
Impact This collaboration is still in progress.
Start Year 2016
Description Canny City: Mental Health, Wellbing, and Security 
Organisation Newcastle City Council
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution 'Canny City' is a one of the Newcastle City Futures cross-sectoral, collaborative demonstrator projects supported by members of the Urban Living Partnership team.
Collaborator Contribution The various university, public, and third sector partners have come together to create a platform intended to support mental health and wellbeing in order to identify places that clients feel more safe within, and also identify opportunities for healthy nutrition and exercise.
Impact This collaboration is still in progress.
Start Year 2016
Description Canny City: Mental Health, Wellbing, and Security 
Organisation Newcastle Council for Voluntary Service
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution 'Canny City' is a one of the Newcastle City Futures cross-sectoral, collaborative demonstrator projects supported by members of the Urban Living Partnership team.
Collaborator Contribution The various university, public, and third sector partners have come together to create a platform intended to support mental health and wellbeing in order to identify places that clients feel more safe within, and also identify opportunities for healthy nutrition and exercise.
Impact This collaboration is still in progress.
Start Year 2016
Description Canny City: Mental Health, Wellbing, and Security 
Organisation Northumbria University
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution 'Canny City' is a one of the Newcastle City Futures cross-sectoral, collaborative demonstrator projects supported by members of the Urban Living Partnership team.
Collaborator Contribution The various university, public, and third sector partners have come together to create a platform intended to support mental health and wellbeing in order to identify places that clients feel more safe within, and also identify opportunities for healthy nutrition and exercise.
Impact This collaboration is still in progress.
Start Year 2016
Description Canny City: Mental Health, Wellbing, and Security 
Organisation Tyne and Wear Archives and Museums
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution 'Canny City' is a one of the Newcastle City Futures cross-sectoral, collaborative demonstrator projects supported by members of the Urban Living Partnership team.
Collaborator Contribution The various university, public, and third sector partners have come together to create a platform intended to support mental health and wellbeing in order to identify places that clients feel more safe within, and also identify opportunities for healthy nutrition and exercise.
Impact This collaboration is still in progress.
Start Year 2016
Description Canny City: Mental Health, Wellbing, and Security 
Organisation University of Manchester
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution 'Canny City' is a one of the Newcastle City Futures cross-sectoral, collaborative demonstrator projects supported by members of the Urban Living Partnership team.
Collaborator Contribution The various university, public, and third sector partners have come together to create a platform intended to support mental health and wellbeing in order to identify places that clients feel more safe within, and also identify opportunities for healthy nutrition and exercise.
Impact This collaboration is still in progress.
Start Year 2016
Description City Futures at Seven Stories Big Draw Weekend 
Organisation The National Centre for Children's Books
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution Subsidised a weekend of activities at Seven Stories as part of the national Big Draw Weekend to encourage children to use creative and digital methods to draw, design, talk about the future of Newcastle upon Tyne. October 2016.
Collaborator Contribution Hosted the event space.
Impact One off event and exhibition and children's workshop; 500 children participated.
Start Year 2016
Description Creating an Urban Room for Newcastle 
Organisation Farrells
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Feasibility work to assess the establishment of a permanent public facing urban room exhibition, gallery and incubation space in Newcastle, by converting an old university building that looks at the city past present and future.
Collaborator Contribution Sponsored by Sir Terry Farrell in partnership with Newcastle University, and involved a donation to the university for this specific purpose.
Impact Onging work addressing planning issues for the new site and advice on appointment of architectural advisors. The building is not likely to be opened until 2021 or 2022.
Start Year 2016
Description Designing and Building Therapeutic Landscapes 
Organisation Newcastle City Council
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Student project organised by Newcastle University in partnership with Newcastle City Council to assess the feasibility of converting a redundant lodge in a city centre park into a safe haven for people with alcohol and drug addiction problems.
Collaborator Contribution The students designed options for change and liaised with relevant voluntary and charity groups in the city, then submitted to the designs and information to the Director of Public Health.
Impact Initial feasibility designs that covered health, wellbeing, social sign and planning.
Start Year 2017
Description Digital Health Hub 
Organisation Innovate NE Ltd
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Digital Health Hub is one of the collaborative, cross-sector demonstrator projects supported by the Urban Living Partnership for Newcastle and Gateshead. Members of the ULP team have worked closely with the lead partner (Newcastle West NHS CCG) to bring together the consortium of partners for the project.
Collaborator Contribution The focus of the Digital Health Hub project is examining the feasibility of extending a GP surgery into a wellbeing and teaching hub in Cruddas Park to support employability and skills development and healthy nutrition. The wider consortium partners are working with the NHS partners to realise this innovative model.
Impact The capital funding for the extension of the GP funding has been secured from the NHS and Newcastle University. The ongoing discussions amongst the consortium are concerned with the health and wellbeing activities that will take place in this hub with the local community.
Start Year 2017
Description Digital Health Hub 
Organisation NHS Newcastle West CCG
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Digital Health Hub is one of the collaborative, cross-sector demonstrator projects supported by the Urban Living Partnership for Newcastle and Gateshead. Members of the ULP team have worked closely with the lead partner (Newcastle West NHS CCG) to bring together the consortium of partners for the project.
Collaborator Contribution The focus of the Digital Health Hub project is examining the feasibility of extending a GP surgery into a wellbeing and teaching hub in Cruddas Park to support employability and skills development and healthy nutrition. The wider consortium partners are working with the NHS partners to realise this innovative model.
Impact The capital funding for the extension of the GP funding has been secured from the NHS and Newcastle University. The ongoing discussions amongst the consortium are concerned with the health and wellbeing activities that will take place in this hub with the local community.
Start Year 2017
Description Digital Health Hub 
Organisation Napper Architects
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Digital Health Hub is one of the collaborative, cross-sector demonstrator projects supported by the Urban Living Partnership for Newcastle and Gateshead. Members of the ULP team have worked closely with the lead partner (Newcastle West NHS CCG) to bring together the consortium of partners for the project.
Collaborator Contribution The focus of the Digital Health Hub project is examining the feasibility of extending a GP surgery into a wellbeing and teaching hub in Cruddas Park to support employability and skills development and healthy nutrition. The wider consortium partners are working with the NHS partners to realise this innovative model.
Impact The capital funding for the extension of the GP funding has been secured from the NHS and Newcastle University. The ongoing discussions amongst the consortium are concerned with the health and wellbeing activities that will take place in this hub with the local community.
Start Year 2017
Description Digital Health Hub 
Organisation Newcastle United Foundation
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution Digital Health Hub is one of the collaborative, cross-sector demonstrator projects supported by the Urban Living Partnership for Newcastle and Gateshead. Members of the ULP team have worked closely with the lead partner (Newcastle West NHS CCG) to bring together the consortium of partners for the project.
Collaborator Contribution The focus of the Digital Health Hub project is examining the feasibility of extending a GP surgery into a wellbeing and teaching hub in Cruddas Park to support employability and skills development and healthy nutrition. The wider consortium partners are working with the NHS partners to realise this innovative model.
Impact The capital funding for the extension of the GP funding has been secured from the NHS and Newcastle University. The ongoing discussions amongst the consortium are concerned with the health and wellbeing activities that will take place in this hub with the local community.
Start Year 2017
Description Digital Health Hub 
Organisation Orange Bus
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Digital Health Hub is one of the collaborative, cross-sector demonstrator projects supported by the Urban Living Partnership for Newcastle and Gateshead. Members of the ULP team have worked closely with the lead partner (Newcastle West NHS CCG) to bring together the consortium of partners for the project.
Collaborator Contribution The focus of the Digital Health Hub project is examining the feasibility of extending a GP surgery into a wellbeing and teaching hub in Cruddas Park to support employability and skills development and healthy nutrition. The wider consortium partners are working with the NHS partners to realise this innovative model.
Impact The capital funding for the extension of the GP funding has been secured from the NHS and Newcastle University. The ongoing discussions amongst the consortium are concerned with the health and wellbeing activities that will take place in this hub with the local community.
Start Year 2017
Description Engie Connected Future Cities 
Organisation Engie
Country Global 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Signing of a MoU by the university Vice Chancellor with the chief executive of Engie in September 2016 to develop research collaboration and project partnership in the field of connected future cities.
Collaborator Contribution Developing series of meetings to discuss shaping joint projects.
Impact Signing of an MoU
Start Year 2016
Description Future High Street 
Organisation Arjuna
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Future High Street is one of the collaborative, cross-sectoral demonstrator projects supported by the Urban Living Partnership for Newcastle and Gateshead. Members of the ULP team have worked with Newcastle City Council to engage with other partners around plans for the redevelopment of the main shopping street and surrounding area in central Newcastle.
Collaborator Contribution The focus of this collaboration between the above partners is to create opportunities to redesign the high street using the creative arts, digital retailing that links customers to businesses, blue-green infrastructure, that should enhance the place and shopping experience.
Impact A masterplan for the redevelopment of the area was agreed by Newcastle City Council cabinet in November 2017 with a £3.25 million pound funding commitment for the first phase.
Start Year 2016
Description Future High Street 
Organisation Cushman & Wakefield
Country United States 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Future High Street is one of the collaborative, cross-sectoral demonstrator projects supported by the Urban Living Partnership for Newcastle and Gateshead. Members of the ULP team have worked with Newcastle City Council to engage with other partners around plans for the redevelopment of the main shopping street and surrounding area in central Newcastle.
Collaborator Contribution The focus of this collaboration between the above partners is to create opportunities to redesign the high street using the creative arts, digital retailing that links customers to businesses, blue-green infrastructure, that should enhance the place and shopping experience.
Impact A masterplan for the redevelopment of the area was agreed by Newcastle City Council cabinet in November 2017 with a £3.25 million pound funding commitment for the first phase.
Start Year 2016
Description Future High Street 
Organisation FaulknerBrowns LLP
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Future High Street is one of the collaborative, cross-sectoral demonstrator projects supported by the Urban Living Partnership for Newcastle and Gateshead. Members of the ULP team have worked with Newcastle City Council to engage with other partners around plans for the redevelopment of the main shopping street and surrounding area in central Newcastle.
Collaborator Contribution The focus of this collaboration between the above partners is to create opportunities to redesign the high street using the creative arts, digital retailing that links customers to businesses, blue-green infrastructure, that should enhance the place and shopping experience.
Impact A masterplan for the redevelopment of the area was agreed by Newcastle City Council cabinet in November 2017 with a £3.25 million pound funding commitment for the first phase.
Start Year 2016
Description Future High Street 
Organisation IBM
Country United States 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Future High Street is one of the collaborative, cross-sectoral demonstrator projects supported by the Urban Living Partnership for Newcastle and Gateshead. Members of the ULP team have worked with Newcastle City Council to engage with other partners around plans for the redevelopment of the main shopping street and surrounding area in central Newcastle.
Collaborator Contribution The focus of this collaboration between the above partners is to create opportunities to redesign the high street using the creative arts, digital retailing that links customers to businesses, blue-green infrastructure, that should enhance the place and shopping experience.
Impact A masterplan for the redevelopment of the area was agreed by Newcastle City Council cabinet in November 2017 with a £3.25 million pound funding commitment for the first phase.
Start Year 2016
Description Future High Street 
Organisation Local Enterprise Partnerships
Department North East Local Enterprise Partnership
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Future High Street is one of the collaborative, cross-sectoral demonstrator projects supported by the Urban Living Partnership for Newcastle and Gateshead. Members of the ULP team have worked with Newcastle City Council to engage with other partners around plans for the redevelopment of the main shopping street and surrounding area in central Newcastle.
Collaborator Contribution The focus of this collaboration between the above partners is to create opportunities to redesign the high street using the creative arts, digital retailing that links customers to businesses, blue-green infrastructure, that should enhance the place and shopping experience.
Impact A masterplan for the redevelopment of the area was agreed by Newcastle City Council cabinet in November 2017 with a £3.25 million pound funding commitment for the first phase.
Start Year 2016
Description Future High Street 
Organisation Newcastle City Council
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Future High Street is one of the collaborative, cross-sectoral demonstrator projects supported by the Urban Living Partnership for Newcastle and Gateshead. Members of the ULP team have worked with Newcastle City Council to engage with other partners around plans for the redevelopment of the main shopping street and surrounding area in central Newcastle.
Collaborator Contribution The focus of this collaboration between the above partners is to create opportunities to redesign the high street using the creative arts, digital retailing that links customers to businesses, blue-green infrastructure, that should enhance the place and shopping experience.
Impact A masterplan for the redevelopment of the area was agreed by Newcastle City Council cabinet in November 2017 with a £3.25 million pound funding commitment for the first phase.
Start Year 2016
Description Future High Street 
Organisation Newcastle NE1 Ltd
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Future High Street is one of the collaborative, cross-sectoral demonstrator projects supported by the Urban Living Partnership for Newcastle and Gateshead. Members of the ULP team have worked with Newcastle City Council to engage with other partners around plans for the redevelopment of the main shopping street and surrounding area in central Newcastle.
Collaborator Contribution The focus of this collaboration between the above partners is to create opportunities to redesign the high street using the creative arts, digital retailing that links customers to businesses, blue-green infrastructure, that should enhance the place and shopping experience.
Impact A masterplan for the redevelopment of the area was agreed by Newcastle City Council cabinet in November 2017 with a £3.25 million pound funding commitment for the first phase.
Start Year 2016
Description Future High Street 
Organisation Northumbrian Water
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Future High Street is one of the collaborative, cross-sectoral demonstrator projects supported by the Urban Living Partnership for Newcastle and Gateshead. Members of the ULP team have worked with Newcastle City Council to engage with other partners around plans for the redevelopment of the main shopping street and surrounding area in central Newcastle.
Collaborator Contribution The focus of this collaboration between the above partners is to create opportunities to redesign the high street using the creative arts, digital retailing that links customers to businesses, blue-green infrastructure, that should enhance the place and shopping experience.
Impact A masterplan for the redevelopment of the area was agreed by Newcastle City Council cabinet in November 2017 with a £3.25 million pound funding commitment for the first phase.
Start Year 2016
Description Future High Street 
Organisation Quality of Life Partnership
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution Future High Street is one of the collaborative, cross-sectoral demonstrator projects supported by the Urban Living Partnership for Newcastle and Gateshead. Members of the ULP team have worked with Newcastle City Council to engage with other partners around plans for the redevelopment of the main shopping street and surrounding area in central Newcastle.
Collaborator Contribution The focus of this collaboration between the above partners is to create opportunities to redesign the high street using the creative arts, digital retailing that links customers to businesses, blue-green infrastructure, that should enhance the place and shopping experience.
Impact A masterplan for the redevelopment of the area was agreed by Newcastle City Council cabinet in November 2017 with a £3.25 million pound funding commitment for the first phase.
Start Year 2016
Description Future Homes 
Organisation Arup Group
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Future Homes is one of the collaborative cross-sectoral demonstrator projects developed with the support of the Urban Living Partnership project. Members of the Urban Living Partnership team helped to assemble the consortium of partners who have taken the project forward, participated themselves as members of this consortium, and offered other support where relevant. The Future Homes project is led by Professor Rose Gilroy, from the School of Architecture, Planning & Landscape, Newcastle University, who was also a co-investigator on the Urban Living Partnership project.
Collaborator Contribution The above partners (with members of Newcastle University) have collectively progressed the Future Homes project. The focus of this project is developing new housing exemplars that show people the future. They will combine in one place innovations in flexible living, materials, digital technology and zero/low energy systems to provide supportive homes for everyone at any life-stage. In the 1st phase, Future Homes fuses a programme of public conversations and citizen centred co-design with scientific research to create a test-bed where entrepreneurs, established businesses and new entrants to the market can develop new solutions that are a step change in urban responses to the biggest global challenges. A 2nd phase will focus on a larger housing scheme.
Impact The Future Homes project has leveraged in over £4 million from different sources to support the development of the new demonstrator homes.
Start Year 2016
Description Future Homes 
Organisation Elders Council of Newcastle (Older People's Forum)
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution Future Homes is one of the collaborative cross-sectoral demonstrator projects developed with the support of the Urban Living Partnership project. Members of the Urban Living Partnership team helped to assemble the consortium of partners who have taken the project forward, participated themselves as members of this consortium, and offered other support where relevant. The Future Homes project is led by Professor Rose Gilroy, from the School of Architecture, Planning & Landscape, Newcastle University, who was also a co-investigator on the Urban Living Partnership project.
Collaborator Contribution The above partners (with members of Newcastle University) have collectively progressed the Future Homes project. The focus of this project is developing new housing exemplars that show people the future. They will combine in one place innovations in flexible living, materials, digital technology and zero/low energy systems to provide supportive homes for everyone at any life-stage. In the 1st phase, Future Homes fuses a programme of public conversations and citizen centred co-design with scientific research to create a test-bed where entrepreneurs, established businesses and new entrants to the market can develop new solutions that are a step change in urban responses to the biggest global challenges. A 2nd phase will focus on a larger housing scheme.
Impact The Future Homes project has leveraged in over £4 million from different sources to support the development of the new demonstrator homes.
Start Year 2016
Description Future Homes 
Organisation Innovate NE Ltd
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Future Homes is one of the collaborative cross-sectoral demonstrator projects developed with the support of the Urban Living Partnership project. Members of the Urban Living Partnership team helped to assemble the consortium of partners who have taken the project forward, participated themselves as members of this consortium, and offered other support where relevant. The Future Homes project is led by Professor Rose Gilroy, from the School of Architecture, Planning & Landscape, Newcastle University, who was also a co-investigator on the Urban Living Partnership project.
Collaborator Contribution The above partners (with members of Newcastle University) have collectively progressed the Future Homes project. The focus of this project is developing new housing exemplars that show people the future. They will combine in one place innovations in flexible living, materials, digital technology and zero/low energy systems to provide supportive homes for everyone at any life-stage. In the 1st phase, Future Homes fuses a programme of public conversations and citizen centred co-design with scientific research to create a test-bed where entrepreneurs, established businesses and new entrants to the market can develop new solutions that are a step change in urban responses to the biggest global challenges. A 2nd phase will focus on a larger housing scheme.
Impact The Future Homes project has leveraged in over £4 million from different sources to support the development of the new demonstrator homes.
Start Year 2016
Description Future Homes 
Organisation Karbon Homes Limited
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution Future Homes is one of the collaborative cross-sectoral demonstrator projects developed with the support of the Urban Living Partnership project. Members of the Urban Living Partnership team helped to assemble the consortium of partners who have taken the project forward, participated themselves as members of this consortium, and offered other support where relevant. The Future Homes project is led by Professor Rose Gilroy, from the School of Architecture, Planning & Landscape, Newcastle University, who was also a co-investigator on the Urban Living Partnership project.
Collaborator Contribution The above partners (with members of Newcastle University) have collectively progressed the Future Homes project. The focus of this project is developing new housing exemplars that show people the future. They will combine in one place innovations in flexible living, materials, digital technology and zero/low energy systems to provide supportive homes for everyone at any life-stage. In the 1st phase, Future Homes fuses a programme of public conversations and citizen centred co-design with scientific research to create a test-bed where entrepreneurs, established businesses and new entrants to the market can develop new solutions that are a step change in urban responses to the biggest global challenges. A 2nd phase will focus on a larger housing scheme.
Impact The Future Homes project has leveraged in over £4 million from different sources to support the development of the new demonstrator homes.
Start Year 2016
Description Future Homes 
Organisation Legal and General Group
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Future Homes is one of the collaborative cross-sectoral demonstrator projects developed with the support of the Urban Living Partnership project. Members of the Urban Living Partnership team helped to assemble the consortium of partners who have taken the project forward, participated themselves as members of this consortium, and offered other support where relevant. The Future Homes project is led by Professor Rose Gilroy, from the School of Architecture, Planning & Landscape, Newcastle University, who was also a co-investigator on the Urban Living Partnership project.
Collaborator Contribution The above partners (with members of Newcastle University) have collectively progressed the Future Homes project. The focus of this project is developing new housing exemplars that show people the future. They will combine in one place innovations in flexible living, materials, digital technology and zero/low energy systems to provide supportive homes for everyone at any life-stage. In the 1st phase, Future Homes fuses a programme of public conversations and citizen centred co-design with scientific research to create a test-bed where entrepreneurs, established businesses and new entrants to the market can develop new solutions that are a step change in urban responses to the biggest global challenges. A 2nd phase will focus on a larger housing scheme.
Impact The Future Homes project has leveraged in over £4 million from different sources to support the development of the new demonstrator homes.
Start Year 2016
Description Future Homes 
Organisation Newcastle City Council
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Future Homes is one of the collaborative cross-sectoral demonstrator projects developed with the support of the Urban Living Partnership project. Members of the Urban Living Partnership team helped to assemble the consortium of partners who have taken the project forward, participated themselves as members of this consortium, and offered other support where relevant. The Future Homes project is led by Professor Rose Gilroy, from the School of Architecture, Planning & Landscape, Newcastle University, who was also a co-investigator on the Urban Living Partnership project.
Collaborator Contribution The above partners (with members of Newcastle University) have collectively progressed the Future Homes project. The focus of this project is developing new housing exemplars that show people the future. They will combine in one place innovations in flexible living, materials, digital technology and zero/low energy systems to provide supportive homes for everyone at any life-stage. In the 1st phase, Future Homes fuses a programme of public conversations and citizen centred co-design with scientific research to create a test-bed where entrepreneurs, established businesses and new entrants to the market can develop new solutions that are a step change in urban responses to the biggest global challenges. A 2nd phase will focus on a larger housing scheme.
Impact The Future Homes project has leveraged in over £4 million from different sources to support the development of the new demonstrator homes.
Start Year 2016
Description Future Homes 
Organisation Quality of Life Partnership
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution Future Homes is one of the collaborative cross-sectoral demonstrator projects developed with the support of the Urban Living Partnership project. Members of the Urban Living Partnership team helped to assemble the consortium of partners who have taken the project forward, participated themselves as members of this consortium, and offered other support where relevant. The Future Homes project is led by Professor Rose Gilroy, from the School of Architecture, Planning & Landscape, Newcastle University, who was also a co-investigator on the Urban Living Partnership project.
Collaborator Contribution The above partners (with members of Newcastle University) have collectively progressed the Future Homes project. The focus of this project is developing new housing exemplars that show people the future. They will combine in one place innovations in flexible living, materials, digital technology and zero/low energy systems to provide supportive homes for everyone at any life-stage. In the 1st phase, Future Homes fuses a programme of public conversations and citizen centred co-design with scientific research to create a test-bed where entrepreneurs, established businesses and new entrants to the market can develop new solutions that are a step change in urban responses to the biggest global challenges. A 2nd phase will focus on a larger housing scheme.
Impact The Future Homes project has leveraged in over £4 million from different sources to support the development of the new demonstrator homes.
Start Year 2016
Description Future Homes 
Organisation Ryder Architecture
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Future Homes is one of the collaborative cross-sectoral demonstrator projects developed with the support of the Urban Living Partnership project. Members of the Urban Living Partnership team helped to assemble the consortium of partners who have taken the project forward, participated themselves as members of this consortium, and offered other support where relevant. The Future Homes project is led by Professor Rose Gilroy, from the School of Architecture, Planning & Landscape, Newcastle University, who was also a co-investigator on the Urban Living Partnership project.
Collaborator Contribution The above partners (with members of Newcastle University) have collectively progressed the Future Homes project. The focus of this project is developing new housing exemplars that show people the future. They will combine in one place innovations in flexible living, materials, digital technology and zero/low energy systems to provide supportive homes for everyone at any life-stage. In the 1st phase, Future Homes fuses a programme of public conversations and citizen centred co-design with scientific research to create a test-bed where entrepreneurs, established businesses and new entrants to the market can develop new solutions that are a step change in urban responses to the biggest global challenges. A 2nd phase will focus on a larger housing scheme.
Impact The Future Homes project has leveraged in over £4 million from different sources to support the development of the new demonstrator homes.
Start Year 2016
Description Future Homes 
Organisation Zero Carbon Futures Ltd
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Future Homes is one of the collaborative cross-sectoral demonstrator projects developed with the support of the Urban Living Partnership project. Members of the Urban Living Partnership team helped to assemble the consortium of partners who have taken the project forward, participated themselves as members of this consortium, and offered other support where relevant. The Future Homes project is led by Professor Rose Gilroy, from the School of Architecture, Planning & Landscape, Newcastle University, who was also a co-investigator on the Urban Living Partnership project.
Collaborator Contribution The above partners (with members of Newcastle University) have collectively progressed the Future Homes project. The focus of this project is developing new housing exemplars that show people the future. They will combine in one place innovations in flexible living, materials, digital technology and zero/low energy systems to provide supportive homes for everyone at any life-stage. In the 1st phase, Future Homes fuses a programme of public conversations and citizen centred co-design with scientific research to create a test-bed where entrepreneurs, established businesses and new entrants to the market can develop new solutions that are a step change in urban responses to the biggest global challenges. A 2nd phase will focus on a larger housing scheme.
Impact The Future Homes project has leveraged in over £4 million from different sources to support the development of the new demonstrator homes.
Start Year 2016
Description Gateshead Quayside and Riverside Park 
Organisation Baltic Centre for Contemporary Art
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Gateshead Riverside Park is one of the cross-sector, collaborative demonstrator projects supported by the Urban Living Partnership project for Newcastle and Gateshead. Members of the ULP team have helped to bring the consortium of projects together around the core partner - Gateshead Council - to explore ways of taking this project forward.
Collaborator Contribution Riverside Park, connecting the Gateshead Quays to Dunstan Staithes, is a green space with diverse natural assets and a number of public art sculptures. Newcastle City Futures has brokered a consortium of partners from different sectors interested in working with local communities to explore options for its future sustainable development. This group is collectively examining potential new uses for the park that can be the source of economic and health benefits in the area, whilst also helping to preserve its natural, artistic and industrial heritage.
Impact Discussions around applying for funding to support these activities are ongoing.
Start Year 2016
Description Gateshead Quayside and Riverside Park 
Organisation Environment Agency
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Gateshead Riverside Park is one of the cross-sector, collaborative demonstrator projects supported by the Urban Living Partnership project for Newcastle and Gateshead. Members of the ULP team have helped to bring the consortium of projects together around the core partner - Gateshead Council - to explore ways of taking this project forward.
Collaborator Contribution Riverside Park, connecting the Gateshead Quays to Dunstan Staithes, is a green space with diverse natural assets and a number of public art sculptures. Newcastle City Futures has brokered a consortium of partners from different sectors interested in working with local communities to explore options for its future sustainable development. This group is collectively examining potential new uses for the park that can be the source of economic and health benefits in the area, whilst also helping to preserve its natural, artistic and industrial heritage.
Impact Discussions around applying for funding to support these activities are ongoing.
Start Year 2016
Description Gateshead Quayside and Riverside Park 
Organisation Gateshead Council
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Gateshead Riverside Park is one of the cross-sector, collaborative demonstrator projects supported by the Urban Living Partnership project for Newcastle and Gateshead. Members of the ULP team have helped to bring the consortium of projects together around the core partner - Gateshead Council - to explore ways of taking this project forward.
Collaborator Contribution Riverside Park, connecting the Gateshead Quays to Dunstan Staithes, is a green space with diverse natural assets and a number of public art sculptures. Newcastle City Futures has brokered a consortium of partners from different sectors interested in working with local communities to explore options for its future sustainable development. This group is collectively examining potential new uses for the park that can be the source of economic and health benefits in the area, whilst also helping to preserve its natural, artistic and industrial heritage.
Impact Discussions around applying for funding to support these activities are ongoing.
Start Year 2016
Description Gateshead Quayside and Riverside Park 
Organisation Motivait Ltd
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Gateshead Riverside Park is one of the cross-sector, collaborative demonstrator projects supported by the Urban Living Partnership project for Newcastle and Gateshead. Members of the ULP team have helped to bring the consortium of projects together around the core partner - Gateshead Council - to explore ways of taking this project forward.
Collaborator Contribution Riverside Park, connecting the Gateshead Quays to Dunstan Staithes, is a green space with diverse natural assets and a number of public art sculptures. Newcastle City Futures has brokered a consortium of partners from different sectors interested in working with local communities to explore options for its future sustainable development. This group is collectively examining potential new uses for the park that can be the source of economic and health benefits in the area, whilst also helping to preserve its natural, artistic and industrial heritage.
Impact Discussions around applying for funding to support these activities are ongoing.
Start Year 2016
Description Gateshead Quayside and Riverside Park 
Organisation North East Local Nature Partnership
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution Gateshead Riverside Park is one of the cross-sector, collaborative demonstrator projects supported by the Urban Living Partnership project for Newcastle and Gateshead. Members of the ULP team have helped to bring the consortium of projects together around the core partner - Gateshead Council - to explore ways of taking this project forward.
Collaborator Contribution Riverside Park, connecting the Gateshead Quays to Dunstan Staithes, is a green space with diverse natural assets and a number of public art sculptures. Newcastle City Futures has brokered a consortium of partners from different sectors interested in working with local communities to explore options for its future sustainable development. This group is collectively examining potential new uses for the park that can be the source of economic and health benefits in the area, whilst also helping to preserve its natural, artistic and industrial heritage.
Impact Discussions around applying for funding to support these activities are ongoing.
Start Year 2016
Description Gateshead Quayside and Riverside Park 
Organisation Robinson Landscape Design
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Gateshead Riverside Park is one of the cross-sector, collaborative demonstrator projects supported by the Urban Living Partnership project for Newcastle and Gateshead. Members of the ULP team have helped to bring the consortium of projects together around the core partner - Gateshead Council - to explore ways of taking this project forward.
Collaborator Contribution Riverside Park, connecting the Gateshead Quays to Dunstan Staithes, is a green space with diverse natural assets and a number of public art sculptures. Newcastle City Futures has brokered a consortium of partners from different sectors interested in working with local communities to explore options for its future sustainable development. This group is collectively examining potential new uses for the park that can be the source of economic and health benefits in the area, whilst also helping to preserve its natural, artistic and industrial heritage.
Impact Discussions around applying for funding to support these activities are ongoing.
Start Year 2016
Description Gateshead Quayside and Riverside Park 
Organisation Steve Mayes Photography
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Gateshead Riverside Park is one of the cross-sector, collaborative demonstrator projects supported by the Urban Living Partnership project for Newcastle and Gateshead. Members of the ULP team have helped to bring the consortium of projects together around the core partner - Gateshead Council - to explore ways of taking this project forward.
Collaborator Contribution Riverside Park, connecting the Gateshead Quays to Dunstan Staithes, is a green space with diverse natural assets and a number of public art sculptures. Newcastle City Futures has brokered a consortium of partners from different sectors interested in working with local communities to explore options for its future sustainable development. This group is collectively examining potential new uses for the park that can be the source of economic and health benefits in the area, whilst also helping to preserve its natural, artistic and industrial heritage.
Impact Discussions around applying for funding to support these activities are ongoing.
Start Year 2016
Description Gateshead Quayside and Riverside Park 
Organisation Ways to Wellness Trust
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution Gateshead Riverside Park is one of the cross-sector, collaborative demonstrator projects supported by the Urban Living Partnership project for Newcastle and Gateshead. Members of the ULP team have helped to bring the consortium of projects together around the core partner - Gateshead Council - to explore ways of taking this project forward.
Collaborator Contribution Riverside Park, connecting the Gateshead Quays to Dunstan Staithes, is a green space with diverse natural assets and a number of public art sculptures. Newcastle City Futures has brokered a consortium of partners from different sectors interested in working with local communities to explore options for its future sustainable development. This group is collectively examining potential new uses for the park that can be the source of economic and health benefits in the area, whilst also helping to preserve its natural, artistic and industrial heritage.
Impact Discussions around applying for funding to support these activities are ongoing.
Start Year 2016
Description IBM smart cities 
Organisation IBM
Department IBM UK Ltd
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution IBM have been a member of the NCF ULP since it was initiated but have since developed the relationship. This has been achieved through a series of collaborative discussions face to face, meetings brokered by NCF with other sectors e.g. city council and LEP, and through funding routes. The latter includes Newcastle University and IBM match funding a Business Engagement Award to develop discussions and ideas on smart cities allowing access of IBM representatives to selective research material and of university researchers to IBM techniques. IBM have also offered free use of their Bluemix platform to the university, the LEP and SMEs for a trial period to manage project shaping and project management emanating from NCF.
Collaborator Contribution Ongoing discussions but this has centred on brokering introductions to other partners in the consortium.
Impact Use of the IBM Bluemix platform by Newcastle University, North East LEP and use by SMEs in the region - the latter to be managed by the Innovation Super Network team of the LEP.
Start Year 2016
Description Last Mile Freight Distribution Centre 
Organisation Gateshead Council
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution The 'Last Mile' Freight Distribution Centre is one of the cross-sector, collaborative demonstrator projects supported by the Newcastle and Gateshead Urban Living Partnership. Members of the Urban Living Partnership team have helped to bring various large organisations in the city together to participate in this new more environmentally friendly way of organising deliveries.
Collaborator Contribution This project aims to develop plans for a freight distribution centre for the city that can serve major organisations such as the universities, councils, and NHS Trusts represented amongst the partners in this collaboration. Researchers from Newcastle University are taking this forward through discussions with the North East Combined Authority in a bid to cut traffic congestion and improve air quality; has the potential to be applied to retail sector on Northumberland Street.
Impact This project has resulted in a funding bid to ERDF.
Start Year 2017
Description Last Mile Freight Distribution Centre 
Organisation Local Enterprise Partnerships
Department North East Local Enterprise Partnership
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The 'Last Mile' Freight Distribution Centre is one of the cross-sector, collaborative demonstrator projects supported by the Newcastle and Gateshead Urban Living Partnership. Members of the Urban Living Partnership team have helped to bring various large organisations in the city together to participate in this new more environmentally friendly way of organising deliveries.
Collaborator Contribution This project aims to develop plans for a freight distribution centre for the city that can serve major organisations such as the universities, councils, and NHS Trusts represented amongst the partners in this collaboration. Researchers from Newcastle University are taking this forward through discussions with the North East Combined Authority in a bid to cut traffic congestion and improve air quality; has the potential to be applied to retail sector on Northumberland Street.
Impact This project has resulted in a funding bid to ERDF.
Start Year 2017
Description Last Mile Freight Distribution Centre 
Organisation NBT Group Ltd
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The 'Last Mile' Freight Distribution Centre is one of the cross-sector, collaborative demonstrator projects supported by the Newcastle and Gateshead Urban Living Partnership. Members of the Urban Living Partnership team have helped to bring various large organisations in the city together to participate in this new more environmentally friendly way of organising deliveries.
Collaborator Contribution This project aims to develop plans for a freight distribution centre for the city that can serve major organisations such as the universities, councils, and NHS Trusts represented amongst the partners in this collaboration. Researchers from Newcastle University are taking this forward through discussions with the North East Combined Authority in a bid to cut traffic congestion and improve air quality; has the potential to be applied to retail sector on Northumberland Street.
Impact This project has resulted in a funding bid to ERDF.
Start Year 2017
Description Last Mile Freight Distribution Centre 
Organisation Newcastle City Council
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution The 'Last Mile' Freight Distribution Centre is one of the cross-sector, collaborative demonstrator projects supported by the Newcastle and Gateshead Urban Living Partnership. Members of the Urban Living Partnership team have helped to bring various large organisations in the city together to participate in this new more environmentally friendly way of organising deliveries.
Collaborator Contribution This project aims to develop plans for a freight distribution centre for the city that can serve major organisations such as the universities, councils, and NHS Trusts represented amongst the partners in this collaboration. Researchers from Newcastle University are taking this forward through discussions with the North East Combined Authority in a bid to cut traffic congestion and improve air quality; has the potential to be applied to retail sector on Northumberland Street.
Impact This project has resulted in a funding bid to ERDF.
Start Year 2017
Description Last Mile Freight Distribution Centre 
Organisation Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The 'Last Mile' Freight Distribution Centre is one of the cross-sector, collaborative demonstrator projects supported by the Newcastle and Gateshead Urban Living Partnership. Members of the Urban Living Partnership team have helped to bring various large organisations in the city together to participate in this new more environmentally friendly way of organising deliveries.
Collaborator Contribution This project aims to develop plans for a freight distribution centre for the city that can serve major organisations such as the universities, councils, and NHS Trusts represented amongst the partners in this collaboration. Researchers from Newcastle University are taking this forward through discussions with the North East Combined Authority in a bid to cut traffic congestion and improve air quality; has the potential to be applied to retail sector on Northumberland Street.
Impact This project has resulted in a funding bid to ERDF.
Start Year 2017
Description Last Mile Freight Distribution Centre 
Organisation North East Combined Authority
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution The 'Last Mile' Freight Distribution Centre is one of the cross-sector, collaborative demonstrator projects supported by the Newcastle and Gateshead Urban Living Partnership. Members of the Urban Living Partnership team have helped to bring various large organisations in the city together to participate in this new more environmentally friendly way of organising deliveries.
Collaborator Contribution This project aims to develop plans for a freight distribution centre for the city that can serve major organisations such as the universities, councils, and NHS Trusts represented amongst the partners in this collaboration. Researchers from Newcastle University are taking this forward through discussions with the North East Combined Authority in a bid to cut traffic congestion and improve air quality; has the potential to be applied to retail sector on Northumberland Street.
Impact This project has resulted in a funding bid to ERDF.
Start Year 2017
Description Last Mile Freight Distribution Centre 
Organisation Northumbria University
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The 'Last Mile' Freight Distribution Centre is one of the cross-sector, collaborative demonstrator projects supported by the Newcastle and Gateshead Urban Living Partnership. Members of the Urban Living Partnership team have helped to bring various large organisations in the city together to participate in this new more environmentally friendly way of organising deliveries.
Collaborator Contribution This project aims to develop plans for a freight distribution centre for the city that can serve major organisations such as the universities, councils, and NHS Trusts represented amongst the partners in this collaboration. Researchers from Newcastle University are taking this forward through discussions with the North East Combined Authority in a bid to cut traffic congestion and improve air quality; has the potential to be applied to retail sector on Northumberland Street.
Impact This project has resulted in a funding bid to ERDF.
Start Year 2017
Description Metro Futures 
Organisation Nexus
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution Metro Futures is one of the collaborative, cross-sectoral demonstrator projects supported by the ULP project. Members of the ULP team brokered the connection between Nexus and Open Lab - a research group in the School of Computing in Newcastle University - through which the Metro Futures project originated. They have subsequently provided support in the dissemination phase of this project.
Collaborator Contribution Metro Futures is based on a collaboration between Nexus and members of Open Lab (Newcastle University). This project is focused on public engagement around the planned renewal of the train fleet on the Tyne and Wear Metro system. This has involved engaging with people across Tyne and Wear to understand their needs and develop proposals for future Metrocars through a series of intensive workshops with a group of co-researchers, pop up labs for the wider public, and an interactive website. These insights will then be used as designs for new trains and developed with suppliers in 2018/19.
Impact Funding from the Department of Transport for the new fleet of trains was awarded to Nexus in November 2017 (£337 million). This is now subject to procurement. The engagement activities carried out by open Lab as part of a wider consultation will feed into this process. The partners involved in this project are discussing future collaborations.
Start Year 2016
Description Newcastle Tech Totems 
Organisation Future Cities Catapult Limited
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution Newcastle Tech Totems is one of the collaborative, cross-sector demonstrator projects facilitated by the Urban Living Partnership for Newcastle and Gateshead. Members of the ULP team have worked with other colleagues within Newcastle University, and the other partners, on developing this project idea.
Collaborator Contribution Tech Totems is an open source platform for digital connectivity in the city. The aim of this project is for the partners to have the first phase deployed as part of the innovation trail for the Great Exhibition in 2018 and the second phase as part of the smart high street element of the Northumberland Street regeneration. The aim is to test a new businesses model of Internet of Things infrastructure.
Impact A bid to be part of the Great Exhibition of the North was successful. Discussions about further funding bids are continuing.
Start Year 2017
Description Newcastle Tech Totems 
Organisation Great Exhibition of the North
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution Newcastle Tech Totems is one of the collaborative, cross-sector demonstrator projects facilitated by the Urban Living Partnership for Newcastle and Gateshead. Members of the ULP team have worked with other colleagues within Newcastle University, and the other partners, on developing this project idea.
Collaborator Contribution Tech Totems is an open source platform for digital connectivity in the city. The aim of this project is for the partners to have the first phase deployed as part of the innovation trail for the Great Exhibition in 2018 and the second phase as part of the smart high street element of the Northumberland Street regeneration. The aim is to test a new businesses model of Internet of Things infrastructure.
Impact A bid to be part of the Great Exhibition of the North was successful. Discussions about further funding bids are continuing.
Start Year 2017
Description Newcastle Tech Totems 
Organisation Newcastle City Council
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Newcastle Tech Totems is one of the collaborative, cross-sector demonstrator projects facilitated by the Urban Living Partnership for Newcastle and Gateshead. Members of the ULP team have worked with other colleagues within Newcastle University, and the other partners, on developing this project idea.
Collaborator Contribution Tech Totems is an open source platform for digital connectivity in the city. The aim of this project is for the partners to have the first phase deployed as part of the innovation trail for the Great Exhibition in 2018 and the second phase as part of the smart high street element of the Northumberland Street regeneration. The aim is to test a new businesses model of Internet of Things infrastructure.
Impact A bid to be part of the Great Exhibition of the North was successful. Discussions about further funding bids are continuing.
Start Year 2017
Description Newcastle Tech Totems 
Organisation Newcastle NE1 Ltd
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Newcastle Tech Totems is one of the collaborative, cross-sector demonstrator projects facilitated by the Urban Living Partnership for Newcastle and Gateshead. Members of the ULP team have worked with other colleagues within Newcastle University, and the other partners, on developing this project idea.
Collaborator Contribution Tech Totems is an open source platform for digital connectivity in the city. The aim of this project is for the partners to have the first phase deployed as part of the innovation trail for the Great Exhibition in 2018 and the second phase as part of the smart high street element of the Northumberland Street regeneration. The aim is to test a new businesses model of Internet of Things infrastructure.
Impact A bid to be part of the Great Exhibition of the North was successful. Discussions about further funding bids are continuing.
Start Year 2017
Description Newcastle as a System of Systems 
Organisation Urban Foresight
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution Commissioning of Urban Foresight Ltd to undertake a review of Newcastle upon Tyne as a smart and socially inclusive city.
Collaborator Contribution Research work undertaken and report published by Urban Foresight.
Impact Report published in July 2018.
Start Year 2017
Description Northern Arc Hyperloop Challenge 
Organisation AECOM Technology Corporation
Country United States 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Newcastle City Futures (the Urban Living Partnership) is one of the consortium members in this bid to the Hyperloop Challenge.
Collaborator Contribution A consortium of organisations submitted a bid to Elon Musk's Virgin Hyperloop One Challenge in 2016 to be one of the shortlisted regions across the globe considering a 'Hyperloop' high speed transit system. The intention is to work with partners and the UK Government to identify opportunities to advance professional, business and engineering services of expertise and skills in the North East that could be of use to shortlisted Hyperloop bids internationally as part of the UK Industrial Strategy.
Impact The Northern Arc bid was shortlisted to one of 10 from 2600 entries worldwide and is one of two UK successful bids. Discussions underway for business leads to receive feasibility grant from the Department for Transport.
Start Year 2016
Description Northern Arc Hyperloop Challenge 
Organisation Arriva UK Trains Limited
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Newcastle City Futures (the Urban Living Partnership) is one of the consortium members in this bid to the Hyperloop Challenge.
Collaborator Contribution A consortium of organisations submitted a bid to Elon Musk's Virgin Hyperloop One Challenge in 2016 to be one of the shortlisted regions across the globe considering a 'Hyperloop' high speed transit system. The intention is to work with partners and the UK Government to identify opportunities to advance professional, business and engineering services of expertise and skills in the North East that could be of use to shortlisted Hyperloop bids internationally as part of the UK Industrial Strategy.
Impact The Northern Arc bid was shortlisted to one of 10 from 2600 entries worldwide and is one of two UK successful bids. Discussions underway for business leads to receive feasibility grant from the Department for Transport.
Start Year 2016
Description Northern Arc Hyperloop Challenge 
Organisation Arup Group
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Newcastle City Futures (the Urban Living Partnership) is one of the consortium members in this bid to the Hyperloop Challenge.
Collaborator Contribution A consortium of organisations submitted a bid to Elon Musk's Virgin Hyperloop One Challenge in 2016 to be one of the shortlisted regions across the globe considering a 'Hyperloop' high speed transit system. The intention is to work with partners and the UK Government to identify opportunities to advance professional, business and engineering services of expertise and skills in the North East that could be of use to shortlisted Hyperloop bids internationally as part of the UK Industrial Strategy.
Impact The Northern Arc bid was shortlisted to one of 10 from 2600 entries worldwide and is one of two UK successful bids. Discussions underway for business leads to receive feasibility grant from the Department for Transport.
Start Year 2016
Description Northern Arc Hyperloop Challenge 
Organisation IPPR Institute for Public Policy Research
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution Newcastle City Futures (the Urban Living Partnership) is one of the consortium members in this bid to the Hyperloop Challenge.
Collaborator Contribution A consortium of organisations submitted a bid to Elon Musk's Virgin Hyperloop One Challenge in 2016 to be one of the shortlisted regions across the globe considering a 'Hyperloop' high speed transit system. The intention is to work with partners and the UK Government to identify opportunities to advance professional, business and engineering services of expertise and skills in the North East that could be of use to shortlisted Hyperloop bids internationally as part of the UK Industrial Strategy.
Impact The Northern Arc bid was shortlisted to one of 10 from 2600 entries worldwide and is one of two UK successful bids. Discussions underway for business leads to receive feasibility grant from the Department for Transport.
Start Year 2016
Description Northern Arc Hyperloop Challenge 
Organisation KPMG International Cooperative
Country Netherlands 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Newcastle City Futures (the Urban Living Partnership) is one of the consortium members in this bid to the Hyperloop Challenge.
Collaborator Contribution A consortium of organisations submitted a bid to Elon Musk's Virgin Hyperloop One Challenge in 2016 to be one of the shortlisted regions across the globe considering a 'Hyperloop' high speed transit system. The intention is to work with partners and the UK Government to identify opportunities to advance professional, business and engineering services of expertise and skills in the North East that could be of use to shortlisted Hyperloop bids internationally as part of the UK Industrial Strategy.
Impact The Northern Arc bid was shortlisted to one of 10 from 2600 entries worldwide and is one of two UK successful bids. Discussions underway for business leads to receive feasibility grant from the Department for Transport.
Start Year 2016
Description Northern Arc Hyperloop Challenge 
Organisation Local Enterprise Partnerships
Department North East Local Enterprise Partnership
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Newcastle City Futures (the Urban Living Partnership) is one of the consortium members in this bid to the Hyperloop Challenge.
Collaborator Contribution A consortium of organisations submitted a bid to Elon Musk's Virgin Hyperloop One Challenge in 2016 to be one of the shortlisted regions across the globe considering a 'Hyperloop' high speed transit system. The intention is to work with partners and the UK Government to identify opportunities to advance professional, business and engineering services of expertise and skills in the North East that could be of use to shortlisted Hyperloop bids internationally as part of the UK Industrial Strategy.
Impact The Northern Arc bid was shortlisted to one of 10 from 2600 entries worldwide and is one of two UK successful bids. Discussions underway for business leads to receive feasibility grant from the Department for Transport.
Start Year 2016
Description Northern Arc Hyperloop Challenge 
Organisation Newcastle City Council
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Newcastle City Futures (the Urban Living Partnership) is one of the consortium members in this bid to the Hyperloop Challenge.
Collaborator Contribution A consortium of organisations submitted a bid to Elon Musk's Virgin Hyperloop One Challenge in 2016 to be one of the shortlisted regions across the globe considering a 'Hyperloop' high speed transit system. The intention is to work with partners and the UK Government to identify opportunities to advance professional, business and engineering services of expertise and skills in the North East that could be of use to shortlisted Hyperloop bids internationally as part of the UK Industrial Strategy.
Impact The Northern Arc bid was shortlisted to one of 10 from 2600 entries worldwide and is one of two UK successful bids. Discussions underway for business leads to receive feasibility grant from the Department for Transport.
Start Year 2016
Description Northern Arc Hyperloop Challenge 
Organisation Newcastle International Airport Ltd
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Newcastle City Futures (the Urban Living Partnership) is one of the consortium members in this bid to the Hyperloop Challenge.
Collaborator Contribution A consortium of organisations submitted a bid to Elon Musk's Virgin Hyperloop One Challenge in 2016 to be one of the shortlisted regions across the globe considering a 'Hyperloop' high speed transit system. The intention is to work with partners and the UK Government to identify opportunities to advance professional, business and engineering services of expertise and skills in the North East that could be of use to shortlisted Hyperloop bids internationally as part of the UK Industrial Strategy.
Impact The Northern Arc bid was shortlisted to one of 10 from 2600 entries worldwide and is one of two UK successful bids. Discussions underway for business leads to receive feasibility grant from the Department for Transport.
Start Year 2016
Description Northern Arc Hyperloop Challenge 
Organisation Newcastle NE1 Ltd
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Newcastle City Futures (the Urban Living Partnership) is one of the consortium members in this bid to the Hyperloop Challenge.
Collaborator Contribution A consortium of organisations submitted a bid to Elon Musk's Virgin Hyperloop One Challenge in 2016 to be one of the shortlisted regions across the globe considering a 'Hyperloop' high speed transit system. The intention is to work with partners and the UK Government to identify opportunities to advance professional, business and engineering services of expertise and skills in the North East that could be of use to shortlisted Hyperloop bids internationally as part of the UK Industrial Strategy.
Impact The Northern Arc bid was shortlisted to one of 10 from 2600 entries worldwide and is one of two UK successful bids. Discussions underway for business leads to receive feasibility grant from the Department for Transport.
Start Year 2016
Description Northern Arc Hyperloop Challenge 
Organisation Nexus
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution Newcastle City Futures (the Urban Living Partnership) is one of the consortium members in this bid to the Hyperloop Challenge.
Collaborator Contribution A consortium of organisations submitted a bid to Elon Musk's Virgin Hyperloop One Challenge in 2016 to be one of the shortlisted regions across the globe considering a 'Hyperloop' high speed transit system. The intention is to work with partners and the UK Government to identify opportunities to advance professional, business and engineering services of expertise and skills in the North East that could be of use to shortlisted Hyperloop bids internationally as part of the UK Industrial Strategy.
Impact The Northern Arc bid was shortlisted to one of 10 from 2600 entries worldwide and is one of two UK successful bids. Discussions underway for business leads to receive feasibility grant from the Department for Transport.
Start Year 2016
Description Northern Arc Hyperloop Challenge 
Organisation Port Of Tyne Authority
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Newcastle City Futures (the Urban Living Partnership) is one of the consortium members in this bid to the Hyperloop Challenge.
Collaborator Contribution A consortium of organisations submitted a bid to Elon Musk's Virgin Hyperloop One Challenge in 2016 to be one of the shortlisted regions across the globe considering a 'Hyperloop' high speed transit system. The intention is to work with partners and the UK Government to identify opportunities to advance professional, business and engineering services of expertise and skills in the North East that could be of use to shortlisted Hyperloop bids internationally as part of the UK Industrial Strategy.
Impact The Northern Arc bid was shortlisted to one of 10 from 2600 entries worldwide and is one of two UK successful bids. Discussions underway for business leads to receive feasibility grant from the Department for Transport.
Start Year 2016
Description Northern Arc Hyperloop Challenge 
Organisation Ryder Architecture
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Newcastle City Futures (the Urban Living Partnership) is one of the consortium members in this bid to the Hyperloop Challenge.
Collaborator Contribution A consortium of organisations submitted a bid to Elon Musk's Virgin Hyperloop One Challenge in 2016 to be one of the shortlisted regions across the globe considering a 'Hyperloop' high speed transit system. The intention is to work with partners and the UK Government to identify opportunities to advance professional, business and engineering services of expertise and skills in the North East that could be of use to shortlisted Hyperloop bids internationally as part of the UK Industrial Strategy.
Impact The Northern Arc bid was shortlisted to one of 10 from 2600 entries worldwide and is one of two UK successful bids. Discussions underway for business leads to receive feasibility grant from the Department for Transport.
Start Year 2016
Description Northern Arc Hyperloop Challenge 
Organisation Turner & Townsend PLC
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Newcastle City Futures (the Urban Living Partnership) is one of the consortium members in this bid to the Hyperloop Challenge.
Collaborator Contribution A consortium of organisations submitted a bid to Elon Musk's Virgin Hyperloop One Challenge in 2016 to be one of the shortlisted regions across the globe considering a 'Hyperloop' high speed transit system. The intention is to work with partners and the UK Government to identify opportunities to advance professional, business and engineering services of expertise and skills in the North East that could be of use to shortlisted Hyperloop bids internationally as part of the UK Industrial Strategy.
Impact The Northern Arc bid was shortlisted to one of 10 from 2600 entries worldwide and is one of two UK successful bids. Discussions underway for business leads to receive feasibility grant from the Department for Transport.
Start Year 2016
Description Pitchside: West End Sport and Young People's Digital Skills 
Organisation Microsoft Corporation
Country United States 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution 'Pitchside' is one of the cross-sector, collaborative demonstrator projects that has been supported by the Newcastle and Gateshead Urban Living Partnership project. Members of the Urban Living Partnership team have been working with the lead partner - Newcastle United Foundation - to help facilitate the digital element in a new sports-focused community facility.
Collaborator Contribution Pitchside is a project based in the West End of Newcastle with Newcastle United Foundation to identify how, working with the other partners, to incorporate digital elements into the redevelopment and redesign of Murray House, a community sports facility suitable to enhance the design skills of young people.
Impact No outcomes so far. Newcastle United Foundation is still running the funding campaign for the capital project.
Start Year 2017
Description Pitchside: West End Sport and Young People's Digital Skills 
Organisation Newcastle United Foundation
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution 'Pitchside' is one of the cross-sector, collaborative demonstrator projects that has been supported by the Newcastle and Gateshead Urban Living Partnership project. Members of the Urban Living Partnership team have been working with the lead partner - Newcastle United Foundation - to help facilitate the digital element in a new sports-focused community facility.
Collaborator Contribution Pitchside is a project based in the West End of Newcastle with Newcastle United Foundation to identify how, working with the other partners, to incorporate digital elements into the redevelopment and redesign of Murray House, a community sports facility suitable to enhance the design skills of young people.
Impact No outcomes so far. Newcastle United Foundation is still running the funding campaign for the capital project.
Start Year 2017
Description Pitchside: West End Sport and Young People's Digital Skills 
Organisation Ryder Architecture
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution 'Pitchside' is one of the cross-sector, collaborative demonstrator projects that has been supported by the Newcastle and Gateshead Urban Living Partnership project. Members of the Urban Living Partnership team have been working with the lead partner - Newcastle United Foundation - to help facilitate the digital element in a new sports-focused community facility.
Collaborator Contribution Pitchside is a project based in the West End of Newcastle with Newcastle United Foundation to identify how, working with the other partners, to incorporate digital elements into the redevelopment and redesign of Murray House, a community sports facility suitable to enhance the design skills of young people.
Impact No outcomes so far. Newcastle United Foundation is still running the funding campaign for the capital project.
Start Year 2017
Title JigsAudio 
Description A new digital platform in the form of a digital jigsaw, suitable for children to learn and interact about the future city, that enables them to record their views about place and make it fun. This tool was first developed for use at the Newcastle City Futures supported Big Draw event. It has since been deployed at a number of other events, including the workshops for the Metro Futures project and end of ULP showcase in Leeds in februray 2018. 
Type Of Technology Physical Model/Kit 
Year Produced 2017 
Impact Since been developed for the Big Draw event, the JisAudio tool has been deployed at a number of other events, including the workshops for the Metro Futures project and end of ULP showcase in Leeds in February 2018. 
URL http://jigsaudio.com/index.html
Description ACCOMPLISSH H2020 Rome 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact The EU Horizon 2020 ACCOMPLISSH project encompasses 14 international partners, all to engage with universities to their cities nationally and internationally through the development of new models to achieve collaboration. Newcastle University and Newcastle City Futures is one of the partners in this project and are using NCF as a test bed case study for international dissemination. The first event occurred in Rome in November 2016 and a further event is planned for Tallinn in November 2017.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016,2017
URL http://www.accomplissh.eu
Description Accenture and Dynamo North East Digital Leaders event 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact Event looking at use and potential of digital to address urban and regional issues
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Baltic Contemporary Art Gallery The Tyne Deck talks and videos 
Form Of Engagement Activity A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press)
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact In partnership with the Baltic and Ryder Architecture, NCF curated the Tyne Deck feature at the Idea of North exhibition that ran from May to September 2018. 122,000 people attended this exhibition, the second highest ever audience for a Baltic event. Three side events were also organised focusing in on the Tyne Deck, comprising a film screening with Amber Collective of 'A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Utopia', a conversation between Mark Tewdwr-Jones and John Griffith on T Dan Smith's impact on Newcastle, a presentation of virtual Newcastle Gateshead in partnership with Northumbria University, and a conversation between Mark Tewdwr-Jones and Rutter Carroll on the Tyne Deck design. 150 people attended these side events.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
URL http://www.balticplus.uk/baltic-bites-idea-of-north-tyne-deck-c32078
Description Big Draw Weekend 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact One weekend in October 2016, Newcastle City Futures with the Vital North Partnership, Newcastle University and Northumbria University took over Seven Stories, the National Centre for Children's Books, based in Newcastle Ouseburn Valley for a weekend of Big Draw Festival activities which encouraged children and families to design and build their future city. More than 540 people visited Seven Stories and built homes, cultural, sports and science venues, businesses, hotels, transport systems, power stations and several bridges. In fact, the children organically created pretty much everything you would need in a future city. The event formed part of the 2016 STEAM Powered Big Draw Festival which aims to inspire illustrators everywhere to explore creative innovation, enterprise, digital technologies and the arts through drawing.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
URL https://blogs.ncl.ac.uk/vitalnorth/building-a-new-city-with-newcastle-city-futures/
Description Bristol Festival of the Future City 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact This was part of a Urban Living Partnership focused session 'New Approaches to Urban Living' at the Bristol Festival of the Future City in October 2017. Two members of the Newcastle ULP team gave presentations as part of this event and took part in subsequent discussions. The event was open to the public.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
URL http://www.ideasfestival.co.uk/seasons/festival-future-city/
Description British Council Going Global 2017 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact Plenary talk at the British Council international event in London as part of a session on universities and future cities
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Changing Newcastle and Gateshead 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Media (as a channel to the public)
Results and Impact A long term project looking at changing places in Newcastle and Gateshead through a series of newspaper articles in the 'Nostalgia' section of The Chronicle newspaper. 14 newspaper articles published between 2016 and 2018 in the 'nostalgia' section, each with between 5000 and 10000 downloads.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016,2017,2018
Description City Futures and the Big Draw Weekend 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact For one weekend in October 2016, Newcastle City Futures took over Seven Stories, the National Centre for Children's Books in Newcastle, for a weekend of Big Draw Festival activities that encouraged children and families to design and build their future city. More than 500 people visited Seven Stories and built homes, cultural, sports and science venues, businesses, hotels, transport systems, power stations and several bridges. The event formed part of the 2016 STEAM Powered Big Draw Festival that aimed to inspire illustrators everywhere to explore creative innovation, enterprise, digital technologies and the arts through drawing. The project allowed the development of JigsAudio tool and has spun out into a separate Great Exhibition of the North 2018 initiative, Little Inventors.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
URL http://www.newcastlecityfutures.org/projects/big-draw-weekend/
Description City Impact 
Form Of Engagement Activity A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press)
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact Podcast and working dinner organised by Digital Agenda for tech and digital start ups in the region, broadcast on their website.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Co-Cretaing Cities and Communities event 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Members of the Urban Living Partnership project for Newcastle and Gateshead gave a talk at this event in Bristol in July 2017 as part of a session also featuring other Urban Living Partnership projects. The event was sponsored by the AHRC Connected Communities programme. This session had a diverse audience of academics, practitioners from different sectors, and members of the public. Newcastle City Futures also featured as a case study in a publication produced by the organisers of the event as an example of 'Developing city partnerships with local councils and engaged citizens'. This case study was based on the presentation given at the event and further input from ULP team members.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
URL https://connected-communities.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/Universities-Cities-Communities-Co-crea...
Description Conference presentation Wales 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact Presentation and plenary talk on Newcastle City Futures ULP on the importance of and model of place-based leadership to Welsh Government, planning practitioners, local government officials and consultancies in Wales.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Daily Telegraph An Interview with Prof Mark Tewdwr-Jones 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Interview for the Telegraph
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Daily Telegraph Smart Cities Conference 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact NCF was invited to chair, and undertake a video interview, at the Telegraph smart cities events in London in 2016 and 2017.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016,2017
Description European Parliament Evidence for Society conference 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact Talk on NCF discussing role of universities in creating citizen involvement in places
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Festival of the Future City Bristol 2017 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact ULP sessions at Festival of the Future City
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Foresight Future of Cities International Research Network 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact FFoCRN was funded by Government Office for Science and Newcastle University and included Newcastle University, Groningen University, University of Hong Kong and University of New South Wales linking academic research to policy makers to consider long term city trends and urban innovation. Events were held in Newcastle in June 2016, in Sydney in December 2017, and Hong Kong in December 2017. The network performed at specially convened events as well as bespoke policy making meetings with, for example, Commission for Greater Sydney, the Committee for Sydney, NSW State, and Government of Hong Kong, where the NCF ULP developments were disseminated.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016,2017
Description Google Cities 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact A Google Cities event organised by Google in Newcastle to discuss smart cities issues.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Inside Government REF Impact event 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact Discussion using NCF as an institutional REF impact case study model
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Metro Futures 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Launch video for the Metro Futures project, housed on Youtube
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Metro Futures 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact The Metro futures project: Tyne and Wear Metro is one of the UK's busiest light rail systems, carrying 40 million passengers a year. But after nearly 40 years of service its train fleet will soon need to be replaced. A new train fleet will be around for decades to come and Nexus wants to ensure its design reflects the aspirations and needs of people across the community, and throughout their lives. Brokered by NCF, Nexus partnered with Newcastle University's Open Lab in autumn 2016 to work with people across Tyne and Wear to understand their needs and develop proposals for future Metrocar internal design through digital engagement, Pop up labs and an interactive website. These insights were used to build into the bid by Nexus for £350m from Department for Transport for the next fleet of trains and to inform the procurement process.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
URL http://www.metrofutures.org.uk
Description NCF as innovation VentureFest north east 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact Special NCF session at VentureFest North East 2016
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description National Infrastructure Commission 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact Regional meeting of the NIC looking at future transport investment options.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Newcastle City Futures: Thinking Canny for the Toon 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact A blog on NCF developments hosted by Newcastle Institute for Social Renewal
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Newcastle Digital Startup Week 2017 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact Reaching out to digital and tech sectors to think about city futures
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description North East Leaders Three Motion Videos 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Media (as a channel to the public)
Results and Impact Speaking on video to film initiative identifying future regional leader skills
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description North East Strategic Economic Plan 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact NE Strategic Economic Plan consultation led by North East LEP to shape new policy and long term strategic options.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Oxford University Urban Transformation City Futures Symposium 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact Two day workshop on city futures organised as part of ESRC UT engagement
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Pint of Science Festival Cities for Tomorrow 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Part of engagement activities for Pint of Science 2017
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description RSa Nottingham Civic Exchange 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Event looking at innovative role of the academy in addressing societal needs
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Royal Society for Arts Newcastle City Futures event 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact RSA event focusing on the future of cities using NCF as a case study
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Shaping Newcastle into a smart city 
Form Of Engagement Activity A magazine, newsletter or online publication
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact Blog entry for Innovate UK website
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Siemens smart cities 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact Siemens visit to Newcastle University and presentation of NCF and activities to gauge support.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Smart Cities Workshop Vienna 2016 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Smart Cities event in Vienna devoted to future cities with NCF plenary content.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Stories from the Academy: Newcastle City Futures 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Blog for ESRC Urban Transformations website on NCF as a model
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Symposium talk Oxford 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact ESRC Urban Transformations symposium outlining recent urban UKRI awards and impacts, on behalf of the research councils.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description UCL Urban Dynamics and Future Cities 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact Workshop organised by UCL Urban Dynamics on future cities
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description UK and Ireland Planning Research Conference 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Study participants or study members
Results and Impact Plenary talk on NCF at PRC 2016
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description University College Dublin 50th anniversary of planning school 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Plenary talk on NCF discussing urban past present and future, as part of UCD anniversary events
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description University of Liverpool Research Seminar 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact Liverpool plenary talk organised by Heseltine Institute
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Welsh Government Wales Civic Mission 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact Event led by Welsh Government and Cardiff University about higher education and place with plenary on NCF
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017