From arc magmas to ores (FAMOS): A mineral systems approach

Lead Research Organisation: CARDIFF UNIVERSITY
Department Name: Sch of Earth and Environmental Sciences


Society is dependent on a reliable supply of metals and minerals for economic growth, improved standards of living, and development of infrastructure. Population growth means that even with increased recycling and resource efficiency, new mineral deposits still need to be discovered. The efficient exploration for, and discovery of, new resources requires new concepts and new tools.
The Mineral Systems approach to exploration considers ore deposits on a lithospheric scale, in terms of the "ingredients", processes and environments that favour their formation. This approach amounts to a "source-pathway-trap" model, with an increased emphasis on predictive capacity, rather than just feature recognition. Historically, much research has focused on the trap, and characterisation of the ore deposits themselves; here we aim to focus deeper in the system by integrating ore deposit formation with concepts of magmatism that arise from igneous petrology and volcanology. Therein lies a challenge because extant models for porphyry systems are increasingly at odds with magmatic models for crustal construction and arc volcanism. Rather than seeing magmatic systems in terms of large, liquid-rich magma chambers, emerging petrological models for crustal magmatism are turning instead to crystal-dominated, volatile-bearing "mushy" systems that traverse most or all of the crust. The dynamics of such systems have important consequences not just for arc magmatism, but also for the chemistry of the volatiles that are exsolved. These same volatiles fuel mineralisation and this is the synergy that we aim to exploit by assembling a multidisciplinary team of researchers from economic geology, igneous and metamorphic petrology, volcanology, geochemistry, numerical modelling and fluid dynamics. Our team embraces almost everyone currently engaged in porphyry mineralisation research in the UK and capitalises on strong existing links between UK ROs and the mining industry, many of who are Project Partners.
The research will involve analysis of minerals from a wide variety of mineralised and barren settings using a wealth of modern analytical tools that enable determination of an extensive suite of trace elements and isotope tracers. As each trace element responds to magmatic processes in subtly different ways due to the affinity of different elements for different phases (minerals, melts and fluids), so the multi-element approach affords many advantages over conventional proxies in which the full potential of the Periodic Table is not exploited. The analysis of natural systems will be underpinned by high pressure and temperature experiments to establish the phase relationships of ascending arc magmas and the partition coefficients that capture the affinities of elements for certain phases. As fluid accumulation and migration is an essential, but poorly understood, final step in ore deposit formation, we will develop, in tandem with the geochemistry, numerical models for fluid-bearing mushy systems. Finally, consideration will be given to critical metals that are passengers through the main ore-forming processes, but constitute important, often under-explored, by-products of porphyry mineralisation.
The research proposed has a strong element of blue skies investigation, but a particular focus on outcomes that will benefit industry through improved exploration tools. Thus the project bridges the divide between academic and applied research in a way that is not normally possible through industry-funded projects. This bridging activity lies at the heart of the Highlight Topic call, specifically through the integration of new advances in the study of mineral systems, igneous petrology and geochemistry, with a view to identifying conditions that can act as pathfinders for new targets. A key outcome will be a range of trace element proxies that will enable the mining industry to establish the potential fertility of a magmatic arc on local to regional scales.

Planned Impact

We have taken an "embedded impact" approach with FAMOS. Stakeholders and beneficiaries have been involved with the development of the project from its initiation (including the initial Highlight Topic suggestion). The scientific content of the proposal was developed in discussion with representatives from industry, and the final consortium has assembled an Advisory Board that includes industry representatives so as to maintain two-way knowledge exchange and ensure development of impact. We have also engaged an international set of project partners (PP) who will extend the reach of our impact (see letters of support). The embedded impact will be delivered through various activities to support outreach, engagement and dissemination.

The key impact goal for FAMOS is to improve discovery rates of porphyry deposits by aiding exploration under cover, influencing decision making in the exploration process, reducing exploration risk and reducing the environmental impacts of drilling and associated disruptive fieldwork through more efficient prospectivity assessment.

There are four impact objectives within FAMOS:

1) A revised Mineral Systems model of porphyry deposit formation. This will lead to improved targeting at regional and igneous complex scales and better inputs to national strategies on mineral resources. Beneficiaries include PRIVATE SECTOR COMPANIES involved in mining, exploration and consultancy (e.g. PPs Anglo American, Rio Tinto, BHPBilliton, Freeport McMoRan), and NATIONAL AGENCIES charged with encouraging exploration and developing strategic resources (e.g. BGS and PP USGS).

2) New proxies for porphyry fertility. This will provide low-cost tools and approaches that will support improved decision-making during exploration. By using multiple proxies within a single sample, more data-rich exploration is possible, and in turn less sampling is required and less environmental impact is caused. Beneficiaries will include PRIVATE SECTOR COMPANIES involved in exploration, consultancy, and the provision of data and analytical equipment to industry (i.e. service companies, e.g. see PPs Olympus, Zeiss and SRK ES letters of support).

3) E-tech elements in porphyries. We will generate vital data for better global and national e-tech resource estimation. This facilitates improved targeting for specific e-techs during exploration, and improved metallurgical characterisation of them. Beneficiaries will be GOVERNMENT AGENCIES who advise on resource strategy (e.g. BGS, PP USGS), and POLICY MAKERS IN GOVERNMENT planning future clean energy strategies. PRIVATE SECTOR COMPANIES exploring for resources (see PP Anglo American letter of support) and end-users of e-techs will benefit through improved strategic knowledge of future supplies and the WIDER PUBLIC will gain through support of sustainable environmental technologies for a low-carbon society.

4) Outreach, education and training. We have planned activities to increase public understanding of resource issues (discovery, depletion, environmental and social impacts, the 'e-tech' concept), particularly through NHM outreach, and activities to encourage the uptake of the new model and proxies with professional geoscientists through training workshops, short courses and engagement at high profile conferences. Beneficiaries include the WIDER PUBLIC, PRIVATE SECTOR COMPANIES as publicly traded bodies and employers of skilled professionals and PROFESSIONAL BODIES such as the IOM3 and Mineral Deposits Studies Group (see letter of support) who support training and professional development for their members.
Description The research team has discovered a "Goldilocks zone" at the base of the Earth's crust where the temperatures are "just right" for metals like copper, gold, tellurium and platinum to avoid being trapped and made inaccessible, and instead rise upwards in magmas to near the surface where they can be mined and used for low carbon energy technologies.The team have discovered a set of processes that act like a temperature-dependent valve that normally traps the metals at depths of 25km or more. But when the temperature is right at around 1000 degrees, the valve opens and metals are released upwards to form some of the largest and most important copper deposits on Earth.
Exploitation Route This study sheds new light on magmatic processes that operate deep in the Earth's crust but which exert a first-order control on the accessibility of critical metals for humankind. The results will enable more targeted mineral exploration, thus lowering the environmental footprint associated with the discovery and extraction of green metals
Sectors Energy



including Industrial Biotechology


Description FAMOS - Ivrea Project 
Organisation University of Leicester
Department Department of Geology
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Analysis of trace elements in sulphide minerals and whole rocks from the Ivrea Zone in Italy. This represents a unique section through mafic intrusives into the lower crust exposed in the Ivrea region of northern Italy. These rocks are a natural analogue of the Sulphide Trap gate under test in the FAMOS programme and may be part of a continuum of mineral deposits linked to post-collisional arc magmas that extend through the Lower, Middle and Upper crust. The sulphide minerals act as stores and traps for metals that may subsequently be remobilised into later post-collisional arc magmas. Understanding the sulphides determines the hosts for the precious and critical metals and the extent to which the zone acts either as a barrier or a store to be tapped late in the arc's history. Cardiff has provided all of the in-situ trace element analyses of the individual sulphide minerals under this collaboration.
Collaborator Contribution The partners have carried out joint fieldwork to collect the samples under test. Mineralogical characterisation and some bulk geochemistry has been carried out at Leicester to characterise the samples before in-situ laser analysis at Cardiff. One paper by Holwell et al (2019) has already been published from this work and a second is currently in preparation for submission in 2021.
Impact One paper by Holwell et al (2019). A second paper is currently under preparation and will be submitted in 2021.
Start Year 2018
Description FAMOS - Ivrea Project 
Organisation University of Western Australia
Country Australia 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Analysis of trace elements in sulphide minerals and whole rocks from the Ivrea Zone in Italy. This represents a unique section through mafic intrusives into the lower crust exposed in the Ivrea region of northern Italy. These rocks are a natural analogue of the Sulphide Trap gate under test in the FAMOS programme and may be part of a continuum of mineral deposits linked to post-collisional arc magmas that extend through the Lower, Middle and Upper crust. The sulphide minerals act as stores and traps for metals that may subsequently be remobilised into later post-collisional arc magmas. Understanding the sulphides determines the hosts for the precious and critical metals and the extent to which the zone acts either as a barrier or a store to be tapped late in the arc's history. Cardiff has provided all of the in-situ trace element analyses of the individual sulphide minerals under this collaboration.
Collaborator Contribution The partners have carried out joint fieldwork to collect the samples under test. Mineralogical characterisation and some bulk geochemistry has been carried out at Leicester to characterise the samples before in-situ laser analysis at Cardiff. One paper by Holwell et al (2019) has already been published from this work and a second is currently in preparation for submission in 2021.
Impact One paper by Holwell et al (2019). A second paper is currently under preparation and will be submitted in 2021.
Start Year 2018
Description FAMOS - deep crustal cumulates 
Organisation University of Western Australia
Country Australia 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Access to LA-ICPMS facilities for analysis of lower crustal sulphide minerals.
Collaborator Contribution Sharing and access to samples from Pakistan collected during the 1980's in an area that is currently inaccessible.
Impact Data on sulphide chemistry from lower crustal sequences in the Kohistan arc.
Start Year 2018
Description Niggli Number Development 
Organisation Anglo American PLC
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Development of Niggli Number tools for tracking alteration mineralogy and petrogenetic processes in various mineralized systems. Anglo American are a user of the system and are applying in one of their mines. Imdex are the owners of the geochemical software IoGas and are looking at adding the Niggli Number calculations and plots to the next version of the software. This includes the plots created to track alteration in porphyry copper mineral systems.
Collaborator Contribution The partnership has allowed the PI to explore and develop the use of Niggli Numbers for major element geochemical data. These data are relatively cheap to acquire but have historically been undervalued for tracking different mineralogy that can track petrogenetic processes, contamination and alteration, as well as mineral feedstock into processing plants. The collaboration has allowed the PI to expand the original Niggli methodology from the 1930's and 1940's to include dozens of additional minerals, inclusing many key alteration minerals, not originally included. These new tools are under test by Anglo American geologists in various mineralized settings, in addition to the ones that relate solely to the FAMOS project. Now that the Niggli Number is published and the calculation steps and diagrams are openly available, we have been in collaboration with Imdex Limited to bring these features to the next version of the IoGas geochemistry software that the company owns and markets. This will make the numbers and plots much more available to the many thousands of users of IoGas around the world.
Impact McDonald I. (2024) Reimagining Niggli Numbers for modern data applications in petrology and exploration geochemistry. Chemical Geology doi 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2023.121915
Start Year 2022