Integrated Green Grey Infrastructure Framework Accelerator

Lead Research Organisation: University of Glasgow
Department Name: School of Geographical & Earth Sciences


Green infrastructure is a term used to describe the elements of the natural environment we see in our towns and cities - traditional grass, trees, flower beds and parks but also more innovative elements like green roofs and green walls.
The IGGIframe project examined around 40 innovative techniques to include green infrastructure on "grey" (non-building) infrastructure that needs to remain primarily grey. These examples are not normally included in green infrastructure policy and practice - our project addressed this gap. For example, sea walls are typically made of smooth concrete, but by casting them to have some texture, e.g. to mimic natural stone, they can provide habitat for barnacles and other species, which can in the case of barnacles, also protect the concrete from damage, helping to extend the design life of coastal structures.

The IGGIFrame project developed a framework to determine how well these examples worked, and how much they cost compared to traditional 'business as usual' grey options such as a smooth sea wall. This created a clear benefits assessment and financial basis for choosing a green grey solutions compared to conventional grey options. This project was co-produced by key government and industry partners across the UK and is designed to support others who want to implement these green infrastructure innovations.

Whilst the IGGIframe project was co-produced, there was limited time for testing and embedding the tool in partner organisations beyond their assistance with designing the tool. Partner organisations have also requested additional materials to support implementation within their organisations (e.g. Evidence Summaries requested by Natural Resources Wales). The follow-on funding would allow us further test and embed the tool within 5 different organisation. This would also allow us to examine how consideration of IGGI and IGGIframe could be included in how the organisations make decisions, and then to create a strategic plan - a road map, to help them include green grey infrastructure in the future.

The process of embedding would be iterative and allow us to develop an improved, tested version of IGGIframe with clear testimonials of how it has been used by partner organisations. This improved version would then be hosted on a website (e.g. where other people such as engineers, local authorities and consultants could upload the details of their scheme for others to learn from, support and contribute to. This would create a living inventory of IGGI examples that practitioners could draw on.

Planned Impact

This proposal is for innovation follow-on funding, to provide support for follow-up activities from a NERC Green Infrastructure Innovation funded project. Knowledge exchange and activities to generate impact are thus integral to the scope of work described in the case for support. In the pathways to impact section we described specifically how we intend to accelerate and evaluate the quality and reach of impact arising from this follow-on funding for the five partner organisations. The key impacts that could potentially arise from this work include increased awareness and application of Green Grey infrastructure approaches (which we call IGGI, short for Integrated Green Grey Infrastructure) in policy and day to day practice of the five partner organisations. This will help them delver their statutory requirements for green infrastructure and biodiversity, and as these IGGI approaches are applied it will lead to improved health and wellbeing of cities and nature in our cities and towns.

We will also seek to extend potential impacts of our IGGIframe follow-on activities to the project advisory board members and via information exchange platforms hosted by them (e.g.) or third parties (e.g. Oppla, the Ecosystems Knowledge Network or the Landscape Institute). We have also been invited by the Editor to produce an article for the Environmental Journal. It aims to bridge "the gap between those who are developing solutions to pressing issues ranging from pollution to greener transport and practitioners tasked with putting ideas into practice," Environment Journal (2017). Two key online platforms would also host the outputs: Oppla and CIRIA, where webinars would be arranged to raise awareness of these outputs and to provide continuing professional development training. Both web platforms are needed as they reach different audiences, with CIRIA being more aligned with the construction industry and Oppla being favoured by local authorities and NGOs. We would use these articles, webinars and training sessions, along with key networks (e.g. CIRIA's, Central Scotland Green Network, Green Infrastructure Partnership, Linear Infrastructure Network (LINet)), to share the results of the IGGIframe project and to generate enthusiasm and input to the Oppla living library of IGGI best practice case studies.

More widely, the general public will be engaged about the proposed project as part of the Edinburgh Living Landscapes exhibition in 2018. A recent NERC funded Public Engagement pilot project funded the installation of two Vertipools which are also a coastal case study in the IGGIframe project. This event will provide an excellent platform for engaging the general public about coastal IGGI and the IGGIframe project more generally.


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publication icon
Roberts M (2023) The Contribution of Environmental Science to Mental Health Research: A Scoping Review. in International journal of environmental research and public health

publication icon
MacArthur M (2020) Ecological enhancement of coastal engineering structures: Passive enhancement techniques. in The Science of the total environment

Title Ecotile - textured formliner for ecological enhancement 
Description A textured formliner called Ecotile was designed for the primary purpose of ecological enhancement and conservation of biodiversity, however, the visual aspect was kept in mind. An Arts student helped to design the ecotile to add an aesthetic value but satisfying ecological and engineering requirements. 
Type Of Art Artefact (including digital) 
Year Produced 2020 
Impact The ecotile was deployed on the flood defences in Edinburgh and tested for its effectiveness to support biodiversity. The ecotile showed to succeed in having an ecological and aesthetic value. 
Title Edinburgh Shoreline project documentary 
Description This is a documentary produced by the Shoreline Project, details of the documentary can be found here: This documentary showcases the work completed on the Shoreline Project in the first year. It features two NERC funded projects led by Dr Larissa Naylor at the University of Glasgow (which are linked to this ResearchFish entry). 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2019 
Impact The documentary was launched in early March 2019 to over 50 attendees, where discussion panellists included the local MSP and Director of Place for the City of Edinburgh. 
Description This project is an innovation follow-on project designed to help embed results of Phase 1 of the project within organisations in terms of their policy and practice, as well as to extend the reach to other organisations and interested parties, to heighten awareness of this work.
Exploitation Route There is already demonstrable evidence (see policy/practice influence) of how the 'Greening the Grey'/'Integrated Green Grey Infrastructure' project's outputs is being used to shape policy and practice across England, Wales and Scotland of government agencies, local authorities and private sector organisations. There have been statutory changes to policy in Wales (Planning/Flood risk policies and the financial business case guidance for costing Flood and Coastal erosion scheme. There has also been a practical impact, the first UK application at whole project scale (see:; this is also reported in the earlier phase of this project so see that entry for more details. This firmly demonstrates the value of the time to embed the results of the NERC GI innovation project into practice, fulfilling many of the aims of this follow-on funding.
Sectors Aerospace

Defence and Marine


Creative Economy



Democracy and Justice



Museums and Collections

Description The findings from the 'Greening the Grey'/'Integrated Green Grey Infrastructure' NERC Green Infrastructure Innovation project have been used by a number of partner organisations to help influence policy and practice changes within these organisations. This includes reference to the concept/report within draft statutory policies in Wales and Scotland, inclusion in Best Practice Guidance (Natural England) and directly shaping practice in live coastal flood alleviation schemes in England and Scotland. In addition, more than 450 people have been trained in the concept via webinars and training sessions and over 43000 people attended an exhibition on Edinburgh's shoreline where the greening the grey concept and examples of applications of this concept along Edinburgh's shoreline were featured. This project was a catalyst for the Portsmouth Ecoformliner Project which is an award winning novel application of UK green grey science in the form of a purpose built Ecoformliner which allowed 2 km of coastal protection replacement walls to be cast with this texture to enhance the co-benefits of this coastal protection asset for people and wildlife. Details can be found here: In Glasgow, this funding was a catalyst for recent SMEEF funding to build floating estuarine wetlands in the inner River Clyde. Over the past few years, academics worldwide have been researching and trialing innovative methods of adapting typical engineered coastal assets to boost biodiversity and quality in local ecosystems. It is recognised across academia that this "eco-engineering" is not common practice in industry, however, if implemented, there are signs that this could contribute heavily to the UK challenge of increasing grey infrastructure sustainability, particularly along our coastal regions. Internationally, this project and its precursor (the IGGIFrame project) were catalysts for changing the scope of award-winning international guidelines (NNBF). Chapter 14 was not originally included in the International Guidelines Chapter list. Jonathan Simm, the PI on another NERC GI Innovation project recommended this content. Here is a testimonial explaining this, " Based on my experience of Larissa's valuable NERC IGGI project, I suggested to the NNBF project team that it would be worthwhile that project including a chapter on Enhancing Structural Measures for Environmental Social and Engineering Benefits (Suedal et al, 2021). The NNBF team were supportive of this suggestion and approached Dr Naylor to share the lead co-authorship of that chapter. Much of the work from the NERC IGGI project was fundamental for shaping the scope and content of the resulting chapter." Prof Larissa Naylor was invited to co-chair the Project Steering Group alongside a practitioner for the leading industry charity - CIRIA - providing guidance to UK practitioners in construction and engineering fields. This is producing the first industry-government co-funded guidance on this topic in the UK. It is compiling best practice to implement 'green' infrastructure along the coast, whether that be through replacement, retrofitting or as part of a new build. It would aim to explore the design, materials, asset lifecycle and the provide key information on the development of engaging business cases to increase awareness of this innovative approach to coastal asset management. HR Wallingford have been appointed as research contractors, supported by Royal Haskoning DHV and HAEDES, with Prof. Larissa Naylor of the University of Glasgow, one of the academic co-authors of aspects of the guidance. It is reviewed by Dr Louise Firth, University of Cork and Dr Burton Suedel of USACE. This guidance is under development so the reach and impact cannot yet be measured. However, the still in draft guidance has recently (February 2024) received official endorsement from the UN Decade of the Ocean. This guidance will be published in 2024. Practitioners and policymakers have also used outputs from this project in more detail. These impacts are detailed in the main submission for this and the IGGIFrame project.
First Year Of Impact 2018
Sector Aerospace, Defence and Marine,Construction,Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software),Environment,Government, Democracy and Justice,Manufacturing, including Industrial Biotechology
Impact Types Societal

Policy & public services

Description Clyde Marine Plan: IGGI report is referred to in the draft (statutory) Clyde Marine Plan. The research team helped co-write the coastal processes, climate change and adaptation considerations in the draft statutory Marine Plan, directly shaping the policy.
Geographic Reach Local/Municipal/Regional 
Policy Influence Type Citation in other policy documents
Description Ecoformliner design for a coastal engineering scheme
Geographic Reach Local/Municipal/Regional 
Policy Influence Type Influenced training of practitioners or researchers
Impact Developing the first ecoformliner design for a live coastal construction scheme with Portsmouth City council. UK-wide government agency interest in ecological net gain and enhancing hard coastal infrastructure is rapidly growing and designing an ecoformliner for the Portsmouth scheme would help close the gap between policy goals and practical implementation, with a product specifically designed to support UK ecology and cultural/aesthetic norms. This formliner is the first known to be designed based on UK science with the goal of improving habitat provision for intertidal species compared to a traditional plain cast concrete engineering design, which can also help provide some accommodation space for species affected by sea level rise. This design has been included in the tender brief for the construction phase of the project, the first known UK flood scheme to specify a formliner specifically designed to enhance ecology for a vertical seawall.
Description Environment Agency- Helping with the options appraisal process with a strategic flood risk planning and optioneering initiative (for the Humber Strategy), revising a tender brief for a live coastal protection scheme along the south coast to consider passive or active ecological enhancement and advising contractors working on Team2100 on rock armour enhancements listed in the IGGI report.
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Influenced training of practitioners or researchers
Impact Changed a tender brief for a live coastal protection scheme along the south coast to consider passive or active ecological enhancement and advising contractors working on Team2100 on rock armour enhancements listed in the IGGI report. This is of significance as this form of enhancement had not been trialled before on a live coastal defence scheme and increases the range of options available on how to best enhance coastal infrastructure.
Description Initial blue space quality assessment methodology review to inform how Glasgow City Council address their blue space quality assessment as part of the open space mapping requirements to the Scottish Government.
Geographic Reach Local/Municipal/Regional 
Policy Influence Type Participation in a guidance/advisory committee
Description International Guidelines on Natural and Nature-based Features for Coasts, Estuaries and Rivers. Co-lead of the chapter on Ecological Enhancements.
Geographic Reach Multiple continents/international 
Policy Influence Type Participation in a guidance/advisory committee
Impact The overall guidelines have had considerable traction since publication in 2021 including: - The NNBF guidelines subsequently won an International Excellence award at the 2022 Environment Agency sponsored Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management award. This is the preeminent practitioner conference on Flood Risk Management in the UK. - Over 1/2 of 142 respondents to a Dutch government survey (they were a lead partner on the guidelines) were found to be actively using the guidance in their work. - Chapter 14 was one of the most well-received chapters by respondents to the Dutch Government Survey, showing strong value from my contribution to the International Guidelines.
Description Invited reviewer that helped shape Arup's Cities Alive Report
Geographic Reach Multiple continents/international 
Policy Influence Type Membership of a guideline committee
Description North Ayrshire Council- IGGI is noted as one of the environmental options being considered to help enhance the ecosystem services value of a planned flood alleviation scheme and provide mitigation for coastal squeeze associated with sea level rise risks.
Geographic Reach Local/Municipal/Regional 
Policy Influence Type Influenced training of practitioners or researchers
Impact North Ayrshire Council has listed IGGI /Greening the Grey as one of the environmental options being considered to help enhance the ecosystem services value of a planned flood alleviation scheme. This is being included at the options appraisal phase of the scheme's planning and design processes. It builds on the work of my student's PhD examining the interrelationships between geodiversity and biodiversty (funded by the Marine Alliance for Science and Technology and the University of Glasgow, which North Ayrshire Council provided logistical support for) and directly links to two of the examples in the IGGI report (AP-C7 and AP-C8). The main impact to date has been a change in practice to include consideration of ecological enhancements as part of the options appraisal process. If IGGI principles and techniques are used in the design for planned scheme there will likely be a mitigation of some construction impacts on ecology as new habitat will be created if implemented. It also has the potential to deliver net ecological gain. These impacts have yet to be realised but the inclusion in the options appraisal phase is promising.
Description Project Steering Group - Invited Co-Lead of CIRIA (Construction Innovation and Research Information Association)
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Influenced training of practitioners or researchers
Impact Over the past few years, academics worldwide have been researching and trialing innovative methods of adapting typical engineered coastal assets to boost biodiversity and quality in local ecosystems. It is recognised across academia that this "eco-engineering" is not common practice in industry, however, if implemented, there are signs that this could contribute heavily to the UK challenge of increasing grey infrastructure sustainability, particularly along our coastal regions. The goal for the project is to explore the opportunities available to implement 'green' infrastructure along the coastline, whether that be through replacement, retrofitting or as part of a new build. It would aim to explore the design, materials, asset lifecycle and the provide key information on the development of engaging business cases to increase awareness of this innovative approach to coastal asset management. HR Wallingford have been appointed as research contractors, supported by Royal Haskoning DHV and HAEDES, with Prof. Larissa Naylor of the University of Glasgow, one of the academic co-authors of aspects of the guidance. It is reviewed by Dr Louise Firth, University of Cork and Dr Burton Suedel of USACE. This guidance is under development so the reach and impact cannot yet be measured. It may be possible to measure how the various practitioners on the steering group perceive the benefits of the work.
Description Sat on Natural England's Green Infrastructure Forum and commented on documents including their Best Practice GI guidance to Local Authorities and Developers and their draft Second Green Infrastructure Position Statement.
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Participation in a guidance/advisory committee
Impact Commented on Natural England's Best Practice GI guidance to Local Authorities and Developers; which references the IGGI report and additionally commented on their draft Second Green Infrastructure Position Statement. The IGGI/Greening the Grey report is now included in Natural England's Top Tips for Green Infrastructure Internal Document.
Description Scottish Natural Heritage- referred to the IGGI report in their second phase of GI funding and all 2nd phase proposals are being reviewed to see where IGGI can be added to enhance GI benefits
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Citation in other policy documents
Impact SNH 2nd phase proposals are being reviewed to see where IGGI can be added to enhance GI benefits, this highlights a greater awareness of IGGI and the need to incorporate this into proposals.
Description Welsh Government- Reference to IGGI report in Draft National Planning Framework Flood Risk Policy, called 'National Strategy for Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management' and FECRM Business Case Appraisal Guidance document. The team helped shaped these policy and guidance documents in collaboration with the Welsh Government team.
Geographic Reach Local/Municipal/Regional 
Policy Influence Type Citation in other policy documents
Description Biodiversity Challenge Fund
Amount £1 (GBP)
Organisation NatureScot 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 01/2019 
End 01/2021
Description Designing an Eco-Formliner for the Eastern Road Flood Scheme, Portsmouth
Amount £17,500 (GBP)
Organisation Portsmouth City Council 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 07/2018 
Description Edinburgh Shoreline - The Wildline Project
Amount £150,000 (GBP)
Organisation NatureScot 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 08/2019 
End 03/2020
Description Greening the Grey: from 3D design (TRL5) to ecoformliner manufacturing (TRL 6) to concrete manufacture (TRL6) and installation in an operational environment (TRL7)
Amount £5,750 (GBP)
Funding ID EPSRC Impact Accelerator Account (to University of Glasgow, EP/R511705/1) 
Organisation University of Glasgow 
Sector Academic/University
Country United Kingdom
Start 04/2023 
End 05/2024
Description SMEEF Glasgow Floating Wetlands Project
Amount £250,000 (GBP)
Organisation Government of Scotland 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 08/2022 
End 03/2023
Description Ecoformliner development with Portsmouth City Council 
Organisation Portsmouth City Council
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Working on designing a cost effective, ecologically and aesthetically suitable eco-formliner for pre-cast or in situ construction of a concrete vertical coastal flood defence wall on North Portsea Island (Eastern Road).
Collaborator Contribution To advance UK research and innovation from small-scale examples of green infrastructure to a realisable commercial fecoormliner designed for UK ecology, an opportunity like the North Portsea Island Scheme is needed. Designing the ecoformliner as part of the scheme now, will enable research council funding to be sought to monitor and advance development to a commercially available formliner for widespread use by the ESCP, other local authorities, the Environment Agency and allied government agencies in devolved regions.
Impact 1. Autocad design file and artist drawing of the design for the seawall 2. Prototype small-scale (max 300 mm2) master and sample of eco-formliner to provide to formliner and/or bespoke precast company. 3. Scaling up of small-scale designs to commercial formwork. This work was multi-disciplinary and involved the following: a) Scientists: ecologists and biogeomorphologists to advise on the ecological specifications required by the design. b) Designer/Makers: to advise on the mould parameters influencing the scope of the design; to make the CAD drawings and to test the mould design for suitable 'release' quality and timeliness for both pre-cast and in situ construction applications. c) Concrete Technologist: to advise on concrete/construction requirements at the scale of the project's build to the science/artist/designer teams, and liaise with key formliner companies / bespoke pre-cast companies to inform the specific design criteria and test moulds. d) Portsmouth City Council and engineers
Start Year 2018
Description Environment Agency - IGGI 
Organisation Environment Agency
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution I have helped with the options appraisal process with a strategic flood risk planning and optioneering initiative (for the Humber Strategy). In addition to this, I worked on revising a tender brief for a live coastal protection scheme along the south coast to consider passive or active ecological enhancement and advised contractors working on Team2100 on rock armour enhancements listed in the IGGI report.
Collaborator Contribution Working with these partners to develop briefs and strategies for IGGI can be used for future case studies and informing policy and also strengthens the IGGI document by creating more examples of green infrastructure in the UK that can be used to inform future policy or research.
Impact • Helping with the options appraisal process with a strategic flood risk planning and optioneering initiative (for the Humber Strategy) • Revising a tender brief for a live coastal protection scheme along the south coast to consider passive or active ecological enhancement • Advising contractors working on Team2100 on rock armour enhancements listed in the IGGI report.
Start Year 2018
Description Glasgow City Council- Blue Space 
Organisation Glasgow City Council
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution I worked with Glasgow City Council on their initial blue space quality assessment methodology review to inform how they address their blue space quality assessment as part of the open space mapping requirements to Scottish Government.
Collaborator Contribution N/A
Impact Initial blue space quality assessment methodology review to inform how the council address their blue space quality assessment as part of the open space mapping requirements to Scottish Government. Multi-disciplinary- working with Glasgow City Council
Start Year 2018
Description Natural England- Green Infrastructure 
Organisation Natural England
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution Sat on the Green Infrastructure forum for Natural England and commented on their Best Practice Green Infrastructure guidance to Local Authorities and Developers, which references the IGGI report. I additionally commented on their draft Second Green Infrastructure Position Statement.
Collaborator Contribution They have included the IGGI/Greening the Grey work is now included in Natural England's internal document for Top Tips for Green Infrastructure which increases the reach and applicability of the IGGI project and further highlights the variety and importance of green infrastructure across the UK.
Impact The IGGI/Greening the Grey work is now included in Natural England's internal document for Top Tips for Green Infrastructure.
Start Year 2018
Description North Ayrshire Council- IGGI 
Organisation North Ayrshire Council
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution IGGI /Greening the Grey is listed as one of the environmental options being considered to help enhance the ecosystem services value of a planned flood alleviation scheme. This is being included at the options appraisal phase of the scheme's planning and design processes.
Collaborator Contribution Strengthens the outcomes of the research by utilising existing data and understanding from IGGI examples.
Impact This collaboration builds on my student's PhD funded by the University of Glasgow and the Marine Alliance of Science and Technology for Scotland and directly links to two of the examples in the IGGI report (AP -C7 and AP-C8).
Start Year 2018
Description Scaling up ecotiles - Collaboration with Meshcanics, Environment Agency, Poundfield, Concrete Scotland 
Organisation Environment Agency
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Collaboration with the four organisations will result in a new design of the ecotiles based on ecological and engineering requirements that will be scaled-up from the previously trialled ecotiles.
Collaborator Contribution Meshcanics is responsible for designing the new scaled-up formliner for flood walls. The other three are ensuring that engineering, safety, manufacturing and transportation requirements are met.
Impact This multi-disciplinary collaboration aims to produce scaled-up ecotiles that will fulfil the various requirements of such ecological enhancement for flood defences. - new design of the scaled-up formliner based on ecological and engineering requirements - maximising ecological value for the enhancement - ensuring engineering requirements not to disturb the effectiveness of the flood defences - considering human health and safety aspect - optimising for manufacturing and transporting of the final product
Start Year 2021
Description Scottish Natural Heritage- IGGI report mentioned 
Organisation NatureScot
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Scottish Natural Heritage has referred to the IGGI report in their second phase of green infrastructure funding and all 2nd phase proposals are being reviewed to see where IGGI can be added to enhance GI benefits
Collaborator Contribution Increasing the reach of the IGGI project by including the IGGI report in their funding and proposals.
Impact The IGGI report has been referenced in Scottish Natural Heritage proposals and GI benefits are being more widely considered.
Start Year 2018
Description Vertical greening systems: collaboration with Multiplex, Arup and Mobilane 
Organisation Arup Group
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Development of the green screens at the University of Glasgow and subsequent monitoring of the water and air pollutant captured by the screens and compare them to control tests. This will allow us to establish how much of a benefit these screens may be able to provide and provide evidence on whether these types of greening systems should be established in urban areas all over the world.
Collaborator Contribution Discussions are underway with Bam Construction for a second trial and this work is being used for a PhD study that will inform on the effectiveness of these green screens globally. All set-up and maintainence costs will be funded by BAM Construction and the University of Glasgow and BAM Construction will take responsibility for any liabilities in the public realm and all potential health and safety/disability issues.
Impact Collaboration is multi-disciplinary working with the city council and various consultancies and engineers. The outputs of this are as follows: 1) the trial will contribute to the council's 'Avenues' project and is the first of it's kind in Scotland, presenting a unique opportunity for Glasgow to establish itself at the forefront of urban design and innovation, both nationally and internationally. 2) The council may also become a partner and the results of the trial can be used to inform future policy and practice by Glasgow City Council. Direct outcomes are being used for a student's PhD which involves monitoring of the green screens.
Start Year 2017
Description Vertical greening systems: collaboration with Multiplex, Arup and Mobilane 
Organisation Multiplex Construction
Country Australia 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Development of the green screens at the University of Glasgow and subsequent monitoring of the water and air pollutant captured by the screens and compare them to control tests. This will allow us to establish how much of a benefit these screens may be able to provide and provide evidence on whether these types of greening systems should be established in urban areas all over the world.
Collaborator Contribution Discussions are underway with Bam Construction for a second trial and this work is being used for a PhD study that will inform on the effectiveness of these green screens globally. All set-up and maintainence costs will be funded by BAM Construction and the University of Glasgow and BAM Construction will take responsibility for any liabilities in the public realm and all potential health and safety/disability issues.
Impact Collaboration is multi-disciplinary working with the city council and various consultancies and engineers. The outputs of this are as follows: 1) the trial will contribute to the council's 'Avenues' project and is the first of it's kind in Scotland, presenting a unique opportunity for Glasgow to establish itself at the forefront of urban design and innovation, both nationally and internationally. 2) The council may also become a partner and the results of the trial can be used to inform future policy and practice by Glasgow City Council. Direct outcomes are being used for a student's PhD which involves monitoring of the green screens.
Start Year 2017
Description Welsh Government- IGGI report mentioned in key documents 
Organisation Government of Wales
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution > IGGI report and greening the grey (green grey engineering) concept is included in two key Welsh documents > Draft National Planning Framework Flood Risk Policy, called 'National Strategy for Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management' mentions the IGGI report: Whilst we acknowledge that some flood and coastal defence assets need to remain predominantly grey, research from Glasgow University 'Integrated Green Grey Infrastructure'[1] demonstrates the opportunity to 'green the grey' and add wider benefits to a traditional scheme. [FN 1: Naylor, L. A. , Kippen, H., Coombes, M. A., Horton, B., MacArthur, M. and Jackson, N. (2017) Greening the Grey: A Framework for Integrated Green Grey Infrastructure (IGGI). Technical Report. University of Glasgow, Glasgow] > FECRM Business Case Appraisal Guidance document mentions IGGI report
Collaborator Contribution The inclusion of the IGGI report in these documents increases its reach with audiences and further highlights the variety and importance of green infrastructure across the UK.
Impact Including/mentioning the IGGI report and greening the grey (green grey engineering) concept in two key Welsh documents: > Draft National Planning Framework Flood Risk Policy, called 'National Strategy for Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management' and the FECRM Business Case Appraisal Guidance document
Start Year 2018
Title BioGeo eco-engineering design for greening grey coastal engineering and infrastructure assets. 
Description Creation of a 3D scaled up BioGeo Eco-engineering design which can then be used to create products (ecoformliners for use in engineering of rock armour and/or seawall construction) as part of coastal engineering /infrastructure projects. This design, and/or the components it is based one has been developed over the past 10 years and was tested in Scotland and southern England, showing wide geography that could be used as part of urban coastal protection works around the UK. The earlier designs were featured in the NERC Green Grey Infrastructure report, and have been the catalyst and underpinning research for this design. Please note textured concrete designs like these are not patentable, so trademark was selected above as this was the best of the two options This collaborative industry-academic design work allowed earlier work to be moved up from technology readiness level (TRL) 5 to higher levels, via EPSRC funding. This has led to commercialisation of the design (which is in the final stages of agreement). 
IP Reference  
Protection Trade Mark
Year Protection Granted 2024
Licensed Commercial In Confidence
Impact The commercial licensing agreement is in the final stages of being arranged between the university and the company/commercial manufacturer. A master mould, liners and three full-scale (1m3) concrete green-grey blocks have been cast using this scaled up design and installed in Canvey Island as part of an Environment Agency funded flood risk alleviation scheme. This application greatly improves the TRL of the product.
Description Asked to present at the CIEEM Scottish Conference 2021 - keynote talk 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact We were asked to present at the CIEEM Scottish Conference 2021- Greening our Grey: Improving the Biodiversity in Urban Landscape. The talk was viewed by more than 50 people live and was after available for other to be viewed at a lated date. The presentation was about the Ecotile Project, describing the concept of coastal ecological enhancement and experimental results from the coast in Edinburgh. We received several requests for further information on the effectiveness of the ecotiles for biodiversity and requests on sharing the ecotile design.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Edinburgh Shoreline Exhibition with Edinburgh Living Landscapes/City of Edinburgh 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Edinburgh Living Landscapes/City of Edinburgh has showcased Greening the Grey and Coastal Climate Change adaptation in a public exhibition running from June - October 2018; this is being evaluated by their project. 43,065 people saw the exhibition . The ideas presented in the exhibition resulted in 48/51 participants having a slightly improved or improved understanding of the cultural and environmental significance of Edinburgh as a coastal city. Of those surveyed, 92.16% had some degree of improvement in their understanding of coastal climate change and 80.40% stated they would 'certainly' think differently about how coastal climate change would impact Edinburgh after the exhibition. In addition, by raising awareness of the value and risks to Edinburgh as a coastal city, participants said they were likely to visit the shoreline as a result of the exhibition (45.10%) in addition to those who already visit the shoreline regularly (29.41%) and stated that they were either possibly (43.14%) or certainly (50.98%) more likely to actively work on protecting the Edinburgh shoreline as a result of the exhibition. Those surveyed were across a varied age range from under 16 to over 65 and the majority lived within Edinburgh, highlighting this exhibition's success increasing awareness in understanding the value of Edinburgh's shoreline.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Environment Agency - Training and talks with Thames Area, National Environmental Assessment Service and NCPMS staff 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Environment Agency - Training and talks with Thames Area, National Environmental Assessment Service and NCPMS staff
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Invited for a talk and a site visit as part of Glasgow City Council organised event 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact This talk was a part of Glasgow City Council organised Nature-based solutions for a resilient city at the Sustainable Landing Hub. Larissa Naylor and her MSc student were invited to give a talk at the event.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Invited to the Newscientist COP26 Podcast 92 
Form Of Engagement Activity A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press)
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Media (as a channel to the public)
Results and Impact Larissa Naylor was invited to the Newscientist COP26 Podcast 92 to coincide with Youth Empowerment Day. Prof Larissa Naylor speaking from 18 min, 30 seconds.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Presentation to the EA's Technical Advisory Group for Flood Risk 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Presentation to the EA's Technical Advisory Group for Flood Risk (April 2018), to c. 30 people
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Presented a poster at the CIEEM Scottish Conference 2021 - green screens 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Larissa Naylor's student presented a poster at the CIEEM Scottish Conference 2021 about the effectiveness of urban screens in absorbing rainfall. The talk was streamed live and was able to be viewed at a later date. The student shared her findings from the project carried out with Larissa Naylor and collaboration with professional practitioners.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Pub talk: The future of Edinburgh's coastline - discussions on climate change impacts and green infrastructure 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact A talk in a pub in Edinburgh to approximately 20-30 people about the future of Edinburgh's coastline and potential adaptation and mitigation strategies e.g. IGGI in the face of a changing climate.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Training workshop with Scottish Natural Heritage 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact 35-40 people attended a training session/workshop in February 2018 on Urban Design with Nature- Sharing Good Practice Event . The workshop link can be found here:
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Training/Awareness Raising: Webinars on IGGI 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact A series of webinars were run in 2018 with different organisations hosting and participating in these activities, where well over 300 people participated in these webinars.
- Natural Resources Wales helped arrange two webinars on coastal and urban/historic IGGI in June 2018 for their staff, the Welsh Government and local authorities in Wales.
- Webinars at the Environment Agency on Coastal and urban/historic IGGI were delivered to participants from multiple teams and offices.
- Natural England arranged a webinar for several teams where approximately 60 people attended and 9 survey responses were received. Feedback has been positive, with some responders asking for specific worked through examples of IGGI in practice and a database of case studies.
- Outcomes: Recorded webinars have been circulated for further training via partners like NRW.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018,2019
Description Welsh Government and Natural Resources Wales - Invited presentation 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact Welsh Government (WG) and Natural Resources Wales: invited presentation to c. 150 delegates at ICE Wales National Flooding Conference on 3 May 2018. Link:
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018