AIM-DBW - Development of a universal, ISO26262-compliant, CAM drive-by-wire platform



**AIM-DBW - Development of a universal, ISO26262-compliant Drive-by-Wire platform**

For the UK's Connected and Autonomous Mobility (CAM) industry to grow and reach its potential, affordable solutions must be rapidly developed and certified to address the critical safety elements of an autonomous platform. Although a heavy focus is placed on developing autonomous control software, safety-critical interfacing into an autonomous vehicle is an equally challenging and important area that is largely overlooked.

Affordable end-to-end, universal, CAM drive-by-wire systems, and the safety analysis of that system, remain a critical supply chain gap in the sovereign UK CAM supply chain, with huge implications on reliability, scalability, and time-to-market.

**Project Design**

Building on significant and successful work to date, Aim Technologies proposes an 18-month project to refine their drive-by-wire technology stack, which has been used successfully to deploy platforms to a range of vehicles since 2016, to deliver an ISO26262-compliant, lift-and-shift, drive-by-wire platform. The platform will support the highest full vehicle automation (SAE2 - 5).

Project partner, TRL Limited, in partnership with the UK's leading CAM validation testbed, UTAC, will develop a regulatory framework with specific drive-by-wire testing protocols, which would demonstrate the adherence to ISO26262 and a range of international standards. Aim's platform will then be taken through the test plan under the framework to deliver verification and validation of the platform to the ISO26262 standard, supporting post-project regulatory certification and ultimately commercialisation.

The project will utilise UTAC's world-class CAM testbed, with testing of the platform completed within multiple vehicle prototypes, Cavonix's (subcontracting partner) off-road autonomous 4x4, and Evie Autonomous' (subcontracting partner) Electric Pod.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

AIM TECHNOLOGIES LTD £376,399 £ 263,479


TRL LIMITED £133,958 £ 133,958


10 25 50