pWizard - a feasibility study into creating a rewarding and rich user experience through continuous profiling utilising state of the art technologies and machine learning feeding into an iterative UI/UX

Lead Participant: RESCON LTD


Profile Wizard, pWizard, will develop a revolutionary software technology that will provide an accessible and rich User Experience (UX) for individuals managing their own health, applied to an officially recognised health and wellbeing product, Lincus. pWizard will be led by SME Rescon along with exceptional technologists from Liverpool John Moores and Liverpool Universities, Citrus Suite and Affect_In. pWizard will assist individuals so they can easily register and log in to Lincus. It will tailor an individual’s UX based on preference and personality tests that will be fun to complete. pWizard will allow individuals to choose whether to have their emotions and vital signs recorded whilst using the platform using a state of the art video capture technologies. Together all the information will be taken, including Lincus wellbeing data to enrich the UX, predict negative events before they happen, and recommend interventions to get people on the right path by using best in class machine learning technologies. The outputs may also be used by social and health care providers to assist them in decisions so they can provide the best possible care for the individuals they support.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

RESCON LTD £104,139 £ 72,897


AFFECT IN LIMITED £15,821 £ 11,075




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