Boulby Development Call: XLZD Industrial Engagement

Lead Research Organisation: Imperial College London
Department Name: Physics


Discovering the nature of particle dark matter (DM) is a key priority in Physics - and for STFC. Direct detection of electroweak-scale DM in our galaxy is the primary goal of the XLZD consortium, formed by the coming together of the foremost collaborations in the field: XENON-nT, LUX-ZEPLIN (LZ) and DARWIN. XLZD is proposing a large underground experiment based on the leading liquid xenon (LXe) technology: the definitive search for WIMP DM, able to rule out or discover in the accessible parameter space remaining above the irreducible neutrino background. The scientific potential of such a "rare event observatory" is detailed in a comprehensive white paper signed by 600 authors worldwide. LZ and Xenon-nT are the leading experiments in the field at present. Discovery of DM at XLZD would have profound implications for our understanding of the universe, its birth and its structure.

STFC is currently considering a proposal to host the XLZD experiment in a state-of-the-art new facility at the Boulby Underground Laboratory in North Yorkshire (XLZD@Boulby). This project will engage UK industry in planning for industrialising the construction of XLZD underground at Boulby, identify cost-effective routes to the supply of the necessary xenon stock, and plan for training of the skilled workforce in the local area that will be required to construct, install and operate the experiment. This project will prepare the way for the major investment in goods, services and people in the local area that will contribute substantially to the levelling-up of the North-East.


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