Development of an advanced microstructural model for strip steel phase transformation behaviour using sensor signal feedback

Lead Research Organisation: University of Warwick
Department Name: WMG


Strip steel can be used in the construction, automotive, packaging and energy sectors. For hot rolled strip product controlling the cooling on the run-out table after hot rolling is important to achieve the desired microstructure and hence properties. Continuous cooling diagrams and models exist to predict the microstructural development, however, during industrial processing the cooling is complex and the starting austenite grain size, at the end of hot deformation, is variable. Therefore, the models need to be optimised for a given steel composition and rolling schedule. Electromagnetic (EM) sensors have been developed that can directly characterise the microstructure during transformation; these sensors can be positioned in the run-out table to provide data on the state of transformation to compare to the mill models. This project will focus on the transformation model for the Port Talbot hot strip mill, initially assessing the predictability for different grades and then optimising the model using sensor signal feedback.


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Studentship Projects

Project Reference Relationship Related To Start End Student Name
EP/Y528857/1 30/09/2023 29/09/2028
2894208 Studentship EP/Y528857/1 06/11/2023 06/11/2027 Esra Kaderli