Organisation API

The organisation API allows you to fetch information about an organisation by organisation identifier or to get a paged list of all organisations.

Getting a list of organisations

You can use the organisation API to retrieve a paged list of all organisations.


Where <page-number> is the number of the page you require (which will default to 1 if not provided) and <number-of-items-on-a-page> is the number of items you want to be returned on a page (which defaults to 25 is not provided). See How pagination works for more details on working with paginated results.

HTTP Method



Example results

NOTE: Some items in the various lists included in the results have been truncated to save space.

    "headerData": {
        "lastRefreshDate": "18 Apr 2024"
    "organisationsBean": {
        "organisations": [
                "id": "9652E649-8274-44AC-96EC-EA0531CFBA52",
                "resourceUrl": "",
                "name": "GCRF",
                "website": null,
                "address": null,
                "department": null,
                "typeInd": null,
                "federatedIds": null
                "id": "4F92ABFC-7177-4893-9F8F-1A52D88F35F6",
                "resourceUrl": "",
                "name": "REPKNIGHT LIMITED",
                "website": null,
                "address": {
                    "line1": null,
                    "line2": null,
                    "line3": null,
                    "line4": null,
                    "city": null,
                    "line5": null,
                    "county": null,
                    "postCode": "BT12 5GH",
                    "region": "Northern Ireland",
                    "country": null,
                    "addressLine": "BT12 5GH (Northern Ireland)"
                "department": null,
                "typeInd": null,
                "federatedIds": null
            // ...

Getting organisation by organisation identifier

To retrieve the details of an organisation, you need to pass the organisation's identifier to this endpoint. You can filter the projects associated with the organisation using the same project search query parameters that you use when searching projects.


Where <organisation-identifier> should be replaced with the identifier for the organisation you want to retrieve.

HTTP Method



This example will return all projects for the organisation.

Getting a list of organisations containing the term longitudinal.

Example results

NOTE: Some items in the various lists included in the results have been truncated to save space.

    "headerData": {
        "lastRefreshDate": "18 Apr 2024"
    "organisationOverview": {
        "organisation": {
            "id": "748BB951-8793-4857-ABC1-28F82D48935B",
            "resourceUrl": "",
            "name": "Cambridge Cognition Ltd",
            "website": null,
            "address": null,
            "department": null,
            "typeInd": null,
            "federatedIds": null
        "projectSearchResult": {
            "request": {
                "page": 1,
                "fetchSize": 25,
                "selectedSortableField": "",
                "selectedSortOrder": "",
                "term": null,
                "fields": "",
                "selectedFacets": "",
                "type": "",
                "detailedAndFilter": false,
                "termEncoded": null
            "totalResults": 6,
            "didYouMean": [],
            "results": [
                    "projectComposition": {
                        "project": {
                            "id": "C56B0125-0A19-4655-A241-11FB9E677C4F",
                            "resourceUrl": "",
                            "title": "Scaling up translational research through the Confidence in Concept (CiC) scheme",
                            "status": null,
                            "grantReference": "MC_PC_17207",
                            "grantCategory": "Intramural",
                            "abstractText": null,
                            "potentialImpactText": null,
                            "fund": {
                                "valuePounds": 590000,
                                "start": 1519862400000,
                                "end": 1625007600000,
                                "funder": {
                                    "id": "5807F429-7BF0-4E42-917E-D4ADF5399E7B",
                                    "resourceUrl": "",
                                    "name": "UKRI"
                                "type": "EXPENDITURE_ACTUAL"
                            "output": null,
                            "publications": null,
                            "identifiers": null,
                            "technicalSummary": null,
                            "projectHierarchy": null,
                            "studentshipHierarchy": null,
                            "healthCategories": [],
                            "researchActivities": [],
                            "researchSubjects": [],
                            "researchTopics": [],
                            "rcukProgrammes": [],
                            "hasClassifications": false
                        "leadResearchOrganisation": {
                            "id": "25335D80-2025-4154-989F-37646A6EFBE1",
                            "resourceUrl": "",
                            "name": "University of Bristol",
                            "website": null,
                            "address": null,
                            "department": null,
                            "typeInd": null,
                            "federatedIds": null
                        "personRoles": [
                                "id": "6DD488E4-1F94-4B98-9767-24890566FFB5",
                                "resourceUrl": "",
                                "firstName": "Jeremy",
                                "otherNames": null,
                                "surname": "Tavare",
                                "email": null,
                                "orcidId": null,
                                "roles": [
                                        "name": "PRINCIPAL_INVESTIGATOR",
                                        "start": null,
                                        "end": null
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                                "researcher": false,
                                "researcherCOI": false,
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                                "student": false,
                                "principalInvestigator": true,
                                "coInvestigator": false,
                                "fellow": false,
                                "displayName": "Tavare, Jeremy",
                                "fullName": "Jeremy Tavare"
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                        "organisationRoles": null,
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                                "resourceUrl": "",
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                                "otherNames": null,
                                "surname": "Tavare",
                                "email": null,
                                "orcidId": null,
                                "roles": [
                                        "name": "PRINCIPAL_INVESTIGATOR",
                                        "start": null,
                                        "end": null
                                "projectManager": false,
                                "researcher": false,
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                                "principalInvestigator": true,
                                "coInvestigator": false,
                                "fellow": false,
                                "displayName": "Tavare, Jeremy",
                                "fullName": "Jeremy Tavare"
                        "coInvestigators": [],
                        "fellows": [],
                        "projectManagers": [],
                        "researchers": [],
                        "researcherCOIs": [],
                        "supervisors": [],
                        "students": [],
                        "trainingGrantHolders": []
                    "abstractSnippet": null
                // ...
            "sortableFields": [
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                    "displayName": "Start Date"
                    "fieldName": "pro.ed",
                    "displayName": "End Date"
                    "fieldName": "",
                    "displayName": "Funded Value"
                    "fieldName": "score",
                    "displayName": "Relevance"
            "facetGroups": [
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                            "applied": false,
                            "name": "Closed",
                            "count": 6
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                            "applied": false,
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                            "count": 0
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                    "facets": [
                            "id": "YW1vdW50fC05MjIzMzcyMDM2ODU0Nzc1ODA4XzEwMDAwMHxyYW5nZQ==",
                            "applied": false,
                            "name": "Up to £100K",
                            "count": 0
                        // ...
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                    "facets": [
                            "id": "cmVnaW9ufExvbmRvbnxzdHJpbmc=",
                            "applied": false,
                            "name": "London",
                            "count": 2
                        // ...
                            "id": "cmVnaW9ufE5vcnRoZXJuIElyZWxhbmR8c3RyaW5n",
                            "applied": false,
                            "name": "Northern Ireland",
                            "count": 0
                    "sortOrder": "A"
                    "name": "Project Category",
                    "facets": [
                            "id": "Y2F0fEludHJhbXVyYWx8c3RyaW5n",
                            "applied": false,
                            "name": "Intramural",
                            "count": 3
                        // ...
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                            "applied": false,
                            "name": "Large Project",
                            "count": 0
                    "sortOrder": "A"
                    "name": "Funder",
                    "facets": [
                            "id": "ZnVuZGVyfE1SQ3xzdHJpbmc=",
                            "applied": false,
                            "name": "MRC",
                            "count": 4
                        // ...
                            "id": "ZnVuZGVyfEF5cnRvbiBGdW5kfHN0cmluZw==",
                            "applied": false,
                            "name": "AYRTON FUND",
                            "count": 0
                    "sortOrder": "A"
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                    "facets": [
                            "id": "c3RhcnR8MTUxNDc2NDgwMDAwMF8xNTQ2MzAwNzk5MDU5fHJhbmdl",
                            "applied": false,
                            "name": "2018",
                            "count": 1
                        // ...
                            "id": "c3RhcnR8MTIzMDc2ODAwMDAwMF8xMjYyMzAzOTk5MDU5fHJhbmdl",
                            "applied": false,
                            "name": "2009",
                            "count": 0
                    "sortOrder": "D"
            "resourceHitCounts": [
                    "resource": "project",
                    "count": 6
            "selectedFacets": "",
            "appliedSearchFields": "",
            "appliedSortField": "",
            "appliedSortOrder": "DESC",
            "csvEndpoint": "748BB951-8793-4857-ABC1-28F82D48935B/csv",
            "searchableFields": [
                    "fieldName": "pro.orcidId",
                    "displayName": "ORCID iD"
                    "fieldName": "pro.a",
                    "displayName": "Project Abstract"
                    "fieldName": "",
                    "displayName": "Project Reference"
                    "fieldName": "pro.t",
                    "displayName": "Project Title"
            "downloadable": true,
            "childFacetGroups": null,
            "parentChildMap": null,
            "indexType": null,
            "page": 1,
            "fetchSize": 25,
            "paramsWithoutSortOrder": "term=&selectedFacets=&fields=&type=&fetchSize=25&page=1&",
            "paramsWithoutSortOrderOrSortField": "term=&selectedFacets=&fields=&type=&fetchSize=25&page=1",
            "paramsWithoutPage": "term=&selectedFacets=&fields=&type=&fetchSize=25&",
            "paramsWithoutFetchSize": "term=&selectedFacets=&fields=&type=&page=1&",
            "totalPages": 1,
            "paginationStart": 1,
            "paginationEnd": 1