Lead Participant:
The Nimrod project will develop next generation commercial secure messaging systems based
upon the technology deployed in military messaging systems. Military messaging systems
require solutions that are comprehensively evaluated to the Common Criteria Evaluation
Assurance Level 4 standard. Typically these systems combine a messaging firewall that
allows the exchange of e-mail between networks of differing security levels or with
conflicting security policies and a high-assurance Internet e-mail and X.400 boundary
checkpoint designed to enforce absolute policies in environments where security is
paramount. Initial market analysis has shown a significant opportunity to create an enterprisescale
secure messaging system for commercial deployment where there are appropriate audit
and/or operational requirements. This new product will require a new architecture and many
functional additions: with appropriate specification and engineering the same system will be
applicable to both commercial and military deployments. This new secure messaging system
will provide three significant innovations: (a) The ability to filter a broad range of content
types – in particular voice and video artefacts attached and/or referenced by the associated
emails and Web Service traffic in the form of SOAP messages and the associated XML data
and attachments. Filtering will be undertaken in real-time to ensure a system latency of 1s for
a message load of 8-10 thousand messages per second; (b) A flexible and remote
administration capability such that the secure email system can be easily managed (including
the ability to download new versions of the system, to install new content plug-ins, proxies
and the reconfiguration of the business rules to be applied to the message stream filtering; and
(c) Enterprise Adapters to provide business process and workflow integration so that the
appropriate processes and security policies can be deployed/enforced within an enterprise
upon the technology deployed in military messaging systems. Military messaging systems
require solutions that are comprehensively evaluated to the Common Criteria Evaluation
Assurance Level 4 standard. Typically these systems combine a messaging firewall that
allows the exchange of e-mail between networks of differing security levels or with
conflicting security policies and a high-assurance Internet e-mail and X.400 boundary
checkpoint designed to enforce absolute policies in environments where security is
paramount. Initial market analysis has shown a significant opportunity to create an enterprisescale
secure messaging system for commercial deployment where there are appropriate audit
and/or operational requirements. This new product will require a new architecture and many
functional additions: with appropriate specification and engineering the same system will be
applicable to both commercial and military deployments. This new secure messaging system
will provide three significant innovations: (a) The ability to filter a broad range of content
types – in particular voice and video artefacts attached and/or referenced by the associated
emails and Web Service traffic in the form of SOAP messages and the associated XML data
and attachments. Filtering will be undertaken in real-time to ensure a system latency of 1s for
a message load of 8-10 thousand messages per second; (b) A flexible and remote
administration capability such that the secure email system can be easily managed (including
the ability to download new versions of the system, to install new content plug-ins, proxies
and the reconfiguration of the business rules to be applied to the message stream filtering; and
(c) Enterprise Adapters to provide business process and workflow integration so that the
appropriate processes and security policies can be deployed/enforced within an enterprise
Lead Participant | Project Cost | Grant Offer |
DEEP-SECURE LIMITED | £681,797 | £ 250,000 |
People |