A statistical evaluation of UK energy policy: The climate change levy and climate change agreements

Lead Research Organisation: University College London
Department Name: Bartlett Sch of Env, Energy & Resources


The Climate Change Levy (CCL) is an energy tax introduced by the government in 2001. Firms in the industrial, agricultural, commercial, and public sector are levied on each kw/h of energy consumed; tax rates vary between electricity, gas, and solid fuels. Fearing a loss of competitiveness for energy intensive businesses, the Climate Change Agreements (CCA) scheme was designed to lighten the burden of CCL. The current iteration, phase 2, began in April 2013 and reduces the CCL by 90% for electricity and 65% for all other fuels in exchange for meeting negotiated emissions targets.

The literature studying CCA and CCL focuses on ex-ante evaluations of the policies. Limitations in data that prevented ex-post evaluation of the policy are diminishing due to advances in computer science. Using confidential administrative data provided by the Department for Business, Energy, Industry, and Strategy (BEIS) this PhD thesis aims to study the effects of the policies through modern econometric and machine learning methods. The core investigation will aim to answer the following questions:
1. What was the direct impact of the CCA on energy demand?

2. How did firms achieve the required reductions in energy consumption for schema participation?

3. What kind of characteristics were common among firms that strongly reacted to CCA? What kind of firms ceased operations?

The results of the thesis can be used by policy makers to inform forward-going energy policy.
The paper currently in progress answers the first question and studies the effect of the CCA on observed energy consumption in policy participants. Using the novel Changes-in-Changes estimator developed in Athey and Imbens, 2006, it becomes possible to investigate heterogeneous impacts of the policy across the distribution of outcomes. In essence, one can see how each firm reacted to participating in CCA, regardless of size. Schema participant and electricity data were provided by BEIS, however, the data was not ready to use due to not having shared uniquely identifying variables. A substantial amount of time was spent to devise a matching algorithm that utilizes "edit distance" metrics, i.e. algorithms that measure word similarity, to match addresses of facilities and electricity meters in the scheme. Preliminary results indicate that small facilities increased energy demand while it decreased for large facilities. The estimates combined with elasticity calculations imply that emissions targets were tight and difficult to satisfy for large facilities. The results of this study are submitted for presentation at the Energy Evaluation Europe 2020 conference, part of the CCA evaluation conducted by BEIS, and part of my upcoming upgrade seminar.
The second question will be answered using the innovative causal forest method developed in Wager and Athey, 2018, which builds on random forest algorithms to estimate heterogeneous treatment effects. In this application, the aim is to study how firms satisfied the emissions targets. Using data from the Annual Business Survey (ABS), which contains variables such as turnover, energy expenditure, and employment, it becomes possible to estimate whether firms raised efficiency or decreased output to meet targets. To gain access to the ABS data hosted by the Office of National Statistics, I obtained the required accredited researcher certification.
The last question will be answered by using a support-vector machine, a classification algorithm, to group data in the ABS depending on their responsiveness to CCA estimated in the first question. Ultimately, the goal is to understand what kind of firm metrics, such as investment in capital/technology or time-trends in energy efficiency, strongly predict the response to the policies. In a similar vein, the methodology will be used to understand what type of firms in CCA and CCL experienced facility closure post policy.


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Department For Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (2020) Evaluation of second Climate Change Agreements scheme - Micro-econometric report

Studentship Projects

Project Reference Relationship Related To Start End Student Name
EP/N509577/1 30/09/2016 24/03/2022
2088643 Studentship EP/N509577/1 30/09/2018 30/12/2022 Kentaro MAYR
EP/R513143/1 30/09/2018 29/09/2023
2088643 Studentship EP/R513143/1 30/09/2018 30/12/2022 Kentaro MAYR
Description Taxation as a tool to modify behavior has a long history in the academic literature while alternatives such as negotiated agreements are less explored. My research pertains to two government policies, the Climate Change Levy (CCL) and Climate Change Agreements (CCAs). The former is an energy consumption tax applicable to most non-domestic energy use while the latter a negotiated agreement that reduces the CCL for certain industry sectors in exchange for an emissions reduction/energy efficiency improvement commitment. The aim of the CCAs are to encourage energy efficiency and lower emissions without adding to the tax burden of energy intensive businesses. Preliminary findings indicate that the CCAs accomplished their goals for the vast majority of firms, as electricity consumption among CCAs participants is generally lower or statistically not significantly different than the counterfactual, that is if they had been subjected to the CCL instead. Furthermore, the impact on employment of the CCAs appears to be consistently negative but also statistically not significant. I also investigate which firms are particularly receptive to the policy; results show that small and very large electricity consumers appear to not significantly reduce consumption whereas medium to large firms do. Therefore, my results provide evidence towards the efficacy of non-taxation based policy mechanisms in environmental policy and a profile of what types of firms are more receptive to such alternative policies.
Exploitation Route This research provides evidence for the efficacy of non-taxation based policy instruments such as emissions quotas and analyses which firms adjusted their behavior within the policy. The current academic literature on the statistical evaluation of such alternative policies is sparse and requires development. Ideally, other researchers will build upon my work to use novel estimation methods to investigate the impact of the CCL/CCAs or similar policies.

Furthermore, the outcomes can be used by policymakers to decide in which cases a simple energy tax is superior to alternatives such as emissions quotas or energy efficiency mandates and vice versa.
Sectors Energy


Democracy and Justice

URL https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/879674/cca-evaluation-microeconometric-report.pdf
Description Evaluation of the second Climate Change Agreements scheme: synthesis report
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Contribution to a national consultation/review
URL https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/8796...
Title Changes in Changes Estimator implemented in Python 
Description The code implements the Changes in Changes estimator developed in Athey and Imbens (2006) in Python. It is a non-parametric causal estimator that allows for the identification of treatment effects across the distribution of outcomes. Until now the method has only been implemented in R and Stata. I am planning on publishing the code with the paper it was written for in the near future. 
Type Of Material Computer model/algorithm 
Year Produced 2019 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact The code has seen use in a technical report published by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy and in a paper that is not yet published. 
URL https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/8796...