Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors nicotinic receptor molecular chaperones and mechanisms of insecticide action

Lead Research Organisation: UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON
Department Name: Neuroscience Physiology and Pharmacology


The focus of this research proposal is an important class of neurotransmitter receptor, the nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs), which are target sites for two major classes of insecticide (neonicotinoids and spinosad). As with almost all classes of insecticides, major problems of resistance have now developed in insect field populations. A particular emphasis of this research proposal is to elucidate the mechanism of action of spinosad and to explore mechanisms of resistance to this insecticide. In parallel, studies will be undertaken to investigate the role of proteins involved in generating functional nAChRs. A goal of this second aspect of the proposed research project is to facilitate research aimed at elucidating the pharmacological diversity of insect nAChRs. Insect nAChRs are closely related to nAChRs expressed in the nervous system of vertebrates. Such receptors in humans have been implicated in disorders such as Alzheimer's disease and schizophrenia. Indeed, some of the research proposed in this application will focus on mammalian nAChRs and it is expected that the research findings may, in the longer term, have relevance to research aimed at discovery of drugs targeting human nAChRs.

Technical Summary

Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) are pentameric neurotransmitter-gated ion channels. In humans, nAChRs are increasingly being seen as important targets for therapeutic drug discovery. In insects and other pest species, nAChRs are the target sites for two major classes of pesticide (neonicotinoids and spinosad). For both neonicotinoids and spinosad, problems of resistance are causing severe problems in the control of agriculturally important insect pests. A central goal of this application is to examine the hypothesis that resistance to spinosad in a major pest species, Western flower thrips (WFT), Frankliniella occidentalis is a consequence of target-site resistance. This will be achieved by cloning and sequencing the spinosad-sensitive nAChR subunit homologues from WFT. This will be complemented by studies conducted with recombinant nAChRs which will examine the mechanism of action of macrocyclic lactones such as spinosad and ivermectin. In addition, we will examine the role of nAChR-selective molecular chaperone proteins in modulating the functional expression of nAChRs. We aim to improve understanding of the recently identified class of nAChR-selective chaperone proteins which we hope will also help to circumvent long-standing problems associated with heterologous expression of some insect nAChRs.
Description The aim of this project was to examine the role of molecular chaperones in facilitating functional expression of insect nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs). A further goal was to examine the interaction of macrocyclic lactone pesticides (such as spinosad and ivermectin) on insect nicotinic receptors. Expression studies with insect nAChRs have focussed on the alpha5, alpha6 and alpha7 subunits from Drosophila. These are believed to co-assemble with one another and are be the target site for spinosad. By co-expression with molecular chaperones we have successfully demonstrated the functional expression of several novel nAChR subtypes (for example homomeric alpha5 and heteromeric 'triplet/ alpha5/alpha6/alpha7 nAChRs). This work has been published.

We have also isolated a full length cDNA clone of alpha6 from the important insect pest species Frankliniella occidentalis.We have also identified a resistance-associated point mutation in a strain of F. occidentalis that is resistant to spinosad. By heterologous expression studies (with cloned molecular chaperones) we have demonstrated that this resistance-associated point mutation alters allosteric modulation of nAChRs by spinosad and ivermectin. This work has been published.
Exploitation Route A better understanding of mechanisms of resistance to insecticides will help in managing crop protection strategies. Thirty cell lines expressing recombinant nicotinic receptors have been generated at during this project and transferred to our industrial partner under our collaborative Industrial Partnership Award agreement. The information we have obtained concerning mechanisms of resistance to insecticides will help in understanding their mechanism and site of action - an important aspect required for studies aimed at development and discovery of new compounds.
Sectors Agriculture

Food and Drink

Description Several of the cell lines generated during this research project have been made available to the agrochemical company Syngenta to aid with research and development.
First Year Of Impact 2012
Sector Agriculture, Food and Drink