'Invisible' Solar Technologies from Bio-Inspired Optics
Lead Research Organisation:
Department Name: Engineering Computer Science and Maths
Nature has optimised structures over billions of years through natural selection, a process which will forever exceed any 'trial and error' optimisation routine carried out by ourselves. Engineers can learn much from these achievements. The Cabbage white (Pieris brassicae) and Glasswing (Greta-Oto) butterflies have uniquely lightweight reflective and transparent wings which has been previously proven to be 17x lighter than current optical materials. Solar Concentrators (such as magnifying lenses designed for focusing the suns light) are a developing technology, which can utilise cheap glass or plastic optics to concentrate sunlight onto photovoltaic panels (these Concentrator photovoltaic systems are called CPV systems). These systems can reduce the amount of expensive heavily mined photovoltaic material required whilst maintaining the overall power output. CPV's can however be cumbersome, and so there lies a great opportunity to marry these disciplines of concentrator photovoltaics (optics+Solar panels) and natural lightweight structures (butterfly wing nanostructures) via biomimicry to gain significantly higher power-to-weight ratios for solar energy technology. Renewable energy, integrated into smart grids, buildings, vehicles and surrounding infrastructures, is an important pathway to reducing carbon emissions and advancing a sustainable lifestyle within society. This complex challenge demands interdisciplinary research and innovative design.
This fellowship aims to manufacture novel bio-inspired optics capable of at least tripling the power-to-weight ratio of concentrator solar energy technology. The surface structure of optics has significant effects on the light redirection and absorption. Micro-structured optics and coatings have shown rewards of increased power output and reliability for CPV devices but reduced weight designs require exploring. Fresnel lenses -an already lighter truncated version of convex lenses- only became popular with the discovery of lightweight poly(methylmethacrylate) (PMMA), making them more affordable and practical. This was a breakthrough for CPV in its very early years, and encourages further breakthroughs to entail new weight reduction methods matched to specific concentrator designs, as proposed here. This will be done on a nano, micro and macro level of engineering to obtain optimal performance and ensure outputs and impact. The production of high performing lightweight CPV panels which are more discreet than current PV panels and even invisibly integrated into buildings is the ultimate objective. This fellowship outlines theoretical and experimental methods, with strong focuses on materials and manufacturing characterisation aided by industrial collaboration and exploitation to credit the wide-spread impact of this pioneering research. Interdisciplinary research such as this will provide new solutions and understanding to firstly the disciplines of solar energy, optics, manufacturing, nanotechnology and biology but also branching off to incorporate the public perceptions of energy through collaborations with artists and companies to increase the impact of this research as well as showcasing and encouraging interdisciplinary research itself.
This fellowship aims to manufacture novel bio-inspired optics capable of at least tripling the power-to-weight ratio of concentrator solar energy technology. The surface structure of optics has significant effects on the light redirection and absorption. Micro-structured optics and coatings have shown rewards of increased power output and reliability for CPV devices but reduced weight designs require exploring. Fresnel lenses -an already lighter truncated version of convex lenses- only became popular with the discovery of lightweight poly(methylmethacrylate) (PMMA), making them more affordable and practical. This was a breakthrough for CPV in its very early years, and encourages further breakthroughs to entail new weight reduction methods matched to specific concentrator designs, as proposed here. This will be done on a nano, micro and macro level of engineering to obtain optimal performance and ensure outputs and impact. The production of high performing lightweight CPV panels which are more discreet than current PV panels and even invisibly integrated into buildings is the ultimate objective. This fellowship outlines theoretical and experimental methods, with strong focuses on materials and manufacturing characterisation aided by industrial collaboration and exploitation to credit the wide-spread impact of this pioneering research. Interdisciplinary research such as this will provide new solutions and understanding to firstly the disciplines of solar energy, optics, manufacturing, nanotechnology and biology but also branching off to incorporate the public perceptions of energy through collaborations with artists and companies to increase the impact of this research as well as showcasing and encouraging interdisciplinary research itself.
- UNIVERSITY OF EXETER (Lead Research Organisation)
- Imerys Minerals Ltd (Collaboration)
- Camborne School of Mines (Collaboration)
- UNIVERSITY OF EXETER (Collaboration)
- Minviro (Collaboration)
- Henry Royce Institute (Collaboration)
- University of Pittsburgh (Collaboration)
- Swansea University (Project Partner)
- Upcycled Glass Company (Project Partner)
- ART and ENERGY (Project Partner)
- Kernow Coatings Ltd (UK) (Project Partner)
- Fab Foundation (Fab Labs) UK (Project Partner)
- Yorkshire Photonic Technology Ltd (Project Partner)
- University of Jaen (Project Partner)
- University Of New South Wales (Project Partner)
- Loughborough University (Project Partner)
- Suzhou Talesun Solar Tech Co. Ltd. (Project Partner)

Alzahrani M
Record high solar concentration ratio for photovoltaics: Experimental validation for achieving effective concentration of >1200 suns
in Solar Energy

Cameron W
Outdoor experimental validation for ultra-high concentrator photovoltaic with serpentine-based cooling system
in Renewable Energy

Cameron W
Indoor experimental analysis of Serpentine-Based cooling scheme for high concentration photovoltaic thermal systems
in Applied Thermal Engineering

Cameron W
Effects of partial shading on thermal stress and exergetic efficiency for a high concentrator photovoltaic
in Energy

Martin K
Minimizing annual reflection loss in fixed-tilt photovoltaic modules usinggraded refractive index (GRIN) anti-reflective glass
in Solar Energy

Motamedi M
Nanopatterned indium tin oxide as a selective coating for solar thermal applications
in Renewable Energy

Zhang W
Comprehensive analysis of electrical-optical performance and application potential for 3D concentrating photovoltaic window
in Renewable Energy
Title | Butterfly Blueprints |
Description | "Butterfly Blueprints", documentary film by Crescendo media films and aired by PBS NOVA. Explore how the scientific secrets of butterflies are inspiring technological innovations. The hidden scientific secrets of butterflies reveal them to be more inventive and resilient than we ever imagined. Follow their extraordinary life cycle and migrations to tropical rainforests, windswept prairies, and even inside a chrysalis as it's being spun. Discover how butterfly science is inspiring groundbreaking technology, including more efficient solar power cells, and bulletproof vests stronger than Kevlar. I advised on butterfly research alongside Prof. Richard Ffrench Constant. I gave a short interview that is featured in the film on applications from mimicking butterfly wings. |
Type Of Art | Film/Video/Animation |
Year Produced | 2022 |
Impact | This film has signifcantly increased my research profile and led to a few researchers, companies and memers of the public emailing me with inquires. I think this also led to an american company contacting me for consultancy work on a large green city project they are putting together. |
URL | https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/video/butterfly-blueprints/ |
Title | Metamaterials: An Introduction |
Description | Youtube video. Introduction to metmaterials and showcasing some of the ongoing research in metamaterials, including featuring my own fellowship research and footage of experiments. |
Type Of Art | Film/Video/Animation |
Year Produced | 2024 |
Impact | Expanding and sharing information/introduction to metamaterials. Encouraging and facillitating understanding and interest, including from companies and hopefully inspiring next generation of researchers (e.g. PhD students), to ultimate develop this technology further and provide advanced technology. That technology will likely be more compact, lightweight, use reduced materials or alternative materials (resulting in reduced carbon footprint) and be multifunctional. |
URL | https://youtu.be/lW1kZPnN-cs?si=xDWmq9xPenBADVIG |
Description | The Glasswing butterfly has a very wide angle anti-reflection property which has been proven (via simulation) to be applicable for solar panels to increase their energy generation. The antireflective structure is also possible to be manufactured directly onto glass and this has already been demonstrated with academics at pittsburgh university (new collaboration). A modelling method was generated. A Generalized annual reflection loss model that can be encorporated into other software/models that simulate power output and system behaviours. The simulated energy gains from this new graded refractive index layer: -Glasswing inspired GRIN AR coatings reduce solar reflections to as low as 0.2% vs 3.8% for bare glass. -This is capable of boosting annual energy output from solar panels by and average of 11.15% -This coating is most effective at sub-optimal panel orientations (e.g. vertical walls or non south facing surfaces) with the maximum increase in annual energy output from solar panels could be as high as 20% for vertical panels at specific lattitudes where wide angles of incident sunlight are promenent throughout the year. |
Exploitation Route | A Generalized annual reflection loss model that can be encorporated into other software/models that simulate power output and system behaviours. Specifically this could be integrated into current software such as PVSYST and EU PVGIS. |
Sectors | Energy Manufacturing including Industrial Biotechology |
Description | ESE Global Partnerships Research Workshop Funding |
Amount | £14,850 (GBP) |
Organisation | University of Exeter |
Sector | Academic/University |
Country | United Kingdom |
Start | 05/2024 |
End | 07/2024 |
Description | Open Innovation Collaboration Fund with Bennamann Ltd on new types of Renewables systems for Cornish Farm, awarded by Exeter University |
Amount | £14,911 (GBP) |
Organisation | Higher Education Innovation Funding (HEIF) |
Sector | Public |
Country | United Kingdom |
Start | 02/2022 |
End | 06/2022 |
Description | Supergen Energy Networks Hub Flexible Funding: Feasibility study of coupling solar concentrators with photocatalytic technology for biomass photo-reforming to hydrogen and sustainable energy fuels. |
Amount | £3,460 (GBP) |
Organisation | University of Bristol |
Sector | Academic/University |
Country | United Kingdom |
Start | 03/2021 |
End | 11/2022 |
Description | Think Tank and Showcase: Research and Innovation for Net Zero Agriculture |
Amount | £3,300 (GBP) |
Organisation | Higher Education Innovation Funding (HEIF) |
Sector | Public |
Country | United Kingdom |
Start | 01/2022 |
End | 06/2022 |
Description | UK Metamaterials Network |
Amount | £877,428 (GBP) |
Funding ID | EP/V002198/1 |
Organisation | Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) |
Sector | Public |
Country | United Kingdom |
Start | 03/2021 |
End | 09/2024 |
Description | Dr Nathan Skillen - University of Belfast |
Organisation | Queen's University Belfast |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | I was awarded the supergen Energy Network Flex funding to carry out a collaborative cross-hub feasibility project with Dr Nathan Skillen (Supergen Bioenergy Hub). I led the idea, management and application of the funding proposal and project once awarded. I provided time, optical modelling expertise, solar energy expertise, some small materials and equipment use (funded by award or already available in lab). This research project was exstended for a year (due to covid and Dr Nathan Skillen being awarded a temporary teaching role) and tied in nicely with my fellowship work as contributes to compact hydrogen generation and storage mechanisms, as well as a form of biomimicry (of photosynthesis) and developing my interdisciplinary research capabilities and profile. Without the EPSRC Fellowship, it may not have been possible for me to exstend this project and gain further research, results and networking from it. |
Collaborator Contribution | Dr Nathan Skillen provided expertise in bioenergy, hydrogen generation from photocatalysis, chemical suitability of biomass and photocatalyst materials. He provided his time and helped prepare the funding application. His time and some of his PhD students time was also contributed in preparing samples, carrying out measurements and analysising results. Dr Nathan Skillen was also awarded a 1 year Supergen Fellowship which i was a named collaborator on. Some of the funding for this award was used by Dr Nathan Skillen to visit the university of exeter where i am based to carry out experiments here. The project was exstended due to Covid travel limitations as well as Dr Nathan Skillen being awarded a temporary teaching role. At least 1 paper is under way from this research with likely further collaborations and grant bids to be made. |
Impact | 2024 update: Awarded travel funding to host solar powered photocatalytic workshop involving UNSW, Australia academics, Brunel University Academics, Queens University Belfast Academics and UK academics. Ongoing collaborative work and knowledge exchange. Synergy grant identified as next aim after workshop. 2023 input: At least 1 paper is under way and a grant proposal is planned which will incorporate some of my findings so far from my EPSRC Fellowship. The paper and proposal bid have been somewhat delayed due to Dr Nathan Skillen going on maternity leave. |
Start Year | 2021 |
Description | Imerys |
Organisation | Imerys Minerals Ltd |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Private |
PI Contribution | Knowledge exchange: expert guidance and consultancy on powder and coating measurements as well as methods to measure IR Reflectance and other optical and surface properties of Imerys coatings. Training on measurement equipment. |
Collaborator Contribution | Knowledge exchange on coatings and proceesses, industrial scaling capabilities by Imerys and others - whats typical in the industry and whats possibly on the horizon. Imerys are carrying out their own project which with my help and measurements is continueing to the next phase of testing which is lab scale validation of small prototypes. |
Impact | No outputs as of yet apart from internally at Imerys as their project is no successfully moving onto next phase of prototyping. Due to confidentiallity no papers etc can be output. |
Start Year | 2023 |
Description | Katherine Moore and critical Metals and metamaterials |
Organisation | Camborne School of Mines |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | Knowledge exchange: Future sustainable energy technology trends, aims and common materials and processes involved (which are likely to increase). Expert knowlegde and connections/further collabroations developing from UK Metamaterials Network also. |
Collaborator Contribution | Katherine Moore has provided key databases/results/papers and knowldge/guidance on how myself and the metamaterials network can begin to include sustainability factors into research. E.g. collating info for a carbon foorpint "toolbox" which researchers developing new materials can use to at least indicate pros and cons in terms of sustainability their chosen materials have. paper also submitted on this. Connection to Minviro company. |
Impact | Workshop event (link above) paper submission (will be included in publicatiosn once accepted) |
Start Year | 2023 |
Description | Metamaterials Network - Led by Alastair Hibbens |
Organisation | University of Exeter |
Department | School of Physics |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | Contributing expertise and contacts for sustainability themed applications of metamaterials, including inter-disciplinary and multi-disicplinary topics with collegues at the Environment and Sustainability Institute. Also provided industry contacts for CDT application. |
Collaborator Contribution | Included me in CDT discussions and potential to co-supervise Phd's. Allows me to expand my own network and profile to metamaterial themed researchers. Equipment and software use as well as reccomendations for specific functions have already been given and discussions had on potential collaboration projects. The sharing of some software (remotely accessed optical modelling software) is also taking place. |
Impact | 2024 update: Now a co-I for the network plus which was successfully awarded early this year. I lead the sustainability challenge area and i am activly enagging with, scoping and encouraging sustainability applciations of the metamaterials research. This includes priming proposals which may or may not include me directly as a researcher. 2023 submission: CDT application Resource sharing Networking The collaboration is multidisciplinary, i will be bringing more multidisciplianry topics for discussion also. |
Start Year | 2022 |
Description | Minviro |
Organisation | Minviro |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Private |
PI Contribution | Expertise on solar energy production materials and processes. Also suggestions of methods to reduce the cabon footprint of these. Sub-contracted to carry out review and some measurements to contribute to project on assessing if solar panels made in the UK would be more sustainable than those made in China and imported. |
Collaborator Contribution | Expertise in critical metals and mined materials. Life Cycle Analysis expertise and guidance. Conncetions with other researchers workign within this field. Reccomendations of literature sources on topic to use as "toolbox" for other researchers. |
Impact | Multidisciplinary: Materials/Chemistry and Engineering as well as life cycle analysis and carbon footprint auditing (a.k.a sustainability analysis). |
Start Year | 2023 |
Description | Pittsburgh University Collaboration |
Organisation | University of Pittsburgh |
Country | United States |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | 2024 update: Now published paper on glasswing inspired GRIN AR coatings for solar energy. Co-superivsed PhD Student. Continueing collaboration on more prototyping of GRIN AR coating on solar devices. Applied for further funding to continue and deepen this research and development for application to curved optics (solar concentrators). 2023 submission: I have provided expertise, data and time for modelling, analysis and paper writting on Anti-reflection coatings for solar energy technology applications. Next step for this collaboration is to validate modelling results and expand glass etching method to concentrator optics. This will likely involve us applying for other funding. |
Collaborator Contribution | Prof. Paul Leu at Pittsburgh University and his team have developed a glass etching method that can achieve similar optical properties to the glasswing butterfly wing, which i am currently studying within my fellowship. Hence, they have provided the optical properties of their developed etched glass material which mimicks the glasswing properties. |
Impact | 2024 update: Paper just recently published: "Minimizing annual reflection loss in fixed-tilt photovoltaic modules usinggraded refractive index (GRIN) anti-reflective glass" - Solar Energy journal. Co-superivsed students through to successfull project completion. Continueing collaboration on prototyping of GRIN AR coating on solar devices. Applied for further funding to continue and deepen this research and development for application to curved optics (solar concentrators). My work is interdisciplinary (Biomimicry - Biology and Engineering). Collaborator is Physics and Engineering based with also some biomimicry modelling. |
Start Year | 2022 |
Description | Rising stars EDI event with Henry Royce Institute and MAINSTRAEM ECR's |
Organisation | Henry Royce Institute |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | Myself and other early career researchers Dr Jessica Wade (Imperial College London), Dr Alex Ramadan (Sheffield University) , Dr Lucy Whalley (Northumbria University) were brought together by Supersolar Supergen events and wanted to organise a series of events aimed at promoting EDI within solar energy related research communities. Jessica Wade and Alex Ramadan were successfull at applying for small funding from Roycal Society of Chemistry and Loreal to host an event at the Henry Royce Institute in Manchester. I also applied to the UKERC for further funding to host more events and an mentorship scheme but was unsuccessful. |
Collaborator Contribution | 2024 UPDATE: The Henry Royce Institute fully funded the workshop even in Feb 2024. Including providing: Venue, catering, travel and subsistence costs to attendees and speakers. 2023 input: The Henry Royce Institute were excellent at providing their time, support and equipment leading up to the event and on the day of the event. They helped create and provided graphic design expertise for the website and workshop accessories (name badges and notpads). They also funded the catering for ~40 attendees. They are keen to host this even annually, and we have booked a provisional date in for next year which will be held at another location build the audience impact. |
Impact | 2024 update: Due to the success of the first event Royce fully funded the second event held in febuary 2024. Continued collaboration with Henry Royce on this and also the UK Metamateriasl Network +. 2023 submission: Rising stars career development workshop aimed at promoting underrepresented groups within solar energy and materials research. Also provided small travel and caring grants to attendees to enhance accessibility, covering their costs to attend the event. 3 further £1k personal award grants were offered to applicants to aid their research career progression, the awarded projects were: Proper pipettes - funding for ergonomic pipettes that are easily used one handed Conference Travel - to help attend international conferences such as SPIE and META |
Start Year | 2022 |
Description | Supergen - Falmouth University Science Media videos |
Organisation | Falmouth University |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | My time, expertise and networking capabilities to connect 3 research scientists (including myself) with 3 media/illustration students at falmouth university to carry out a summer internship to make short media videos showcasing the ECR's research. Supergen contacted me first with the idea of creating the short videos. This was after i atteneded media training (part of my fellowship plan and a clear outcome). I then suggested and led the connection with Falmouth University who are based on the same campus as University of Exeter in Penryn. |
Collaborator Contribution | Christopher Malins from Supergen Supersolar provided his time and guidance in meetings as well as general schdeualing and admin to keep things going. Funding from Supergen Supersolar was provided to double the paid hours of the falmouth student interns on the project. |
Impact | 2 short media videos showcasing the state of the art research by myself and Dr Rachel Greenhalg at Loughborough University. A 3rd video is planned with Dr Sebastian Sprick at University of Belfast but so far there has not been a suitable artist intern. This has strengthened links with CREST at Loughborough and connections with the University of Belfast, as well as my own capabilities in creating creative outputs and transdisicplinary projects. I have expanded my network further towards creative practitioners and those at Falmouth University with strong scope to develop and continue this type of scheme where ECR scientists work with Art students to produce creative outputs and engagements. |
Start Year | 2022 |
Description | Supergen - Falmouth University Science Media videos |
Organisation | Loughborough University |
Department | Centre for Renewable Energy Systems Technology (CREST) |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | My time, expertise and networking capabilities to connect 3 research scientists (including myself) with 3 media/illustration students at falmouth university to carry out a summer internship to make short media videos showcasing the ECR's research. Supergen contacted me first with the idea of creating the short videos. This was after i atteneded media training (part of my fellowship plan and a clear outcome). I then suggested and led the connection with Falmouth University who are based on the same campus as University of Exeter in Penryn. |
Collaborator Contribution | Christopher Malins from Supergen Supersolar provided his time and guidance in meetings as well as general schdeualing and admin to keep things going. Funding from Supergen Supersolar was provided to double the paid hours of the falmouth student interns on the project. |
Impact | 2 short media videos showcasing the state of the art research by myself and Dr Rachel Greenhalg at Loughborough University. A 3rd video is planned with Dr Sebastian Sprick at University of Belfast but so far there has not been a suitable artist intern. This has strengthened links with CREST at Loughborough and connections with the University of Belfast, as well as my own capabilities in creating creative outputs and transdisicplinary projects. I have expanded my network further towards creative practitioners and those at Falmouth University with strong scope to develop and continue this type of scheme where ECR scientists work with Art students to produce creative outputs and engagements. |
Start Year | 2022 |
Description | Art and Energy - Board of Directors |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | National |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | I am on the board of directors for Art and Energy and have helped them transition to a charity status which allows them to expand the types of funding and activities they can carry out for communities and buisnesses. With the other members of the baord i habe helped guide them to create a combination of workshops and events targetted at 1)buisnesses and 2)communities, both aimed at increasing sustainability. Art and Energy regularly hold various types of exhibitions, workshops and events for schools, companies, communities, online media platforms and policymakers (e.g. exhibition at COP26 ). |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2022 |
URL | https://www.artandenergy.org/ |
Description | Creative Exchange Organiser (repeated meetings, exhibitions and some workshop events) |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | Regional |
Primary Audience | Professional Practitioners |
Results and Impact | The Creative Exchange Programme facilitates collaboration between creative researchers on our Cornwall Campuses who share an interest in issues of environment and sustainability. The programme inspires new research relationships and stimulates opportunities for public engagement and collaborative learning. We work closely with University of Exeter Arts & Culture and other initiatives that seek to develop the region's creative industries. I have been asked to be one of the organisers going forward as i have also particpiated in and continue to do creative exchange collaboraitons with artists (Art and Energy and UCG) which produced solar panel artworks ein the past. So far this as involved 2 worksops with researchers (from all disciplines and mainly ECRs) and judging and awarding small pots of funding to artist-scientist collaborations to produce exhibitions of state of the art research from different perspectives. This often leads to very interesting interdisciplinary discussions and impacts researchers opinions on best research practice. The exhibitions are on show for any and all visitors which often include school visits, scientists, artists, policymakers and industry professionals. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2022,2023 |
URL | https://www.exeter.ac.uk/research/esi/community/creativeexchange/ |
Description | Millbay Academy highschool student workshop |
Form Of Engagement Activity | Participation in an activity, workshop or similar |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | National |
Primary Audience | Schools |
Results and Impact | Workshop with Art and Energy partners for 25-30 Year 8 students (12-13 year olds) from Millbay Academy. Biomimciry talk and discussion along with hand on activity of looking for tiny creatures and surface features on plants as well as creating on artificial moss and discussing carbon sinks. Reported increased enthusiasm and interest from students into this area of research, specifically requesting other examples of biomimiry more than what we presented. also linked students to other online sources. Some increased awareness in what a scientist does and the option of research as a career. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2023 |
Description | Online moths watch and biomimicry presentation for general public and children |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A talk or presentation |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | National |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | with support from Art and Energy (Project partners) we hosted a series of online talks, workshops and events focusing on moths and butterflies. This often included an evening session with presentations from researchers and moth and butterfly enthusiasts from across the UK and then a morning session where people from across the UK with moth traps would show what moths they got in their traps that morning. At the end of this project (final wrap up sessions/events in early 2022), I presented and discussed my biomimicry research so far into the cabbage white butterfly, the glasswing butterfly and moth eye anti-reflective structures and how we can copy these natural nanostructures for our own optics and technologies for solar energy. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2022 |
URL | https://www.mothstoaflame.art/ |
Description | Sustainability focus groups and workshops for UK metamaterials network and surrounding disciplines |
Form Of Engagement Activity | Participation in an activity, workshop or similar |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | National |
Primary Audience | Professional Practitioners |
Results and Impact | An online workshop introducing critical mineral mining, material carbon cost considerations and Circular Economy with opportunities for connecting advanced material researchers across the full chain of material/technology design from source to functional structure/application and beyond (reuse and recycling options) for a whole systems design approach to sustainable technology. An in-person collaboration event to follow-up on this workshop is planned for later in the year depending on success of this event and subsequent interest. Engaging with metamaterials and materials researchers as well as relevant industry members. Contacted afterwards from members of audience for further involvement and collaborations, which has lead to inviting them for a specific talk at next event as well as potential research collaboration. Overall encouraging metamaterials network members to navigate research towards sustainable materials development. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2024 |
URL | https://metamaterials.network/targeting-sustainable-materials-workshop/ |
Description | Truro Highschool GreenPower Racecar |
Form Of Engagement Activity | Participation in an activity, workshop or similar |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | Local |
Primary Audience | Schools |
Results and Impact | Truro Highschool for girls annually takes part in the aspirational Greenpower racing event in Cornwall. This event helps to inspire thousands of school students into engineering education. The exciting event, held annually at Predannack Airfield near Mullion, sees school teams from across the south west designing, building and racing electric powered cars, gaining a unique and hands-on experience of real world engineering applications. I helped the students design their racecar by being their CAD drawing expert, all other technical aspects of the racecar design and the parameters and material decisions were decided by them. I visited Turo highschool and had online teams meeting with the students to help teach them how to use solidworks CAD and to help measure and finalise their components which would be ordered or cut at other companies. The students also won the national competition due to their short video they made, winning the change to work with a real racecar driver to help prep them for the international finals. This activity is a unique hand on experience for the girls into an example of exciting eingeering work. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2022 |
URL | https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=1024266398411401 |
Description | UK Metamaterials Network Conference and dedicated Sustainability Session 2023 |
Form Of Engagement Activity | Participation in an activity, workshop or similar |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Professional Practitioners |
Results and Impact | Co-hosted conference and lead the sustainability session for half a day. Brought together key speakers within metamaterials for sustainability as well as key stakeholders in materials research. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2023 |
URL | https://metamaterials.network/uk-metamaterials-network-conference-2023/ |
Description | Upcycled Glass Company - Board of Directors |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | National |
Primary Audience | Professional Practitioners |
Results and Impact | I am on the board of directors for the upcycled glass company and meet regularly with the other directors to discuss best next steps for UGC. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2022 |