Climate change and watershed process interactions: Large-scale Anthropogenic changes to freshwater and nearshore coastal biogeochemical cycles

Lead Research Organisation: University of Leeds
Department Name: Sch of Geography


Rivers are the great connectors of the freshwater cycle, often considered the continents' "arteries." They provide essential services to humans and ecosystems valued at over $4 trillion USD annually, including drinking water, transportation channels, food security, waste assimilation, and water purification. River systems also harbour more than 10% of known biodiversity, despite accounting for less than 1% of the Earth's surface. Essential nutrient elements such as phosphorus (P), nitrogen (N), and carbon (C) are transported and transformed along river systems from source to sea, forming the basis for freshwater food webs in lakes, rivers, wetlands, reservoirs, and floodplains, and ultimately for marine food webs in estuarine and coastal environments. Rising human populations and resource-intensive lifestyles are driving increased demand for clean water at the same time as freshwater ecosystem degradation is accelerating. Enhanced nutrient loading, urbanization, land use change, and river channelization and damming have massively altered the fluxes of nutrients. The consequences of these changes can be seen worldwide, in the form of toxic algal blooms, fish kills, and in jeopardized drinking water supplies. In England and Wales alone, the annual economic impact of harmful algal blooms has been estimated to be between £75 - 114.3 million. Concurrently, the effects of climate change threaten secure water supplies internationally.

While many studies have focused on watershed-level human impacts to river systems like enhanced nutrient loading from agricultural runoff or wastewater treatment plants, very little research has been focused on determining the nature and extent of climate-driven impacts on nutrient cycles. While there is widespread evidence that climate change will massively alter hydrological flows and terrestrial biogeochemical cycles, most studies dedicated to investigate climate change effects on nutrient cycles and subsequent water quality changes are locally based and/or just focus on a single impact such as increased precipitation. The pitfall of studies that focus only on single processes is that feedback cycles that either modulate or exacerbate the magnitude of nutrient loads are neglected. These feedbacks are further compounded by additional climate change effects along the entire freshwater continuum. There is thus a strong need for continental or global-scale models that capture the redistribution of nutrient cycles, particularly those with greenhouse gas and atmospheric components. Large-scale analysis of full nutrient cycles enables the untangling of climate-driven changes to nutrient loads from source to sea, and allows prediction of consequences to ecosystem health along the entire river network and in receiving coastal zones.

This research project will couple advances in spatially-explicit computer simulation of river catchments, new global-scale hydrological datasets (MERIT-Hydro and GRADES), and AI techniques, to quantify the effects of interacting multiple stressors of climate change and direct human alterations (land use, damming) on global freshwater nutrient cycles. The resulting high-resolution, global nutrient models offer the prospect of constraining scaling laws that are relevant from the local to global scale. Such a step-change in knowledge could then be utilised by watershed managers to address/reverse problems associated with historic river catchment modifications. Without an understanding of these interacting effects along the entire LOAC, the potential for miscalculating local consequences of costly catchment management interventions to aquatic ecosystem health, and water quality and availability, will remain unacceptably high.


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Title Catchment Uptake by Season, Order and Flow for DOC (CUPS of DOC) 
Description River networks transport dissolved organic carbon (DOC) from terrestrial uplands to the coastal ocean. The extent to which a reach or lake within a river network uptakes DOC depends on the stream order, the seasonal conditions, and the flow. At the watershed scale, it remains unclear whether DOC uptake is dominated by biological processes such as respiration, or abiotic processes like photomineralization. The partitioning of DOC uptake in lakes versus rivers is also unclear. In this study, we present a new model that unifies year-round controls on DOC cycling for an entire river network, including river-lake connectivity, to elucidate the importance of biotic vs. abiotic controls on DOC uptake. We present the Catchment Uptake and Sinks by Season, Order, and Flow for DOC (CUPS-OF-DOC) model, which quantifies terrestrial DOC loading, gross primary productivity (GPP), and uptake via microbes and photomineralization. The model is applied to the Connecticut River Watershed and accounts for cascading reach- and lake-scale DOC cycling across ninety-eight scenarios spanning combinations of flows, seasons, and stream orders. We show that riverine DOC uptake is nearly constant with stream order, but the proportion of DOC uptake from photomineralization varies. Photomineralization dominates in rivers in most flow conditions and stream orders, especially in winter, accounting for at least half of whole-watershed DOC uptake in February across all flows. Whole-watershed summer DOC uptake occurs mostly via biomineralization in lakes, accounting for 80% of DOC uptake during the growing season, despite accounting for less than 6% of watershed open water surface area. 
Type Of Material Computer model/algorithm 
Year Produced 2023 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact This model has only been available to the public for 1.5 months so I am currently unaware of notable impacts it has had so far. 
Description Nanjing Hydrualic Research Institute river damming partnership 
Organisation Nanjing Hydraulic Research Institute
Country China 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution - I contributed to a publication in the Journal of Hydrology led by this team earlier this year on greenhouse gas emissions from reservoirs in China. - We are currently revising a paper for resubmission to the journal Global Biogeochemical Cycles on the impacts of reservoir drawdown on nitrogen cycling in the Three Gorges Reservoir. - I contributed to a funding bid they submitted to the National Science Foundation of China earlier this year that is still being evaluated.
Collaborator Contribution - They invited me and hosted me in China for 2 weeks in November 2023 to discuss ongoing papers, plan new papers, and conduct field work on the Jinsha River as part of some of the group's PhD student projects. - The group leader Qiuwen Chen contributed to a review paper I led in 2020 for the journal Nature Reviews Earth & Environment
Impact Shi, W., Maavara, T., Chen, Q., Zhang, J., Ni, J., Tonina, D. (2023) Spatial patterns of diffuse greenhouse gas emissions from cascade hydropower reservoirs. Journal of Hydrology 619: 129343. Maavara, T., Chen, Q., Van Meter, K., Brown, L., Zhang, J., Ni, J., Zarfl, C. (2020). River dam impacts on biogeochemistry. Nature Reviews Earth & Environment 1: 103-116. Invited talk I gave at conference co-organized by this group in November 2023: "Nitrous oxide emissions from dam reservoirs: Novel approaches to estimate global fluxes." (2023) T. Maavara. 1st IAHR International Conference on Global Water Security & 4th International Forum on Water Security and Sustainability. Jintan/Changzhou, Hohei, China.
Start Year 2019
Description Presentation for Grand Riverkeeper Labrador charity and community in Happy Valley-Goose Bay, Labrador, Canada 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Grand Riverkeeper Labrador is an NGO devoted to protecting the ecological and community integrity of the Grand River (AKA Churchill River) in Labrador, Canada, primarily with regard to ongoing and controversial dam construction efforts that are largely opposed by local communities, including Indigenous and Inuit communities. I was invited by the organization to present a purely scientific talk on my research on the impacts of river damming on river and coastal ecosystems for the larger community.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022