Retrofit Net-Zero Buildings - Regulatory Science and Data Network for Unlocking adoption of Innovation (RetroNetZero)


The project will develop a network for regulatory science in the context of retrofitting existing buildings to meet government net-zero targets.

Our **Phase 1** 'discovery' project will establish a virtual network with expertise in regulatory science in the context of retrofitting upgrades to existing buildings needed for the UK to meet net-zero targets. The objective is to advance regulatory science to help policymakers understand, identify and assess different approaches to regulating new technologies, leading to the development of policies that might unlock adoption of innovation in scalable retrofitted products/processes for buildings. No similar network exists. The project will convene discussions and host workshops with potential network members in parallel with desk research. The aim will be to identify regulatory barriers, any opportunities for efficiency and clarity of process, existing pathways for innovations, options and consideration of secondary benefits (e.g. health and well-being) and ways in which research-based evidence can be generated/used to develop/adapt regulations that address customer/occupant needs whilst providing innovators with a clear route to meeting requirements.

The project will be led by the **Building Research Establishment** (an RTO with a track record of science-based regulatory/policy support to government/standards bodies). Partners are the **Construction Products Association** (CPA; representing UK construction product manufacturers/suppliers; industry-wide innovation leadership and advising government on policy/regulation), the **National Retrofit Hub** (housing retrofit delivery), **Planet Mark** (sustainability certification) and the **National Energy Foundation**. We are supported by stakeholders with an interest in regulatory science, policy and innovation from across the built environment sector.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer





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