Experiments on Turbulence in the Pure Quantum Limit
Lead Research Organisation:
Lancaster University
Department Name: Physics
As Richard Feynman stated it Turbulence is the last great unsolved problem of classical physics . Despite being observed at all length scales from the subnuclear to the cosmological, turbulence is one of the least understood phenomena. Turbulent motion impacts on the behaviour of cytoplasm in cells, on the atmosphere, on the oceans, aviation, hydraulics, industrial processing, even on the simple process of water running out of the bath. Despite its ubiquity, physicists have great difficulty in describing and studying the constantly changing mix of eddies that constitute turbulent flow. We see turbulence everywhere but our understanding of it is still very rudimentary. This proposal aims to further our understanding of turbulence in general by addressing the simpler problem of turbulence in pure quantum fluids. We approach the elucidation of turbulence by starting with the most ideal simple model system possible, a superfluid. Although superfluids are widely known for their ability to flow without dissipation, they still form turbulent flow patterns when sufficiently agitated. In a superfluid, the atoms are constrained to move according to the dictates of quantum mechanics since in the superfluid component all the constituent atoms are in the same quantum mechanical state. The crucial point here is that while vortices in a conventional fluid have infinite variability, in a superfluid the circulation is quantized and all the vortices are identical. Quantum turbulence is the sum total of a random tangle of these similar quantized vortex lines.Clearly, the key to investigating quantum turbulence is how to detect the vorticity and measure the distribution and evolution of a turbulent tangle. Despite requiring temperatures well below 1 mK, it turns out that superfluid 3He is most suitable for this purpose. At low enough temperatures, where the normal fluid component is negligible, we have essentially pure quantum turbulence with virtually no frictional dissipation. These are absolute ideal conditions for studying turbulence. The proposed research programmes aims to address the following problems. While we can create turbulence in superfluid 3He, we first need to determine the absolute line densities of the vortex tangle to gain a quantitative description to work with. Secondly, we want to investigate the decay processes of quantum turbulence to contrast the decay with that of classical turbulence, as well as that of high temperature superfluid turbulence. Thirdly, we need to understand the homogeneity of turbulence generated by a vibrating grid resonator, since turbulence decays in time but also can disperse in space and we need to distinguish between the two processes. Finally we want to measure the energy stored in turbulence by following decay of a quantum tangle in a black-body radiator. If we can achieve these goals we will be much further on the road of understanding quantum turbulence.
People |
Viktor Tsepelin (Principal Investigator) |

Ahlstrom S
Frequency-dependent drag from quantum turbulence produced by quartz tuning forks in superfluid He 4
in Physical Review B

Ahlstrom S
Plastic Properties of Solid 4He Probed by a Moving Wire: Viscoelastic and Stochastic Behavior Under High Stress
in Journal of Low Temperature Physics

Ahlstrom S
A Quasiparticle Detector for Imaging Quantum Turbulence in Superfluid $$^3$$ 3 He-B
in Journal of Low Temperature Physics

Autti S
Fundamental dissipation due to bound fermions in the zero-temperature limit.
in Nature communications

Baggaley AW
Visualizing Pure Quantum Turbulence in Superfluid 3He: Andreev Reflection and its Spectral Properties.
in Physical review letters

Bradley D
Relic topological defects from brane annihilation simulated in superfluid 3He
in Nature Physics

Bradley D
Breaking the superfluid speed limit in a fermionic condensate
in Nature Physics

Bradley D
History Dependence of Turbulence Generated by a Vibrating Wire in Superfluid 4He at 1.5 K
in Journal of Low Temperature Physics

Bradley D
Transition to Turbulence for a Quartz Tuning Fork in Superfluid 4He
in Journal of Low Temperature Physics

Bradley D
Thermometry in Normal Liquid 3He Using a Quartz Tuning Fork Viscometer
in Journal of Low Temperature Physics
Description | As Richard Feynman stated it "Turbulence is the last great unsolved problem of classical physics". Despite being observed at all length scales from the subnuclear to the cosmological, turbulence is one of the least understood phenomena. Turbulent motion impacts on the behaviour of cytoplasm in cells, on the atmosphere, on the oceans, aviation, hydraulics, industrial processing, even on the simple process of water running out of the bath. Despite its ubiquity, physicists have great difficulty in describing and studying the constantly changing mix of eddies that constitute turbulent flow. We see turbulence everywhere but our understanding of it is still very rudimentary. This proposal aims to further our understanding of turbulence in general by addressing the simpler problem of turbulence in pure quantum fluids. We approach the elucidation of turbulence by starting with the most ideal simple model system possible, a superfluid. Although superfluids are widely known for their ability to flow without dissipation, they still form turbulent flow patterns when sufficiently agitated. In a superfluid, the atoms are constrained to move according to the dictates of quantum mechanics since in the superfluid component all the constituent atoms are in the same quantum mechanical state. The crucial point here is that while vortices in a conventional fluid have infinite variability, in a superfluid the circulation is quantized and all the vortices are identical. Quantum turbulence is the sum total of a random tangle of these similar quantized vortex lines. Clearly, the key to investigating quantum turbulence is how to detect the vorticity and measure the distribution and evolution of a turbulent tangle. Despite requiring temperatures well below 1 mK, it turns out that superfluid 3He is most suitable for this purpose. At low enough temperatures, where the normal fluid component is negligible, we have essentially pure quantum turbulence with virtually no frictional dissipation. These are absolute ideal conditions for studying turbulence. The carried out research programmes have addressed the following problems. Firstly, we investigated the production of quantum turbulence using a vibrating grid and established that a turbulent tangle appears due to the interactions of the independent vortex rings. Secondly, we studied decay processes of quantum turbulence and have contrasted the decay with that of classical turbulence. Our results have shown that quantum turbulence decays similarly to its classical counterpart, with effective viscosity being governed by the quantum of circulation. Thirdly, we have shown that the quantum turbulence produced by a vibrating grid develops a range of length scales. Finally we measured the energy stored in turbulence by following decay of a quantum tangle in a black-body radiator. Measured energy decay is consistent with the energy spectrum of the quantum turbulence being similar to Kolmogorov spectrum and expected in classical turbulence. We can summarise, that despite its quantum nature, pure superfluid turbulence closely resembles its classical counterpart and this suggests that we might indeed learn great deal about turbulence in general from studies in superfluids. |
Exploitation Route | Quartz Tuning forks are very good probes to study superfluids at low temperatures and can be used for thermometry. Pure Quantum turbulence exhibits Kolmogorov energy spectrum despite completely different nature and validates use of vortex filament model for classical turbulence simulations. |
Sectors | Aerospace Defence and Marine Education Manufacturing including Industrial Biotechology |
Description | The UK has a significant high-technology industry with many contributing companies whose specialisation is a cryogenic equipment for use at millikelvin temperatures. The world-leading millikelvin and microkelvin research in the UK provides ideas and manpower to the commercial sector. It also provides a reputational underpinning since international customers have a high regard for UK research in this area. We have a direct impact on the development of commercial instrumentation and equipment, through consulting and advising commercial entities throughout Europe. We have a steady stream of interested parties coming to examine our cryostats and components. We put this activity on a more regular basis with the creation of a spin-out company, Lancaster Cryogenics Limited in 2011. This provides a channel for us to exploit the cryogenic expertise and specialist knowledge gained by our research activity. Our work on widening access to microkelvin temperatures for other users may produce significant impacts in the medium term. For instance, it may provide essential support for the development of new quantum technologies which have potential for revolutionary impacts in science and subsequent commercial activity. We work directly with Oxford Instruments plc on an InnovateUK/EPSRC award for commercialising the applications of quantum technology. Several of our graduate students have gone on to work for high-tech companies. Examples include large companies such as Oxford Instruments, Leiden Cryogenics and Rolls Royce, as well as a range of SMEs throughout the UK and Europe. Our state-of-the-art laboratory is a focus for public and school visits to view world-class research. We provide demonstrations and tours for 1000+ visitors each year. We provide work experience programs and give talks at local schools and public lectures. These outreach activities are embedded in the way we carry out our work. Our department has an outreach fellow, a former physics teacher at a local school, with whom we work to develop new initiatives such as physics enrichment days for pupils and support for physics teachers in the local community. We engage with the public media wherever possible. For example in 2006 we gave superfluid demonstrations filmed for the BBC and PBS for the "Absolute Zero" documentary, broadcast in the UK and America; our 2008 work on analogue cosmological branes was featured by The Daily Telegraph, becoming the most read article on their website at that time; our 2008 work on rogue waves was reported on Fox News; we recreated early superconductivity experiments for the 2011 BBC4 Jim Al-Khalili documentary "Shock and Awe: The Story of Electricity"; in 2012 our laboratory featured on BBC and ITN national news programmes, highlighting potential hazards of liquid nitrogen use in restaurants and bars. |
Sector | Aerospace, Defence and Marine,Education,Manufacturing, including Industrial Biotechology |
Impact Types | Cultural Economic |
Description | EPSRC |
Amount | £994,241 (GBP) |
Funding ID | EP/L000016/1 |
Organisation | Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) |
Sector | Public |
Country | United Kingdom |
Start | 06/2013 |
End | 06/2017 |
Description | EPSRC |
Amount | £935,212 (GBP) |
Funding ID | EP/I028285/1 |
Organisation | Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) |
Sector | Public |
Country | United Kingdom |
Start | 09/2011 |
End | 09/2015 |
Description | EPSRC |
Amount | £950,308 (GBP) |
Funding ID | EP/G030596/1 |
Organisation | Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) |
Sector | Public |
Country | United Kingdom |
Start | 03/2009 |
End | 12/2012 |
Description | Microscopic dynamics of quantized vortices in turbulent superfluid in the T=0 limit |
Amount | £693,939 (GBP) |
Funding ID | EP/P025625/1 |
Organisation | Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) |
Sector | Public |
Country | United Kingdom |
Start | 03/2017 |
End | 03/2021 |
Description | Royal Society of London |
Amount | £261 (GBP) |
Funding ID | International Outgoing Short Visit 2008/R1 |
Organisation | The Royal Society |
Sector | Charity/Non Profit |
Country | United Kingdom |
Start | 04/2008 |
End | 06/2008 |
Description | The Nuffield Foundation |
Amount | £1,400 (GBP) |
Funding ID | URB/39579 |
Organisation | Nuffield Foundation |
Sector | Charity/Non Profit |
Country | United Kingdom |
Start | 05/2011 |
End | 08/2011 |