Digital technology to addresses onset of neurodegenerative disorders in an ageing society.

Lead Participant: BRAINBERRY LTD


"There is an increasing proportion of the global population with memory problems, depression, space-time disorientation or decreased logical reasoning with aging. These onset symptoms may lead to early-stage neurodegenerative disorders e.g. dementia. As these conditions progress, the brainwave activities decline.

Present drug treatments come with severe side-effects, and non-drug treatments i.e. brain training apps are not patient specific and are not validated through clinical trials.

We aim to address this global issue by developing a unique-personalised, clinically validated technology which improves a patient's cognitive brain function through application of therapeutic games and machine learning.


Benefits: (1) non-invasive; (2) improved mental ability; (3) reduced depression; (4) can provide early diagnosis; (5) ensures patient independence; (6) reduced reliance upon NHS and improves UK economy; and (6) will strengthen UK as leader in neurological disorder research."

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

BRAINBERRY LTD £336,115 £ 151,252




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