Promoting Opportunities for UNder-represented Communities in power Electronics, machines and drives (POUNCE)

Lead Participant: ASTON UNIVERSITY


Historically, the power electronics, machines and drives (PEMD) sector has been viewed as very traditional with relatively limited opportunities for wider participation and engagement. The age demographic has meant that there are relatively few accessible role models for current students. This is especially true for those that come from underrepresented communities, such as BAME, those from areas with low participation in the higher education sector and female students, who are less likely to have friends or families working in the sector in the UK. Furthermore, as an underpinning and often hidden technology, it is not an obvious first choice of career for students.

The aim of this project (POUNCE) is to develop two activities to support the call goals.

* The first activity is the development of online material to build knowledge and expertise in this area and to provide relevant role models. This information will be freely accessible and promoted by the UK Electronic Skills Foundation and Aston University over a 3-5 year period.
* The second activity is an intervention focused specifically on students from BAME and other low polar backgrounds and female students and will involve an in-person event for 30 engineering students including: career guidance, hands on activity focused on the design of an electrical system from a requirements point of view, speed networking with industry representatives, and establishing a LinkedIn networking group. An important feature of this in-person event will be the opportunity to secure a one-week work experience opportunities offered to four students selected by the companies. This will further deepen the student's understanding of the sector and build confidence. The in-person event will serve as a proof-of-concept activity that going forward could be scaled-up and used to help SMEs and larger companies engage in a group recruitment process that encourages diversity.

POUNCE will build on Aston University's excellent reputation for inclusive engineering education, the UK Electronic Skills Foundation's wide industry connection and experience of the sector and FluxSys's expertise in this technical area to reach out to diverse student communities and deliver an impactful event that has ongoing sustainability through the online material and a trial recruitment model for reaching underrepresented communities.

The material presented will address some of the broader issues where PEMD will be needed to support electrification such as development of smart grids, battery storage and legislation needed to implement societal change to draw in a broader pool of engineering students.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

ASTON UNIVERSITY £11,733 £ 11,733




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