Instilling Defect-Tolerance in ABZ2 Photovoltaic Materials

Lead Research Organisation: UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD
Department Name: Oxford Chemistry


This project aims to develop a new class of semiconductors for photovoltaics (PVs) that can tolerate defects to achieve high efficiencies when manufactured by low capital-intensity and scalable methods.

PVs produce clean electricity from sunlight, and their deployment in the UK needs to accelerated by over an order of magnitude so that we can meet our legislated net-zero CO2 emissions target by 2050. New thin film PV materials are urgently needed. Thin film PVs can be used in tandem device structures, in which they are deposited on top of silicon PVs (which dominate the market) or smaller-bandgap thin film PVs. These tandem devices convert a larger fraction of the solar spectrum into electrical energy and can achieve efficiencies surpassing the best single-junction devices, which will be vital for accelerating utility-scale PV deployment. Thin film PVs can also be used as energy-harvesting roof-tiles, windows or cladding to enable sustainable carbon-neutral buildings.

But across all applications, it is essential that the materials are efficient when made with by low cost manufacturing methods. The limiting factor is the deleterious role of point defects, such as vacancies. In traditional semiconductors, these point defects introduce energy levels deep within the bandgap and cause irreversible losses in energy. Minimising the density of these defects often requires expensive manufacturing routes. Defect-tolerant semiconductors circumvent these limitations by forming defect levels close to the band-edges (i.e., shallow), where they are less harmful. Such materials were rare until the recent serendipitous discovery of the lead-halide perovskites. Grown cheaply by solution-processing, these polycrystalline materials have over a million times more defects than silicon but are already more efficient in PVs than multi-crystalline silicon. A critical question is whether defect-tolerance can be found in other classes of materials that are free from the toxicity burden of the halide perovskites.

This work aims to develop a set of design rules to pinpoint lead-free defect-tolerant semiconductors, and systematically develop these materials into efficient, stable PVs that can be deployed on the terawatt scale. The materials focussed on are ABZ2 compounds, where A is a monovalent cation, B a divalent cation and Z a divalent anion. These materials already show promising signs hinting at defect-tolerance.

My approach draws off my experimental strengths in the control of complex thin films. I hypothesise that materials forming shallow traps can be identified through their crystal structure, band-edge orbital composition and degree of cation-anion orbital overlap. I will experimentally elucidate the role of each property by tuning the composition of a small set of ABZ2 materials to vary one property at a time. Defect tolerance will be measured by intentionally inducing vacancies and measuring their effect on charge-carrier lifetime and electronic structure. These design rules will be applied to identify the most promising ABZ2 materials, which will be grown by scalable solution- and vapour-based methods. I will optimise their growth using a fast experimental feedback loop to achieve materials with promising bulk properties for solar absorbers. Such materials will be developed into PVs, drawing off my skills and experience in device engineering.

This work is extremely timely and will lead the emerging area of defect-tolerant semiconductors away from toxic perovskites. The new materials can ultimately become commercial contenders for tandem or building-integrated PVs, and therefore impact on the £120B PV industry. These new materials can also have much broader impact and be used, for example, as cheap but efficient materials for clean solar fuel production or biosensors. This project sets the key foundations for achieving these exciting possibilities and will enable me to set-up my group with a cutting-edge programme.


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Description This work aimed to investigate ABZ2 materials for photovoltaics. We focussed on NaBiS2 and AgBiS2, and successfully developed synthesis protocols to achieve phase-pure materials through nanocrystal synthesis routes. We found that these materials are stable in air, without encapsulation, for months. Remarkably, we found that these materials are very strong light absorbers, such that only 30 nm thick films are adequate for achieving >20%-efficient photovoltaic devices (as calculated based on the optical absorption profile). Originally, the aim of this work was to develop defect-tolerant semiconductors and new insights into defect tolerance. As we began investigating these materials, we realised that these materials have much more interesting properties, and the charge-carrier kinetic properties are not limited by the effects of defects, but rather the effects of electron-phonon coupling. We found that NaBiS2 has strong carrier localisation, such that electrons and holes are localised in different regions in the lattice. We showed that intentionally increasing the defect density does not in fact cause a reduction in lifetime, which remained on the microsecond timescale. The in-depth experimental-computational investigation performed not only shed important light on these novel materials, but also emphasised the importance of understanding electron-phonon coupling in novel bismuth-based semiconductors in order to design efficient solar absorbers. This realisation led us to investigate a related material, BiOI, through in-depth spectroscopy and computations. From these investigations we found that this bismuth-halide-based material avoids carrier localisation, which deviates from the behaviour of all other bismuth-based perovskite-inspired materials explored thus far. By exhibited band-like transport, we found that BiOI has high mobilities >80 cm^2/Vs, allowing this material to work effectively as X-ray detectors. This led to two new grants from the EPSRC and Royal Academy of Engineering to separately investigate this new line of research in depth.

In addition, we put forward the hypothesis that BiOI exhibits band-like transport because of the layered nature of its crystal structure, as well as the thick nature of each layer, such that electrons are not strongly confined within each layer. Inspired by this, we investigated CuSbSe2, which is also comprised of thick layers, and indeed we found that this material also exhibits delocalised charge-carriers. Through in-depth spectroscopy and computations, we found that the reasons for this are: 1) distortions to the lattice are mostly relaxed in the interlayer gaps rather than changes in bond length, lowering the deformation potentials, 2) there is strong electronic coupling across the interlayer gaps, increasing the electronic dimensionality, and 3) the ionic dielectric constant is small relative to the electronic dielectric constant, giving a low Fröhlich coupling constant. These important new insights now allow us to test how widely applicable these principles are, and whether we can use these to design next-generation solar absorbers with band-like transport. This is the focus of a new project funded by First Solar, which will begin later this year.

Separately, we have also investigated the applications of AgBiS2 for near-infrared photodetectors, achieving cut-off frequencies reaching 500 kHz. This makes these materials among the fastest inorganic absorbers for near-infrared photodetection, which is important for a wide range of applications, from optical communications to bio imaging. We investigated in-depth the underlying reasons for the fast nature of these devices, finding that it was because the thickness of the absorber layers required is very low (due to the high absorption coefficients), such that the transport lengths required a very short.
Exploitation Route The outcomes of this project are much more important than the original vision of the project. Originally, the project focussed on defects, but carrier localisation fundamentally limits materials, even if the material were defect-free. This project has pioneered the understanding of this phenomenon in ABZ2 materials, which can be more broadly applied to perovskite-inspired materials. The findings made will change the direction of travel in the wider academic field, and are critical for discovering the next generation of efficient and stable solar absorbers.

As a result of the outstanding results of this project, First Solar, the largest manufacturer in the world of thin film photovoltaics, approached us to start a collaboration focussed on discovering the next generation of absorbers for tandem photovoltaics. This project will start soon, and will make use of the findings from this project. It is expected that the new materials designed will be patented.
Sectors Electronics


Description As part of our pioneering efforts in developing next-generation photovoltaic materials, we have engaged widely with the UK photovoltaics community. In 2020, we co-led a roadmapping effort on the photovoltaics landscape in the UK, and what investment is required to help us reach net-zero by 2050: This has informed the strategic goals of the Henry Royce Institute. Last year, we took a led a photovoltaics roadmap that brought together >80 groups from across the UK industry, academia and national labs to discuss the key challenges across the main technologies in the photovoltaics field, and what opportunities are emerging that will allow us to overcome these challenges. This has now been submitted as an invited roadmap article to Journal of Physics: Energy.
First Year Of Impact 2023
Sector Energy
Impact Types Economic

Policy & public services

Description Input into Scottish Draft Energy Policy
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Contribution to a national consultation/review
Impact Hoye's feedback to the Scottish Energy Plan has led to the proposed ideas being more realistic and more attuned to the specific needs of the UK
Description ECCS-EPSRC: A new generation of cost-effective, scalable and stable radiation detectors with ultrahigh detectivity
Amount £766,208 (GBP)
Funding ID EP/Y032942/1 
Organisation Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 03/2023 
Title Elucidating the Role of Ligand Engineering on Local and Macroscopic Charge-Carrier Transport in NaBiS2 Nanocrystal Thin Films 
Description The experimental raw data for an accepted paper. The data is stored in Excel spreadsheet. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2024 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact This dataset supports our publication in press on ligand engineering NaBiS2 to understand its macroscopic charge-carrier transport. All raw data is contained in this dataset. In this work, we discovered that while the macroscopic charge-carrier transport of NaBiS2 could be improved by exchanging the original long-chain ligands with short ligands, carrier localisation still takes place. We also revealed NaBiS2 to be a strong ionic conductor, which causes hysteresis in its photovoltaic performance and makes the material better suited to applications required ionic conduction, such as energy storage devices. 
Title Fast near-infrared photodetectors based on nontoxic and solution-processable AgBiS2 
Description Data relating to 'Fast near-infrared photodetectors based on nontoxic and solution-processable AgBiS2'. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2023 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact In this work, AgBiS2 near-infrared photodetectors are developed with a cut-off frequency exceeding 500 kHz, making these among the fastest inorganic detectors. We demonstrate the applicability of these devices for practical applications through heartbeat monitoring, and show the underlying reasons behind the rapid operation comes from the high absorption strength, enabling very thin absorbers to be used, which fall entirely within the built in field of the device. 
Description Collaboration on computational materials discovery 
Organisation Imperial College London
Department Faculty of Engineering
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution We synthesised novel ternary chalcogenide materials, including NaBiS2 and AgBiS2, and characterised their properties by ultrafast spectroscopy techniques.
Collaborator Contribution Prof. Aron Walsh's group provided in-depth computations to understand the properties of the materials investigated. For example, they calculated the electronic structure, Fröhlich coupling constant, phonon dispersion curve and the deformation potentials of the materials investigated. This allowed us to understand the factors that affect carrier localisation in these materials. Through this collaboration, we have been able to offer to a DPhil student, Hugh Lohan, the opportunity to learn from both of us on computations as well as materials chemistry. This is a unique experience, since normally groups would only offer one of these two aspects.
Impact Joint publications in progress. We worked together prior to 2023 and have published 6 papers together, including in Nature Communications (x2) on defect tolerance and carrier localisation in NaBiS2. This collaboration is multi-disciplinary, involving materials chemistry and density functional theory calculations.
Start Year 2023
Description Collaboration on photodetector development 
Organisation Imperial College London
Department Department of Chemistry
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Worked together to develop AgBiS2 photodetectors. We developed the AgBiS2 nanocrystals, and the preparation of thin films from these nanocrystals (including the optimal ligand exchange process).
Collaborator Contribution The Gasparini group in the Department of Chemistry at Imperial College London developed the optimal device architecture for the photodetectors, and characterised their performance, as well as demonstrated their practical applications as heartbeat sensors.
Impact Joint publication: This collaboration is multi-disciplinary, involving chemistry, materials science and electrical engineering.
Start Year 2023
Description This invention relates to a panel for an X-ray detector comprising a bismuth oxyiodide (BiOl) single crystal material, or a material derived therefrom, as well as a bismuth oxyiodide single crystal material useful in such an X-ray detector, as well as a method for preparing the same. In one aspect, the present invention provides a bismuth oxyiodide (BiOl) single crystal material for use in a panel for an X-ray detector having a length (L) dimension of at least 1 mm, a width (W) dimension of at least 1 mm, and a thickness (T) dimension of at least 0.12 mm. 
IP Reference WO2023180733 
Protection Patent / Patent application
Year Protection Granted 2023
Licensed No
Impact Through this patent, I have attracted commercial interest from 5N Plus, who are interested in the potential to license this patent and commercialise the BiOI X-ray detectors. I also secured funding from the EPSRC-ECCS scheme, as well as from the Royal Academy of Engineering to develop this technology further, with the hope of ultimately creating a spin off company.
Description Symposium organisation at 2024 Spring MRS Meeting and Exhibit (Seattle, USA) 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact Prof. Hoye is co-organising a symposium on earth-abundant materials for solar fuels, held at the 2024 Spring MRS Meeting & Exhibit. This includes emerging photovoltaic materials being used for solar fuel applications. In particular, Prof. Hoye is aiming to bridge the divide between the photovoltaics and photo electrochemistry communities.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2024