Carbon Capture and Reusage- Conversion of CO2 from steelworks to coating products

Lead Participant: CYANETICS LTD.


"We are working towards developing, in partnership with Tata Steel, smarter and cleaner manufacturing methods for taking waste CO2 emissions from Tata's existing steel production processes, to use as a raw material for a novel biologically-based manufacturing process. Thus valorising this by creating high-value chemical intermediates which will be used to manufacture steel coating products used in downstream processing, helping to ensure the ongoing profitability and sustainability of Tata's manufacturing operations as we move towards a low-carbon economy.

The process is based upon modified cyanobacterium which sequester CO2 and convert it to interesting product endpoints via cellular carbohydrate produced through photosynthesis, and does not rely upon non-sustainable sources of energy to operate. The current project focusses on process modelling and strain engineering to convert CO2 to our target products."

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer





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