Enabling Astronomy with Gravitational Waves

Lead Research Organisation: University of Glasgow
Department Name: School of Physics and Astronomy


Within the next 6 years, a new generation of more sensitive gravitational wave detectors is expected to start searching for astrophysical sources of gravitational waves. It is widely expected that these instruments will detect gravitational waves within weeks of becoming operational, beginning a new era of astronomy. The research I propose aims to increase the sensitivity these 'second generation' detectors and is critical for the success of planned 'third generation' detectors, which may operate at cryogenic temperatures. Gravitational waves are fluctuations in the curvature of space-time, produced by the asymmetric acceleration of mass and predicted to be emitted by astrophysical objects such as inspiralling binary neutron stars, interacting black holes and supernovae. Current long-baseline gravitational wave detectors use laser interferometry to monitor the relative displacements of test-masses, which are coated to form mirrors that are highly reflective at 1064 nm. These are suspended as pendulums up to several kilometres apart. Gravitational waves are predicted to induce displacements of less than ~10^-19m in the length of the arms. This displacement is so small that that thermally induced vibrations of the mirrors and their suspensions form an important limit to detector sensitivity. In particular, the mechanical dissipation associated with the ion-beam sputtered mirror coatings has been identified as an important noise source which will limit the sensitivity of future detectors. I propose to develop methods of reducing the mechanical loss, and thus the thermal noise contribution, of the reflective coatings which are crucial to the operation of these detectors. This will increase the sensitivity of future detectors, enabling them to search a larger volume of the Universe for sources of gravitational waves. In particular, gravity wave signals from coalescing compact binary systems, such as two orbiting neutron stars, are predicted to be emitted in the frequency band at which coating thermal noise is expected to limit the sensitivity of future detectors. The coatings used in current detectors consist of alternating layers of tantalum pentoxide (tantala) and silica. Experiments have shown that the mechanical dissipation arises primarily from the tantala layers and that the mechanical loss of tantala can be reduced by doping the material with titanium dioxide (titania). My recent research has shown the presence of a low-temperature dissipation peak in a tantala coating doped with titania, which is characteristic of a particular dissipation mechanism, possibly associated with the tantalum-oxygen bond oscillating between two stable energy states. I would undertake a series of experiments to gain an understanding of the fundamental physics associated with mechanical loss in the coating materials. As noted above, cryogenic loss measurements can be a powerful method of understanding the loss mechanisms in a material. In particular, I plan to investigate whether the shape, height and temperature of the low temperature dissipation peak can be altered by varying the doping concentration, or by heat treatment of the coating, with the aim of developing a detailed model of dissipation initially in tantala. I propose to participate in research planned by the LIGO Scientific Collaboration into possible new coating materials and develop models to understand and reduce their mechanical dissipation. The results of these studies should enable me to develop coating designs with lower mechanical loss, and hence thermal noise, than currently possible, with corresponding enhancement to the sensitivity of advanced gravitational wave detectors. This proposed is also critical for the success of future cryogenically cooled gravitational wave detectors such as the 'Einstein Telescope' which is the subject of a current EC FP7 design study.


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Description Research carried out under this fellowship has contributed to our understanding of coating thermal noise, which forms a critical limit to the sensitivity of all planned gravitational wave detectors. The detection of gravitational waves is one of the most challenging and demanding areas of astrophysics and precision measurement science. Gravitational waves are produced by some of the most dramatic events in the Universe including stars exploding at the end of their lives, black-holes merging together and possibly by the start of the universe, the Big Bang itself. Gravitational waves are fluctuations in the curvature of space, rippling out through the universe from these events. When a gravitational wave passes through an object like the Earth, it causes small fluctuations in the size of the object. Gravitational wave detectors search for changes in the separation of mirrors, suspended as pendulums separated by several km. The change in length is very small - much less than a thousandth of the diameter of an atomic nucleus, and measuring this effect has challenged physicists for decades. A major limit to the sensitivity of these detectors is the vibration of the molecules in the mirrors due to their thermal energy: this is known as thermal noise. In particular, thermal noise arising from vibrations in the highly-reflective optical coatings applied to the mirrors is expected to be a critical limit to the sensitivity of all future gravitational wave detectors at their most sensitive frequencies.
Thermal noise is related to the mechanical loss of the coating, which is a measure of the level of internal friction in the material. My research contributed to our understanding of the fundamental physics of mechanical loss in these materials contributing to the ongoing development of new, lower loss coatings to enhance the sensitivity of future detectors. Possible techniques of reducing the loss such as varying the details of coating deposition and doping the materials to change their chemical and physical structure were identified.

Increased knowledge of the relationship between atomic structure and the optical and mechanical properties of coatings is likely to have benefits for other applications of these materials which include use as dielectrics in capacitors and field effect transistors, biologically compatible coatings for surgical implants and optical coatings for use in other precision measurements such as laser stabilisation and optical atomic clocks.
Exploitation Route The findings have informed ongoing research in the gravitational wave community, including by myself (currently funded via a Royal Society University Research Fellowship to continue this area of research).
Sectors Other

Description My research into optical coatings carried out under this fellowship has led to lasting relationships with several commercial vendors of optical coatings, with ongoing collaboration aimed at developing mirror coatings for the gravitational wave field. In addition, there has been interest from a Scottish company in applying for industry grants for joint study of optical and thermo-mechanical properties of coating materials relevant to their MEMs sensor products.
First Year Of Impact 2011
Sector Manufacturing, including Industrial Biotechology,Other
Impact Types Economic

Description University Research Fellowship
Amount £430,000 (GBP)
Funding ID UF100602 
Organisation The Royal Society 
Sector Charity/Non Profit
Country United Kingdom
Start 09/2011 
End 09/2016
Description Jena 
Organisation Friedrich Schiller University Jena (FSU)
Department Faculty of Physics and Astronomy
Country Germany 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Expertise in mechanical loss measurements of materials for gravitational wave detectors. This collaboration has developed since my PhD and throughout my STFC Postdoctoral Fellowship award, resulting in many research visits and staff exchange between the two partner groups.
Collaborator Contribution Expertise in cryogenic measurement techniques, and participation in collaborative studies of mechanical loss at cryogenic temperature.
Impact Joint publications: I.W. Martin, R. Bassiri, R. Nawrodt, M. M. Fejer, A. Gretarsson, E. Gustafson, G. Harry, J. Hough, I. MacLaren, S. Penn, S. Reid, R. Route, S. Rowan, C. Schwarz, P. Seidel, J. Scott and A. L. Woodcraft, Effect of heat treatment on mechanical dissipation in Ta2O5 coatings, Classical and Quantum Gravity 27 (2010) 225020. A. Grib, D. Heinert, R. Nawrodt, C. Schwarz, V. Große, P. Seidel, I.W. Martin, S. Rowan, J. Hough, Acoustic losses in a thick quartz plate at low temperatures, Journal of Applied Physics 107 (2010) 013504. I.W. Martin, E. Chalkley, R. Nawrodt , H. Armandula, R. Bassiri, C. Comtet, M. M. Fejer, A. Gretarsson, G. Harry, D. Heinert, J. Hough, I. MacLaren, C. Michel, J-L Montorio, N. Morgado, S. Penn, S. Reid, R. Route, S. Rowan, C. Schwarz, P. Seidel, W. Vodel, A. L. Woodcraft, Comparison of the temperature dependence of the mechanical dissipation in thin films of Ta2O5 and Ta2O5 doped with TiO2, Classical and Quantum Gravity 26 (2009) 155012.
Start Year 2007
Description Icarus 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Type Of Presentation Workshop Facilitator
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Science fair associated with production of 'Icarus at the Edge of Time' at Glasgow Concert Hall. Interaction with members of the public, who were enthused about science.

Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2010
Description Meet the Expert day 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Type Of Presentation Workshop Facilitator
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Many members of the public, particularly children, interacted with researchers at a science fair, generating interest in astronomy and gravitational waves.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2011
Description Physics World article 
Form Of Engagement Activity A magazine, newsletter or online publication
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact Invited to write an article for Physics World magazine published by the Institute of Physics, entitled 'Optics puts gravity waves in reach'
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2015