A Marketplace and Tool Suite for the quick creation and shared use of sophisticated Conversational Interface Language Classifiers.


"An Artificially Intelligent Conversational Interface (CI) is automated technology permanently on call for users via text or voice interfaces - accessed typically via Instant Messenger channels such as Facebook Messenger and voice channels like Alexa. CIs promise 24/7 automated, frictionless communication between users and businesses to enable quick, convenient task completion.

Significant barriers exist for businesses wishing to benefit from commercial strength CIs. Software tools on the market are inadequate for developing commercial-strength CIs. There are also significant challenges collecting CI training data. These difficulties render it practically impossible to build CIs beyond prototype quality.

This project's expert consortium aims to make it quick and inexpensive for enterprise development teams without expertise in AI to create sophisticated commercial-strength CIs. The delivered solution removes barriers to market entry, constituting game-changing models that empower enterprises of all sizes internationally. The consortium has deep expertise in machine-learning and commercial messaging integration across a broad business spectrum, and is positioned to design innovative technology that addresses CI creation challenges.

Core elements of a Language Classifier Marketplace will be delivered in this project, enabling companies to use prebuilt, instantly configurable machine-learning language classifier templates to create high-quality CIs without machine-learning expertise."

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer



WIREFAST LIMITED £98,712 £ 44,420


10 25 50