Intelligent Energy Efficiency Cleanroom Control Unit


Clean rooms have the most stringent requirements for air cleanliness as one single speck of dust can interrupt the production process. The energy requirements of clean rooms are immense: almost 70% of the energy consumed is required by HVAC systems to control temperature and humidity as well as to filter out dust particles. EECO2 are to develop an
intelligent Energy Efficiency Cleanroom Control Unit (iEECCU) designed for the strict air cleanliness requirements of cleanrooms while optimising energy performance. It is expected that the proposed technology will be able to deliver energy savings of over 50%. There are an estimated 20,000 clean rooms in the US while Europe accounts for approximately 27% of the global cleanroom market and the UK for 3.5%. If high technology manufacturers in UK and Ireland could save a minimum of £50 million per year (20%) on their clean room energy consumption, this would represent around 5 million tonnes of environmental emissions saved.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer



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