Sustainable Home Survey (UFloor - Low cost underfloor insulation system)


As one of the UK’s leading community-focused energy assessment company and social
incubator the Sustainable Home Survey Company (SHS), has delivered over 10,000 domestic
assessments, accumulating firsthand insight on the condition of UK homes. SHS’s
management team has delivered over 15 low carbon ventures to market and actively
encourages the identification and development of spin-out ventures.
The UK has made a commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 80% by
2050. Amongst the most cost-effective means of achieving this is the retrofit of existing
homes to minimum levels of energy efficiency, which must almost always begin with fabric
improvements via insulation. Increasing energy prices and energy insecurity constitute an
additional imperative for practical solutions. So far efforts have largely centred on easier
measures such as cavity wall insulation. However, to fully realise an energy efficient building
stock effort needs to concentrate on further measures, such as floor insulation which is
currently neglected for numerous reasons – primarily disruption to residents and pay-back
periods in excess of 20 years.
Substantial innovation is required in the development of floor insulation systems thereby
allowing the per-dwelling cost reductions required to enable delivery at scale.
SHS has developed two prototype designs which have the potential to make the insulation of
suspended timber floors more affordable and less disruptive to residents.
Early discussions with leading installers and a review of existing literature suggests that our
proposed installation systems are technically feasible across a range of housing types and
However, our current assessment relies on certain market and technology assumptions. This
study’s objective is to understand the floor insulation value chain, including alternative
options, and produce a technology development plan prior to securing proof-of-concept

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer





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