Planar fault energies to order

Lead Research Organisation: University of Birmingham
Department Name: Metallurgy and Materials


Stronger and more resistant alloys are required in order to increase the performace and efficiency of jet engines and gas turbines. As our ability to control alloy properties and microstructure increases, greater attention is drawn to designing new alloys that outperform the current state-of-the-art. In order to design the alloys of the future, the research community will have to undergo a step change, and think of advanced alloys as composite materials that include individual phases with remarkably different properties. The morphology, size and distribution of phases, together with their individual properties, work in unison to provide superior performance. For example, the superalloys of the future will need to display specific desirable dislocation behaviours that lead to higher strength and better high-temperature properties. This can be achieved by planar faults engineering: a finer control of planar fault energies and deformation mechanisms by fine tuning the chemistry of individual phases. This project has two aims. The first aim is to understand how wider compositional changes and temperature affect all planar fault energies in ordered intermetallic compounds, using the L12 phase as a case study. The second aim is to develop a framework for designing the composition of new alloys considering also desired planar fault energies as an input parameter.

Planned Impact

This research programme aims to link the composition of alloyed intermetallic compounds to their planar fault energy, in order to predict deformation behaviours and understand how these are affected by temperature. Indeed, the mechanical properties of advanced alloys under a variety of conditions are often dependent on planar fault energies. This research programme will allow the scientific and industrial community to tighten the link between the composition of an advanced alloy and its performance in a variety of applications, and to decouple the effects of microstructure and composition. This will have a profound academic, industrial and societal impact.

Academic beneficiaries (see Academic Beneficiaries section) will be able use the output from this research programme to understand the deformation behaviour of advanced commercial alloys, and to predict mechanical properties of new ones. In the very short term this will happen thanks to knowledge transfer with collaborators at the University of Birmingham and project partners. Collaborators will be able to include planar faults engineering in the early stages of the alloy design process, and to understand how certain elements may promote or hinder different deformation mechanisms in individual phases. This will be the first opportunity for the community to design the composition of individual phases for desired beneficial deformation mechanisms. It is expected that the knowledge and academic impact will extend beyond the field of superalloys, to any advanced alloy system that relies on ordered intermetallic compounds for its strength and performance.

The knowledge and academic impact will translate into industrial, economic and strategic impact. This project will lead to the design of future grades of advanced alloys, which will give a significant competitive edge to UK industry, such as Rolls-Royce plc. The ability to design low-cost variants of common commercial superalloys, without the need to sacrifice performance, is also a route to significant industrial and economic impact. Moreover, a more quantitative understanding of the role of certain solute elements on the deformation mechanisms will allow the possibility of removing or reducing the use of rare or strategic elements. In turn, this will limit the UK's reliance on unstable regimes or geographical areas for the acquisition of these elements.

Finally, the industrial and economic impact will result in a considerable societal impact. In the case of superalloys, for example, new compositions may allow the industry to raise the running temperature of jet engines and gas turbines, significantly increasing their efficiency. This will have substantial beneficial knock-on effects on the environment and the population. In the case of all advanced alloy systems, the ability to design new alloys at relatively low costs will unlock the possibility to tailor alloy compositions for specific components. This will boost both the efficiency of the component and the efficiency of raw-materials use in making the component.
Description This work uncovered close links and clear trends between the chemistry of an intermetallic phase and its planar fault energies. It is expected to have an impact on the alloy design process and lead to new, high-performance alloys for advanced applications such as jet engines.
Exploitation Route Findings will be disseminated via journal publications (currently in preparation) and through collaborations with other research groups and industrial partners. For example, some of these findings are being incorporated in the alloy design approach which is being developed at the University of Oxford.
Sectors Aerospace

Defence and Marine



Description Findings from this work have been used to aid with the design of new Ni- and Co-based superalloys.
First Year Of Impact 2018
Sector Aerospace, Defence and Marine,Energy,Transport
Impact Types Societal


Description Planar fault energies for poly-crystal Co-based superalloys 
Organisation Imperial College London
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution We have been using DFT to provide estimates of how solute atoms may affect planar fault energies in Co-based superalloys.
Collaborator Contribution They have been designing alloys based on the Co-Al-W ternary system.
Impact Conference contributions.
Start Year 2014
Description Planar fault energies in Ni-based superalloys 
Organisation University of Oxford
Department Department of Engineering Science
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution We have been using DFT to understand the effect of chemistry on planar fault energies in polycrystalline Ni-based superalloys.
Collaborator Contribution The have been using their Alloy-By-Design approach to obtain new alloy compositions based on the predictions from DFT.
Impact 2 papers and several conference contributions.
Start Year 2013
Description Planar fault energies in single-crystal Co-based superalloys 
Organisation University of California, Santa Barbara
Country United States 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution We have been using DFT to understand the effect of chemistry on the planar faults of the L12 precipitates in Co-based superalloys.
Collaborator Contribution UCSB has been testing new alloys based on the Co-Al-W system and they have investigated the dislocation structure after creep.
Impact One paper and several conference contributions.
Start Year 2012