Micro-scale energy storage for super-efficient wet appliances

Lead Research Organisation: University of Edinburgh
Department Name: Sch of Engineering


In this project we will develop a novel technology to achieve 50% energy saving in dishwashers and washer-dryers compared to the conventional appliances by using energy and water storage in porous materials. Although these household units may seem an unlikely source of substantial environmental impact, their omnipresence makes them an important target for further energy optimization and carbon footprint reduction. In fact, the adoption of the proposed technology on global scale would enable mitigation of the equivalent CO2 emitted by 2.5 large coal power stations. This project not only offers an opportunity to test emerging classes of porous materials in the context of novel applications, and understand fundamental issues associated with their application, but also to initiate actual technological deployment of the outcomes by inviting key international industrial partners.
Nowadays, adsorption materials are produced in massive quantities only when the economy of scale, combined with the technology readiness level, make profitable their industrial production. This happens only for few specific applications. However, the dishwasher and washer-dryer appliance sector has the necessary scale to make synthesis and investment in new efficient materials worthwhile, giving momentum also to material science research.

Planned Impact

Beneficiaries of the projects are householders who directly pay energy bills, enterprises producing wet appliances, and the scientific community working in the energy efficiency and materials areas. Impact target is improving energy efficiency of the UK economy through the engagement of key industrial manufacturers and householders in meetings to promote adoption of the research findings and move to higher technology readiness level. At scientific level, research groups working on sustainable technologies, and material science are targeted to provide these groups with a platform to test their materials in new industrial applications.
To reach a broader audience, we will inform the general public on the outcomes of the project through an international media campaign. Along with this, special posts will be released on professional media, targeting specific professional Groups such as Energy Storage World Forum, UK Renewable Energy Network and CleanTech.
Description We have discovered new materials and proved that they enable 50% energy saving compared to Class A washer-dryers. We have also proved that the same materials can be used for water desalination enabling 2.5 time more water produced than state-of-the-art materials.
Exploitation Route Supporting companies to adopt the findings.
Sectors Energy


URL https://www.researchgate.net/project/Micro-scale-energy-storage-for-super-efficient-wet-appliances
Description Collaboration with Electrolux towards the development of a new generation of washer-dryers that uses the advanced nanoporous materials invented in this project. A manuscript has been chosen by Energy Journal for publication and will be released in 2019. Plans have been put forward to continue to develop this technology that allows 50% energy saving compared to Class A washer-dryers. The materials discovered have been used also in water purification systems showing an increase of the performance by a factor of two compared with the best previously achieved performance and resulting in the word-record water production from temperature swing sorption systems.
First Year Of Impact 2018
Sector Agriculture, Food and Drink,Energy,Environment,Other
Impact Types Societal
