UKINN: UK India Nuclear Network

Lead Research Organisation: University of Liverpool
Department Name: Material, Design & Manufacturing Eng


Both India and the UK have a long history with nuclear power, following different paths, but still facing similar challenges going forward. As part of helping address these challenges, the UK and India initiated a nuclear collaboration, which since 2010 has funded 26 projects to great success. This network builds upon this success through provision of seed funding for initiation of new collaborations, widen participation, fund joint workshops, secondments, and knowledge exchange between participants. This network is intended to develop the programme further helping it realise its full potential.

Planned Impact

The network itself is a mechanism any which impact from the UK India collaboration as a whole can be enhanced. The network itself will provide funding for some impact related work, primarily in tangential areas to the original research topic. It will also collate outputs annually in a report, and include those projects that have received seed funding. The report will be made freely available to all for viewing. This linked with the network background being to enhance participation and raise impact further.


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