Probing Post-Translational Modification in Neurodegenerative Protein Aggregation with a Novel Antibody-Based Technology

Lead Research Organisation: Imperial College London
Department Name: Chemistry


Dementia, including Alzheimer's disease, is among the most common causes of death in the U.K. Worldwide, it is estimated that 50 million people suffer from dementia, and that this number will rise to 150 million by 2050 unless effective treatments are found. The formation of amyloid aggregates is a hallmark of many of these pathologies. In the last decade, research efforts have focused on understanding the aggregation process and the associated toxicity caused by monitoring amyloid formation of a single protein in isolation under highly controlled conditions. This approach helped unveil the physical phenomena that regulate amyloid formation; nevertheless, often it provides overly simplistic descriptions of the process, as it fails to account for the contributions of many coordinated events that occur in the human body. The most striking evidence of this fact is the observation that aggregates formed in vitro are significantly different from those observed in patients, which, for example, show multiple chemical modifications (also called post-translational modifications or PTMs), which likely arise as a result of the interactions of these proteins within the complex environment of the brain.

In theory, antibodies are ideal tools to accurately investigate amyloid processes, as they can be used for both highly quantitative in vitro studies and imaging of complex biological samples. As such, antibodies could, in principle, enable a high level of interdisciplinarity, which is necessary to extrapolate complex information intricate biological systems. Nevertheless, despite their potential, the use of antibodies in the amyloid field is currently hindered by several challenges linked to their production. In particular, current antibody-discovery strategies do not always allow one to target specific protein regions (i.e. epitopes) a priori or to target specific chemical features (such as modified epitopes) or conformations (such as aggregated).

As a UKRI Future Leader Fellow at the Department of Chemistry of Imperial College London, my goal will be to develop an innovative antibody-discovery platform, which combines molecular and chemical biology with protein design. I will exploit this platform to characterise the mechanisms of formation and nature of amyloids formed in vivo. In particular, I will use this platform to generate antibodies to understand the role of PTMs in the amyloid aggregation process.

A vast body of literature has identified PTMs of amyloid proteins in people affected by dementia. As the exact role of PTMs in amyloid formation and toxicity has yet to be determined, current drug discovery approaches generally disregard PTMs and are based on unmodified proteins. Nevertheless, such drug discovery approaches have yet to lead to a cure. PTMs represent an unexplored opportunity for therapeutic intervention and diagnosis of dementia. Despite their clinical promise, PTMs are difficult to characterise in biological contexts due to the complex makeup of in vivo samples. The high specificity and affinity afforded by antibodies make them perfect probes for identifying and localising PTMs in heterogeneous contexts.

To understand the relevance of PTMs in dementia, I propose to generate antibodies that target specific PTM-amyloids, which is currently not possible with state-of-the-art methodology. I will then use these antibodies to study aggregates from biological samples and to determine which modifications are responsible for the formation and toxicity of these self-assemblies. To do so, I will combine biophysical methods (such as protein aggregation studies), imaging on biological samples, and C. elegans studies.

The results of this study will enable the identification of new pathological mechanisms and biomarkers towards novel diagnostic and therapeutic approaches against dementia.

Planned Impact

The Office for National Statistics shows that dementia is among the most common causes of death in the United Kingdom. Worldwide, approximately 50 million people suffer from dementia, and that this number will rise to 150 millions by 2050, unless a cure or effective treatments are found. Furthermore, the annual cost of these diseases to the UK economy exceeds £20 billion, which equals that of cancer and heart disorders combined, and are set to increase steadily in the future as the average human life expectancy extends.

Despite its high prevalence and societal costs, dementia receives a disproportionally small fraction of funding as compared to other diseases. There is currently only one dementia researcher in the UK for every four cancer researchers. This is due, in part, to the fact that the associated molecular markers and mechanisms of dementia are poorly defined and, consequently, dementia is still seen as part of 'normal' aging. My goal is to change this paradigm by unveiling the key molecular mechanisms of the pathology and creating molecules (such as antibodies) that could be translated into diagnostic and research tools to directly benefit society at different levels.

The stakeholders in this proposal include researchers, industrial scientists, medical doctors, and, most importantly, those directly affected by dementia. Researchers are likely to be the first to benefit from my work, as the insights that I will obtain regarding the effect of PTMs on the formation and toxicity of amyloids will shape future biomedical research. Furthermore, the antibody tools that I will produce will be widely shared within the scientific community to extend the scope of the study to new systems and models.

Secondly, it is my aim to develop the most promising antibodies with high specificities towards toxic amyloid aggregates into diagnostic tools. Currently, there is no simple biometric test for dementia. Instead, the diagnosis involves and extremely lengthy procedure based on behavioral and psychological evaluations. Very often this procedure can produce inconclusive and misleading results, making it extremely difficult to plan intervention and therapeutic approaches. The development of a fast diagnostic method that could be used to establish early onset of neurodegenerative disease would produce significant medical, emotional, and social benefit, and would also result in significant savings in medical and long-term care for both governments and diagnosed individuals.

Lastly, my research has the potential to be extended into of novel therapeutic strategies against these pathologies. Not only will a detailed understanding of the amyloid process in vivo create new avenues for therapeutic intervention by identifying new toxic species, but also the antibodies themselves may be further developed into therapeutic molecules to be integrated into clinical protocols. These outcomes will be achieved by developing a highly innovative antibody-discovery platform, which combines both computation and experiment. This platform will enable the production of antibodies that are readily able to target any given epitope in any conformation with a given chemical modification. This advance will enable scientists to bypass lengthy production procedures, which can take years, and instead produce biologically relevant molecules in a matter of months.

As a result of their strong binding abilities and high specificities, antibodies have recently become key tools in biomedical research and diagnostics, and represent the fastest-growing class of protein therapeutics on the market against cancer, autoimmune diseases, and neurodegeneration. The therapeutic antibody market is projected to steadily rise for the next several years, and it is expected to reach $125 billions by 2020. The technology I will create will open novel opportunities in all these sectors, and will eventually contribute and will benefit society in a way far beyond dementia.


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publication icon
Aprile FA (2020) Rational design of a conformation-specific antibody for the quantification of Aß oligomers. in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America

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García-Revilla J (2023) Galectin-3 shapes toxic alpha-synuclein strains in Parkinson's disease. in Acta neuropathologica

Description So far, the main achievements from the award are:
1) The development of methods to insert chemical modifications in proteins associated with dementia. These proteins are highly instable and challenging to modify in a test tube. This issue has limited the study of dementia and the development of much-needed clinical approaches. We have developed a technology that allows one to insert pathologically relevant chemical modifications in such proteins while maintaining them stable during the chemical modification procedure.
2) The investigation of the effects of chemical modifications that occur in patients on the aggregation of the amyloid-beta peptide, whose self-assembly is associated with Alzheimer's disease.
3) Antibody discovery methods to target toxic protein self-assemblies in dementia. We have developed a platform that combines rational design and directed evolution to generate antibodies. Using our technology, we have produced antibodies which are able to target toxic protein self-assemblies of the proteins amyloid-beta and alpha-synuclein, which are associated with Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases, respectively. Our antibodies specifically recognise the toxic protein aggregates rather than the normal protein forms. A key aspect of our platform is represented by the fact that can be extended to target other diseases beyond dementia.
Exploitation Route Our findings consist of new technology to be used by others to modify proteins and generate antibodies. We also provide key information on disease mechanisms that can be used by others to further advance dementia research.
Sectors Chemicals


Description The first 4 years of the fellowship have led to the development of novel technologies and tools. We have developed an integrative platform that combines computer design and directed evolution. Our platform has generated a number of antibody fragments, e.g., nanobodies, which have been proven to be effective in probing neurotoxic aggregates formed in biologically relevant environments. For one of these antibodies, we have filed a provisory patent application. During the development of our platform, we have also developed complementary technologies. These include a computational method to rationally design antibodies to target helices in proteins, a method for chemically modifying aggregation-prone proteins, and an ultra-sensitive antibody-based detection method. Thanks to this work, we have engaged with companies in different settings, including at BioJapan 2023, Jawdrop events, and matchmaking events.
First Year Of Impact 2023
Sector Chemicals,Healthcare
Description Development of an ultra-sensitive detection method for neurotoxic proteins
Amount £20,000 (GBP)
Funding ID RGS\R2\202021 
Organisation The Royal Society 
Sector Charity/Non Profit
Country United Kingdom
Start 03/2021 
End 03/2022
Description Research Project Grant
Amount £393,668 (GBP)
Funding ID RPG-2023-147 
Organisation The Leverhulme Trust 
Sector Charity/Non Profit
Country United Kingdom
Start 02/2024 
End 01/2027
Description UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship +3 year extension
Amount £742,792 (GBP)
Funding ID MR/Y003616/1 
Organisation United Kingdom Research and Innovation 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 01/2024 
End 01/2027
Description Understanding the role of pathological cleavage in TDP-43 phase-separation
Amount £577,777 (GBP)
Funding ID ARUK-PG2019B-020 
Organisation Alzheimer's Research UK 
Sector Charity/Non Profit
Country United Kingdom
Start 03/2020 
End 02/2025
Title A cell-free directed evolution method to generate single domain antibodies targeting amyloid aggregates 
Description We developed a ribosome-display strategy to generate single domain antibodies to probe different structural polymorphisms of the amyloid fibrils. As proof of principle, we are working on alpha-synuclein fibrils. In particular, we computationally analysed the structures of alpha-synuclein fibrils isolated from patients affected by multiple system atrophy. These structures were already available in the Protein Data Bank (Li et al., Nat. Commun., 2018). We identified regions that are selectively solvent-exposed in specific fibrils and used them as epitopes for the ribosome-display. We have now restricted the analysis to a few candidates which will be analysed and further developed in the coming months. 
Type Of Material Technology assay or reagent 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact Alpha-synuclein fibrils can adopt different structural polymorphisms in the brain, which could be linked to the type of dementia. Our antibodies could be used by the research community to understand the disease mechanism. They could also benefit people affected by dementia as these biomolecules could be further developed as diagnostic and therapeutic tools. 
Title A rational design method to target phospho-mimetics of alpha-synuclein 
Description We developed a method to target post-translational modifications (PTMs) in proteins based on the rational design of peptides/antibody molecules able to bind PTM-mimetic mutations. We validated this technology on the S129D mutant of the protein alpha-synuclein. The formation of aggregates in the brain (called Lewy bodies) of alpha-synuclein is linked to Parkinson's disease and other forms of dementia. In particular, the mutation S129D mimics the phosphorylation of S129, which has been reported to be enriched in the aggregates of patients. We designed two peptide probes that preferentially bind to S129D alpha-synuclein with respect to wild-type alpha-synuclein to be eventually grafted into a single domain antibody scaffold. 
Type Of Material Technology assay or reagent 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact The phosphorylation of S129 of alpha-synuclein is linked with Parkinson's disease. The development of this peptide/antibody targeting this modification will benefit 1) the scientific community as this biomolecule could be used as research tool to study the disease mechanisms, 2) people affected by Parkinson's disease and dementia as the peptide/antibody could be further developed as therapeutic and diagnostic tools. 3) The protocol could be beneficial for biotech companies producing biologics. 
Title Development of oligomer-specific protein binders 
Description We generated a battery of single domain antibodies and bicyclic peptides which are able to specifically bind to different types of amyloid-beta aggregates. Our strategy is based on a computational design approach which uses naturally occurring interactions from the Protein Data Bank (PDB). In particular, we screen the PDB for fragments which interact with any portion of a given extended target region. We then combine these fragments into a complementary peptide able to cover the whole target region and insert this into a suitable protein scaffold, such as a single domain antibody. 
Type Of Material Technology assay or reagent 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact These biomolecules will benefit 1) the scientific community as they can be used as a research tool to study disease mechanisms associated with protein aggregation, 2) people affected by dementia as the peptides/antibodies could be further developed as therapeutic and diagnostic tools. Publications: 10.1073/pnas.1919464117; 10.1016/j.chembiol.2020.11.002; 10.1186/s13195-023-01361-z ; 10.1039/D2SC00066K 
Title Enzymatic-based modification of the amyloid-beta peptide 
Description We developed an assay to monitor the aggregation of amyloidogenic proteins, during simultaneous chemical modification by their natural enzyme partners. Current methods involved the use of fully modified proteins and do not account for the fact that chemical modification and aggregation may occur at the same time in the brain. This method allows to quantitatively describe the aggregation process of proteins in a setting which mimics the biological environment. As a proof of principle, we monitored the aggregation of amyloid-beta upon the phosphorylation of Ser 8 by the protein kinase A (PKA). To do so, we incubated amyloid-beta in the presence of PKA and ATP under conditions which simultaneously promote the aggregation and the phosphorylation of the protein. We monitored the kinetic of formation of the amyloids by using the probe thioflavin-T, which increases its fluorescence when bound to amyloids. We found that the phosphorylation of Ser 8 significantly reduces the aggregation of amyloid-beta. As next step, we will investigate the toxicity of the phosphorylated aggregates. We will also assess whether the phosphate groups are exposed to the solvent or buried within the core of the aggregates. 
Type Of Material Technology assay or reagent 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact This technology will allow one to monitor the aggregation of proteins in conditions which mimic the environment in the brain. This technique will allow the determination of key mechanisms of disease and thus benefit the biomedical field. Furthermore, it could be used by pharma companies for screening antibodies and small molecule inhibitors. 
Title Generation of N-terminally modified alpha-synuclein 
Description Alpha-synuclein undergoes several post-translational modifications at the N-terminus. These modifications include N-terminal acetylation and truncation. As part of this grant, we have: - purified the N-terminally acetylated alpha-synuclein wild type - generated the plasmid and confirmed the expression of alpha-synuclein7-140, which lacks the first six N-terminal residues. Generally, it is very challenging to remove N-terminal residues without adding an initial M. To overcome this issue, we designed a plasmid which encodes for alpha-synuclein7-140 in fusion with an N-terminal intein splicing domain. This domain cleaves itself in reducing conditions and releases the alpha-synuclein fragment without any additional N-terminal residues. -designed the molecular biology strategy to generate the variants alpha-synuclein14-140, alpha-synuclein40-140, alpha-synuclein72-140 
Type Of Material Technology assay or reagent 
Year Produced 2021 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact These protein variants will be used to understand key mechanisms of disease and to develop antibodies for probing specific post-translationally modified aggregates of alpha-synuclein. 
Title M35 (OX) amyloid-beta 
Description We generated an amyloid-beta variant which carries an oxidised M35. This modification has been reported to significantly affect the aggregation of amyloid-beta. However, it is still unknown whether it is beneficial or exacerbates the toxicity associated with aggregation. 
Type Of Material Technology assay or reagent 
Year Produced 2021 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact This protein will allow the determination of key mechanisms of Alzheimer's disease and thus benefit the biomedical field. Furthermore, it will be used for screening antibodies, which could be used as research tools and potentially as diagnostic and therapeutic molecules. 
Title Mutagenesis to insert PTMs into the amyloid-beta peptide 
Description The formation of oligomers of the amyloid-beta peptide We developed a method to insert PTMs into the sequence of the amyloid-beta peptide to generate stabilised post-translationally modified oligomers for directed evolution experiments. So far, we focused on the phosphorylation of S26 and acetylation of L28, which are linked to more severe forms of Alzheimer's disease. In order to introduce these PTMs, we generated two mutant variants of the amyloid-beta peptide, one carrying a cysteine in position 26 (S26C) and the other carrying a cysteine in position 28 (L28C). These residues will be converted into dehydroalanine (Dha) before mimicking the desired modifications. The chemically modified amyloid-beta peptides will be aggregated to generate stabilised oligomers. 
Type Of Material Technology assay or reagent 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact These protein variants, both in the monomeric and oligomeric states, could be used to understand the disease mechanisms and help to devise new therapeutic approaches. Thus, they could benefit both the dementia research community and society in general. 
Description A mass spectrometry approach to characterise amyloid post-translational modification in vitro 
Organisation Imperial College London
Department Department of Metabolism, Digestion and Reproduction
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution We provide the protein samples for the experiments and contribute to the analysis and interpretation of the data
Collaborator Contribution Dr Harry Whitwell [Imperial College London]: They perform the mass spectrometry analyses.
Impact We are developing novel approaches to identify and study post-translational modifications in amyloid aggregates.
Start Year 2021
Description Antibody administration by ultra-sounds 
Organisation Imperial College London
Department Department of Bioengineering
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution We produce the antibody fragments and do the in vitro testing.
Collaborator Contribution Dr James Choi (Department of Bioengineering, Imperial College London), Prof. Magdalena Sastre (Department of Medicine, Imperial College London), Prof. Nicholas Long (Department of Chemistry, Imperial College London): The groups of Dr James Choi and Prof. Magdalena Sastre perform the administration and biology work. The group of Prof. Nicholas Long will perform the chemical modification of the antibodies.
Impact We are developing antibody scaffolds suitable for brain administration.
Start Year 2021
Description Antibody administration by ultra-sounds 
Organisation Imperial College London
Department Department of Chemistry
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution We produce the antibody fragments and do the in vitro testing.
Collaborator Contribution Dr James Choi (Department of Bioengineering, Imperial College London), Prof. Magdalena Sastre (Department of Medicine, Imperial College London), Prof. Nicholas Long (Department of Chemistry, Imperial College London): The groups of Dr James Choi and Prof. Magdalena Sastre perform the administration and biology work. The group of Prof. Nicholas Long will perform the chemical modification of the antibodies.
Impact We are developing antibody scaffolds suitable for brain administration.
Start Year 2021
Description Antibody administration by ultra-sounds 
Organisation Imperial College London
Department Faculty of Medicine
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution We produce the antibody fragments and do the in vitro testing.
Collaborator Contribution Dr James Choi (Department of Bioengineering, Imperial College London), Prof. Magdalena Sastre (Department of Medicine, Imperial College London), Prof. Nicholas Long (Department of Chemistry, Imperial College London): The groups of Dr James Choi and Prof. Magdalena Sastre perform the administration and biology work. The group of Prof. Nicholas Long will perform the chemical modification of the antibodies.
Impact We are developing antibody scaffolds suitable for brain administration.
Start Year 2021
Description Labelling strategies for Fab and single-chain antibodies 
Organisation Imperial College London
Department Department of Chemistry
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution We produce the antibody fragments used for the labelling reactions. This I achieved via either protein digestion or recombinant production.
Collaborator Contribution The groups of Prof. Nicholas Long (Department of Chemistry, Imperial College London) perform the labelling reaction.
Impact We have developed a protocol to produce Fab antibody fragments. We are developing novel strategies to produce and label antibody fragments. This has led to a novel radio-labeled Trastuzumab Fab for ImmunoPET Imaging (
Start Year 2021
Description Small molecule cobalt complexes targeting the N-terminus of amyloid-beta 
Organisation Imperial College London
Department Department of Chemistry
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution We set up the experimental conditions for the in vitro aggregation assay to monitor the effect of small-molecule cobalt complexes on the aggregation of amyloid-beta.
Collaborator Contribution The group of Professor Ramon Vilar (Department of Chemistry, Imperial College London) has provided us with the small-molecule cobalt complexes for the aggregation analyses.
Impact We developed an aggregation assay to characterise the effect of small-molecule cobalt complexes on the aggregation of amyloid-beta. We determined the effect of these small molecules on the aggregation of amyloid-beta. We are currently analysing the effect of these small molecules on the aggregation of post-translationally modified amyloid-beta. This work has been published (
Start Year 2020
Description Structural and pathological consequences of aSyn/lipid membrane interactions 
Organisation Imperial College London
Department Department of Chemistry
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution We produce aSyn, introduce modification or mutations in the protein, produce antibodies, perform bulk and antibody-based structural analyses.
Collaborator Contribution Dr Marina Kuimova, Prof. Joshua Edel, Dr Alex Ivanov (Department of Chemistry, Imperial College London): The group of Dr Marina Kuimova uses molecular rotors to analyse how aSyn interact with lipid membranes. The groups of Prof. Joshua Edel and Dr Alex Ivanov perform single-molecule analyses.
Impact We are investigating the effects of aSyn aggregates on lipid membranes. This project led to an EPSRC Institute of Chemical Biology CDT scholarship.
Start Year 2021
Title Antibody for protein aggregates 
Description Development of an antibody fragment able to inhibit the self-assembly of proteins, which cause neurodegenerative diseases. The previously reported provisional patent application (from 2022) was refiled with additional data. 
IP Reference  
Protection Patent / Patent application
Year Protection Granted 2024
Licensed No
Impact I have filed the patent application, and there is no notable impact yet.
Description Christmas package with science games for families of the White City's community 
Form Of Engagement Activity A magazine, newsletter or online publication
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact In December 2021, I worked with the Engagement Team to produce a board game to be shipped to families of the White City community. We have produced a board game explaining our research to the White City community.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Co-Director of the EDI Committee of the Department of Chemistry 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact I am a Co-Director of the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Committee in my department. I strive to ensure that diversity and inclusion are at the heart of all departmental decision-making.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description EDI Co-director of the Department of Chemistry, Imperial College London 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact As EDI co-director, I coordinate activities (such as training and events) and influence policy to ensure that the EDI values are embraced by our department and all staff and students feel welcome and respected.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023,2024
Description Great Exhibition Road Festival 2022 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an open day or visit at my research institution
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact I collaborated with Dan Plane and Anna Hankin on delivering a lecture entitled Marvellous Molecules as part of the Great Exhibition Road Festival 2022 of Imperial College London.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description Imperial Lates event entitled The Brain 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an open day or visit at my research institution
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact I participated in the Imperial Lates event entitled The Brain, organised by the Public Engagement Team of Imperial College London. There, I coordinated a Neuron String Art Station, where attendees made neuron string art with artist Ms Laurie O'Garro. I used this art as an analogy to explain the loss of brain connectivity in dementia.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description Interview for "Anti-bullying and anti-harassment week" 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact I gave a recorded interview which generated two videos for the Anti-bullying and anti-harassment week promoted by the UKRI FLF Team.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Judith's Castle 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact In November 2021, I participated in an opera project called Judith's Castle, a reinterpretation of Bluebeard's Castle based on the experience of a couple living with dementia. This took place at the Stone Nest theatre and was organised by the company Theatre of Sound. Before the show, I spoke about the state of dementia research.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Saturday Science Club 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact I collaborate with the Public Engagement Team of Imperial College London on delivering a workshop entitled Super Slime Workshop as part of the Saturday Science Club. During this workshop, I use hands-on experiments to make slime to explain what molecules and polymers are to children and families of the White City community.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022,2023,2024
Description The Network Committee 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Undergraduate students
Results and Impact Currently, I am a member of the Network Committee within the Department of Chemistry of Imperial College London. We are building a network of trained champions providing support to researchers and students from underrepresented groups within the Department of Chemistry.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021