Characterisation of short crack growth behaviour in a notch stress field under varying block loading cycles in steam turbine blade material
Lead Research Organisation:
University of Southampton
Department Name: Faculty of Engineering & the Environment
Confidence in accurate fatigue lifing of turbine blade components in the steam turbine fleet has significant implications for power generating companies. How much the company can safely extend the operating life is a critical input in the planning and commissioning of new power station build and in optimizing the timing of retiring the steam turbine (coal-fired) fleet. The fatigue behavior of these turbine blades is controlled by the initiation and growth of small defects in stress concentration features such as the fir-tree root fixings. Knowing how fast these defects will grow in blades and discs that remain in service under representative service conditions (including overloads) is now a critical requirement. One of the challenges in fatigue lifing these components is the lack of specific fatigue crack growth data obtained from the actual materials (in their current aged state) used in the steam turbine blades and to understand the implications of service relevant overloads on this behaviour. Overload effects have been considered in the critical crack size analysis but not, to date, in the crack propagation phase. A clearer understanding is lacking of the relative/competing effects of limiting the overloads in terms of the benefit to critical crack size evaluations versus the possible reduction in beneficial crack retardation mechanisms at these lower levels of overload.
Crack growth rate evaluations will establish crack initiation and early stages of growth for semi-elliptical surface breaking cracks in a characteristic notch stress field. This data will be gathered using interrupted tests and replica tracking of the crack evolution in the notch root. The data gathered will explicitly evaluate the behavior of cracks growing through a plastically deforming notch stress field. Figure 1c shows a typical surface breaking crack that has initiated from a stringer in a similar tempered martensitic steel. Increased part-loads and the associated stop-start cycles on steam turbines due to the inevitable variable supply of renewables-based power to the grid offer new challenges to fatigue evaluations. We will also explore repair and fatigue mitigation strategies using coatings to repair turbine blade surfaces and evaluate how the coatings affect the initiation and growth of fatigue cracks
Crack growth rate evaluations will establish crack initiation and early stages of growth for semi-elliptical surface breaking cracks in a characteristic notch stress field. This data will be gathered using interrupted tests and replica tracking of the crack evolution in the notch root. The data gathered will explicitly evaluate the behavior of cracks growing through a plastically deforming notch stress field. Figure 1c shows a typical surface breaking crack that has initiated from a stringer in a similar tempered martensitic steel. Increased part-loads and the associated stop-start cycles on steam turbines due to the inevitable variable supply of renewables-based power to the grid offer new challenges to fatigue evaluations. We will also explore repair and fatigue mitigation strategies using coatings to repair turbine blade surfaces and evaluate how the coatings affect the initiation and growth of fatigue cracks
People |
Benjamin Cunningham (Student) |

Cunningham B
Fatigue crack initiation and growth behavior in a notch with periodic overloads in the low-cycle fatigue regime of FV566 ex-service steam turbine blade material
in Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures
Studentship Projects
Project Reference | Relationship | Related To | Start | End | Student Name |
EP/N509747/1 | 30/09/2016 | 29/09/2021 | |||
1984047 | Studentship | EP/N509747/1 | 01/02/2018 | 28/02/2022 | Benjamin Cunningham |
NE/W503150/1 | 31/03/2021 | 30/03/2022 | |||
1984047 | Studentship | NE/W503150/1 | 01/02/2018 | 28/02/2022 | Benjamin Cunningham |
Description | An energy company found short cracks growing the fir-tree-root-fillets of their FV566 turbine blades used in-service due to fatigueloading conditions. A service life extension strategy was developed and tested with the aim to grind away existing cracks followed by shot peening the surface. It was found that such a service life extension stategy could improve service life of the turbine blades. A lot of developmental work spanning a thesis shows how this service life extension can be estimated using life prediction methods developed during the PhD. |
Exploitation Route | A follow up PhD is currently exploring the impact that miscrostructure has on the initiation of short fatigue cracks. It is possible to develop, select a more suitable material which has a higher resistance to short crack initiation. Additional work could be undertaken to test the efficacy of the service life extension strategy as a maintenance strategy by testing in-service turbine blades in-situ. |
Sectors | Aerospace Defence and Marine Energy |
URL | |
Title | Dataset for Fatigue crack initiation and growth behaviour in a notch with periodic overloads in the LCF regime of FV566 ex-service steam turbine blade material |
Description | This dataset supports the paper: Fatigue crack initiation and growth behaviour in a notch with periodic overloads in the low cycle fatigue regime of FV566 ex-service steam turbine blade material published in the journal 'Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures'. |
Type Of Material | Database/Collection of data |
Year Produced | 2021 |
Provided To Others? | Yes |
Impact | This data set supports a corresponding paper which has been cited by other researchers. This data has helped my group. |
URL | |
Title | Dataset to support the thesis entitled: "extending fatigue life of industrial low-pressure FV566 turbine blades: Efficacy of a lifetime extension strategy to extend fatigue life" |
Description | Dataset containing the original values of results and graphs throughout the thesis titled extending fatigue life of industrial low-pressure FV566 turbine blades: Efficacy of a lifetime extension strategy to extend fatigue life |
Type Of Material | Database/Collection of data |
Year Produced | 2022 |
Provided To Others? | Yes |
Impact | This data has contributed towards the publishing of the corresponding thesis |
URL | |
Description | FE modelling collaboration |
Organisation | Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics |
Country | China |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | I included Chao You and his associate as co-authors in two papers (one is currently under review). |
Collaborator Contribution | Chao You used an FE model that was developed by himself during his PhD to help me predict stress and strain distrubutions that formed a paper and another paper currently under review. |
Impact | A paper was published. A paper is currently under review |
Start Year | 2021 |
Description | XRD measurements |
Organisation | Coventry University |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | I included Mitchell Leering and Professor Michael Fitzpatrick as co-authors on a paper (currently under review) |
Collaborator Contribution | Mitchell Leering of Coventry university perfomed XRD Measurements of two samples. Professor Michael Fitzpatrick helped edit the paper (currently under review) |
Impact | A paper that is currently under review Formed part of Chapter 5 in the thesis |
Start Year | 2021 |