
CloseRFIT is a first in-service trial of the technology developed as part of the CloseR project funded by RSSB and Innovate UK. The CloseR system allows operators to engage with each customer individually, enhancing and rewarding the customer’s travelling experience, whilst improving the efficiency of on-train operations. In-seat technology identifies individual passengers, allow automated validation of their seat reservation/ticket status, reducing the need for train crew to undertake revenue protection activities. The system can make reservations and release unused seat reservations during a journey, to ensure optimal use of available capacity, without the need to move passengers who have chosen an unreserved seat. Mobile device applications empower train crew to enhance the customer experience by providing value added services. Customers also receive timely, personalised, and relevant information regarding all stages of their journey. This next generation capability allows operators to engage with individual customers like never before (prior to, during and after their journey) and forms the foundation for the provision of a further array of value adding customer services in the future, by extension of the loyalty scheme to include other modes and partners where appropriate to further improve the customer experience and create new revenue generating opportunities for operators.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

UNIPART RAIL LIMITED £350,000 £ 350,000




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