Thermal management in commercial bread baking

Lead Research Organisation: University of Leeds
Department Name: Mechanical Engineering


As energy costs increase, and legislation to reduce carbon emissions are implemented, then existing processes that use significant amounts of heat become expensive; in the case of food production this results in higher prices to the consumer. This work will examine the heat use within three key stages of the baking process (i) proving (where dough is conditioned) (ii) baking in continuous ovens where dough enters on a conveyor and exits as baked product (iii) cooling where the bread is reduced in temperature over a period of 2 hours. This information will be used to guide a study where the potential for (a) reduction and (b) re-use of heat will be assessed. This will be through a two-pronged approach. Firstly a study will be made to retro-fit existing installations for heat recovery and reduction, for example using a 'heat exchanger' to capture waste heat in one part of the process and use it in another. The second approach will be to make a detailed study of the exact conditions within the oven using experimental measurement and computational predictions. The aim here is to establish the baseline conditions for baking, and then determine enhanced equipment setup and designs. The results of this work in the short-to-medium term will be optimised process lines, in the longer term it will guide future design work of ovens and offer better competitiveness to UK industries.


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Description This research was focused on examining the efficiency of ovens for manufacturing bread on an industrial scale. The work was carried out with Warburtons - a major UK baker, and Spooners - a manufacturer of ovens based in the UK with a large national and international market.

The research covered both the applied - we were able to survey a number of factories and develop software to help Warburtons compare performance across a number of sites, and the more academic research where we were able to optimise the designs of the ovens using computational fluid dynamic simulations.
Exploitation Route The methodologies we developed can be used in other sectors. The data is very useful to other researchers in this area.
Sectors Chemicals




including Industrial Biotechology

Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology

Description The findings have been used by Warburtons in optimising the performance of their ovens. It generated tools to survey their current plant and make environmental savings. The computational work has been used by Spooners in supporting new business ventures as they are able to demonstrate a high level of technical knowhow and understanding.
First Year Of Impact 2013
Sector Agriculture, Food and Drink,Energy
Impact Types Societal


Description SKM Enviros 
Organisation SKM Enviros
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution This project collaborated with SKM Enviros who have knowledge of energy management in the baking industry through their pre-existing involvement with Warburtons. They were able to offer technical expertise and previous data relating to energy use in the bread sector.
Collaborator Contribution This project collaborated with SKM Enviros who have knowledge of energy management in the baking industry through their pre-existing involvement with Warburtons. They were able to offer technical expertise and previous data relating to energy use in the bread sector.
Impact Data ; guidance and support in research work
Start Year 2009
Description Spooner Industries Ltd. 
Organisation Spooner Industries
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Spooner Industries are a major international supplier of baking equipment, including ovens, provers and coolers. Spooner Industries actively engaged in this project and allowed extensive use of their research and development facilities and design detail.
Collaborator Contribution Spooner Industries are a major international supplier of baking equipment, including ovens, provers and coolers. Spooner Industries actively engaged in this project and allowed extensive use of their research and development facilities and design detail.
Impact Papers etc
Start Year 2009
Description Warburtons Limited 
Organisation Warburtons Limited
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution This project collaborated with Warburtons. Much of the experimental work conducted as part of this project was conducted using Warburtons' baking facilities.
Collaborator Contribution Much of the experimental work conducted as part of this project was conducted using Warburtons' baking facilities.
Impact Data
Start Year 2009