PrecogXM Development of Prototype



PrecogXM is a cloud software application that connects to all the data sources that are
important to determine the current purchasing behaviours of customers and their value. It automatically analyses theses data sources and suggests appropriate responses in real-time.Customer Insight teams in large companies use analytics to understand customer behaviour and to measure propensity to buy with an emphasis on developing tailored ‘Just in time’ sales and marketing campaigns. Making sense of what drives customer behaviour is challenging.
There are many tools available to customer insight professionals that require deep knowledge of statistics and specialist training. The large volume of data, its great variety and the demand for ‘right time’ marketing, mass customisation and personalisation means that the current costs for gaining actionable customer insights are very high.
PrecogXM’s benefits are that it reduces the need for multiple tools and specialist expertise by automating many of the customer insight activities performed by statisticians, thereby reducing costs.
PrecogXM ensures customer insight teams can deliver precise offers to their customers at just the right moment. Real time segmentation and behaviour reporting, complex event and transaction processing analytics combined with customer behaviour tracking, are examples of some of the market requirements being addressed.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer





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