Meanwhile Connect: Facilitating innovation in vacant commercial property



Meanwhile Connect: Facilitating access to vacant commercial property to enable innovation and high-street revitalisation

Meanwhile Connect is a tool for cities to re-think, identify and test new uses of commercial property on our high streets. Meanwhile Connect boosts innovation and facilitates high-street change for community benefit, empowering users to build direct relationships with landlords, resulting in affordable space for users, costs of empty property covered for landlords and innovative uses on the high street. The platform connects empty properties with entrepreneurs from local communities who seek affordable space to test new ventures in a visible platform, on a low risk, rent free, meanwhile use, basis for six weeks to a year.

Commercial landlords, mostly owners or managers of retail and other commercial space, are able to easily cover the costs of vacant or underused space by providing start-ups, community groups and other tenants with visible platforms on a short term basis. Guides, leases and toolkits that have been developed on the ground to demystify bureaucracies, activate and brand spaces give landlords and users the very best chance of a successful meanwhile use.

In the long term, Meanwhile Connect intends to operate at scale in order to disrupt and challenge the property industry, to boost innovation through experimentation and to drive high street revitalisation and individuality.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

UNLIMITED MEANWHILE LTD £100,000 £ 100,000




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