High Performance and Stable Perovskite Solar Cells Based on Vertically Aligned Carbon Nanotube Arrays

Lead Research Organisation: University of Surrey
Department Name: ATI Electronics


Exploring clean and sustainable energy resources to meet the ever-increasing global energy demand becomes one of the biggest challenges in this century. This is due to the depletion of fossil fuels within the next 50 years and public concern on the environmental and climate change related to the consumption of fossil fuels. Solar energy is one of the most important renewable energy resources, due to its wide availability and low environmental impact. Photovoltaic (PV) solar cells that can directly convert photons into electricity present an ideal solution to harvest solar energy. A recent forecast predicts that solar PVs will contribute nearly a third of newly installed electricity generation capacity worldwide between now and 2030. Although crystalline silicon solar cells still dominate the PV market due to high module efficiency and mature techniques, they are still less competitive in cost to the traditional energy resources, which calls for the development of novel PV technologies with the highest performance and the lowest cost. Perovskite solar cells (PSCs) have emerged as a new class of thin film solar cells based on earth-abundant materials and cheap deposition techniques. The unexpected boosting of device performance in terms of power conversion efficiency (PCE) has rocketed up from an initial 3.8% to a certified 22.7% within a few years' research efforts, which is unprecedented in the history of PV technologies. Although PSCs are very promising to take a significant PV market share in the next few years, their commercialization is still hampered by the relatively poor material stability under ambient conditions. Moreover, the cost of solar power is determined not only by the PV modules themselves but also by the fixed costs of frames, inverters, installation and land, etc. Because the fixed costs are not reduced as fast as the cost of PV modules, the key route to continuously reduce the cost of solar powers is to enhance the absolute PCE of the PV modules, without overtly increasing their cost.

In this proposal, we aim to provide a solution to these challenges of large-scale deployment of PSCs, by further pushing the PCE of state-of-the-art PSCs toward their theoretical limit, and simultaneously improving their long-term stability. Our methodologies largely rely on the combination of new materials and innovation of device structure. In particular, we will employ carbon nanotube (CNT) arrays and fullerenes as the charge collection layers in a new device structure termed as "vertical heterojunction". This "full carbon" based PSCs are expected to exhibit improved PCE and stability beyond the-state-of-the-art devices. This is because both CNT arrays and fullerenes are good charge carrier conductors, and vertically aligned CNT arrays will further enhance the charge collection efficiency due to the direct charge transport pathways toward the conductive substrates and much larger contact areas between perovskite and CNTs. Another important innovation of this project is that the carbon nanomaterials work simultaneously as the encapsulating materials that protect perovskite from moisture and heat, so as to improve the device long-term stability without increasing production cost. This study will provide new insights into the development of novel interfacial materials and device structures towards more efficient and stable PSCs for their future commercialisation. Whilst this proposal primarily responds to calls within the PSC community for detailed investigations on device efficiency and stability, it naturally supports the domestic research based on solution-processed thin film PVs in general, thereby helping to maintain the U.K.'s leading position in advanced solar cell concepts and technology development.

Planned Impact

The most immediate beneficiaries of the proposed research will be the research community working on emerging thin film photovoltaics, in particular perovskite solar cells (PSCs) and carbon nanotechnologies. This community, which comprises materials scientist, chemist, physicist and electrical engineer, spans both academia and industry. The proposed research will lead to a deeper understanding of limiting factors that restrict the PSC performance and stability, and the role of charge collection materials and nanostructures to enhance both. While the focus of the proposed research is on photovoltaic applications, the new material interfaces and new device structure to be developed may also be usefully exploited by researchers investigating other applications including light emitting diodes, lasers, photodetectors and optical sensors.

In a broad sense, the proposed research is associated with the exploitation of renewable energy resources, to drive the sustainable economic growth of societies, and mitigate the adverse effects of on environmental and climate change due to the consumption of fossil fuels. The economy will benefit not only with the supply chain to produce the solar PVs (from materials production, device fabrication, to encapsulation and final application), but also their deployment and management. Other industrial sectors such as ICT will also benefit from the proposed research, as lightweight PSCs fabricated on the flexible substrate will provide power to the sensors, communication, and man-machine interaction systems. This will also enable remote and wireless sensors powered by PSCs in the future.

The impact of the proposed research will be fostered by the participation of world-leading industrial partners in the project (Canadian Solar and Yingli Solar) after IP protection by the project team, the academic collaboration with researchers in the Surrey and overseas, and through the connection to the Supergen Supersolar Hub (the biggest solar PV network in UK). In order to maximise the impact of the findings, key outcomes will be publicised through journal publications and conference presentations, advertised on department websites, and facilitated by the University Communications and Marketing Services. To enhance the public engagement in particular young people, outreach activities such as school visits, talks on clean energy and PV technology at Surrey Research Festival will also be included as part of this proposal. These activities are vitally important to educate young people who have interest in the physical science and engineering.


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publication icon
Ferguson V (2019) Carbon Materials in Perovskite Solar Cells: Prospects and Future Challenges in ENERGY & ENVIRONMENTAL MATERIALS

Description To date, we have a few exciting discoveries through this award: (1) For the first time, the growth of vertically aligned carbon nanotubes directly on ITO and FTO was achieved where previously only poor randomly orientated growth on temperature-sensitive substrates had been recorded. (2) New fabrication route towards carbon nanotube (CNT) array. Beyond the method (chemical vapor deposition) in our original proposal which we have successfully achieved, we discovered a new method to grow the CNT array by nanoimprinting, which enables better control of the array periodicity, CNT length and the transmittance of CNT film on a glass substrate. This method is suitable for the fabrication of large scale and flexible substrates. This breakthrough offers more flexibility in adjusting and optimizing solar cell performance. (3) New perovskite materials and fabrication route. We discovered that a wide bandgap perovskite materials on top of pristine narrow bandgap perovskite formed by a simple post-treatment will significantly reduce the defects in perovskites, suppress the charge recombination, and improve the solar cell performance. This new strategy has been used in our project to improve device efficiency and stability. (4) We recently developed a facile lift-off strategy to uncover the mystery of the buried interface in perovskite solar cells by advanced in situ spectroscopy techniques. The findings open a new avenue to understanding performance losses and thus the design of new passivation strategies to remove imperfections at the top surfaces and buried interfaces of perovskite photovoltaics, resulting in a substantial enhancement in device performance. (5) New device structure. Excitingly, we found that with the assistance of CNT arrays, a solar cell even without a hole transporting material works perfectly well! This discovery not only just simplifies the device structure but also reduces the cost of the solar cells (the hole transporting material is very expensive as compared to other components).
Exploitation Route The discovery (3) aforementioned will be a universal route to reduce the defects in perovskite and enhance the device performance. We find that such post-treatment strategy is independent of perovskite composition and device structure, and very easy to follow (without changing the typical device fabrication route). This will benefit the academic community working in the perovskite-based photovoltaic and light-emitting devices. The interplay between the CNT array and perovskite (discovery 5) will arise the broad interest of physicists, chemists and electronic engineers to understand in-depth the light-matter interaction and charge transport behaviour of a semiconductor in a low dimensional system.
Sectors Chemicals



Description The good progress of this project accelerates the collaboration between our institution and project partner, Canadian Solar. For example, our university will be looking to achieve in our road to Carbon Neutrality by 2030. To achieve this goal, our university sets a very exciting programme by building a solar farm with capacity of around 12.2 MW and Canadian solar has expressed strong interest to participate and collaborate. The solar facility will reduce carbon emissions by an estimated 1,110 tonnes per year and is crucial in meeting the University's 2030 net zero carbon target, established using the science-based targets initiative. In addition, the multidisciplinary nature of this research has been utilised to educate next generation engineers and scientists who have interest in renewable energies, semiconductors, and carbon materials, and nanotechnology. For example, in the second year undergraduate optional module "EEE2042 Electronic and Photonic Devices", I used perovskite solar cells (the research topic of this grant) as an example, to illustrate the properties of semiconductor materials and working principle of a solar cell, rather than using traditional silicon solar cell that has been used in most of the textbooks for many years. We also introduced the properties and the fabrication techniques of carbon nanotube array and explained how it can help to enhance the charge transport, which links to the knowledge from the module "EEE1034 Electrical Science" and "EEE3037 Nanoscience & nanotechnology", in which case the students have a deeper understanding of the material properties and device applications in the real world. These modules form the foundation of undergraduate final year project "a hybrid energy system" where the students are asked to design an energy system by incorporating renewable energy such as wind and photovoltaics with non-renewable system. We also offered the opportunities of lab tours and research discussions facilitated by the Ph.D. students in the project, preparing the students for their final year project and future job application (including Ph.D. studentship application). This is warmly advocated by the students, as evidenced by the sharp increase of student numbers from around 20 over the past few years (2014-2018) to 65 (2019-2020) and good student feedback through our SurreyLearn system.
First Year Of Impact 2020
Sector Education,Energy,Environment
Impact Types Societal


Description Doctoral College Studentship Award for PhD candidate Jing Zhang
Amount £57,600 (GBP)
Organisation Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 09/2018 
End 09/2021
Description Doctoral College Studentship Award for PhD candidate Victoria Ferguson
Amount £57,600 (GBP)
Organisation Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 01/2018 
End 12/2020
Description High-Efficiency Flexible and Scalable Halide-Perovskite Solar Modules
Amount £2,271,562 (GBP)
Funding ID EP/V027131/1 
Organisation Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 01/2022 
End 06/2025
Description Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships (H2020-MSCA-IF-2018) by our team member Dr Yuren Xiang
Amount € 224,933 (EUR)
Funding ID 839136 - HES-PSC-FCTL 
Organisation European Commission 
Sector Public
Country European Union (EU)
Start 07/2019 
End 07/2021
Description Multiscale modelling and characterization to optimize the manufacturing processes of Organic Electronics materials and devices (CORNET), co-PI
Amount € 3,993,750 (EUR)
Funding ID https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/760949 
Organisation European Commission 
Sector Public
Country European Union (EU)
Start 01/2018 
End 12/2020
Description Newton Advanced Fellowships 2019 Round 2, by our team member Dr Hui Li
Amount £74,000 (GBP)
Funding ID NAF\R2\192097 
Organisation The Royal Society 
Sector Charity/Non Profit
Country United Kingdom
Start 12/2019 
End 11/2021
Description Collaboration with Prof. David Barbero on nanoimprinting 
Organisation Umea University
Country Sweden 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution We will help Prof. David Barberon to test the materials developed in his group for device applications such as solar cells and LEDs.
Collaborator Contribution Prof. David Barberon has the expertise of nanofabrication and patterning for many years. In particular, the method reported by his group using nanoimprinting to pattern carbon nanotube arrays is exactly we what need for the project. He visited our group for one week and supervised one PhD student to work on nanoimprinting, which offers a new route to achieve the target we set in our original proposal.
Impact One research article is in preparation and will be submitted soon.
Start Year 2019
Description Collaboration with Prof. Guosheng Shao on the characterisations of nanocarbons and perovskite materials 
Organisation Zhengzhou University
Country China 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Our expertise in perovskite materials help Prof. Shao's group in improving the solar cell performance and understanding the working mechanism of devices.
Collaborator Contribution Prof. Shao is a world renowned expert in electron microscopy, and editor-in-chief of Energy and Environmental Materials. His expertise helps us on the characterisation of perovskite thin film by high-resolution TEM and carbon materials by FIB-SEM. His support-in-kind (free of charge for the characterisation instruments at Zhengzhou University) is very helpful for this project.
Impact Three research articles are in preparation. The studentship of one joint PhD student between University of Surrey and Zhengzhou University are supported by Prof. Shao' group.
Start Year 2018
Description Collaboration with Prof. Huiming Cheng on the growth of CNT and graphene films 
Organisation Tsinghua University China
Country China 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Our expertise in perovskites helps Prof. Cheng's group on the development of perovskite related optoelectronic devices beyond solar cells.
Collaborator Contribution Prof. Cheng (Academician of Chinese academy of Science) is a world renowned scientist working on graphene and nanocarbons, the editor-in-chief of Energy Storage Materials. The materials synthesized in his group (CNT and graphene film) most recently have been exploited in our perovskite solar cells with excellent performance and stability. The collaboration with Prof. Cheng provides a promising route to achieve the targets set in our NIA proposal and potentially forms the foundation of new grant application.
Impact One review article has been submitted to Materials Today and one research paper is in preparation.
Start Year 2019
Description Collaboration with Prof. Rui Zhu on perovskite materials engineering and interface passivation 
Organisation Peking University
Country China 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Our team contribute the the characterisation of perovskite materials (ToF-SIMS, XRD, etc.) and mechanism study of perovskite solar cells.
Collaborator Contribution Prof. Rui Zhu's group help us on perovskite materials engineering (e.g. optimisation of the composition of perovskite precursors) and device structure optimisation (in particular inverted plannar heterojunction structure). This collaboration is based on our jointed publication on Science (Science 360 (6396), 1442-1446) where we discovered that a wide bandgap perovskite layer on top of pristine narrow bandgap perovskite absorber can effective reduce the nonradiative recombination and enhance the device efficiency up to 21% in inverted perovskite solar cells. This work paves the way of our continuous collaboration for years including the current NIA award.
Impact https://doi.org/10.1126/science.aap9282 https://doi.org/10.1038/s41578-019-0151-y https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nanoen.2019.104189
Start Year 2018
Description Collaboration with Prof. S.Ravi.P. Silva on carbon nanotube (CNT) growth 
Organisation University of Surrey
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Our expertise on perovskite materials and solar cells helps Prof. Silva' group in advancing the performance of PV on lab- and large-scale, which is the major focus of his H2020-EU grant "Multiscale modelling and characterization to optimize the manufacturing processes of Organic Electronics materials and devices (CORNET 760949)" where I am a co-PI of this project.
Collaborator Contribution Prof. Silva's expertise in the growth of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) by photothermal chemical vapour deposition helps me to accomplish one working package in the NIA award, where the vertically aligned CNTs is the charge transport material for our perovskite solar cells. In addition, his support in-kind to allow us to use the instrument for CNT growth for free is very helpful for our project.
Impact https://doi.org/10.1039/C9TA10543C https://doi.org/10.1002/eem2.12035
Start Year 2018
Description Workshop on IP protection and transfer, and international collaboration 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Third sector organisations
Results and Impact In one day workshop, a group of 5 visitors from the Division of Intellectual Property Management, Bureau of Science and Technology for Development, Chinese academy of science (CAS) and Division of International Organization Programmes, Bureau of International Cooperation (CAS) visited our research group and institute. We showcased our research in the exploitation of clean energy and discussed the potential collaborations. In particular, we discussed the difference in the policy of IP protection and transfer between China and UK. This discussion is led by the Head of technology transfer department at University of Surrey, which is very helpful for the future international collaborations and joint grant application.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description school open day 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an open day or visit at my research institution
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact In the school open day for the applicants, we had a chance to talk to our prospective students, bring them to visit the UG teaching labs and some of the research facilities. We showcased our research in the generation clean energy by our next generation solar cells. The students were very excited and actively participated in the discussion. They expressed their ambitions and concerns on solutions to "zero-carbon emission". My research team members are impressed by those future engineers in terms of the breadth and depth of their knowledge, and look forward to working with them together in the UG projects. The dialogue with the parents is also very helpful for us to understand the viewpoints of non-experts in the advancement of new technology.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019